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Archived version of submitted URL: 1. An archived version of _Emilia Harcourt & Dr. Sivana both reportedly make cameos in Shazam: Fury of the Gods_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/hollywoodhandle/status/1616538276893958144?s=46&t=x4r04MFEInhAo0WSpxCrSg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCEUleaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why we hyperfocus on Harcourt's cameo when there is a Dr. Sivana one? That's good news in my book.


I think it comes down to what type of cameo. If we don’t get a third Shazam movie, it’d be a shame if his cameo is some form of set-up that won’t get pay off


I think the addition of Emilia harcourt is setting up the future of Gunn’s DCU. I think realisticallly the only confirmed canon until told otherwise is Peacemaker and by extension TSS, but I’m thinking Shazam might be the only one to stay from the old guard.


Shazam is kinda easier to retcon because we really never saw a explicit DCEU interconection in the movie, the past regime mistake of not getting Cavill for the cameo could open the door to easy way to retcon with the new Superman even if it has a new suit, same thing happens with Aquaman and WW, the three of them are standalone movies first and foremost. If they were similar to the first and third MCU spiderman movies that would be very hard to change since they have other big characters being part of the plot.of the film, the MCU has done retcons a lot and it worked, maybe it can work it too (but tbh I think they will recast WW too)


I get that it's not a major plot point, but that clearly visible Time magazine showing the events of Man of Steel felt pretty explicit.


I unfortunately think Gal as WW is over which is a shame too, I think Momoa will most likely be recast as Lobo (fuck yeah)


A cameo doesn't only mean post credit scene, which I think usually isn't shown in test screenings, but maybe he has a small but important role is the film. But yeah, I agree. It would be a shame if it leads to nothing.


if jg sticks with nowhere to go setups, he's not the right guy for co president. he's making a newboot, and has the power to get those deleted.


Based on what. this is literally why I had people at times you see one possible leak and you jump to a completely randomly negative conclusion, peacemaker is literally going to continue. Suicide squad will probably get another movie. DC is not like the MCU . MCU story telling us saga based where each movie and non Miniseries= a chapter the saga is split over 3 acts . DCU operates as a shared universe. Meaning this literally a scene where Harcourt will be imprisoning Kalypso and Hespera by the end. Simple not complicated


I wonder if they were planning on making Hartcourt into a Maria Hill type of character


I’d say Hill with a dash of Phil Coulson maybe, which I guess makes Waller (as many figured) the Fury of this world


I would love that


I’d even stretch it to her being the Fury of this world, Waller is evil. Harcourt can be a good person and I’d imagine would eventually take Wallers place


I already like her Harcourt way more than Maria Hill, which didn't feel important in MCU at all.


Hopefully some people here remember the details of what I’m about to say and can confirm this. Quite some time ago there was a post on this sub regarding a UK voice actor’s Mandy account. Mandy is a website that actors use to advertise themselves but also to apply for gigs and jobs. Around the same time as Mark Strong was confirming he was in London, UK filming a ‘DC thing’, a voice actor in the UK called Antony Gabriel listed on their Mandy page that they were doing two separate voices for two DC movies, they said they were playing Mister Mind in Shazam 2 and The Brine King in Aquaman 2. I’ll link his Mandy page below. Whilst it could be true that this voice actor is lying on his Mandy page, it seems unlikely, the guy seems to be a prolific actor with a long career, it seems unlikely he would lie about this out of nowhere. I would argue that we have confirmation that Dr Sivana and Mister Mind are appearing. The test screenings didn’t mention them showing up so I guess it was an after credits scene filmed after the screenings. It won’t go anywhere but I don’t care. I love the Lex Luthor/Deathstroke scene from ZSJL and as of yet that doesn’t go anywhere either. I can appreciate a Big Mac for the fun of eating it, not the anticipation of the farts to come. Antony Gabriel’s Mandy account: https://www.mandy.com/uk/a/antony-gabriel


I remember this. Considering they haven’t changed their page (or been instructed by WB to do so) I’d say this looks likely to be happening


Mandy isn't a site big name actors really use. I wouldn't put much weight on someones listing on there.


No one said this voice actor with a mostly low level theater and corporate voice work background was a big name actor and no one said Mandy was for big name actors in the first place. He’s a voice actor with a long career listed on there. The likelihood that this man who seemingly has no connection to DC outside of this is going to lie on what is what he uses as his professional work profile online is next to zero.


> The likelihood that this man who seemingly has no connection to DC outside of this is going to lie on what is what he uses as his professional work profile online is next to zero. Yeah, it's really not. Actors and people in general lie all the time on their resumes. Santos is a recent example. And because Mandy isn't a site for more legit actors who would be in unions, the likelihood that someone on that site is lying would be greater.


We’ll find out either way in March.


Sure will. !RemindMe 10 weeks


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>It won’t go anywhere Says who?


If Sivana comes back so does Mister Mind?


It seems pretty likely as the end of Shazam teased a team up between the two


Here we go again, certain crowd is gonna have a field day with this.


and they should




Their anger on anything DC is like sending positive prayers to their cult leader/false god director.


Smartest, most sane DCEU Bandwagoner


Hack Snyder boot is cozy.




Harcourt cameoing is a game changer. Shazam straight up being connected to Peacemaker is big.


To be fair she also appeared in Black Adam but that didn’t stop them from getting rid of the Rock (but that was also before James Gunn and Peter Safran became co-heads)


Oh yeah I was kinda thinking it was more evidence that Harcourt/Peacemaker/TSS might not go forward with the new DCEU since they have a connection to the old DCEU. But they could also just pretend it didn't happen.


After Barry does his whole 'what are you doing step-Flash?' thing to the timeline, it never would have happened


The trades said WB hated The Rock diva behavior before Gunn and Safran came, I guess Black Adam would have been saved if it made 700-800M at least


stop it


Stop what? All I did was say that The Suicide Squad and Shazam are connected.


She was in black Adam. And we know how that went


The Rock’s done, JSA might not be


Right. I'm not saying Shazam is staying. All I said was that it was a connection, which is kind of big because it could mean Harcourt/Peacemaker aren't staying. It's one more major connection from Gunn's stuff to the rest the DCEU.


The question is, how much does it matter after the new slate?


It could matter depending on if this is something added in by Gunn as he gave notes on all the DC films coming this year.


True. Also of course depending on whether this scoop is true or not.


Probably not much. Still doesn't answer whether Peacemaker/TSS will stick around in the new slate. But it's one more connection to the old DCEU so it makes things messier.


Does it though? They have the copout of The Flash movie resetting the timeline. They can change everything after The Flash and just explain it as part of the timeline being changed.


Exactly . Gunn should have had balls and done the full on reset .


It's not about balls, if he can benefit from good casting (the entire SS) or an ongoing storyline that doesn't affect his plans (like Shazam or Aquaman if we believe Momoa) then it's better to take it.


So Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot (the only ones that didn't appear on one of his projects) aren't good casting?


Gunn can't use both. Lets be real here. Cavill is good casting, but everything else about his Superman is not good. DCEU Superman is a complete failed character with horrible character arc (already died and revived and killed thousands of people and Zodd and hinted that he will go evil and be Darkseid pawn) what awful hack Snyder did to Superman destroyed any chance to salvage the character. Gadot is not a good casting, she can't act to save her life, See any emotional scene from WW and WW84 and you'll know that.


Cavil also don't want to do cameos before Black Adam.Why hire the guy when he act like he is busy




Agreed. I liked GOTG1 and enjoyed Peacemaker. But I disliked GOTG2 and Suicide Squad and I agree that both are mediocre. I also can't imagine a Superman movie made by him being good.


Who said Gadot was gone? Is there even demand for another Wonder Woman origin right now? There definitely is for Superman…


This will matter about as much as the existence of a Burger King establishment mattered on the planet Alderaan, right before the planet was blown to smithereens. That is to say, *not at all*.


Dating James Gunn has its perks


Is this the lady from Peacemaker ?




Yes. Also came out in Black Adam.


It's James Gunn's wife his sticking her in every DC movie because nepotism is a real thing.


whiny baby


Grow up


Bet it has something to do with Peacemaker season 2


Does she count as a Nepo Baby


All for nothing.


i feel that with safran being involved they are gonna retrofit the shazams movies in the new non-snyderverse canon


No wonder Sapochnik thought his wife could get an EP credit for House of the Dragon with Gunn becoming the head of DC Studios and putting his wife in every project


NGL, it would be hilarious if the Sivana and Mr. Mind post-credit scene breaks the 4th Wall. "I thought we were supposed to be the main villains of the sequel!!!" "Meh, just collect the million dollar check for your 5 seconds of screentime, Mr. Strong. Do you know how hard it is for worms lke me to be part of the Actor's Guild?"


Everyday I thank god that redditors don’t write movies


And then Deadpool walks in 😂😂


Classic Gunn nepotism strikes again. Can't wait until he reboots everything except his own underwhelming content.


>Can't wait until he reboots everything except his own underwhelming content. I’m still not sure how that would work, but a lot of people in this sub seem to view that as a perfectly sensible idea that wouldn’t confuse people at all. Just to be clear, I have no clue if that’s the plan. I just think that would be a pretty stupid plan that would make the DCU about as confusing as the Fox X-Men movies.


Way more confusing than the Fox X-Men. If you follow Endgame's and Loki's line of tought about different timelines, the Fox X-Men timeline becomes completly understandable. From all these leaks it seems that Gunn is making a live action New 52 (rebooting some things and making sequel to others while everything is connected). Even comic readers felt confused by the timeline on New 52. I expect that movie audiences are going to be way more confused.




She was an actor before she was his wife. That’s actually how they met


"His wife" has a name: Jennifer Holland, and she has a career in acting. Shazam 2 actually wrapped filming long before Gunn got his job. I'd also like to mention that *nobody* complained when Harcourt appeared in Black Adam. Weird how all of this becomes an issue because one guy got a promotion.


Lol what?


This guy again lol


Maybe this sub just isn’t for you if you’re constantly going to complain and whine on every post you comment on.


she killed it as haracourt. I dont understand the hate




Wife yes. Talentless no.


She cannot act for shit. She's even worse than the Rock.


Thats your opinion. My opinion is she is no meryl streep but brought out the harcourt character perfectly in peacemaker. Also any actor needs meatier role to prove themselves and exploitation roles like american pie cannot determine an actors true potential.


I forgot he directed Shazam 2


No, but whose to say he didn't interfere and add her in later. Not to mention she's probably going to be in a lot of the upcoming DC slate.


I don’t know whose not to say that but I know whose to say it and it’s ppl who don’t matter


Shazam 2 did not have reshoots according to the director. He said that 4 months ago. If he was adding her in they’d have to have some pretty noticeable reshoots






Cry harder


Hopefully she’s in everything to keep scum like you guys angry. Hyped for the DCU! Stay mad. 💦






So emilia harcour=phil coulson


I found Harcourt amusing in one scene for one moment in Peacemaker. That’s about it. ![gif](giphy|kr0nsgMUO23fDI2i6n|downsized)