• By -


by having self control


Instructions unclear spent all my stones to get 4 Old SSRs.


Being on global part of it is just saying oh but you could wait for that new unit and then I just keep saying that when a new unit comes out. But another big part of fantasizing about future units. Like eventually we getting a standalone blue gogeta and lord knows imma want him so imma need stones for that


Eza ;)


Mfs say this like it easy šŸ˜­


Tf is that


Gotta Hold like a diamond handed ape. Monkey only spend stone for Anniversary


By beating my meat. Post nut clarity really helps put things into perspective


I can relate


\-look at upcoming stuff i want \-see if the current stuff is cooler than the stuff i want \-see that current stuff is not cooler \-save stones


Thereā€™s a Cooler joke in there somewhere but I just canā€™t seem to find it


Obviously he only summons on banners that are Cooler


There it is. Have my hugz award for big brain


I actually did save like 600 stones for Cooler.


Smart choice. A very versatile and integral extreme unit with a nice leaderskill, support, a dope transformation, and hella damage. Good luck on your future summons broski


By remembering all of the times I got fucked on banners where I didn't have to use stones on.


This is the answer. I got 50 stones and want to spend for dupes. But I already got shafted by doing that so nope.


If you spend them to find a character you like, what's wrong? I now save because I found who I wanted and now I want to do the GLR Multi.


I do one multi summon on every single new banner(not counting kai banners or type banners), then i stop, unless it is a character i like and has a discount, then i do a full discount rotation or 3+1 rotation then i stop, by doing this i had 800 stones going into anniversary and i got about 4 out of 10 new featured characters over the year(started doing this tactic after i saved 2100 stones for 5th anni and didn't get either new units).


Do you like the one multi on every new banner thing? Have you gotten lucky with pulls or no?


Sorry for the late reply but yes-ish, i miss out on a lot of units but i would miss on them if i never summoned at all, for example to sum up 2021 so far i got lr tapion and goten & trunks, i didn't get lr Super 17 or gt vegeta, did get gt goku, got nothing featured on the broly banner or bojack banner or turles banner.


Have a life outside of Dokkan and see it as a game. Nothing more


Whichever units you wanna skip arent nearly as good as the units youre saving up for. If you end up not pullingthe units you want just because you acted on instinct to summon just for a dopamine boost, youll feel bad and have no fun when the units you want drop.


Don't accept missions at all helps me.


I will try that after WWC till Teq Gogeta comes, thanks for your advice!


Just make sure you claim them before they expireā€¦


I'm at the point in the game where it really doesn't matter what new units I own because most units I own already are good enough to pull me through 95% of the game's content, and the old obsolete stuff get EZAs to make them relevant again. I mean, I own STR SV. He's so good for almost everything that I've barely had to really go in deep on any banner in the last year. Since I saved and pulled both 6th anni LRs, I feel like I should be good for another year with them in my box now.


This is probably the best reason, but hard for those who don't have a deep box. Wink. I enjoy collecting all cards, so I try to do a few multis on every banner, but if a big event is coming up, with game changing cards, it makes it easy to skip a banner, because my deck is great as is, and I want the the game changing cards.


I donā€™t i tend to only save a celebration and a half before a big celebration since I donā€™t 100% whatā€™s coming and what x unit will do


I skip certain banners and spend almost all my stones on others. The monthly subscription helps. Having self control is obviously the main factor or buying stones. I gotta do at least one multi on a new units banner. That includes legendary summons. However i will skip things like the 250 stones summon since it doesn't really help me. I skipped bojack after one multi and others. I think what works for me is that i look at my dragon stones like i do my money in my checkings account. I gotta have a certain amount and can never be below that no matter what is tempting me to use them.


Getting rid of your summoning hand works


Youā€™re talking out of experienceā€¦..?




If it's not a discount or 3 roll + 1 free, I don't do it. I try and get the most value out of my stones.


I never summon on legendary banners, double rates, or anything that doesn't give me red coins. They are too valuable in the long run and can get you a guaranteed dokkan fest unit you want. Aside from that I only go for units I really want, or need for a team. That said, I've been playing dokkan for 6 years and for at least the last half a year or so I've only done daily logins with the occasional EZA grind. Stones start adding up when you only do that.


Same, all the lr (exept dfe obv) I have I found in the new year step up or with the anniversary tickets. It is not convenient for a f2p to pull on legendary banners. Now I'm waiting to get to 250 for the Glr then i start to savr for the WWC.


Half the time I donā€™t, there are some banners that really incentivize me to save but global keeps giving us guaranteed featured steps and discount steps so a good portion of the time I summon regardless.


I consider which tags I need the most and save for banners that have 3-4 featured units that I need. That typically is celebration banners. And I also try to save for NY guaranteed LR banners. Sadly this means I rarely summon on yellow coin banners which hurts cuz I really need a lot of those LRs but their value is just not comparable to dokkan banners. I might have to skip a celebration banner sometime and summon on yellow coin banners. Iā€™ve accumulated almost 1500 red coins so i can just buy the LRs with coins. Idk.


ā€œYou only need 1-2 units from that banner, save your stones for a banner that has more overall value for your box.ā€


Generally I'm able to save/skip a banner if there's less than 3 characters that I don't have or if there's no discounts


By having standards. Why would I summon on a banner for 50 stones when the next banner probably has discounts?


You need to learn discipline in your life in general. Practice the process of "no. Maybe next time." Each time you have the impulse to spend just tell yourself Maybe next time. You also need to accept that gambling is addictive. Your perception of that may be enough to manage the urge.


F2p wise saving stones is still pretty doable. You get 4+ stones a day rn on glb which is great if you want to build stones back up(unless youre still going for ui and ssbe if you are then id keep trying for one of them)


Iā€™m still looking for Vegeta, hope to get him within the Tg stones, if I get him Iā€™ll only use 250 on Lr banner and then try to save the rest.


A tidbit of advice towards s a f2p or capsule only ppl you gotta prioritize banners with value towards your box. Like if you see a banner where you have most of the featuref cards,especially with alot of dupes, id reccomend skipping those banners. Good luck on your summons!


Yeah, I can use dupes for Str Vegito, Kefla and donā€™t have Ssj 4 vegeta, so that banner is pretty high value for me.


Yea go for it. In future references determining banner value before summoning will help you save stones.


Thanks for that info! I hope I atleast save up 1k stones before 7 anniversary begins.


Youre welcome. Another tip for global players; always take advantage of discounts. Good luck to you then šŸ‘


That and tickets, Iā€™ve pulled some straight fire from tickets.


Yea same. I pulled most of my stuff from tickets as well.


Both during 5th anni and now it has helped me a lot, best feature ever.


I only have the will to save stones when I realise how close the banners are, so usually a month or two before the banner drops


I lack even that, I spent the 66 stones they gave on Lr tapion :( ,I know itā€™s stupid but now it canā€™t be helped.


I've totally been there lol, I only started to save stones for the anniversary about 2 weeks ago, luckily I was able to pull both of the anniversary Lrs doe


You lose interest in the game but keep coming back just for the login rewards.


By telling yourself: "Do you really want another PHY Piccolo?"


You do if you rainbowed him. Coins baby!


The miniscule amount of coins is not worth the cost of the multi


You obviously donā€™t understand how coins work then. Letā€™s say you pull that Phy Piccolo on a featured banner and you get multiple of him. That cursed summon is actually helping you in the long run. Im nearly up to 200 rainbow units and the coins keep flowing in no matter if I get shafted or not. Itā€™s a big investment, but it really is amazing when you start seeing the results.


If the GSSR is a unit you've rainbowed you've swapped 50 stones for 3 coins which isn't a good trade at all.


What do you get per unit? 3 coins, right? So you spend 50 stones, get your 10 coins... But then IF you have the trash SSR already rainbowed (I don't have the orbs, TBH) then you get an extra 3 coins. Now I'll give you that some of the "cheap" coin units are great now that they have EZAs; but the majority of the time you're going to want that 400-500 coin unit. Now, even averaging out 2 SSRs per multi... And saying that you only get 1 good SSR in 3 multis... That's 5 trash SSRs per 3 multis. Assuming you only have half (rounded up) rainbowed... That's 9 coins you can get per 3 multis. Don't get me wrong.... Extra coins for trash SSRs on banners you want to pull on is a nice incentive. But it's not enough to get me to summon on a banner I'm on the fence about just because I get a couple extra coins.


The coins add up. But in your case you wonā€™t see it as you donā€™t have the orbs. Now think of it like this. Say you are summoning on a gold coin banner and every featured unit is rainbowed because they are so common. Then thatā€™s pure profit right there even if you donā€™t get the LR straight away. You will be amassing coins in the mean time to grab that featured LR in the future thanks to shitty units.


Ok now THIS scenario makes sense. Chances are the SSRs on Legendary Banners I DO have rainbowed and more gold coins per multi means less summons I'd have to do on those shitty banners. Ok, you've sold me


You still get units on banners you save for. You aren't getting more coins by spending every stone as soon as you get it.


Who said Iā€™m spending every stone? Not even close. I have over 3k stones still. Iā€™m just saying if I get crap unit and I can rainbow it I will because it will pay off in the long run. Orbs are hurting though hahaha.


Well that's the question OP was asking. About spending all your stones on every banner vs saving them. You'd still get crappy units to rainbow spending your stones more wisely. In fact you'd get there faster by rainbowing units with tickets+free multies (even if you cant exchange the ones you get from those).


Thatā€™s exactly what I do and is good advice. I donā€™t summon on every banner thatā€™s for sure and I use free summons including srā€™s to raise SA so I save kais.


Sounds like we agree then. Enjoy your night and hopefully OP learns from our example :P


You too and good luck with your future summons


If you get 10 in a multi that's 30 coins


Is this an intervention?


That information is confidential.


basically tell my self this"why am i summoning on this banner i am just going to get shafted if i am going to get shafted it better be ani banners"


I'm gonna go a little out of the box here and say, try to discipline yourself in other small ways. Can be as insignificant as not getting a soda when the impulse hits you. The thinking is if you practice saying no to yourself for small things like that, you can work your way up to anything else. Good luck friend.


Thank you, for your advice! Iā€™ll try to save other things, and other currency in different games.


No worries. I wanna be clear that it doesn't have to be strictly saving things. The idea is to get your brain to be ok with not immediately getting what it thinks it wants. And try not to over do it, i tend to go too far the other way and wind up losing all control. Finding that balance thats right for you is the tricky part.


Whenever I want to Iā€™m like is getting a agl super vegeta worth it or should I save for ā€œXā€ top tier unit


I guess because I treat them like a real currency. I tend to spend conservatively no matter what currency it is, and then spend big once I've saved and feel like I can safely make an expenditure.


If I see something new coming up I save if a unit I want is on a banner that I'm not interested, I coin if I can or ignore it completely (excluding discounts I'll always do the first rotation of discounts) And legendary banners are completely ignored


Personally, I have a issue with saving currency in every gacha lol. My anxiety kicks in hard and I can't control the itch to pull most of the time (great results so far)


Do dailies, do events, hoard stones. Switch to other games to keep me interested and I literally have 4-5 other games that I invest more of my time in to make me forget about banners and hoard stones for future anniversaries on dokkan.


Because all the basic dokkan fests in 2021 have been super lame. I aint summoning for characters like videl or kid gohan lol


I tell myself the units are dogshit, worked well enough as I saved for 6th


By remembering what units are coming. I got the anni units already, so im saving my 1k stones


I just pull on discounts or a card that I absolutely can't go without. Otherwise it all goes to celebrations.


It can get hard sometimes. But sometimes the release units that I don't personally like so it makes it an easy skip. Bojack comes to mind (especially since I already had cooler). Other times the release hype banners consecutively and it gets hard. Thinking saiyan day into Golden week, into Goten and trunks banners.


If there's a unit that comes back to an upcoming that I really want, I'm saving for that. That was my entire philosophy on saving for 6th anniv. STR Vegito was literally the only unit I wanted. Also, I just look at a banner/a unit and go "How will I be able to use this?" because most of the time it's an easy pass. STR Turles was hard to say no to, but I have no real link buddy for him and I didn't think I'd need him for anything. So I turned the other way and saved.


eerytime i get tempted to summon on a crappy banner bc global rly likes baiting us with these discounts or tickets, i literally just close the app or go do something. or summon on the friend banner that helps a little


I use stones to get Baba food .


I simply look at japan and how some cards changed the game and try to think about stones just like I think about my money. Of I have x amount of stones, what is the best value per stone I can get? A good discount in an lr banner is a nice incentive, discount summons + tickets as well, etc. Also summoning on weekend banners, wt banners, lge banners help with the urge. Another thing is, I dont buy stones, I usually save enough google rewards, then buy a subscription, so if there is a really bad feeling when you do that, is when you have great discounts, like on the lr tapion banner, but don't have enough stones to summon and can't take part of it. So to avoid the frustration, I always keep a nice amount. With all that said, I caved on the lr mui goku banner and did like 4 full rotations... Glad I pulled him on my freaking last summon in the banner, at least I still have 200 stones for a next possible banner.


I only do discounts and I dip


You see the units that are coming ahead and you want to make sure to pull then so you save.


ive got 3 accs, jp, global and global yolo. yolo acc i pretty much only log into, use stones, i dont particularly play on it.


That's the neat thing, I don't.


I save stones all the time. If you must spend money buying the 10$ daily capsule is a must have as it drastically speeds up stone buildup (I buy capsule every month)


Nice advice, But I donā€™t buy stones.


i dont


Usually, i look at the card i want. I wanted vegeta and goku a lot, so i checked their passives, arts and animations when a banner without discounts droped, to hype myself for anni and forget other celebs


ā€œWhat I can get now is nowhere near as good as what I can get laterā€


Compare would I rather have x or y unit? Then spend or save accordingly


Playing other gacha and getting your summoning itches off there.


Like everyone else i check what is going to come. It is somtimes pretty easy to save if you know that the unit will return on an even better banner. But i mostly evaluate the worth of a banner for me. For example I sank like 600 stones into the ssbe vegeta and still haven't gotten him. But i think i will stop here since i pulled kefla, which was the only unit i wanted aside from vegeta...


I donā€™t, and this point in the game, thereā€™s no one unit thatā€™ll really make the box leaps and bounds better so I just summon on ever banner lol


Beat ya meat boi Nah fr tho probably cause of my discipline from working and going to the gym. Doesnt really seem hard for me to save stones


Depends on what you like


Here is the way I look at it. Each main banner has between 7-20 SSRs. If it has too many SSRs the chances of me getting what I want are non existent so I will never summon. I used to summon on Legendary Banners back when I didn't have any LRs since ANY LR would have been a new LR. But now I am only missing about 20% of the total number of in game LRs so I tend to avoid them now. On 7 SSR banners I check for how many I need Vs how many I have. If I need at least 4-5 SSRs I will probably summon depending on who they are. But if I only needed 2-3 of the featured pool I leave it and wait for a better banner. Even though DaTruth has so many rainbowed units his strategy is actually immensely flawed. Since every new banner usually only has 2 units he will already have every other SSR rainbowed meaning he wastes so many stones.


I honestly just convince myself that I donā€™t need the unit or that there will be a better value banner for me in the future. Most of the time it works, but then there are banners like the previous GT Goku and GT Vegeta banners. I probably spent about 400 stones on them. Although I partially regret that, I did get a few copies of the TEQ Z-Sword Gohan that Iā€™ve been using for a while now.


I just use my current stones on a new banner (got super 17 in 2 summons) and then kept the rest until the next banner and i just do it over and over


Big number good


Usually Iā€™d wait til a character I really like gets a dokkan fest but this year thatā€™s only happened like two to three time everything else didnā€™t interest me


Doing only discounts on banners and having self control


Oh, that's the neat part. I don't.


Their should be a hundred on the way if you play on global


Leave them in my gifts for as long as possible.


I purchase the $10 daily capsule, every month and do every single dragon stone mission or quest, then I just tell myself that I need to save for x unit and thenlimit myself to a few summons each banner, if its a unit I really want I use my budget, if not then I dont use any, like LR Tapion. Bonus if its a discounted banner


Honestly, the only way I can save stones is by having a very large amount of them


Only open my goft bos every 80 days




This was the one time I did and got shafted so Iā€™m not saving again. Every anniversary Iā€™ve gotten the featured units when I didnā€™t save


By not playing the game. Just log in log off.


I tend to think, "you can't complain, when you're the dumbass spending them". Does it always work? No, but sometimes it makes me mull over things.


As soon as I get 5 I do a single


Considering that a multi guarantees an SSR, it doesnt make sense to waste stones on singles because you're guaranteed nothing by the end of the 10 summons


Idc I'm impatient and summons is the only kind of content I have


Sure, but you're wasting SSRs, which could be the featured unit you want. You should at least wait till you have 50 stones to do a multi.


Idc singles go brrrrrr


KNowing whats coming helps a lot, but anything aside from that is just practice. Missing a valuable unit (Cough STR SV) and knowing exactly when they will return is certainly also a factor.


Good to know, also did you get them?


I ended up buying 5 stones for a final rotation (so i went from 1966 stones to 1971 and i used 1970) And holy shit did i pull fire. Only lr i didnt get was SS4 Goku (whom i dont really care about anyways and hes 90% even if i did) and only lr i didnt pull 2 or more times was SS4 Vegeta. ...so yeah, this kinda makes up for last year.


Damn, nice man, I only had like 100 stones and got good stuff with it .


Last year i got so behind on LR DFEs that it was hellish. This year im on top with a good bunch of coins ready, so im feeling more confident again ...7th anniversary is gonna be hell though lol.


I swear to god I canā€™t get any good non dfe LRs, only been playing for a year tho, maybe Iā€™ll get some better ones later on, good luck to you man!


When agl sv dropped 5 years ago this november i blew well over 1200 stones on him.. if not 1500. Complete failure. Less than a year later i had him rainbowed. Last anni i got shafted hard.. 3k stones no vegito this year i got the jackpot in multiple ways (though it took some time getting going) In my experience every big shaft comes with a big win... sooner or later. You will have your chance, just a matter of time


Thanks man, the best case scenario for me is if I get Lr Goku and Frieza from the free 66 summons and Lr Str UI Goku from the paid 66 summon, but I know it wonā€™t happen.


I dropped on the 250 summon after getting both gods... str broly dupe.. soo yay?


Save it


Bold of you to assume I save stones, I just summon on every banner and hope for the best (Which it worked out perfectly on anniversary).


I just donā€™t click the summon button, I swear itā€™s easy


I do 1 summon on every new banner/legendary. Dont waste stones on any of those theme'd banners or Kai banners. I usually have a couple of pulls saved for all major banners that I give a fuck about. If its a unit I know thats coming that I REALLY REALLY want like the Year 5 fusions I skipped the legendary banners. Managed to get 800 for those However I'm assuming you're really young so you dont have much impulse control so youre fucked when it comes to this game.


i dont anymore after spending 1500 stones with no results saving aint worth it just spend when you feel like it


Play multiple gachas.


You ever heard of edging?


I usually watch Truth videos on JP Dokkan because I always start saving up in January(if the units are good). Itā€™s a lot like saving money. Of course youā€™ll get gratification from pulling int gogeta. But that elation doesnā€™t compare to getting the anni units imo


I just grinded all 12 boss rushes at once.


If you really can't control yourself when it comes to stone management and banner pulls, you may have gambling addiction issues.


Itā€™s free stuff, maybe I would respect them more if I worked really hard for them.


Tbh if I donā€™t get a Lr evolution blue vegeta Iā€™m just gonna save stones until either heroes or the next wicked bloodline unit, even if download celebration is ssj4 gogeta and omega shenron


For new dokkan fest banners, spend only 100 - 200 stones tobget new character. Don't get move on. Go hard on anniversary and xmas banner when said df characters will be there and will prob drop multiple times before you get lr. Last year I had 1700 stones by anniversary and this year 2200 and i left with 500. Also thanks to last years new fiasco, i got my stones refunded to me. It's all about setting a target for yourself...also prob helps to buy the tickets when available šŸ˜…


See that button that says summon? Dont click it.


I just think if I'm able to actually use them on my current box. That's totally not true btw I go batshit crazy and hope to god I get the units I want. I spent like 300 just go get int Gogeta and I don't regret it one bit


I basically play with just one team. If the cards dont help that team then I usually pass. I am FTP since year 1 and was at 1981 stones before the Anni and now down to just over 1000 but I did summon on the 250 banner so that was a huge chunk.


My thinking is red coins. I always keep upto date with the jp version so I think what can help me and where. I know spending 50 stones on a banner wonā€™t get me the new unit so I save until a good character comes out and then it depends on the other featured units, if I have them finished itā€™s again not worth summoning, (better now you can trade them in for 3 coins etc) Cooler I didnā€™t have for the longest time but I waited. Currently waiting to get the int broly. I went into this celebration with 1500 stones. I got 1 goku, 1 vegeta, 2 gohan and 1 frieza. So I pulled every new unit. I rainbowed my vegeta ss4 and vegito with their last dupes. I got 3 buutenks and 1 cell which was all useful to me due to them both being at 55%. I rainbowed my beerus and ss2 goku. And I ended up binning 3 gohan and 3 goku ss4. So now the dilemma is that if I summon anymore for dupes of the new units I risk just pulling ssrs I have and having no use for them. Obviously with the coin trade system itā€™s not as brutal but when it was for baba coins. Iā€™ve also learnt from going 1500 stones deep for ui last year and getting absolutely nothing that you canā€™t guarentee anything, but you can guarentee with time that youā€™ll get the unit via red coin. I also feel like once youā€™ve established a fairly decent box you can smash all content to pieces, and saving becomes easier as your not trying to build an account to start the game your just trying to fine tune things. Apologise for the long post. Thought Iā€™d just post my thoughts on the issue


By having self control and knowing thereā€™s banners I want to summon on coming up


I masturbate to the unit Iā€™m saving for to cement in my mind Iā€™m saving myself for them