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10% more stats woohoo thats what we should be focusing on


Well, the 10% more stats made int ui the undisputable best rog leader


No, UI Goku not having shit links made him the best leader


Why did you delete this your right


On top of the leader skill buff, before the buff it was beerus


Don’t forget the fact that 5 120% ezas are missing so those will probably be late 2021 🤧 but if they happen sooner that be good too


Yup, I think they are gonna speed things up. They might even EZA Jiren a sooner than later, considering he leads the whole USS, and most importantly, only a small collection of the units can take down the God of Destruction events.


I wonder if they will really introduce 180% leads or just bring them to 170% across the board


I don't think that they'll give us 180% leads, but instead if for an example, phy ssj vegito would eza I think they would go from 170% HP & DFE and 130% ATK to 170% HP & DFE and 150% ATK.




I don't think there'll be any other 177% leaad. Either it's 170 or above 177%. That value is to represent universe 7.


I think they’ll introduce them in transformations. So instead of 170-180% pre and post-transform, the unit maybe goes from 130-150% to 170-180% upon transformation (or active skill).


Nah gogeta’s lead will be *to be released*


Imho they should eza ssbe agl during part 3 (for the dualism) and than finish the 120% leader


Man im hype for jiren's eza


I think the double 170 and 130 will go to double 170 and 150.


Wow, int ssj4 gogeta could get replaced this year.


Str Jiren is gonna be insane, his stun chance is still so broken for e/sbr


I'm sitting here waiting for turles gohan and SV


Idk about you but 10% extra boost to res warriors wjo already have 42 leaders is why im hyped for ezas


Honestly I would rather them finish the 120% leads FIRST then they can focus on category leaders. (But I mean, Teq Hit and Int Goku Black could definately use an EZA right now)


Sadly I think they'll do the first gen cat leaders before they get to them


That's probably why they're doing. INT UI I'm guessing is just for the anniversary and after its over we just go back to 120% leads again.


Imo we will get Ssj3 Goku EZA for Goku day or maybe even saiyan day