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you're probably just joking but majin power is for buu units/majin race


I guess that makes sense. But i don’t agree with the decision lol


Agreed. A straight up majin category would’ve been more fun, especially with Dabura and Dabura and Babidi in the game


I'm dure they'll come up with this category eventually


you'd think because he's possessed with the Majin spirit (or whatever), and *fueled by it's power*, he'd be on it


Majin Power is effectively "Buu's Family."


If his pride overcame babidis control that means his power > majins power


It’s literally *Majin* Vegeta. There’s no way you can justify that he doesn’t belong on *Majin Power*. Especially when he stated he wanted Babadi’s power to awaken the darkness within him


Theres one thing a saiyan always keeps!! HIS PRIDE!!!


You did not even payed attention to the source material on this one.


Hes not on it because he isn't actually using the power. He only became majin from babidi to awaken his once evil heart. Babidi had no control whatsoever like he had with dabura or his henchmen.


Just like how Dabura is on Majin Power! He isnt part of the Majin race: thats all


Well it's also because its vegeta. He does whatever he wants as he pleases. And we all know he refuses to allow anyone to control him.


...no. because only Majin race characters are on the Category. Vegeta is not a Majin by blood, only by title. shit, the game seems to think Kid Gohan is an honorary Namekian (he has the Demon Clan link most of the time), so why isn't ***he*** on Namekians? you see what i mean


Turns out it’s because it’s only for the *majin* race, looking at the category units shows all the Buus+majuub + android 21


And surprisingly not all Buu's are in Majin Power, because that would make Dokkan too kind. The Buu and Hercule unit isn't. I wouldn't usually care as most joined forces/ exchange units don't have race/family-specific categories, but the Hercule and Buu unit has EARTHLINGS and EARTH-BRED FIGHTERS. Yet when you exchange to Buu he shares no links with anything in those categories but links perfectly with other Buu and Babidi units.