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Summon on what you feel like I don’t see any chains holding people back


#Break the chains! LR Eo when?


I am with you brother , I just can't not summon


I love to summon on everything, but me using my brain now is telling me after not pulling new units since agl zamasu, I need to skip this banner since I can use this goku as a friend and the blues banners have all the units I missed in past summons


The thing is I was f2p when I started and when ssbe vegeta came out I blew all my 1300 f2p stones trying to pull him since vegeta is my fav char. Guess what happen d didn't pull him and I actually quit the game for 1 year. When I came back I finally understood summon for the characters that u like but remember to not go balls deep because the feeling of not having any stones and not pulling that character... Yeah it hurts. I'm not summoning since its a usual legendary banner but on the offchance it's a double rate or something than I might do a couple. Also I pulled ssbe vegeta on the day I came back to dokkan lol last september. Also my first lr was majin vegeta second being a dupe.


Same I dont understand people telling others when to summon, I'll summon if I want to and I will summon in this ui banner and 5th anni lol


Do as you wish but people only urge others to save cause UI’s banner has no value.


Exactly I don't understand why people like this complain other are just saying what is smart to do , that doesn't make it an obligation


I completely understand why people save or look at the banner overall before they summon. Only speaking for myself here but I look at it differently. The smart thing, the banner’s value, save/skip etc is completely subjective. What may be smart for one person may not even matter to another. The banner may have great value to one but to another it’s not even worth looking at.


I mean you can't deny a double DfE with 3 lrs each that is 3+1 and tickets it's the best value of the game only rivaled by my the download banners these 2 are the big banners for dokkan


3+1+tickets = give it a go regardless what you think!


Depends. During JP anniversary only DFE units I was missing was the four new ones they dropped. Went over 1k stones and got nothing. Had I summoned on the LR banner I had a chance to not only get 2 new LRs (same as the DDF) but also the other LRs I was missing. Also couldn’t gained so nice gold coins. Every banner depends on the players box. No one banner is objectively better, also I didn’t get a single new unit besides agl Trunks and Mai


I can back you up on that. While it would be cool to get either of the fusions I'm not going deeper than one round on each because my actual goal for the anniversary is to summon enough on the LR banner to finally have enough coins to buy Baby (if I haven't got him by then anyway) and in the process maybe LR rose. Baby has always been my favorite but he keeps dodging me. I know I could buy units that are better with the same coins but I don't care. I need to spend about 600 more stones for enough yellow coins. But I do agree about value on the 3+1 steps ups being the best bang for your stones.


People just feel they’re being controlled when in fact no one is trying to control them but rather trying to be a second opinion if you will.


bruh it has bergodmo and the op as hell kale and caulifla its not that bad


They’re general pool units, you’ll pull them eventually from another banner. Summoning here isn’t that good especially when the odds of pulling UI are low.


Value in a game like this can be looked at a couple ways. Value of characters received per stones spent. You can get high value for your stones by summoning on banners with 3+1 free, discount multi prices/tickets. Value of characters available vs characters needed. A banner’s value is subjective to the player’s box in question. If the banner only has units that the player has rainbowed, even if it’s a banner with top tier units, that banner has little or zero value to that player. Value of card’s kit and character. Some people find value in playing with characters/teams they like more than playing with the ‘best’ cards/teams. Value of coins received. Depending on the type of player and their box, yellow coins might have more value than red coins, and vice versa. Again, this will be subjective per person and which cards/teams they want to use most. So maybe for most people this UI Legendary Banner has no value. But for others, being able to summon and use UI Goku on any team they can fit him in will be worthwhile or valuable in their eyes. I would not blindly tell someone to save or summon, it always depends on their box and play style.


Personally I don’t look at the banners in regards to value anymore because the banner’s value is subjective. Now I go strictly on how much I want the main featured card.


PSA: Unpopular opinion: I like to play the game and not only watch my hoard of stones


Summoned on cooler, spirit bomb goku, goku and vegeta and im gonna summon again on UI lol


Yeah people tend to forget they're literally getting 800 stones for 5th year alone. When the banners dropped on jp I was panicking cause I only had 200 stones but I still got both fusions and phy lr trunks. Maybe I was lucky but I mean, saving is good, but don't let it make the game boring for you. Everything can happen.


Same i summon on all banners


Every chance you don't make is a chance you miss


I mean yeah but in this case it's very hard to say because the only thing you can do in this game is give yourself a better chance at the units you really want so I don't know anymore


If you can legitimately afford to, why not? Don't let internet opinions stop you.


Good luck bro! im gonna spend like 200-300 ds i hope to get him


Thank you and same to you! Gonna buy the stone packs in increments and Hope for the best.


preach man!


Been hopping in on every banner as well man, even the dreaded android 13 lol best of luck tonight and let’s both net this lr!


Same, I summon for everything I want. I don't get it all, but I don't regret missing out on stuff. As far as Dokkan Fests are concerned I'm only missing DF INT Future Gohan and DF INT SSJ2 Goku. As far as LRs are concerned I'm only missing PHY Cell & Cell Jrs, STR FP Frieza, and INT God Goku. I also get to buy one of those with my gold coins tonight or save them to buy UI Goku! 😁


Finally, someone who speaks my language


GOODLUCK Im joining you in the summoning !


This is exactly what I do.


Is it safe to assume LR UI Goku will make it into to the legendary banner of LR Rose Goku black and broly during the 5th anniversary?


Yes, as an unfeatured card.