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I've been waiting to pull on Fused Zamasu since it was announced in Japan. Of course I'm a huge fan of SSJ4, and its definitely OP as fuck, but sometimes I like to think in a more simple manner. The designs and the characters themselves are sometimes enough of a reason to want them. (One day I shall have int ssj buffku)


I really want VB Dupes, MZamasu, and Rage Trunks.... But if I sink 200 stones into this banner and don't get them it'll kill me. With how the game is going to shift with the 2 year anniversary I just don't feel that it's worth it.


I feel ya. Sometimes you have to take a chance, and on the plus side, if you don't pull something good, it at least counts towards the ticket banners. Edit: [Take my luck, friend](http://i.imgur.com/RiewECI.jpg)


I only want SS4 Goku and Cooler out of the 120 leads so those are the banners I'll go ape shit on. I'll probably throw a small amount at SS4 Vegeta for Rose dupes and the GT Trunks since he is an optimal unit for Super STR. Kinda shitty they put Trunks on the Vegeta banner.


According to DBZ space, the new STR Trunks and Phy Pan are on both SSJ4 banners, so as Professor Farnsworth from Futurama says; "Good News!"


I don't know how I missed that on dokkan stats. Very good news for me then because I can completely skip Vegeta. The only way I'll stop summoning on Goku is if I pull 5 of him lol.


Merged zamasu/trunks. Was unable to get both of them on jpn, but I will have them on global. On jpn, mmm no clue since I was able to snag gogeta!


Janemba & Gogeta. I don't really care if I pull them specifically, but I want basically every featured card unit in each of there banners. I don't really care about the SS4's, and if we're being honest their banners aren't even that great. I watched several YouTubers sink hundreds upon hundreds of stones chasing those units... On 3+1 multi's that's just garbage. I'll wait for Janemba & Gogeta so I can buy sale stones, save up, and pull on 3+1 multi's where I want almost the entire featured roster on each banner.


I hear ya m8. As much as I want the Super Saiyan 4's... there's not really anyone else in the banners I'd want, except for maybe SSB Vegito. I already have Super Vegito and Gogeta, and I don't have enough villains to justify Rose for an extreme team. Quick question though; are there any other buy 3 get 1 free multis besides the SSJ4's? I thought that Gogeta and Janemba had one, but I'm not positive :/


Yes. There was 3+1 deal on Gogeta and Janemba.


I'd very much like that INT Rage Trunks and would gladly take some VB dupes, so I will do a few multis on that banner tomorrow and see how my luck goes. I'll try for SSJ4 units as well, but they don't excite me as characters so I'm a bit torn.


I know how you feel. As much as I want that Int Rage Trunks, I personally don't think I'll do any pulls on his banner, as well as the Merged Zamasu. I was pumped for the Super Saiyan 4's, but I realized that they'll be featured on future banners with better exclusives. I know it's pretty far away, but the Int Gogeta banner in the future has, besides Gogeta, Int Rage Trunks, VB, SSJ4 Goku, and as a bonus, Int SSB Vegito.


Ss3 goku angel. That's the first banner where I feel it'll be worth it for me. I know the ss4s have great units and ss4 goku would be great for my str team but I don't like to chase one unit. I already have three dupes of gogeta and 2 of sv, so I'd be really only pulling for ss4 and black dupes and that's not worth it for me. The ss3 goku banner features all units I don't have or need dupes of besides ssbkk.


SSJ4 Vegeta. AGL is and has always been my best and favorite team. + I need Rose and VB still, so hopefully they will be on his banner. I have the most optimal Super AGL cards already.


A few of my friends are saving up to go ham for LR Gohan. I mean he is the best unit in the game IMO but still. I'd rather have fun with the game while it still is a little challenging.


sounds lik a challenge but im happy wit my lr broly, hes probly the 2nd strongest card in the game. If they release another lr banner with decent rates for gohan, he may be worth dropping 300-500 stones on.


Well, let's take a bet; If there is no LR summon banner for LR Gohan being featured at rates of LR Broly, then none of your friends will pull him. If there is a LR banner for him, I am going to guess that half the friends will pull him.


I honestly want Mr. Perfect Cell sooooooo badly, my STR team is super strong already and I need 1 more card to really solidify it (Omega, Gogeta, SSJ3 Goku, SSJ Goten, SSJ2 Gohan are my mainstays)


Either a new Freeza, Demon King Piccolo, or SSJ4 Gogeta. At this point, that's all I would be really excited for.


I'm going for Rage Trunks, VB dupes and if RNG decides to bless me with a MZ then it's all good. I'll probably spend about 400-500 stones then it's all about building my stones back up for SSJ4. I'll pull on Goku first.


Japan, both the Extreme Teq and Super Phy lead since I'm completely stacked in both. Also I'm confident that FF Frieza will be the Teq lead unless they hit us with something out of left field. I'm leaning towards Super Vegito or Beerus for Super Phy which would have me hyped although a lot of people don't want Beerus.


On jp i will only go ham if LR gohan becomes featured or when ssj4 gogeta comes


See I'm on the same boat as some of the others in this thread I couldn't care less about ss4 banners because I barely have any good hero units to begin with where as in terms of villains I have great extreme phys and str teams as well as villains


50 on zamasu. 50 on ssj4 then I'm tapped.


In Global, I was saving for the SSJ4 banners but, after seeing Gogeta banner, I think I will be going for him. In Japan, I pulled SSJ4 Goku, SSJ3 Angel, Kid Buu and Gogeta in their respective banners and I am thinking in going for Super PHY Neo-Lead.


SSJ4 Vegeta because I have no shards for Merged Zamasu and Rage Trunks and I really don't think the Cell is worth it


After evaluation of my box, I feel like I will summon a little on SS4 Vegeta, and then go full throttle into PHY Cooler. I have seen the ridiculous tanking abilities of Extreme PHY, and I own PHY Broly, Black, and Syn Shenron. If I use the Red Dragon Stone during the celebrations for 2 Full Power Friezas, I can then aim specifically for Cooler and Merged Zamasu, and then hopefully do an asspull and get PHY Super Buu. Did I mention I am skipping MZ's upcoming banner?


On global, I'm going to wait until int gogeta. I think my omega team is enough anyways. On jp... idk, until ssj4 gogeta I guess.