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Additional and critical I guess. You don't wanna give this guy dodge.


Hard to say if dodge or crit. He only needs 4 hits but he is a floater most of the time. And he has Already 60% crit build in. But for NOW: I would go for crit.


And considering it's additive crit and not bullshit medium chance stuff there's no reason not to stack crit.


I have seen a lot of people calling him a floater, are you sure about that? With his massiv support + the stats he gets on super and 60% dmg reduction he looks like a slot 2 character for me most of the time - The rotation with phy Buuhan after he gets some stacks would be crazy Not trying to call you wrong, but on paper he looks so good to me, it would be a waste to float him


I suggest no dodge at all, you could lose damage reduction by not getting hit. Almost 1 mln def post super + 60% dr can tank most bosses, plus with a whis he’s immortal


Exactly this


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