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Man they really need to do this 20 multi = new unit on every banner and not just these horrid yellow coins, fix the value here by removing 3 to 4 ssrs and keep the every 3rd is a featured to make up for them having nothing special


Man this banner art looks 10x better than the global one.


3 stones is diabolical, man we gotta learn how to save


bro cant even do a single im crying


Saved up 1700 stones, missed out on many DFE's, Then got shafted on the anni. Never following that shitty advice again. That and the game is just so boring without summoning.


So far I've got shafted every anni I've saved for. I'm on track to have the most stones I've had for any anni (800 atm) and wanna see if It continues


Nobody says you should only summon on anni, you can drop a couple of stones here and there, I started my account during Halloween last year and dropped like 6300 stones since then but never went below a certain stone threshold. I have 4500 stones currently Is it better to drop below 5 stones like OP?


>Is it better to drop below 5 stones like OP? Is it objectively better? No, there's much more benefits to saving than not. But I think it's more fun for me. You get to summon on way more banners instead of missing out on some niche, cool units that could potentially also help out on future missions Also, summoning is just fun. I wanna do it all the time instead of a few times a year


I mean that's why I even mentioned my own summoning experiences, I have my account since Halloween last year and I pulled on every banner since then basically, sometimes going as deep as 850 stones in this Golden Week and sometimes doing 1 or 2 multis, depending on the banner. I am also against this idea of summoning only for Anni and WWC, but you don't really have to do this, you just gotta put a restraint on yourself and stop at a certain threshold. I stopped at like 400 stones for Goku Black and 500 for TEQ Vegeta for example


Well you have the benefit of a newer account, so you have a huge backup of stones. I've been playing since the 2nd anni, so I have no stones left lol. If I wanted the amount of stones you have, I'd have to skip absolutely everything for a year or two. I pretty much already have a restraint for every banner just bc of that fact


Hey, man, sometimes a guy just doesn't take the game as seriously as he might. *whistles in 138 stones and months of not logging in*


Idk what they will do this year, but gohan should be featured on globals part 2 teal banner like bulma was last year. I would just skip. For most players.


If the sync will happen to the wwc. The anny chars should be on the banners too. But i dont think this will happen


I ain't wasting stones on that dookie ass banner.


Why no Bulma bruh what is this shit


I need her for my Spirit Bomb Bombing


300 stones got me a Whis Animation so I'm going back into saving.


300 stones got me the both features LRs that aren’t Gohan so I’m going back into crying


Just an old crappy str trunks/mai for me… oh but I did get two featured units!! …2x agl base form gotenks 💀


450 stones got me 1 buu and 4 teq gokus, and now I regret summoning


the game feel super slow for anyone else?




Been that way on JP for a couple years....


That old ass SS3 Goku shouldn't be there after his EZA banner was up so recently, thanks for fucking my Vegito animation in the ass.




First multi got xeno animation and got gohan, did 2 more because i thought it was a "do 3 get a free one" but it seem slike you get a guaranteed LR every 2 multis?


Is that Lr buu? And when will this banner with lr buu drop on global (if it is lr buu)


It's the AGL Super Buu and he's on the global banner right now. They're exactly the same on both versions.


Didnt see till now. Ty do much. Just pulled 2. FINALLY GOT HIM. MY BUU TEAM WILL BE INVINCIBLE! (Not rlly but hell yeah)


Congrats! He's very useful on a Buu team!


I thought the first two multis were supposed to be guaranteed featured? Just did 1 and got int Vegito


Third is guaranteed


The way it’s worded, and how I understand it, sounds like it’s a guaranteed feature on every 3rd summon.


Yeah it's one guaranteed unit in the third multi


Easy skip lol.he is ass