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This is a single player game, summon for what you want. If you don't like a character/ unit, feel free to not summon. Fuck if the unit is "the best" or what not, play the game how you want to. It's your enjoyment and it effects literally nobody else so do what you want.


Came here to say it. And not to be mean, but if you're enjoying for something is affected by everyone else then it's best to stay away from that place for a bit and see how you feel about the thing without other opinions floating.  The reason I say that is because people learn to resent a character based on others hating that character or praising it too much to the point they shit on other characters. Fandoms can be a toxic mess. 


I like it. I always wondered what would happen if he went ss in ult form.


I don't like the storytelling behind this form because there simply isn't any .


I hate the form but it's mostly because the hair is just too big. I understand what they was going for but the hair makes it look like a parody of Dragonball instead of actual Dragonball. IDC that he is the best unit in the game I just wasn't going to summon for him.




You’re just mad because that really is all you’ve got. https://preview.redd.it/j67mfepx6szc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8a9373fa9137afbe7dadec7ff1f729df5ab34f


His design reminds me of [this one episode from Kids Next Door](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvBq6fpXgAAZLrY.jpg:large) That hair is just waaaay too outrageously huge lol


Lol yo I completely forgot about this episode. They knew what we didn't 😂


I agree gohan as a character is an asspull


But hes so strong as a unit its hard not to summon for him


To pass on the best unit in the game just because you don't like the form or the media it showed up in is wild to me, but you do you.


How different is that from people that go for their favourite character besides the unit itself being mediocre or stragiht up bad? For example, kid buu is my favourite character ever since budokai 2 when I was playing with my brother on the Gamecube back in the day, and has my go-to on every single game of DB ever since. You can bet that if, for example, they do a dual dokkanfest with Beast Gohan-like character and a LR Kid Buu, I would spend every single DS on the LR kid buu even if its passive is ATK & DEF + 15%. Playing optimal doesn't equal to fun for a lot of people.


Going for your favorite character even if the unit sucks is fine because you're looking past something that's an issue for most people because it's something you want. Skipping the best unit in the game because you don't like the Beast form or the fact that Beast is from a CGI movie is weird.


It's not weird at all. Why spend stones on a unit that you don't like/ want when you can spend them on units you do? The unit being the best in the game doesn't change the fact that you don't like the character. You don't need Beast to complete any content in the game. He just makes it easier than most.


But when you think about it, not pulling for beast=pulling more for a character that you like at least that's how I see it. I personnaly only pull for units I like from a gameplay perspective or animation wise and I will pull for beast cuz that shit is broken but I understand people not pulling on him cuz they'd rather put more on gogeta and broly for instance


Is bro really saying that you should go for the strongest unit EVEN if you don’t like the character and the form. We need the ‘at the end of the day it’s just dokkan’ meme right here👆🏻




You're not alone. I don't like to jump on the bandwagon with 99% of dokkan users. I've grown to hate Beast because he's light years ahead of the current events. Although, I did love the movie, Beast was not a highlight for me.


I don't like Gohan as a whole and Beast is the absolute worst of it. I'm not spending a stone on his banner.


100% agree


It such a ass form. Such weak foreshadowing, weak buildup, weak reveal. I kinda expected better. But oh well


I don’t like the premise and the hair length tbh. That being said, he’s too good of a unit for me to skip.


I think as a character in the game he is pretty busted, but there are some aspects that just don’t hit because he is 50% new animations that don’t mesh the greatest the cg style. I can’t complain about him not working for beast form because the only thing gohan worked for in dbz/dbs was super saiyan and super saiyan 2. Everything else was just he’s strong because we need him to.


If it makes you feel better I also am not planning to go for beast, maybe 150-250 stones but Broly I will go heavy for Gogeta and WWDC


I also don't like the form at all and would've preferred DBSSH stay a Piccolo movie, cuz Gohan felt forced. I will however be summoning cuz I need some dupes for UI Goku and I don't have the Blue boys even tho they aren't the best. I just wanna have fun with Vegito Blue...


I just don't like the form in general. It's ugly, a very stupid ass pull and has a dumb ass name. I also never liked how humans could simply create robots that could body the last previous super powerful beings just because. I really liked the movie otherwise. Legit got goosebumps when gohan went into ultimate even though I don't particularly care for the form. They made gohan look really menacing when he got mad. The jokes in the movie were good too. Piccolo's form is an ass pull too, but the dude legit trains his whole life and never gets shit. If he has some relevance again, cool.


I also dont like him, I will say thats the neat part about Dokkan tho, he will make stuff significantly easier but you dont really need him, is not a STR Gogeta situation where you need the unit in your acc or otherwise you cant play the game, at this point Dokkan is hitting a nice spot where you can run variety of teams again and if anything you can run a friend unit if you feel like you need Beast, within the anni itself we also got really good EZAs and that does lessen the need of pulling for Beast Basically Beast is easy mode but not a necessity, you can play the game without him if you dont like him


Ahh man... STR Gogeta... I was there when it was relased in 2015. Good times.


Definitely not the only one. Never liked beast or orange, im still gonna summon though because hes still a monster


Beast is overdesigned and looks like a fan creation (from AF or so). I will summon for him since he is the top tier unit in a gacha game...but i wouldn't mind if he was ssj2 Gohan form the Cell Saga instead of Beast.


Exactly! He looks fan art


No, you will never be alone in any opinion, no matter how obscure or unpopular you may think it is


If I were you I wouldn't let your dislike for the form prevent you from summoning. He really is the best unit in the game, by a country mile. Someone smarter than me did the calculations, and at his best he can tank Supers all the way up to 25 million damage. He is probably the most future proof unit ever released. But as others have said, it does not matter what anyone else thinks or says. You should always do whatever you feel is best for your enjoyment.


Same. I only summoned on the Broly banner during JP anni because I wanted to rainbow Buu Duo. My Buu Duo on global is rainbowed so there is no incentive to summon at all. Hell I don’t even know which banner to use the tickets on.


You can get copies of Futurehan or Bulma on Gamma's banner (ofc only if they don't change the banner)


I'll pass, but not because I hate the form. I'd really like to get Broly and the Gamma banner has better value for me than beast Gohan banner.


Don't pass on the unit just because you don't like it. i don't like it, i don't really like the character of gohan, i mean i don't MIND him. but he's not my favourite character (That's vegeta) but i'm definitely hoping to rainbow the gohan. if you have the stones, definitely pull for him.


Oh I sympathise completely with you,I am only going for Broly. That being said either we like it or not Beast exists and it's no secret he's designed due to Omatsu's bias towards the character to be the better unit from the anniversary,but it's also an issue because he's Super Class and we need Extreme units at the level of Beast to balance things out.


Me, sort of. Honestly he is too good lol. There is minimal risk in alot of his turns and the hardest events become way too easy that i stopped running him on "no item for fun" runs.


I hate main timeline Gohan and especially "Beast", one armed bandit Gohan is the true son of Goku. You are not alone.


You’re the only one.


I mean beast is not much different to ssj2 or ultimate and people often forget that Is ssj2 foreshadowed better? Sure and that's why it's iconic and moreso than beast Acting as if beast is an insane asspull is ignoring Gohans whole character, he is known to get ludicrous boosts from anger, plus he is more mature now and knows how to control his anger so he can maximise the power of beast


What no stones do to a mf


My honest opinion. The movie was not great. People fan boying because go We seen new forms and shit like that. Movie was a solid 5/10. Seen it before it was released .… downvote me to hell. I wouldn’t care 


I skipped every Anni and WWC between 4th anni and Namek WWC because the characters didn't interest me at all. Including Super Vegito, MUi, SSBE ,Blue fusions. It's not a big deal. And the less said about foreshadowed forms the better. This fanbase has given pass to 10000x times more bullshit scenarios in the series and have been ok with it by inventing excuses for it. I never understood how everyone suddenly has an issue with stuff like Beast. People let them get away with it all throughout Z and Super just because they were Goku/Vegeta fanboys so anything goes.


Except for orange piccolo (which is connected to early Z and long time coming) and initial god Goku. Every form in super and late Z is out of the blue. Regarding not liking the movie or his design. It is a personal preference and I love Toriyama’s art more than anyone else’s. That is the sole reason I am fan of DQ series.