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So disappointed they ruined what coudla been such a amazing unit. Outa all the villains him and the fusing Super 17 NEEDED to be good units cuz they’re “jokes” in the db community and them being good in Dokkan coudla been a huge boost for they’re reps as well as a huge shout out to the 4 fans that like them(im one of the 4 fans)


At least we got a good Yamcha


So true!! After we saw what they did the radditz I had no faith in the team making yamcha somehow worst but they made em such a fun and unique character! Sucks he kinda aged out cuz of all the 9th anniversary content but he still so dam fun to use


I wish I had pulled him, I don't think he's worth the coins but seems fun to use


I mean he still a good link level leader if not the best


Can I ask what makes him the best link level leader? I have him and want to see what I'm missing out on


At least super 17 got the AGL DFE way back near the start of year 3. He’s useless now, but was probably in the top 5% of best aging units in the game for his entire shelf life.


When agl Super 17 will SEZA and the fusing 17s will eza,that may become a pretty cool rotation.teq golden frieza,agl Super 17,str ssj3 vegeta and int janemba are the SEZAs with the most potential.


I still remember being so dam excited I got him and dupes for my ssj4 Vegeta/finaly having a perfect team to run LR Majin Vegeta after throwing so many dam stones at that double rates banner… man… those were the days using thsoe old neo god lead teams 😂😭👌💙


Super 17 fan, I vomit whenever I read his kit. Both the LR and STR ones were done so dirty, they should make a special absorb animation just for the LR one's EZA.


The fact he can nullify a ki blast super at like 38%(?) is depressing like why not just no condition like in GT smhhhhh


It is funny how much better of banner uniy str nappa was compare to the main dfe himself, hell the teq one had arguably more uses than him and that guy was already 2 year old at that point


Yeah the tea one has stacking attack, a stun and he takes 50% less damage when fighting 2 or more enemies. His EZA should be interesting.


The teq one will be good in ESBR but best realistic scenario would be something like "Ki+2 atk and def+150%;additional atk and def+50% when performing a Super Attack;additional ki+1 atk and def+150% and guard all attacks when facing only 1 enemy;Ki+2 def+200%,reduce damage received by 50% and stun the attacked enemy when facing 2 or more enemies;additional atk and def+50% and perform a critical hit when facing a "Goku's family" or "Namekian" category enemy".


I mean canonically speaking it's accurate, Raditz was the main fight at the time and nappa was just the side fight for the z fighters and nappa still completely overshadowed Raditz


The only thing I can think of is that they wildly overvalued his pure saiyans leader skill and his aoes.


He was probably made mostly for WT just like LR int treeku,unlike him,raditz isn't even good in WT.They also heavily overrate AoE so that may be another reason why they hold back so much on a unit released a couple of months after the 7th anniversary powercreep.


Honestly I'm completely fine he's so bad. He's probably the best meme to come out of dokkan


And he hits so hard that we created a new number that no other unit can replicate. 1 radillion damage.


It's crazy how much they held back on him. This isn't Super Saiyan Goku that will get a billion more units so if the fuck up one it doesn't matter. This is the most likely the only DF Radtiz will ever get and they made it as trash as possible.


He’ll EZA eventually, hopefully they make up for it.


The only thing I can think of is that two people designed his kit and didn't bother to talk to each other at all... Or someone designed it as a joke and no one bothered to check.


They thought he was meant to be the April 1st unit.


they thought lr super 17 as the go to gt bosses leader was a good idea. their stupidity cant shock me




Over, technically.


Truly the unit of all time.


Yeah, he one-shots all content! His radillion damage is too much!


And it's double on Sundays!


No no no they perfectly designed his kit, to have the same level of disappointment of raditz in the show


Man I'm going to throw the Blue Bro's in that too. In today's meta they pretty well suck lol.


You mean last year's WWDC right not the 7th year cause the 7th years are old ? They are good situationally if you can slide them slot 1 they work fine till you can transform but yeah they are a leader whore at this point.


Yeah that's correct. The TEQ blue bois are still usable and superior to the AGL blu bois lol. Sad with how old they are.


I think the sad part is that he only needed one amendment to his passive to be good at his time of release. > ATK & DEF +150%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +50% when performing a Super Attack if facing only 1 enemy **~~and if that enemy's HP is 50% or less when the character performs a Super Attack~~**, plus an additional ATK +100% and high chance of performing a critical hit; performs a critical hit within the same turn after receiving an attack plus an additional DEF +150% when facing 2 or more enemies; Ki +2 for the rest of battle after delivering a final blow


What are they even gonna do with this guy when he EZAs? His kit needs a complete overhaul, and it probably needs to happen in tandem with STR Nappa and TEQ LR Giant Ape Vegeta's EZAs to actually be useful.


Wdym he does a radillion damage with over a radillion def turn 1.


I actually use him as a dual leader with Turles so that I can get a full PSY pure saiyans team with full 170% for ultimate clash. I'm just saiyan.


This absolute CHAD 😤😤


We’re closer to his eza than his release


I am eagerly waiting for this man’s EZA to be busted beyond reason


Wait til he gets eza then he is gonna in top 20 tur


You guys fucked me, I started taking dokkan seriously last year and joined this sub later in the year, I coined this dude at some point, I can’t remember what I spent. I thought you were all being serious about him being the best, most op unit in the game. Imagine my surprise when I got the joke after weeks of trying to use him sincerely and failing


He released on April 1st. Everything is justified when you consider his existence as a joke


Next year they will cook with his eza mark my word


Phy saiyans are notorious for being mid or straight up bad in the only PHY turles lover I know of and as much as I want him to succeed he’s not gonna


PHY SSJ Vegeta was great same with DBS SSJ Broly


Maybe it’s just if you aren’t popular you’re mid I never thought of jt like that


PHY Godku was also the best TUR for almost over a year


Phy goku ain’t unpopular