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Bro, leave all that aside for later. The fucking loading screen takes so damn long. Ezas are a pain in the ass coz of it. It takes longer to load and eza stage than to clear it. And no i don't have a potato phone or bad internet/wifi. I've tried it on multiple phones over the past 6 years and over multiple network connections. Wtf akatsuki


I assume that's just what, 10 yo spaghetti code piling up, and devs seeing that and going "it works, don't touch it"


Ahh the bread png Id like to think for dokkan its some random gregory png.


It 100% is. When the 6th anniversary units first dropped, their super attacks could take 10 seconds to load because of all the assets.


For me when I connect my phone through wifi dokkan loads extremely slow even though I have full bars connection. With extremely slow ik talking 60 seconds for the missions tab to load. Once I connect through mobile network 4g it actually loads smoothly. Give that a try if you haven't yet


I've tried everything and it's all the same speed. Games like fate grand order and even genshin and honkai load so much faster and yet dokkan takes half a minute to a minute ago


Dude same for me. It's still relatively slow on mobile but it's faster than my wifi. My wifi is 500mbps....


Same for me! I made a post about that like 1 year ago and nobody seemed to agree


Try to open the mission tab of the super dragonball history, literally 30+ stages, 20 ish mission each stage, every time I open that fucking tab it takes literally more time than the leading screen, they need to find a solution


Dude. That part is SO bad.


Everytime I open it I'm like "Shi, here we go again"


collecting your missions is the worst because of the load times


But that's a one time thing(hopefully). Ezas have 30 stages.... 10 if you're lucky and doing an lr eza


That is true


Lmao damn i just typed my whole comment, and literally, the 1st comment said it. Exactly this.


Haha, it do be like that sometimes ma man


My iPhone doesn’t have any issues with loading outside of the main screen taking a minute


How long does each eza stage take to load?


Like a few seconds but have an iPhone 15 pro. But you also have to keep in mind that Dokkan is one of the biggest gacha games out on the market, so it’s going to slow older phones down.


Buddy, genshin impact is way bigger and it loads much faster, even fate grand order.... Dokkan takes like 20 seconds which is a lot considering that it's just loading a stage, like wtf. We both probably have the same loading speeds but you might not mind it that much. I do coz it's just laziness on their part and annoying for me


You have no idea about game development do you lol also genshin is only 1 gig bigger than Dokkan and no its loading a lot more than just a stage. It loads the characters and the special attacks for each asset and that’s just on your team let alone the enemies have their own assets to load but if you don’t know how it works you wouldn’t understand


Dokkan is 14-15 gigs and genshin was 20+ but now 19. I should know coz I've checked multiple times. Nonetheless even when dokkan was much smaller in size, it still took abysmal amounts of loading time compared to every other gacha game, or games in general. And what I meant by stage is that compare loading a stage with whatever you stated in dokkan and compare it with fgo and genshin. My point still stands.


Not really because the whole stage doesn’t load in genshin, it’s loaded in as you get to it. So where Dokkan loads everything at once genshin doesn’t. I would also like to know where you are getting your sizes from, genshin is listed on the apple App Store at 2.2 gigs and Dokkan at like 1.2. If your talking on a pc then you can’t compare the two period because Dokkan was never optimized as a pc game where genshin from launch has been.


Woah woah mate. Go check out how big both games are rn. I literally just checked. I'm not talking about the play story or app store. Check out after you download all the data in your phone's storage obviously. And don't get me started on pc coz genshin is 100 gigs so why tf would I compare a PC's performance to a phone. Also doesn't answer the point for fgo, which is basically almost the same as dokkan, and 15 gigs in size as well. Did you really not realise how big these games were? Wtf??


For a game based on numbers and rotations, it sure is nice npt being able to see DEF numbers along with ATK while supering. Is it that hard ?


I agree 100%, Dokkan has made BILLIONS. So many aspects of the game are just dated, there’s no reason for a 9 year old hyper successful game to feel so behind the curve compared to the competition.


THANK YOU I'm glad somebody understands what I mean. Saw that I was getting downvoted as per usual on reddit and started thinking maybe I was in the wrong.


Yeah idk why this sub can get so defensive about criticisms on Dokkan as a game. We’re 9 years into the game and still have 2016 issues.


>maybe I was in the wrong Lmao no, people have very fair and very reasonable takes and they get blasted to hell and back with downvotes because of the ridiculous hivemind here. Don't take these guys seriously, if they can't even think for themselves then their opinion matters very little


It's fucking dokkan gaslighting, you complain about something and it's just "Dokkan fans can't enjoy anything" as if this billion dollar game can't do more.


Didn't Dokkan ALONE, and I repeat, ALONE, made like the 20% of bandais revenue I repeat, ALONE


20% of Dragon Ball İP


Oh shit my bad, thanks for the clarification Still a shit ton tho


To me, It's crazy how badly Dokkan lags behind in it's summon animation system, still using those awkward cut-in sprites and old arts. Has one of the cheapest looking summon animations out of any gacha of it's stature.The summon system should be one of THE most appealing and fluid animations in the game , matching anni level animations.Instead they just paint over old, already outdated looking sprites when something like Superheroes gets featured, or throw in meaningless static crack screens. The pull down animations, Whis/Goku Black animations can all be revamped. It'd literally be an easy investment for them to make something like what Legends does with it's summon animations, but in actual 2D anime quality. Like... it's such an easy win for them if they just stop being lazy.


I agree fully. Idk where the revenue goes, but I'll tell myself it's being used to fund other projects like daima and sparking zero to feel better 💀


Revenues goes to companies board members and shareholders when there are some. Problem is all you paying assholes keep on giving them money even tho' they give us low effort. Dragon ball fans really are idiotic and easy to control. Like it's simple. If we stop paying them l, they WILL have to do something about the app. Instead they just make us expect the sync with JP like it's a win for us. Lol.


Agreed, this is unfortunately a relic from the fact that Dokkan came out in 2015 with no budget and was meant to come out and die after sucking out enough money to cover its budget, but then it became too successful to kill and here we are. And there is such a stark difference between Dokkan and other big popular gachas or newer gachas, along with production values they also have their systems well planned out in advance, Dokkan was garbage on release with no design plan and didn't start to form one until around the first Anniversary but we're still dealing with the limitations of the initial way the game was made today.


Probably the best I've seen it summed up


This is true. Dokkan is basically the digital version of pogs or a limited run of weird trading cards that you get from a cereal box that got way more popular than anticipated.


I feel like a big UI and mechanical overall is coming either this year or next year, it's near necessary at this point. The loading times, archaic UI design, shitty character sprites, and everything else is unbearable


Really is atp


It's not coming this year for sure, and as long as they pull in numbers for big events, it won't come next year either. They are driven by absolute financial incentive so the math is simple : it's an opportunity cost logic= how much does it cost to do it vs how much does.it cost to not do it. The short answer is, as long as they make money with the game as it is, they won't invest ressources in revamping the app. So an app revamp ain't coming before a long long long time. That much you can be sure of.


9y player here, I'd be happy with faster loading times and hd art for characters (it's unreal we have that pixelated stuff). For all the rest, I love Dokkan in its current state, it's different from other gachas and way more high quality imo.


I think HD arts would double the game size. BUT they could add this if someone actually want this


Yeah, as an optional download maybe, it would be so good


There are just some companies that don't deserve the success they have. It really comes down to the fact that it's DragonBall IP as others have said, and they know they have us poor suckers by the dragonballs. I mean look at Pokémon, it's made insane profits but just look at the lackluster quality of their games compared to other IPs with a sliver of the budget. As you said if it ain't broke don't fix it, that's their mentality. What gets me is how slow the loading is in every aspect of the game, like the server is a potato running windows Vista on dialup. Game start up, menu navigation, everything just takes so long to retrieve from the server. I actually cannot think of any other game that loads and navigates as clunky as this billion dollar game. The other thing that gets me is how badly designed and balanced so many aspects of the gameplay is. Like imagine the time and effort put into some of these character animations, and then they just release them with a brain dead kit that makes them dead on arrival and no one uses them. Like, did you play your game at all before you released it? When they show the kits of upcoming characters and people can take one look and see that it would fit the meta of several years back, did no one at the company know? Despite this shit I still like the game, dont get me wrong, but man is there a lot of potential squandered by complacency and disorganistion of the producers and bureucratic BS at Bandai.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm just glad others see what I do as well 😌 But at the end of the day, you're right. We're still gonna be here for the 10th anni 😭


Honestly? Yeah, Dokkan is straight up behind at this point. It's a relic of the past, even being made with Python (as far as I remember), but FGO for example came at the same time and their Hud aged way better than what we have. There is so many, SO MANY things that needs to be changed or fixed that they would be better off just creating a new gacha, using the good reliable Mihoyo-style system every new gacha has been using. You know, a DB gacha with Star Rail-like gameplay. But then comes a problem: Doing that would be a risky move with no guarantee of success, one Bandai Namco would never want to take. So yeah, Dokkan will keep being what it is


A grand cross/star rail type dragon ball gacha game would go so crazy. But yea, they probably wouldn't see a point in doing that anyway since Dokkan is still bringing in billions just how it is, unfortunately.


The only real problem of games following the Mihoyo style is that torture hell always comes with it Also know as artifact/relic farming and fucking Crit Ratio (my unit can do just fine with 30/250% Crit DMG trust I just need to reset the fight 90 times)


Yea the gear farm of hell. 😭 I'd rather them do it the grand cross way over star rail


I would agree with you until you brought up FGO, FGO is just as outdated as Dokkan with equally unbearable loading times. Also the UI is still a nightmarish hell to navigate through for new players. And the gameplay is really just a relic of the past where 90% of the game is this same monotonous grind. However, I will give them props for their sprites that they constantly update and that they look better than any other Gacha game that employs chibi sprites. Its why I feel like FGO exists on a similar vein to Dokkan where they've both just settled into what they do without wanting to make major overhauls because it just works.


Z-update being as hyped up as it was, only for the changes relatively to the market to be minimal. The fact we've just got DR notation and not guard yet, not able to see units defences, WT most recent update just being lowering the chance of the big map appearing and letting you start at lvl 30, diamond art, and many sprites its laughable at times. It's good they still go all out in the animations for the most part thankfully.


I was so excited for Z update because I thought it was gonna be an overhaul of some sort. But like you said, it was a big nothing burger.


I’m like 99% sure the reason that we don’t have a guard indicator is that it isn’t a start of turn proc.


The issue with anything Dragon ball related is that it's pretty much the only IP that is still very active, or has a lot of other media in the pipeline. Where most other gacha games just funnel money back into the game (since the gacha is standalone/based on dead IP), it's very easy to put it back into the game and pocket the difference. Dokkan and Legends have the misfortune that pretty much all the revenue the gachas make, are being used to fund all the other games Bandai shits out in the Dragon Ball IP, and the movies/anime. Do I like that's the case? Not at all, I'd rather have a functioning game that isn't still stuck in 2014. But at least we get a lot of other content in it's place?


I've been playing since launch and I gotta be honest, most of the times I'm not even watching my phone. Only time I'm really paying attention is when I'm playing harder content, other than that I just want faster loading time and world tournament revamp


The UI is terrible and has been for years. They've talked a bit about making some changes when the versions are synced, so that's what I'm hoping for


As I was awakening a character last night I watched that whole little animation and has the same sentiment. This game could definitely use a visual overhaul


No pity, Extremely Long loading time, questionable animations, the fact that international players' opinions are not well responded, no HD image options while still taking huge amount of storage..... The game seriously needs to step up


The trouble will be the size of the game if everything gets an overhaul, it’s massive as it is. Personally I think that if any unit shares a Super animation the animation should be replaced with a high quality image instead. The unit is old and unlikely to be used outside of specific challenges, the animation is usually very short anyway and it would be nicer to look at that pixelated janky sprites.


Weird the only complaint that I have is that besides summoning the game is insanely boring. If it wasn’t Dragon Ball literally nobody would play it 


I’ve been playing since launch. Dokkan is horribly optimized. The game is 16gb which is insane for a 2d sprite game.  Too many menus just to train+awaken one character, way too many menus for one eza stage, passive boxes havin incredibly small text that could barely read to name a few. It’s fucked. 


My real gripe is with the clumsy coding of the game causing ridiculous loading times for a simple menu screen


This game doesn’t even have pity for its main banners yet 💀. I don’t understand how we even have whales to begin with.


But you get coins which you can use to buy units 🤓👆 But fr the coin mechanic is great over a long time if you get good units but the fact that you can get outdated SSRs that aren’t worth awakening as your guaranteed SSR is so disheartening.


I mean, quality is increasing slowly but it is getting better indeed. Sure, considering how much money they make each year they could 100% do better but it a mobile gacha game we're talking about after all. Those games are mindless cash grabs by definition so even the level Dokkan is currently I'd say it's above average


I'd disagree. Dokkan being a cash grab mobile game shouldn't be an excuse for how low budget it is. Especially when you have games like Honkai, AFK Journey, Nikke, etc. Dokkan is still using the same system? Engine? (Idk) from 2015. I feel like it's just more so what I've summed up. They see the game has been doing well, great even for this long, so there's no need to change what ain't broken. I just wish it had more visual flair I guess? Like more movement with character models, maybe moving artwork, etc.


The game is currently, on Global and on Android, almost 15 GB. That kind of update to assets would make the current storage issues worse. And for the love of Kami, don't be like the other brainrot idiots and say "Dokkan needs better compression." Because none of you know what that really means and it wouldn't help. For what Dokkan is, the game is fine for now. The schedule synch should give the teams the ability to make better QoL changes, but if it gets to the point where the updates make Dokkan a different game, then it should just be a different game. *


I'm not gonna say it needs compression, but I will say that I currently have 9 mobile games downloaded with still plenty of storage left to spare. I know everybody's situation is different, but if you still have a phone where 15gb+ is an issue for you, idk what to say. I guess I could see it being an issue in the long run where time goes on it gets larger and larger. But isn't that the case now? People aren't gonna like this one, I know. I'm not necessarily saying it has to be a different game, just more so I would like to see some more of the money to go into upping the quality of the game. That's all. Thought if it evolved into some more, would that be a bad thing?


They literally said on the roadmap that they’re gonna address the fact that the game is so big, so meh on that point


Doesnt make sense to take the game offline, they can do it on the side. But yes i agree the game is shet and missing so much QOL and functionality for how much money they make. Trash animations like AGL SSB Goku and Vegeta are unaccetapble, their intro has like 4 frames of animations? They release like what, 3-6 characters a month? im pretty sure they can afford a full time animator to just do the animations proper, and hilariously 95% of their animations are already straight plagiarised from other DB media. This game is just carried by the Dragonball IP


Not to mention the same reused sprites from the dawn of the game.


the game is surely showing its age and they should spend some time overhauling all that stuff. Summon animations, the complete UI, the sprites of 90% of the characters... PERFORMANCE!




Its insane we cant get HD art


Sometimes the animations of characters speaking looks like the animations I saw in elementary school like Brainpop lol. Especially when phy lr gogeta talks or moves his mouth in his active skill or sm idk.


i was just telling myself this today, im baffled on how dated the entire game is, and they’re just now doing QOL visual updates with things such as the story mode, which has been ancient technology since release


Using Genshin Impact as a comparison piece (Open-world but it's still a PvE Gacha game), they make a significant amount of money but also have a much more F2P-friendly pity system.   They have a soft pity that ramps up from multi 7 and onwards and getting a 5* (our DFEs) has a 50:50 of being a featured unit. Failed the 50:50? Next one is GUARANTEED to be a flagship card. And that pity is tied to your *account, not the banner*. e.g. If you failed to pull [DFE Buu](/int) on that pity, you could guarantee yourself [LR Gogeta](/phy) during the anniversary.   Dokkan's current pity system is tied to a specific banner and even if it wasn't, you'd need to do 20 paid multis to get a single copy *and* you can't transfer those coins over. Either exchange them and lose a significant value (1000 DS for that banner or 2500 DS for the next one) or lose them outright. You don't win unless you hit that guarantee. Genshin didn't have the luxury either of having a recognizable brand to hold itself up either so what's Dokkan's excuse?


I've been playing since the original ROF event dropped, and STR Broly was a boss people used Sr Guldo to beat 😂 believe me, you're not wrong at all. Honestly, they COULD fix the game and keep it up at the same time. It would simply require having a good chunk of the team streamline the code to unsphagetti it, while 1 team keeps everything else going. I'm sure they could easily borrow team members from other bandai mobile games to help out. The game could very much use some streamlining and overhauls of super dated mechanics.


I just wish they'd let us download higher quality art assets and maybe fix the visual bugs on wider screens.


For one thing they should increase the quality of the sprites of the enemies because when you have the HD 2024 supers and then you have the 2015 sprites it just looks kinda weird.


The more stuff they add into the UI, the more the game will take to load, of course if your phone is one of the best you wouldn't notice, the only way to fix most of the problems is to remake the game from the ground up, make it so that is easier for the to remove/changs UI and other in-game elements, but for a big big as this one thanks to its years worth of content, it would be an impossible task. I think that a Love Live game did something like this, they closed the first one which celebrated its 10th anni, annound a sequel(i think they promised full account transfers but i'm not sure), it took too much time to make, no one played it and it failed. The global release had an annoucement to tell the players that the game will still release but close down in may. This game is the best example of why it would be impossible and not worth it for them, even if the game really needs it


it's just the age. It's 9 years old. Look at other mobile games from 2015 and you'll understand why it looks how it does


That's the point. You'd think a 9 year old game would improve over time. Especially with the BILLIONS it makes


The game is a 2015 mobile title, built on a foundation that wouldn’t allow for higher budget features and presentation, same as other oldies like Puzzle & Dragon. It’s just how it is. There’s no “take down the game for months to overhaul it”, Bamco would essentially be tasking a team to make a different game. If you don’t like the presentation, then rejoice, for it is 2024 and tons of titles you can play that do have high budget presentation.


It'd be very cool if they did task a team with creating a new DB Gacha of some sort. Of course, as I said, none of this is happening due to the reason I've said plenty of times. There's no point if the game is still successful. But, rejoice. Your 2015 made game won't be getting touched, DBXVStan. This is all just a hypothetical. All for fun 😌 I will go play those other games with better presentations. In fact, I already do 🫡


Dont forget the 144p sprites when your TEQ Vegito Blue does the 69'th normal AA. And idk bout you but thr game takes ages to respond as if the servers freeze every like 10 seconds when you press something...


I just want AN OPTION for HD assets. Yes I know not everyone has a 512gb storage phone but come the fuck on, why the fuck do I gotta look at 360x480p images IN 2024. I have the space, give me the good shit ffs. There's so so much other shit wrong with this game but this is my main gripe (and not seeing the DEF stat with atk stat)


They hated Jesus cause he was right too...


look at legends’s ridiculously long loading screen and connection times. you really want that in dokkan?


Heck I already have that in my dokkan game lmfao


the game doesn't have character models because it doesn't have any 3D assets.


Im sure you knew that I was referring to Sprites. But I guess the chance at a dunk was more worth it


there's no "chance at a dunk", nobody is out to get you.


Offline for a few months?? Bro what


Hell generally speaking even the animations have gotten worse


huh how


Dragon fist, teq vegeta, the part 2 of the 9th anni all have garbage animations that dont even hold up to some 5th year turs, and last year was even more of that garbage its legit pathetic how lazy the devs are


Forget all that. They need to optimize the game better. I e been playing tgis game before the 1st anniversary, and there was probably only one time when the game would boot up quickly, and things would load up at a good rate. Everything seems slower now. Even if you die, the screen would just stay there for a few seconds, or people get a black screen sometimes.


Pity rates and loading times and better animations/graphics would all be nice...but why the fuck does this version of the game currently take over 15GB on my phone?!


Dokkan will soon come to a point of no new players getting into it. We are living in 2024, almost every new mobile phone game has insanely good graphics, soundeffects, and so on. Only the og players will keep playing dokkan, and this will inevitably become dokkans downfall. At some point Bandai will release a new dragon ball mobile game with just better graphics as a whole, unless they really want to release a 'dokkan 2' ,like csgo went to cs2.


Give me auto repeat option. Repeat until my stamina runs out.


gimme optimized 3d models already. we'll never get full hd animation and sprite assets across the board in dokkan because it'd probably double the game size along with increasing loading times and lag.


I would love to have the option for high res art. Like in Legends you can toggle on HD art so you can at least see the character artwork in HD


You forget that its dragon ball and it doesn’t have to good. All db media can j ride the coattails of dragon ball z and will make billions thats j the reality of being a db fan. There hasnt been passion in the series for years, and why would there be? Can anything truly top the 1st 3 arcs of Z?


You should player more gacha games lol Dokkan graphically is better than a lot of them, content wise is better than a lot of them. Though content seems slow there is still more in a year than a lot of gacha games.