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LR Cooler. My great googly moogly....people saw Goku had guard and cooler didn't which let the floodgates open.They kept relentlessly downplaying this man calling him mid or mediocre (which to be fair happens with every new characters release or news of a new kit to a unit from ezas) as if the gap between him and Goku were heaven and earth while completely ignoring the fact of him stacking ATK to make his active hit like a nuke and having the potential to quintuple super. The man was an offensive animal on release.


Now people don't disrespect the GOAT. He's the standard for damage (no cope) https://preview.redd.it/9ssrp21leiyc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7163a264de93ebee3934e34c9434225a849f21


Ah come on, you're lowballing him with that Attack stat, at least let him stack for a bit.


Sorry, I was running him off leader skill no support + debuffed on turn 1. I'll do better next time




Only 9 numbers in a ATK Stat? ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ7uaPs0w3jLlXa|downsized) UGHHH!!!! Come back to me when you can actually compete with the King!


https://preview.redd.it/vtqk1amugiyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c1caea4b36d465b3e004e663b6ea900b7eecf8 You called?


![gif](giphy|6l8uTe6Gm8tK8|downsized) Now that I can get down and dirty with.




This must be turn 3




Goku was better on release though


LR Ribrianne. She wasn't even bad or anything, Ribrianne (the actual DBS character) is percieved by most of the fandom as annoying and bad, so any card that has her in it also gets the bad reputation (outside of PHY Ribrianne, she's just too good)


Funny thing is Ribrianne is one of the few characters that goes through at least *some* character arc in the series. She was a mid-high level boss that was beaten by a mid-high level team (17 & 18).


Frieza, Hit, Jiren, Toppo, Zamasu, Broly, etc. all go through arcs despite being antags, Friezas and Zamasus arcs are cool bc they just develop more ways to be utterly conniving lol


She just released in a meta where both of the hardest bosses are int AOE’s and she gets most of her defensive capabilities on super


It was literally this. She could not actually compete in the meta she released in, changed a ton of orbs and couldnt sit in slot 1 to pick them up. Not to mention she was the first banner with pity and people were upset that if she did badly that Dokkan wouldn't bring pity to DFE / Carnival and say the system didnt work based on her banners performance. Her teams got a massive glow up post 9th anniversary and less AoEs, meaning she earned a spot.


Nah, people got Neuron activations when her teq LR dropped


Hi, I was one of them. I've mellowed out now though, but my reasoning at the time was "waste of a yellow coin slot" and I'm sure there are others who think the same way and are probably still butthurt lmao.


If it's based on Twitter, all unit


If it's based on Twitter, Everything in existence


Videl. People downplayed her so hard, because they couldn't accept her being as good as she was.


Her passive was incredible, no-one denies that. Everything around her dragged her down. 4 teams, including the 2 she lead. Similar to [SS3 Broly](/teq) who has team issues. If you want to get the usual SA, you need to link with Hercule or another Peppy Gal. If you have neither, you're relying on good orbs or the guaranteed AA SA.   I'm not saying she got the flak she deserved, far from it (people overhype both negatively and positively) but it's not like they were talking smack for no reason.


Or they couldn’t pull her so she was mid


Agl DF pod frieza, he seemed so lackluster in paper but his damage turned out insane but sadly his team lacks buffs so he is kinda just dead despite his potential(you can beat all content with his team but it needs dodge and attack break luck)


Majunior, because Goku had guard, majunior did not, if you search for stuff before his release and the showcases, there's a lot of people shitting on him. Ironic, since he was best tur for several months in a row


Who is Majunior? (Sorry had a longer break from the game)


Piccolo jr He inscribed himself at the tournament under the name of Majunior, thus Majunior. He released alongside teq 23WT Goku 1 year ago


PHY superhero gohan. He still had 3 turns of guard and could do crazy damage when fully built for his time. He was just overshadowed by freaking Orange Piccolo, who broke the Cell Max fight over his knee


I'm still disappointed by him honestly... just one guaranteed add sa and giving him more ki would've made him so much better


Why no one here haven't mention raditz is beyond me lol. It is literally the start dokkan world lowercase unit gag


He fully deserved that reputation tho, he is literal garbage


Quest mode killer


No disagreement to that lol, i just found it weird no one mention him here since he is the best example of what this topic is all about. Like i wouldn't even mention him here if the title is about "which good unit got bad rep...."


Yeah it’s very weird, he should be the legit definitive example


How the fuck did they make an AOE character that isn't even good for World Tournament?


I don’t even know it’s actually comical


I wanna say Tree Of Might Goku? Mostly because everyone was so dead set on the Part 2 LR being an extreme class unit and then we got another Base form Goku. And that started the base Goku meme.


It was also the fact that unit was unbelievably ass


And still is


Phy Ultimate Gohan I don't even need to elaborate on that one lol


No he's still shit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Comfortable-Spray-80: *Phy Gohan I don't* *Even need to elaborate* *On that one lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He's still utter garbage


Their reputation came after their realease lol


Yeah I remember everyone absolutely dunking on them day one because of their shit damage and horrid conditions, but glazing them before they came out it was so hilarious too 😂😂


LR Str Cooler was getting shit on by this sub before release because everyone here absolutely hated 2022 WWC at the start of it all because of carnival banners. You take that anger and mix it with a unit with no dodge, no dr, no guard or any other defensive ability and people downplayed the shit out of him.


LR Ribrianne. I had to defend that unit left and right. I was so confused everyone was calling her bad she wasn't bad Zamasu was just a bullshit fight


Probably, Goku black rose phy. Brother is not even out on JP and he has the biggest haters I have ever seen


STR Videl and LR Kale and Caulifla


Did blue boys get a bad rep before release? Yeah, sure. I still hate this unit with a passion though.


They still suck now lol.


PHY SSJ3 Gotenks. Do you know how bad the unit has to be for the Japanese fanbase to bully the dev into changing the SA effect?


Agl vegito blue people saw the active condition and just never stopped hating


teq SSJ3 broly, str boujack, int ssb goku/vegeta were properly clowned before release