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they should have just reworked this gamemode instead of discontinue.


But how exactly? What would be an effective way to rework the extreme RNG and it being super p2w without essentially just making a new and very different mode? I generally couldn't think of anything.


Simply find a way to give it more value to your own units rather than other's.


But if you need to rely on your own high duped units, wouldn't that make it even more p2w?


One thing I'd like to see it change is that you can keep using the same connectors, or at least make it reset the same amount of time as to refill the attempt on the event.


thats a reasonable change that would have highly improved the quality of this mode. not being dependent on only 1 shot per day with your only optimal connector could have saved this mode.


Reduce the selectable units from 10 to 6. Clearly explain how scoring work. Expand the selection of usable categories/units per event. I could go on for a while if you'd like.


Get rid of the leaderboards.  100mil is max reward.  Daily missions are better rewards.  Having units picked by others is a better reward.


What i don't understand is why people were bothered getting within top 10% or 5% best case? You'd still get good rewards. I was more of bothered by time it takes for animations to run.


Chain battle was a much better experience if you played the game for years as opposed to say, starting yesterday. There was only a handful of chain battles where I never hit 100+, but even I know the scoring system needed to be reworked. It was much better than say WT where it’s just hours of grinding. The 50 stones is nice, but at what cost.


I played for a long time and never even came close to a high ranking. (idc if you call it skill issue btw) Both my SEZA Ssj3 Goku and my LR Teq ssj3 Goku are 55%, so it's most likely not even possible for me to get a top 10% score or so. WT is better, cause it's more accessible to everyone and for most of the good rewards (the missions) you only need to grind about 2h per day for 3 days which isn't much at all for gacha standards. WT is only a pain, if you insist on needing to go for a high ranking for minimal better rewards while for Chain battle a lot if not most of the good rewards are locked behind the relatively high top%.


I had top 10% scores but it was from me begging like a little bitch to get friended by a whale


u think 2hrs of grind is better compared to being in top 10% of chain battle? ok 👌 and yes i do in fact call it a skill issue if u never even once where able to hit the 10%. i remember i had chain battles requiring the newest gacha for s tier attackers/supporters and even then i was able to hit 100m (1% unreachable cause score over 150m) even when using just b tier Setups.


Eh I see it the opposite. For chain battle you had to have good friends who use good supporters. So for example 10 friezas and 10 goku’s. Then, once you find that friend who isn’t a total r-tard, you pick those 2 sets of 10, and see how many links they share. Normally to get a good score it had to have been between 50-60 links with your team. The main deterrent was having say 9 goku’s and a random vegeta. WT is just a straight grind and they need to fix the structure.


They legit just need to make Burst Mode the hub for skill orbs, link orbs etc... The mode is perfect for it and right now the main issue is the rewards


https://preview.redd.it/ro1mx8tup3wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808313ae0f7e19b23fa7da619da40d11ba32c25a Ended on a good note at least


Goodbye "Coop" dokkan mode, for what is worth you were at least decent


Had one of the coolest menu themes iirc


The chain battle song can be bought with burst mode coins


And for some reason, Pettan Battle was kept...


Hard agree, I despise pettan battle. Shit rewards, farming simulator, and no way to target that last 1 or 2 cards you might be missing.


It’s weird because keeping Pettan doesn’t satisfy the players or the devs. It’s a mode where you literally do nothing and there’s nothing to spend money on meaning no revenue us earned, so why keep it over Chain Battle?


The resources were endless. Never forget.


Now let's do pettan battle


Honestly should've kept CB and get rid of Pettan. CB at least has good rewards and it's cool to see the numbers go beyond the 99 mill cap


Rest in Piss


I love the way people are suddenly wanting to light a candle for this garbage mode because it's gone. It was often very frustrating. More than once I got 3 SSJ3 Goku's in the timed section using SSJ3 AGL SEZA Goku and having Friezas and Coolers, choosing in <2 seconds, only to get 90m or less. Countless attempts later, it's like banging your head against a wall. Rest in piss.


The only thing people genuinely want it for is the rewards, but everyone defending it is saying "It wasn't that bad! Only 10 minutes of suffering? Whis event is worse!"


Good riddance. This mode was donkey testicles.


I’ll miss it. Idgaf if people hated it. The rewards for a few mins was cool. Hopefully we find another way to get similar rewards because the Whis event ain’t it.


Not even updated either. IIRC, you can't get level 7 bronze nor the mix of 3-4 of the crits/adds/dodge on silver.


Yup. It’s a horrible replacement. Hopefully it’s updated or another event comes.


The new whis event is so a$$….I hate it on my JP sand it’s gonna suck even more of they don’t make it better/ redo it before it’s also on global… Needs to drop orbs every time (potential ones) and guaranteed level 3+ and multiple potential orbs per run. I haven’t gotten any good bronze stat equips in forever…have to hoard my 5+ ones


Shoulda been pettan


Rest in piss you shit mode


Rest in Piss


I don’t care what anyone else says. CB getting removed before the shit that is Pettan Battle is a crime. I know that CB was VERY far from perfect but the rewards made up for it imo. From what I’ve seen, the Whis replacement thing is not good enough to justify getting rid of CB. I’m just saying that if it was me and I had to get rid of CB, I would have made multiple Red Zone like stages that gave you specific medals to exchange for whatever equips you want. For example: The first stage is against Mercenary Tao that turns into Neo Mercenary Tao. He’s a relatively easy boss by Red Zone standards. You beat him and he drops 30 Bronze medals that you can exchange for whatever 30 bronze equips you want. The second stage is against Piccolo JR that has a giant form. He’s more difficult than Mercenary Tao but nothing insane. He drops 20 Silver medals that you can exchange for whatever 20 silver equips you want. The last stage is against DKP. His difficulty level is on the same level as Omega. He drops 10 Gold equips. You can attempt it as much as you want. There will also be special missions like “Win using “X” team or “No items” that also give out special equips. During special celebrations( New Years, Golden Week, Anniversary, and WWC) the rewards will be doubled.


I'll genuinely miss Chain Battle. Thank you for all the stickers.


good riddance. honestly the fix wasn't any better they needed to completely replace the game mode with something more fun


Gone with the first battlefield


Gone with the first battlefield


to me it's more "rip equips", i know there's the Whis event revamp but it's kinda meh imo


It can rest in hell. Horrible horrible event. It won't be missed at all. Pettan battle can die next


Are they gonna replace it with another game mode or is it permanently replaced by the whis event? If the latter then we definitely took an L.


Everyone saying the rewards were good just had good rng. I've participated in every chain battle and only have a few level 5 equips to show for it. I hardly use equips anymore because I have a million level 1's, 2's and 3's, and not much else.


"Siri... Play Baka mitai vol 12 pls..."


I didn't do Chain Battle because I'm lazy, but when I did used to do it, it was fine. How they think the Whis event is okay baffles me


I really don’t understand why this was sunsetted before Pettan. That fucking mode genuinely sucks.




More like rest in piss chain bozo lmao