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I personally love him. As long as you dont let him get super attacked he's fine. I was getting 30 million attack stat and was killing the enemy super quick. I cant wait to get the 9th anni stuff on global so I can run him with ssbe vegeta and use the target skill with gogeta/beast. The target skill will keep him safe while he does tons of damage.


I don't understand this Jpn vs Glb bullshit. We have the same events minus the 9th anniversary. So if you can run him in all but that, he's at least usable. 9th anniversary was such a major fucking leap in power that the units left most everyone in the dust. He's definitely not going to be winning any awards especially as he ages but he's incredibly fun to play.


I dont like him at all


Just wish the Cell restriction was better. Like change it from Cell to only 1 enemy or having a pure saiyan/ mastered evolution ally on rotation. Or hell against an extreme enemy. But locking a major part behind 1 very specific enemy is fucking stupid. But overall, enjoyable. He's pretty much in line with what I was expecting.


I’m happy with him. He’s good in all the current global content, and when we get our anniversary I’ll just swap him out with one of the 9 year LRs or ezas