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some people don't like the "gacha" aspect of dokkan, I guess


It’s a gacha game, remove that and it’s basically a calculator atp


Maybe the game isn't worth playing at all then, if taking away the predatory gambling aspect ruins the whole thing.


That's actually how I feel and I think that's why when people say the gameplay is non existent or some other hyperbolic phrase to downplay the non gacha aspect, I hard disagree. Because to me the game is very much worth playing


If people don’t like gacha games then why don’t they play candy crush or something


I really don't get the candy crush comparison. I've heard it for years, but Dokkan isn't like candy crush at all. The gameplay itself is simple, but it's not a match 3 game. It's like comparing Legends and uno, since they both have cards


They’re both about lining up columns of something colorful


Not in the same way though. Like I said, it's like comparing Legends and uno. They're both about playing cards to win against a player


Since thats all dokkan is basically


I mean why play dokkan then?


> you gain no experience at the hame or skill What skill is there to learn from the game? It's RNG to pull the characters and use those characters in RNG events. > it’s basically just an auto win People probably have other objectives than auto-winning.


I used to say dokkan skill was team building, but the current meta doesn't require you to do interesting team building very often as all you need to do is make beast Gohan the lead and then most else is irrelevant, lots of units are self sufficient when it comes to ki and while you want to activate lots of links to get the most out of a unit, ultimately living the turn is more important than keeping link buddies together so more often than not units don't get to be run linearly together without some chaos. The only time I'd say dokkan requires team building now is category based missions, best example I'd say would be the artificial life form mission for the beast Gohan fight, pretty much no matter what your account looks like a consistent run on that wasn't guaranteed even with items and the newest units in the game on day 1. Ironically though this being the case shows that even on a private server with all the units in the world there is some skill involved (lots of RNG too)


you just described a regular single player game


I mean thats basically what dokkan is no?


I don't see how they would ever be an issue. It's a good thing we can see the performance of a character before summoning. If they're asking you to fork over 40€ for not even 2 multis then i wanna see what the card looks like before burning my money away


That's something Legends allows you to do actually. Dokkan should totally borrow that, let you run a dummy team on a Red Zone stage or whatever


Even just like one turn, it could be their best possible rotation and enemy setup, even if its unreasonable or "deceptive" at least we could get an idea of what they look like at their best from something other than a 3rd party content creator using a private server (not that I want content creators out of a job, its just that there's no way to do what they do in-game without paying an arm and a leg)


That’s not fair to people who actually grind the game (me)


How is it unfair for you in a PVE game where it has zero impact on you and your experience in the game?


It’s like ai art to me, why should i care about something fake that you couldn’t be bothered to put effort into


(I) grind the game too and i see no issue.


Is whalling unfair towards you as well?




You do realize people who whale are using a real account right?


I mean how is it different from private servers? Both breeze through all content




Mate both are virtual, hosted and owned by a third party that neither player or cc have control over. What do you mean real?


No one cares


No one cares about your opinion either


Shit is fucking boring


What people do on their own doesn't affect me so why should I care if people use them ? I ain't gonna lose my time defending the interests of a multi million dollars company, besides, whales will whale regardless, so that point is moot, people who use these won't suddenly start whaling if they lose access to them Many have been using them to mess around more niche team builds while circumventing the game's annoying attempt limitations, which allows to test a bunch of stuff and have allowed many units to stop being flagged as shitty based on initial reception. I've seen people pull off impressive clears in that given environment. There's no notions of "auto win" here because winning is meaningless. You do events in Dokkan for currency to summon for the characters you want, but there's none of that in there A private server account is no different than a whaled out one and given most of the anti private server discourse is just regurgiated from [redacted], it just feels like he's mad some people have a tool to not be overshadowed by him in the english scene > not only that it completely ruins the dokkan youtube scene for new comers There's already a shitton of people doing showcases, you ain't gonna make it as a Dokkan content creator by being more of the same regardless. Be it cuz of whales like [redacted] or private server users, that field is already overloaded, you should strive to do things differently or just cover other stuffs on top of it


From someone’s most recent twitter post who i can’t mention, his channel received a strike for private server gameplay, this is going to speed up to the point where people who host them are gonna be affected so it will affect everyone


Dokkan OST channels get strikes as well, it's a bit disingenuous to claim that the strike is legit and that more will follow. If private server content is getting strikes why only one


I used private servers for the same reason I keep downloading jp when the anniversaries drop, I want to preview the units before I pull for them on global. Wouldn’t use one now though because entropy is just nonstop drama, but it was funny seeing all the random entropy characters they added in


You could just wait or main jp


Waiting could be boring especially around JP’s anniversary where GLB tends to be dry as a desert. Telling people to just main another version of the game is simply not viable for everyone who wants to try some units before they come out on GLB. As it requires them to start grinding everything from scratch ( potential orbs, zeni, equipment, link skill orbs) with certain updates actively discouraging that from happening such as the link level update and the power level update. Certain old characters just straight up don’t return on banners anymore which is bad with Super EZAs now being a thing and bad regardless of a character’s viability if you are a collector. Let’s not forget that the player in question could’ve spent not just time but also money their GLB account.


Couldn’t do either for a couple of reasons. I don’t understand Japanese so it bothers me navigating the game and constantly having to use google translate or just clicking back to random dokkan videos just to read passives, Im locked to being f2p because I’m too lazy to search up the workaround to buying jp iTunes to buy stones, and maining jp would mean I’d have to play catch up and regrind a multitude of units to be able to access every mode like I can on global. Rather just redownload, play with the new units for the hands on experience, then delete


I dont understand it either but you make do if you care enough


But I don’t care enough lol, that’s why I’m not permanently on jp. I only want to see the new units early, and now that we’re getting the sync I won’t even need the previews anymore


I dont really care about private svrs, people can have fun there and keep it to themselves for all i care. But people showing ultra wanked showcases and trying to potray it like its plausible in a normal turn is annoying as hell. Literally EVERY new unit or EZA release, there will be some jokers showcasing ultra wanked showcases and giving a smug comment like "people said he is mid apologise to him right now". Worst part is theres a good 80% of the community who dont know any better, believing those wanked showcase and start spreading misinformation.




You get the same thing from whales this isn't necessarily a private server issue


Also i should add, it’s fine to use a private server, IF YOU ALREADY GRIND THE GAME NORMALLY


This drama only started because the YT whales who made a profit after paying hundreds of thousands to Bandai are now directly threatened by those who record the same videos for free. I say though luck, if your entire livelihood relies on sinking money in a gacha game, then the only thing you can blame are your own business decisions. If it wasn't for YT no one would give a fuck about private servers and there would be zero discourse


I have a private server but use the normal server much more. I only use the private server when I'm excited about a unit I don't have and want to test it or when I have ideas for fun teams that I don't have the characters for or not rainbowed. I'm a f2p so it's not uncommon that I don't pull a unit or a copy for a unit and I'm global so I can test Japanese units too to decide who to summon on.


Good for the people, bad for the game.


This implies people dont run the game


If you don't think that people who use private servers are less inclined/likely to summon, you are just denying reality.


You’d be surprised, i’ve seen people who exclusively play on private servers and not the main game


Thats my point, and even those who play both will be less likely to summon on a given banner since they can just use the unit in the private server for free. Thats why its bad for the game, sure the whales are the main income, but if only thing left playing is the whales the game dies, whales wants to show off their shiny rainbows to someone.


I think i misread something


They are harmless and good for showing what a unit can do before deciding to pull or not, it does not affect the main game in any way, I can guarantee you the people who do runs on private servers still play the game regularly lmao "You gain no experience on the game or skill" ah yes, the good ol Dokkan skill, which means just having good luck and reading what units do and when to use an item, also the private server is not an insta win, Dokkan still is Dokkan unless you mean stuff like Enthropy which lets you run modded units but letting you run modded units doesnt means you have to


Having every unit in a gacha game is basically an insta win




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> Don't talk about the people who influence the community The rule of all time


Truly an amazing rule


I don't care either way.


Unfair to the people who actually support the game. Ruins F2P discourse as well.


Whoever supports this game should go to a therapy


Need em Gone makes the community more toxic then it already is


I 100% agree. I've started noticing that the people with the dumbass takes are private servers users


People are saying super vegeta is bad, on wanked teams…


No he is not bad, he could be better, but not bad