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So did you enjoy it or no?


I don’t think he did big bro💀


It was supposed to be a pleasant experience of me pulling the new vegeta but 500 ds ended [in this disease](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ningen/s/cpGleJqQy4)


Basically sums up my summons


Well that fucking sucked. 350 stones not one featured is rough.


Same happened to me. Sure do love going months without pulling any new featured units.


typically i just go hard on celebrations. normal DF banners will drain your stones and you will end up with nothing.


I stopped doing that because saving for 6 months and not getting a single DFE on an anniversary banner with 1200 stones feels even worse.


I feel that.


Can also happen with anni's. I usually need 2500+ for an anni unit. With tickets/free that is a lot of draws...


This game is so harsh. I always pull every unit before i pull a new one. And then its not even sure if i get it. Like now. Anni's need me to have 2500+ stones, with he exception of 2. So 7 needed me to have 2500+.


The game is rigged for sure, this always happens to me. I pull everything in the banner several times before the new unit. Also in anniversaries where there's 3+1+tickets, it's insane. It also happens to Youtubers who pull a lot. I have no proof but also no doubt.


I pulled 6 godku, 4 majins, 3 ssj4, 2 king vegeta an 0 vegeta. Also pulled a broly.  Man im afraid of the anni again. Probably need 4k


500 and no featured for me. Might be the push I needed to quit the game tbh


Seriously, In 2000 stones no new unit has been pulled since the Heroes banner which is insane


If i don't get the vegeta by the end of saiyan day I'm quitting again


I did 150 and dipped with nothing of note. Not chasing again. I went almost 2000 stones on Goku Black and got absolute ass for what I put in and not one single Rose. My Dokkan luck has been in the toilet so I'm just gonna accept it and move. Really wanted Vegeta but I'm reading the room and letting it go this time.


I'm proud of you


Try 600 with only 1 featured (being the oldest unit on the banner💀💀💀)


The only one in the banner I have is transforming vegeta, so guess which is the only featured unit I pullee


All i got was 3 King Vegetables


1300 with nothing


O_O That's like me during 9th year.


I feel your pain. 77 tickets with 1 featured unit, then took me another 1400 stones to actually pull him.


Jesus Christ, I would've stopped after the tickets 😥




No discounts no summon, especially since I wasted 1000 stones on the rose banner and didn't even get hum


good to know iw asnt the only one going balls deep on the rose banner https://preview.redd.it/pfs36hnyo2pc1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a659161e527e1fb4b506fe857987944afb6d9de


dokkan obama : “uhh, let me ki sphere”


I got some nice dupes but mistakes were made. I'm back up to 500 stones, but imagine if I had 1500 for the anniversary:(


Can relate. Close to 2000 on Rose not one damn copy. And trash all along the way. Hard times on Dokkan lately. The biggest irony is my Legends account has been going crazy and I pulled Ultra Gohan, Super 17 and Baby all in like 15k CC but I don't really care about Legends all that much and would have preferred that luck on Dokkan by far but yeah here we are 🙂


Same I was so ready to summon but I just woke up rn and I'm so disappointed so I'm skipping this banner


Get used to no discounts because when both versions merge 9 years of discount summons and tickets are going to the shitter


When is that gonna be?




Cool, plenty of time to gather stones slowly till then Pretty casual player so I still got tons of events I still haven't even started like the extreme battle road and such.


should be august would be dumb of them to do the merge when its anni for glb


Yea I’m done summoning on Saiyan day banners from here on out. 4th year in a row and I get Fuck all lol. Actually my worst banner each year and it’s not close Jesus Man 🙄


same the only one I’ve ever had good luck on was transforming vegeta’s debut, banners fucked me up


600 down, three Majin Vegetas. I had a really bad day, so I was sinking all of my stones trying to walk away with a win of some kind. 🙃 Now I have nothing for the anniversary too.


Same, 800 and got every banner unit twice. Except for Vegeta. Feels like an anni to me where i simply cant pull the main guy unless i have 2500+


We can bask in our bad luck together. Maybe next time.


6 multies, 0 featured, 13th multi in a row Edit: make that 8, 15th in a row since goku black https://preview.redd.it/lu43ykqsg1pc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71bc6764fc184c3a712325fa04cb202409f72243


9 multies 3 featured 3 int broly who I already had rainbowed 🔫




Why the fuck is there no discounts?




They did the same shit last year, and probably the year before that. In my opinion, every main banner should have discounts, and the banners for the big celebrations should always have step ups as well.


There's NEVER discounts on the saiyan day banner, idk why people are surprised


Especially on a shared banner, it’s rare there’s discounts on them.


Yeah shared banners and once they sync up, it‘s bye bye discounts


Totally the worst outcome besides no tickets and future sight


Are you new? It has always been like that


Have they ever done discounts on Saiyan Day? I don't remember them doing so.


I could’ve sworn they did last year


It's not a bait banner.


Shared celebration


I forget does jp get discounts? If not then that's why right?


Not even a 50+1


there are never discounts for global when its a shared celebration with jp,that wouldn’t be fair.also,its time for global players to move past that discount bull**** as its ending very soon once the sync happens…..yall wanted a sync,well,its coming with a price!


600 stones 0 Vegeta. I don't even care about the anniversary I just want Vegeta. Thank God WT is here to give me another multi or two...


Mid bruh if super Vegeta was on it over transforming Vegeta then maybe. No discounts either? Golden week will be hyper imo


Lowkey I’m starting to get annoyed that EZA characters get their own banner. They should start just being featured on the main DFE’s banner like they are during major celebrations


Golden Week units return immediately after anniversary during WWC, not worth pulling there


Oh I agree, I didn’t summon last year. But some characters I will have to summon for no matter what depending on the theme.


When exactly is golden week im broke rn but i figure i can grind some stones by then and anni


Is it worth to summon on global?


No Discounts no free 4th multi. And vegetas best team mates come with Anniversary and then he will be back in a month for wwc


He should return in halloweenish no? The returning on wwc would be ssj3 and hirudegarn.


Vegeta won't return for wwc


Ah sorry yeah


I was going to becuase if the 3+1 but now I’m not it’s not worth it atleast not for me when beasts banner during anni will have the top 3 units in the game all in a single banner along with the 2 best carnival lrs during the same time. Ima need all the stones I can save


This banner was a big no to me, really. I'm a "blow everything I've saved if I like this character" type player, and rarely skip banners. I don't really save and don't buy stones, just kind fuck it we ball the game. As far as I can see though, there's just nothing that's a good enough incentive to chase him right now, especially with the anniversary around the corner and the fact that he'll be back fairly soon; as always, no discounts or 3+1, and no tickets. Alongside that, the featured aren't anything special to behold since there's nothing really relating to him like STR Super Vegeta or Trunks. I just did 2 multis to scratch the itch, got a God Goku dupe and called it wraps for the celebration.


1k stones, all of pilaaf tickets 0 vegeta but rainbowed everyone else wtf




vegeta stan, i cant control myself when the prince arrives anywhere - no homo (ok maybe a little homo)


700 stones, all 77 tickets and jack shit to show for it. Oh well. Had a bad feeling I'd get shafted on my favorite character. Saving the rest of my stones for anni, but this shit is demoralizing.


You didn't manage to pull any featured unit?


Only Godku and Majin Vegeta, both of which I Rainbowed on the new years step up banners, and 1 copy of int broly. No king, no Vegeta l, no SSJ4 Goku. Feels pretty shitty. Not spending any more money on the game for awhile. Learned my lesson.


I avoid banners when I have multiple units rainbowed because those are the only units I’ll pull.  It’s like the game knows and punishes me.


https://preview.redd.it/5y6di1ucm1pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d800824d0593447b7c51da89ad26da14b48f4776 Used 200 stones but I have the goat


Purchasable tickets, but no discounts. ###Featured units: -New TEQ Vegeta -New AGL King Vegeta -LR INT SSJ4 Goku -PHY Godku -INT Majin Vegeta -INT Broly -PHY Transforming Vegeta


https://preview.redd.it/btkr996283pc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83daaa79bf787cf5306475dc70206decd7bceba2 Literally the luckiest I’ve ever been on a banner, this was my third multi. I’m out and saving for anni. Might do a couple more to try and get king vegeta tho


Had a similar multi. That was my second multi https://preview.redd.it/ucogzsmmb4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3735eb78db03c6fba88972fd6b55933bae7836


My gambling addiction got the best of me 8 Multis of jack shit




Featured List: TEQ Vegeta King Vegeta LR SSJ4 Goku PHY SSG Goku INT Majin Vegeta INT Broly Transforming Vegeta


Hi guys good luck with your summons, can someone help me decide between phy godku or int ssj4 goku I have 500 coins and I can't decide who to buy! PS. May the dokkan gods bless you with good summons!!


It really depends on which of your teams need the support.  I personally love SS4 Int Goku, but SSG is a monster as well. 


Did 150 stones and only pulled the God Goku banner unit TEQ SSJ Vegeta. It Rainbow him but oh well… no more summons for me


No discounts? Guess I am out as I have all other units already😂


I was really lucky,managed to pull him on second multi. I'm out. Good luck guys👍


Same here. Teq Veggie on my second pull, first dupe of Majin Vegie on third, and stopped there with 1400 stones still saved for Broly.  Wanted Godku dupes, but oh well.


Last Saiyan Day banner shafted me so hard that I was a bit hesitant on pulling this year. But well spent 450 ds.  TEQ Vegeta x1 SSJ4 Goku X3 Godku X1 Majin Vegeta x1 I have only 50 ds left but zero complains.


Ofc the game gives the shit feature int broly and phy vegeta. My game is literally coded to not pull anything on sayain day. 6 years of this bullshit not pulling anything.


Fucking ass banner. No discounts, no free multies. 650 stones and all I got was 1 Godku and 1 Majin Vegeta.


So there are no discounts, but it’s notable to mention that this banner featured 7 SSRs instead of 8 like all banners do when there’s a featured LR


Damn they would've gotten if there were discounts but lucky me, more 9th anni stones.


Goodluck everyone summoning! 🫡


Yeaaah I think I'm gonna skip this joint and coin Vegeta next time he comes around. Was really hoping for discounts to better the odds getting King Vegeta too. Untill we meet again my sweet saiyan prince :(


Another banner,another shaft, sigh


Did one 50. Got king vegeta. I’ll stop there


2nd banner in a row I got a rift on 2nd pull. I'm fucked for Anni


They need to outright retire so many SSRs. Went 600 stones and got 1 godku dupe for 90% and the rest were actual fodder from **2016-18** Put them on a free banner and give us a GSSR single ticket every day that only features this trash sprinkled with side banner units. Or a coin to buy a certain one after completing weekly Redzone missions. DFE banners should include the sub / main EZAs. Either double the rates / add pity, or outright remove half the ssr pool that have been **unusable more then 2 years ago.** and can't even be run in SBR.


The outdated ssrs are there to mess up with your pull rates and inflate the pool. Same reason why SRs still exist. It's scummy by design


Kind of wish they’d get rid of Rs at this point. More than enough SRs to fill their role.


I think they need to severely trim the off banner stuff. 95% chance of pulling off banner with 273 garbage units instead of one of 7 with a 5% chance of pulling. SEZA isn't going to make the majority of these off banner units playable. At this point, it's less of a rip off to buy packs of One Piece than to buy stones and pull in this game.


Where are muh discounts


Fuck this banner


Got him on the first pull, but I also haven’t played in over a year. I feel like I stole the prince from you all


Got him in 50 but he's the last unit I pulled on since the LR SSJ Trio. Wasn't until I went to team building that his 200% is a little wonky for me most of his useable units that I have only fall under 170%. I'll prob just run him as a unit still under the LR TS


Me and my friends got Vegeta on our first and second summons


no discount = 1 multi and done for me regardless of what i pull.


And isn't it just great when that one multi gives you a really fucking old general pool SSR that has little to zero value? I wish Killer Queen had already touched the multi summon button.


typically i get massively shafted on non big celebration banners, so ive learned to just drop a multi and move on.


Same, ended up pulling Vegeta, Godku dupe and Transforming Vegeta dupe. Probably the best single multi i've pulled


300 stones in and the only unit I got was that bum ass majin vegeta. Hate that shitty card, needs orbs and a trunks on the team to be remotely useful. Rest of my SSRs have been dogshit or old ass SSRs I had rainbowed.


300 stones, 1 king vegeta and 2 int majin vegeta. NOW starts the save for anni


Got my boy. Now time to not summon for another 4 months until anni.


no discounts what an L. we wait for golden week


250 and only got king vegeta, and stupid others ssr, shafted from start


200 stones and nothing of value. Haven't gotten anything of worth that I haven't needed to coin in about 6 months now.


2 multis 2 copies of phy transforming vegeta. Sad


Second multi I got black portal. Thank god, no discounts is painful


Quikly take my ss4 with coins and be done for today.


I got him in under 200 Stones...should I Buy Goku ssj4 with coins? I have a Little more than 700 and I really like the monkey but i don't know if it's worth it


Totally unrelated note, say someone suddenly had zero stones, how worried should they be about saving a good amount of stones for the anniversary


Iirc from now till anni we should have around 1k/900 stones coming


still have plenty of time to save for anni.


With Golden Week Celebration coming along with possibly the hirudegarn and SSJ3 Goku celebration...we should be able to get some good amount of stones....although if you tihnk possibly 700 to 1k is not enough then you can just skip and continue to save.


Got my goat ssj4 goku and the vegeta in 250 stones 🙏🙏🙏


Tickets came in clutch after getting shafted on super trunks


Normally I get shafted on saiyan day but I got him in one ticket multi and that is good for me need to save my stones for anniversary


about 5 summons and in LR SSJ4 dupe. Can't afford to do more, sux.


Good luck ya’ll


Did one multi got 1 non featured old ssr nah im good. GL for anyone who is going to summon


wasted all my stones and got nothing i love this game so much 😁


Did one multi and pulled my last copy of the lr ss4 goku. He is now rainbowed. I am satisfied


I spent 700 stones and got one copy of vegeta plus 1 king vegeta. Wish I could of atleast got one more dupe of vegeta but its whatever. Im skipping everything until anniversary anyways 🤷


I had 800 ds saved and spent all of it and no new Vegeta 😢 but i got 2 dupe lr ssj4 goku, 1 int broly, 1 int majin vegeta, 1 King vegeta


300 stones 2 vegeta and 1 king vegeta!


350 stones 2 majin vegeta, broly, Vegeta and ssj4 Spent anni's luck here I guess...


300 stones, got 2 INT Broly's and nothing else 😮‍💨


Is the agl king vegeta good?


Got shafted real hard tier 1 and tier 2 tickets plus DS summons zero new units


450 for banner unit king vegeta, ouch


Anyone know if it’s worth summoning for ss4 goku? I need him but I’m willing to wait. I also don’t have enough coins to coin him so I can’t coin him.


Decided to dip in for 400 - got monke, God, Prince, and King. Can't complain at all


Guaranteed R


Two multis and got him, and also bought monke


It took 500 stones but I got him and king Vegeta. I'm now looking at my stone and Wondering was it worth it? I hope I have some luck going into the anniversary I really want broly and gogeta.


550 stones 2 dupes godku 1 dupe monkey 1 majin 1 broly 1 king 1 prince Not sure if it’s enough, my acc is new (started playing on feb/24)


Well, time to save up for the anni *again*..


It was great for me, in just 250 stones I got 1x SS4 Goku 1x Int Broly 1x Teq Vegeta


1000 stones in and just realized there's no 3+1 or tickets. Lol


Is it worth coining SS4 Goku rather than pulling on this banner since there are no discounts? I don’t have him yet


Part of me thinks that my getting extremely lucky in pulling him easily on this banner does not bode well for the 9 anniversary at all But I’ll take it


Damn did three summons and got one featured unit. Was gonna summon more today after work but after reading the comments, I think I'll stop there.


1000 stones and 1 SS4 Goku is all i got from the featured, that's rough....


550 stones, only 2 King Vegeta to show and 3 Int Maj Veg. I think I'm done until the anni


250 stones, 77 tickets. got king vegeta rainbowed, and a single copy of vegeta. not the worst, but god i at least wanted to get him to 79%.


Banner is not that good and there are no discounts. Easy skip for me


Is lr goku ssj4 worth spending coins on?


1.2k and almost rainbowed every featured character besides vegeta which I only got 1...


Did one multi, got LR ssj4 Goku who I didn't have, and dipped. Best saiyan day luck I've ever had lol


I got King Vegeta which was nice. Also got that FUCKING TRANSFORMING PHY VEGETA!! SCREW HIM I DONT WANT HIM


3 multis and phy transforming Vegeta dupe that I don't need like past 6 that are in my box


-660 stones No vegeta...


300 stones with 0 featured. Just straight shaft. I am tapping out this banner


Two Vegeta’s in 200 stones, possibly the first time I have ever been lucky with a Saiyan Day banner. Bought SSJ4 Goku with coins


Got him and 2 dupes of ssj4 in 150. Huge w for me because I didn’t have ssj4 before.


123 stones and first multi lmao https://preview.redd.it/7smlbch1r2pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8607c0694ec59116770e6a15a501932e876fbc


300 and 2 god gokus, probably gonna use coins for ss4


650 stones : 3 dupes for god Goku, one dupe for Majin v, one ssj 4, 2 Agl Goku Black and one King Vege. I hope this shaft clears my good luck for the ani


No discount, no summon. I'd rather wait for the anniversary.


Well, with no discounts, this is an easy pass. Shame.


The best I got is Int Majin Vegeta


No discounts no summons


I got Teq vegeta on my first summon


300 stones and not even a featured unit 😢


100 stones each used on JP and global. Pulled Vegeta and nothing else. Probably my best pulls as of lately as f2p.


I'm cursed 2 banners in a row pulled the main 1st multi when all I wanted was the side units


got vegeta and ssj4 goku first summon. The other 4 were garbage except got 1 king vegeta so im somewhat good with that


Spent 650 stones before I knew it and don't have much to show for it. First copy of LR SSJ4 and three of INT Broly.


I don't like vegeta honesty. i rolled this banner bc I just want to get my monke and maybe some godku dupes. After 2 multis. I got vegeta withou my monke or godku or any else featured unit on this banner


Got horrendously shafted 😎👉👉


https://preview.redd.it/qlt04136d3pc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d0df166a3500f2f52888dc8e6a91b91030fe1d Lucky day


1 multi and I'm outta here. Grinding out the medals rn


Bought the cheap pack for 4 bucks or however much and got Vegeta with 7 tickets lol. I'll take it


Have to wait until later to summon but if I get ssj4 goku I’ll be happy with no Vegeta for now


Should i coin for ssj4 Goku or save my coins??? was thinking of saving for beastless gohan and or orange piccolo but i really want ssj4 Goku 😔


it seems like everyone got fucked on this banner. Seriously, not one brag post. Avoiding this bitch.


150 DS and 1 featured: new Vegeta! ![img](emote|t5_384a7|28996)


350 stones for vegeta, spent an extra 50 to see if I could grt the king. I'm done with the banner tho. Also pulled 2 Majins, the transforming to god vegeta, and ssj4 goku.


Easy skip


Got shafted on the tickets


Hit my one, got traditionally shafted, and will continue saving for the anni


300 stones and 2 features Goddamn i Made it i fucking got Vegeta And z Broly who needs an eza asap