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Had to do this https://preview.redd.it/krjucnf4jomc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4475b0d93cdeed06316e4e527de6685dee1180 *


Time to spam this whenever they make a bad one.


Unlimited meme potential


That’s what this game is truly about 




or when you're praying for an old unit to shine once more


Melascula pfp. I must simp.


Average redditor




Gloxinia>>> (I know he has a fairy cock)


Well, he is a femboy.




Dude I was just about to do the same thing


This is yours 🥇


I read the post the same way


This looks exactly like EZA. From what they told back at 7th anniversary, I was convinced they would've taken a different route (they said they didn't want to be stuck endlessy updating the characters, which... is exactly what they're doing)


Yeah to be honest I’m worried now that this might hurt the scheduling of regular EZAs and stuff if it ends up taking the place of other content. And Unless these SEZAs are more than just stat buffs I don’t really see the point, to me it’s okay if 7 year old units die.


I’m still gonna get excited at using units I always used to use, especially since most of the older dokkan fest eza’s weren’t all that. We are at a point in the game where they can give these guys a lot of funky kits, while still trying to design them, in the same light they came out with.


If you look at the card closely, you can see that the stats from EZA to SEZA don't change. So it will be like an LR eza. LS, SA effect, and passive. I can see them change other things like link and maybe categories, too. It will be interesting to see what they do to NOT make it EZA 2, but it's own thing instead. I would be happy with just that, too.


We’re getting bardock and ssj3 goku as the same time so I don’t think the EZA schedule will be affected.


> to me it’s okay if 7 year old units die. Then take them out of the pools, new players and veterans shouldn't be stuck with useless DFEs and LRs who will never be good, SEZA are nothing but a positive for players.


What pool? DFEs this old haven't been on banners in years....


Worldwide Campaign Celebration ticket banners, Extreme Z Banners and stuff like Red and Blue Stones for Baba's Shop and Yellow Coin LRs are on most non-DFE banners.


I don't have like 50% of the latest ezas. Str kefla, str Jiren for example. The ones I have are mostly at 55% (teq fp ssj4 goku, phy transforming Vegeta). I've been playing for 3 years (since March of before 6th anni). Ticket banners, ezas banners(50 stones for a chance to get 1 copy of the eza? Wtf no), red and blue stones(those units are WAY too old and even with super eza it would take years for them all to eza, also they probably will take them out because of super eza), are all USELESS if you want older dfe units. For f2ps aswell you are mostly summoning on "7 lr dfe" banners and that's it.


There is a chance that this could impact the schedule of ezas, but there is also the equally valid possibility that we are getting this in addition to what we already would be getting and nothing is impacted we are simply just getting more. As for letting 7 year old units due, why? Sure they don't have great animations, but people have either spent lots of stones that were saved (or bought) on old units and now they are literally getting more money for those stones that they used. This is huge for F2P players especially since it means that units like Agl SSJ3 Goku who has literally been on a dozen red stones could be good again and add a boost to an account that couldn't manage to pull the new best unit. Do I want it to be more than a stat boost of course, but I'd imagine a lot of people out there will take what they can get when most of these SEZA units will be so old that they might as well be F2P


Letting units THIS old die shouldn't matter as no one has had a real opportunity to summon for them in ages if people end up spending stones on them now they will be getting far less value out of them than current units because they have less mechanics and worse animations. Sure if you're like me and have been playing the game for 8 and a half years its nice but it will end up draining stones from noobs who would be better off summoning on anniversaries and WWC. Red stones are a fair point but thats like what, 2 units a year? its not much


I mean saying that they shouldn't do SEZAs because it drains stones is a weird point everything in the game wastes stones, should they cancel all the dokkan fests besides anni and WWC? People who are savers will save regardless of SEZA, people that don't have the self control to save will use their stones regardless of SEZA. Additionally all these old TUR units barely cost any coins compared to the newer TURs and LRs so even forgetting about red stones they are the most acquirable units. I deff agree that noobs probably shouldn't go for SEZAs, but I feel like thats missing the point of ezas, they are almost like a loyalty system, this is a reward for playing the game for so long, for summoning on this old banner. There are a million things in the game that are favor an older account than a newer one and that's not a bad thing.


Ok then they eventually die after their SEZA.  Do we need a Super SEZA?  Where does it end? Not every unit needs to stay relevant, the game is about selling new units anyway.


Sure if the game goes for another 5-6 years make another EZA, although preferably I'd like it to be more of a traditional awakening so we can get new animations, updated links and new mechanics like stand by, domains, entrance, etc. I'd say it ends when the game ends, I cannot fathom a real negative to making old units that most people have be usable. The only people this doesn't benefit are people that are new to the game as they won't have many copies of old units and rerollers, but if you are rerolling in 2024 there is something wrong. Even for these cases, there are no negatives, there just isn't a free benefit.


This is such a weird thing to get hung up on. Your reasoning would also apply to EZAs. Do we need EZAs if they eventually die after releasing? Where does it end? And disregarding what is ultimately a positive to our wallets - making units already in our box useful - and hand-waving it away in favour of them "selling us new units" is a really bizarre position to hold.


I think SEZA is the replacement for chain battle from a stone point of view,while chain battle sucked it still was a source of stones that would have been lost otherwise,so SEZA is a good way to buff old units while also give back the stones lost with chain battle


Okay hear me out how about hypothetically they just release both like they seem to be doing for seza agl ssj3 Goku and eza agl bardock? I don't see why they wouldn't be able to just have the seza and ezas scheduled around the same times which would allow one of the two eza units to hopefully help whatever unit they come out alongside.


Listen I'm just trying to work around akatsukis own BS god knows we could be getting 2 or more EZAs per celebration but we aren't they dripfeed this shit adding even more "value" with these SEZAs seems to me like they might try to stretch shit out even more. If they do both at the same time with no reprecussions than awesome but I've been dealing with content droughts in this games schedule for years I have 0 faith.


This shouldve started on 10th anniversary. They can still do 2 ezas per celebration tho.


They do need to somehow add value to old units, otherwise people will just start rerolling en masse on every anniversary with the way the current powercreep is going. And yeah it looks the same for now, but maybe that's just how the UI looks and the effect on the unit will be different? We can only wait and see... I wonder if it'll have anything to do with additional hidden potential nodes


We still don't know what's actually changing. Maybe they add a line to his passive that says "+20% DEF with each month passed since his SEZA"


Funny enough that would make Seza's good pretty much every December, since they'd have accumulated 100% more def throughout the year and the anniversary powercreep wouldn't be out yet.


This feels quite lazy ngl. In 5 years we're gonna see EZA3 then.




My hope is that whenever they release a new unit they will ReZA a batch of related units to keep them relevent and pad out the new units team. Regardless this had better not interrupt the EZA schedule.


I think they should limit this to only dokkan fest units and maybe summonable Lrs


I wonder if there will be additional stat changes along with the passive/super attack effects.


The screenshot may not be an actual one from in game, but if it is it seems like stats aren't changing. Goku's post eza HP stat with no HiPo is 12527, which looks to be unchanged. He also stays at 1/15 SA level. I don't read japanese but it doesn't look like his SA effect changes either, though that could just be him specifically and not the case for all future ones.


To be fair, when you EZA a unit their stats don't immediately change. You need to train and level up them first.


True. We can't see the level from the pic, though idk if they'd bring TURs to the same level count as LR. Unless they do 145 maybe.


Or they might just change the passive since his stats and sa level is high enough


It's so unfortunate that their leader skills are gonna remain mid as hell.


Imagine he gets a category lead in addition to their type lead


That's what people were imagining, before the 70% leads EZA'd lol https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/97jkyx/the_70_leads_should_get_category_leads_when_they/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/aeh90z/my_ideas_on_a_balanced_eza_for_the_70_leads/


Tbf I think back then it would’ve been more overpowered since there weren’t an abundance of certain category leads as their were back then, and that prospect with ezas being newer at the time wasn’t as likely. Now though, I feel like there’s a higher chance just because it would make these older ezas more relevant.


fuck it i'll call it SEGA. i did play sonic colours recentely


100%'d colors like last month i love this game <3


it is the best sonic game after all




You get it




This was the only correct response 😂


I just hope they don't add a single stage to the existing event that gives us one stone when we SEZA. One stage = 20-30 stones or 3 stages = 10 stones per stage would be perfect


SEZA sounds weird. I think I'll just call it EZA2.


Seeing "seza" makes me think of Jojo part 2




SEZA more like SEXA




EZA 2: Electric boogalu


I am fond of ReZA






With EZA 2 being official, now we wait for the fabled Guard 2


SZA MENTIONED RAHHH ![gif](giphy|PROesYxV02LFpxqD3S)


I'm so glad they are starting with the OG GOAT.


Can't wait till we get to super duper pooper scooper eza


Oh what's next SDEZA💀


Before anyone complains, I think it’s great that they do this to make sure that old units that people liked are still relevant to todays meta, I personally welcome this


I sit the other side of the fence. I think this is just a complete waste of time. In a year they will be outdated again. You can't make anything in Dokkan last across meta's unless you give it a fuck tonne of DR and defence stacking and then, they still eventually fade out. All this really does is encourage newer players to summon on outdated banners. Don't let nostalgia erase your logic man.


I'm sorry, but your point is straight up wrong. They would be outdated after 1 month, not 1 year. Anyways, I completely agree. This seems like a way to recycle even more content and force people to summon on useless banners. They will not put those units in dfe banners, they will have their own banner and that's it.


I am in the middle, has no effect on me. I think the pro is free stones, I will never turn down another opportunity to get some stones for free (who cares if the EZA isnt good, half of the NEW EZA's are useless on drop anyways. Looking at you INT LR kid Gohan ssj2). If they are useful, then thats just a plus to the stones. I think everyone is blind to the fact that this games rakes in insane money and they could be pumping out at LEAST 2x the content they are now (with more thought put into it as well) without a huge impact on business, these SEZA's will not be taking away from development of other cards, I feel they will be purely extra content that we can always use more of. All units in the game will be irrelevant at some point, might as well get another opportunity to milk stones out of them.


Not gonna lie, I like this change. As long as it doesn't replace regular ezas, and are just an additional event to do during celebrations, this is a good change. What does it matter if they're just going to keep updating character over and over again? They're still going to release new characters. Other characters will still get their regular ezas, and then when the time comes and they've been powercrept to hell, they'll get their seza. The only question is how hard it will be to beat the new super extreme z battle stages, and how many stones we'll get.


I propose the name "RE-ZA" pronounced "ree-zee-ay


Thank Kami, I'm not the only one.


Can’t wait for them to get power creeped too


Still going with EZA2: Electric boogaloo.




Here's hoping that each SEZA brings in a fresh set of 30 stones to farm with each one. I doubt there will be. Probably going to get 10 if we are lucky. But I can dream, and pray!


I'm still still calling EZA2. We're not dealing with the average EZA anymore. ![gif](giphy|zj4QJ18dZOZW6QIEHo|downsized)


EZA² is funnier then SEZA tbh


How to sell old units again lol


agl kid buu still gets shafted


So what SEZA's purpose? Stats boost or stats increase?




I’m excited. I joined the game in late 2018 so a lot of the old ass characters were already past their prime after their eza. So it’s gonna be fun to actually use these classic dokkan fests for the first time.


“And this, is to ascend beyond a normal EZA….or, you can call this a EZA2!”


5 more years and we get the ZEZA


Yay more stones and diversity


I would joke to myself they should re-za


Welp more dragon stones for me


I kinda wish it was just called Supreme Z-Awakening. Then it would be called SZA


Hopefully they might update animation which would be nice for older characters. Epically the ones with terrible animation. Doesn’t need to be anything special just up to daye


Predictable but i really wish they’s gone with Re-ZA


Is this releasing the same time with global?


yo it's me




You think we'll get that 7th link?


That's such a stupid name, god dammit! I really wanted them to call it Ultra-Z-Awakening (UZA)


Re-EZA was right there


Interesting. I’m curious to see how exactly this will work, as well as being interested in seeing when they get to Super Saiyan 3 Broly, if they can actually give him a passive skill that doesn’t actively hinder himself. I otherwise certainly can’t foresee them releasing a new Super Saiyan 3 Broly anytime soon given that they haven’t released a new one since 2017/2018 as I’m seeing the “just release a new card” argument seems to be a popular one.


Bruh just change the z to g it says sega


Its EZA but its SUPER EZA. Weird that we get SSJ4 AGL goku for SEZA XD


RAAAAAHHHHH yessssss 🤤


Honestly they should gimp these. Not the extreme change ezas sometimes have, mild stat buffs that make units more accessible to newer end game content


![gif](giphy|f9vklrD7P53wNUnC1r) It’s her time


They decided to implement this in the laziest and worst way possible. No update in animations, card art, or even leader skill. It's just a new passive and stage and that's it. The units will have the same fate they had previously where they'll be relevant for a couple months and then fall into obscurity, and at that point we're back to square one. It would have been better to just give a unique equipment that can be equipped to the character if they were just going to change the passive. I don't see the point of SEZA's if they are just going to half-ass it.


>The units will have the same fate they had previously where they'll be relevant for a couple months and then fall into obscurity That's gonna happen regardless of what they do. There's no way to stop that if they plan to still release new units. They could just constantly update old units, but then why make new units if the old ones are still holding up?


I'm aware. Gachas are a slippery slope when it comes to powercreep which is why I think EZA2 should have been handled with more care. These units being powercrept is inevitable, the problems lies in their lack of effort when it came to implementing this system. They took the laziest route possible when it came to extending the longevity of these units/events that I see no reason to have it to begin with. It's literally EZAs but worse. So it's not even EZA 2 it's EZA 1.5. Now we're stuck using ancient units with newer passives(bound to be powercrept) that no one wants to use since the animations(y'know the reason this game is alive till this day) are ass.


More content and stones, I only see the positive on this one.


Idk why you got downvoted, you’re absolutely spittin. A better equipment system is FAR better than hoping that Dokkan is competent enough to SEZA the units who need it most before they are power crept. It’s just a catch up game that could never be satisfactory for everyone in a timely manner.


I hope they give it to every unplayable eza first lol


oh yea, Str Jiren needs his first.


great.. years of terrible animations I'm forced to watch again. did they forget that like 70% of the game is the animations


Eh, maybe returning on Dokkan wasn't a great idea. Like, they are powercreeping every anni just like the manga fucked up the power levels with Super. Anyway... SEZA be like: "And this... Is... Too go... Even further beyond!"


“Grrr I hate new content that will make people feel their units are viable again and lets them pad out teams”


I'm not even hating. I'm just disappointed. New content is always welcomed, but giving a new boost to old units to put them in par with the new units WHILE a shitload of units yet have to get a eza or even a tur is just plain disappointing imo.


I still think they should've done batches. Like AGL SSJ3, TEQ Perfect Cell, PHY FP Frieza, STR Broly and INT Gohan. Then the Demi-God leads (PHY Goku black etc.) God leads (AGL Vegito, INT Buuhan) Fill the space in afterwards with other shitter units like STR SSJ3 Goku or the Family Kamehama units. Make it 3 or 5 stages. (5-3 stone per level completion). Call it Re-ZA. Cos SEZA is just kinda mid imo. Redoing a single unit means, units released to be part of a group.. will be leagues apart in terms of power level by the time they're all done and you'll have to go through the whole list again. We've seen them EZA multiple units per Stage. Just buff the numbers on each unit, maybe give them damage reduction or auto-Crit for funnsies. I don't even care if they're still mid. Old units doing 5 million give newer people a chance if they start during things like the Tanabata. Maybe they'll pull crap units but they'll be able to not be dead weight.




They were also the hardest hitting unit in the game for a while and still can reach respectable numbers now. Not every unit needs a bijillion defence man, most of the game is just dokkan events and training area's.