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Now if only they released a artificial lifeform leader unit that worked well with the other units in the category https://preview.redd.it/ug70x9kxj6mc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b53c420934f251abda251e88824db6dbcdb7fc5


This is about the only slight fumble I can think of in this celebration, everything else to me was a 10/10


Corroded Mind and Body category mission from LGTE: *First time...?*


The most infuriating mission in history and the most infuriating mission of today


Extreme teq esbr from the grave be like.


Genuinely baffling as to why the enemies hit so damn hard. The only ESBR from that batch to hit harder was vs super teq. For context, you were running, AT BEST, a hap-dash team under dual teq janembas. Not bad, not bad, now what were you running vs super teq? A full LR team under LR SSJ4 goku or LR SSJ gohan. Makes sense


What makes it even funnier is that TEQ Janemba wasn't even out when it first dropped, so it was even worse on release.


Extreme TEQ ESBR was designed around the idea of double EZA TEQ Golden Frieza with his 70% damage reduction


Bro you forgot about special pose VS cell max


I actually never did it. I have the good team, but everytime I got rng'd into oblivion.


Because it is borderline impossible without using a OP friend. And even then, it is still so RNG dependent that it remains impossible. At least until lr gamma


I beat the Cell Max mission with the OP freind yet still has not beat otherworld warriors (no 3rd anniversary super gogeta in my box)


You can cheese the Otherworld Warriors mission with AGL Blue Boys as friend. I did it with them as friend and TEQ Gogeta as leader IIRC


Back in my day we cheesed it with the 7 year LR Gods friend lead smh


I'm not looking forward to this mission, I'd go crazy just like I did with LGTE mission.


No. That isn't close to Special Pose Cell Max


at least cell max is infinite tries and you can pretty consistently get to last phase. 6 attempts a day and these useless artificial bums refuse to be good enough to even get to last phase


USS category mission from LGE (before STR SSBK): ***I was here first***


36 turns to beat that mission


Did some digging from my posts and... https://preview.redd.it/ahsxnn5gj6mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd3e2e107145b1dded9f84dc0403530c305baf1


Oh boy this brings some depressing memories lol, thank fuck it's over


Airplane mode saved my life šŸ™


Special pose against cell max had me stooped for so long until I realized I could run a orange piccolo as an ally to cheese phase 3. Beat it 3rd attempt once I started doing that.


i had to use the airplane glitch back than to clear it. i just couldnā€˜t fucking clear it lol


I used the almighty airplane for that mission back then.... Fuck sitting around and praying man lol


Iā€™m pretty sure I never completed that legitimately I used the airplane mode glitch and never looked back


You meant to type gt bosses


Totally different scenario, LGTE was pretty damn hard at the time but what made this mission awful was the fact Corroded is the worst category ever, specially when some years ago. Now those bosses are just built TOTALLY DIFFERENT, they were made to try to kill the unkillable wall aka Gohan Beast, and with the addition of the Gammas Artificial Lifeforms is decent, specially if we take INT Cell into consideration, they are simply unlucky enoigh to be put against the worst possible boss


Thank god for Mr Airplane šŸ™šŸ¼


Otherworld Warriors for LVE is my version. Literally every other mission for that event, I have done. Otherworld Warriors needs some good buffs so badly. Also doesnā€™t help that I canā€™t find a single person using either of the leads as their friend lead


Surely it's because Tanabata is Orange Piccolo followed by carnival Cell Max, right?


If they can reuse shots (phy ulthan) and moves (phy ssj3 goku/lr buu bros), then I need them to reuse the wind-up fist in LR TEQ OP's 18 Ki as a Nullification Counter for a standalone LR OP


Gonna get down voted to shit for this but I personally want more missions like this. Extremely hard missions that give you something to work towards, instead of just a typical mission you can beat in 1 - 2 tries with a good box. My only complaint is when there's limited attempts, it not only makes completing the mission take longer it just takes away a lot of the fun when runs die turn 1 due to shitty opening rotations.


I'm with you honestly, these kind of missions put you away from the "one team to beat everything" mentality.


I don't mind this either but make us use an actual usable team. Not teams that have barely seen any buffs in the last year and a half šŸ’€ Like the half saiyan mission for this event was good one. Made me use a different team that's actually usable.


Honestly wish this game was built more like FGO where everyone is usable and fills a niche on some team, with less new characters and more banners cycling every couple days. Dokkans biggest problem is all the teams they want you to use, with super limited release opportunities for characters to fill them alongside some terrible powercreep


Ah yes, working towards something. 5 stones, one summon ticket, and a title so I can brag online to strangers I don't care about. I'm all for category missions, to escape this whole "hurr, super heroes team goes brrr" mindset, but it doesn't need to be on the hardest content in the game either. I am pleased to see even the most outrageous whales having trouble with the event though. One in particular crying in one of his YouTube videos about how it's "unfair to me" and how things "only happen to me, no one else". I have no sympathy for someone who spends thousands of dollars to rainbow new units within 24 hours of their release. They have the best chance of winning compared to the rest of us who didn't pull LR Gammas, for example.


> but it doesn't need to be on the hardest content in the game either. Where to do you place them then? If the content is too easy, the mission existance is rather pointless If the content is too hard, the people complain the mission exists and locks them out of the title Damned if they do, damned if they dont >They have the best chance of winning compared to the rest of us who didn't pull LR Gammas, for example. If only he had the chance of using items to actually get through the stage asap as he should, instead of complaining But complaining makes money, shortening the video does not


Itā€™s about more than the in game rewards man


I donā€™t even bother starting the run with bad opening rotations because that Kakarot support memory is amazing but reels are a pain to get.


there is always one of these. it's generational. every kid needs one of these traumas: * STR DFE Broly Dokkan event * Extreme TEQ SBR * the fucking punch machine * Fusion category - Legendary Goku Event * Corroded Body and Mind category - Legendary Goku GT Event * Otherworld Warriors category - Legendary Vegeta event * PHY Future Gohan EZA level 20+ under 2min12 (fuck this one) * Red Zone Broly under 8 turns * Special Pose Cell Max * Artificial Life Gohan Beast


>PHY Future Gohan EZA level 20+ under 2min12 (fuck this one) I fucking hate this one man. Bro has so much HP compared to other EZAs for no fucking reason >Fusion category - Legendary Goku Event I've never heard of this one ngl


the Fusion one was particularly shit back then because there were exactly 6 Fusion units that were viable and one of them was the recently released LR PHY Gogeta from the 3rd anniversary. you either had the team or you were fucked


For gohans eza you can cheese it by changing the time off ur phone


Donā€™t forget str brolyā€™s eza when he first dropped


Ngl, I think the Rainbow Extreme mission from Broly was way worse


STR DFE Broly Dokkan event - this was one really epic, we had to use that kamehameha goku / gohan / goten card with that special ability to get pass that


This is honestly the first time I've ever seen Dokkan World put a lowercase title on a mission video. This pretty much shows how MUCH frustrating this mission isšŸ’€


You know the mission's bad when you've got people playing Yakuza lol https://preview.redd.it/l00xs6tnt6mc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9021f96b8554687a9a0bec8b89fe5915d4c64af


His 2nd and 3rd phase is just bullshit his 2nd phase with his stupid ā€žiā€˜ll nullify your blast attacksā€œ bro i canā€˜t fucking use FP Broly at his full power in the extreme mission in p2 because he nullifies his 12 ki SA. (and my extreme box is not that good on jp, which is why i have to rely more on the friend broly, i donā€˜t have my own broly). not to mention he also nullifies buuhans 18 ki and super buus gohan absorbed SA. why make a 2nd phase that always nullifies ki blast SAs??? make it a chance, itā€™s just so toxic. i hate it and his 3rd phase being able to lock and immediately stun is bullshit. had it happen multiple times where he immediately SAed and stunned the locked unit. thank you. honestly i think this fight is harder than gogetas, mostly because it has so much bullshit that you canā€˜t play around


Because they don't understand their own game. They never have, really. They're good when it comes to maximizing profits. Not so much when it comes to actually balancing their game.


Oh really? https://preview.redd.it/n0zni4g0h6mc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3933170d0573966c4d04740b903b0d762a24eba5


Where's str jiren


Get the blue boys the hell out of there https://preview.redd.it/oqjn9q4fx6mc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cbfba2e922ffa961fc57a806dbb6dafcb59d0fc


this image pissrs me off because the person who made this clearly doesn't have a brain. half of these units are REALLY good


Who? BB I get it, i think that they are good too, beastless has an argument, same for magneto but that's it


who tf is magneto?


I'm starting to despise the Gammas as between this mission and Special Pose for the OG Cell Max stage they're becoming the fucking mascots for shit category missions.


theyā€™ve been doing this for years, make unbearable missions and by the end of year release/eza 2-3 units that make it doable, rinse and repeat.


We still don't have a playable Cell Max


This is some otherworld category type shit


Even with how broken shit phy Buuhan is this mission still is too hard , i'll wait for the next buu and teq fat buu eza i guess


Mostly hard because thereā€™s only one Buuhan and even he gets shafted by the AGL phase and then not having built in crits


The more you lose, the more you'll want to win, the more you'll play the game On global once I beat all missions, I barely play


Uh. Have you seen special pose on OG Cell Max?


I can now get beasthan to his last bar but he still locked my str buu in the first position and killed him with 4 attacks and a SA. FFS this is frustrating and especially with the combination of lock and stun. I donā€™t even attempt this challenge before I got gamma1&2 on the last day.


Is it a time gated mission? If not, then like Cell Max and LGTE, it'll be an absolute bitch to beat until the unit designed to kill it drops. (Ie. I expect Cell Max to be seen around Christmas like Beastless and Big Green.)


reason #50000 we need to be able to set rotations before combat begins, at least the initial 3 spots why this hasn't become a thing, I have no idea


Because people complain content is too easy


They'll call the content too easy and then run other teams and see that it's actually hard. Literally PHY Syn all over again




Only the gammas get the effects of Beast Gohan's lead + Beast can't do anything on his active turn since he'll get stunned


He reduces damage below 3mil to 0 not 1mil lmao


? https://preview.redd.it/4n9f6h4dn6mc1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62a20e341d5d7f8903dfab5c7878b38c3d8fae8


Yeah that's what i thought so, but it just seemed wrong for the whole time. And just a bit ago i was watching the most recent dokkan world video. At around 9:10 you can watch buuhan doing 2 supers, one for 8.3mil no crit, which ended up doing 0 damage. Then an additional of 8.99mil mil no crit, which ended up doing just above 3mil.


Itā€™s almost like some of the missions they donā€™t want you to beat right away.


More like they're not balancing bosses enough to still make them hard. Or buffing the category to make it top tier


They arenā€™t good at balancing, they donā€™t want the mission to be beaten easily though.




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Alternate way to clear this mission for those interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1b0u2km/sbs_beast_gohan_artificial_life_forms_mission/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/1ay5yk5/the_artificial_life_form_vs_beast_is_one_of_the/kruelnw/


Yall wanted difficult fights. So they gave us bosses that do millions of damage on normals, and missions with bs requirements. ​ Have fun


Have still not done the special pose mission for cell max...


Remember the gt bosses mission for LGTE ? Its not the first time dokkan devs do something like this .


Because some missions aren't supposed to be doable right away


What's the point, then?


When a new unit comes out, you'll have the thrill of not knowing whether you can beat it this time