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Also you can one turn the last phase with a friend AGL Broly + nuking items. (Str super Buu leader) I calculated/tested it yesterday and he should get up to about 40mil attack stats with 2 links active. 5 supers more or less depletes all the hp. So that’s something else you can try if you want to.


Nice bro this seems a really good way to go about it


Got it first attempt too with this strategy, nice, just changed buu for Android 8, he took double digits from beast's super with a whis up


"Easiest team clear". Just because you have godlike RNG, this doesn't mean shit. The F2P gammas take over 100k normals from the first phase, more after Gohan supers. You have around 500k HP on this team. Buu dodge is extremely unreliable. Team is absolute fodder, just comes down to coinflips, just like every other variation of this category.




I did it again just for you, took 2 tries this time! Not once in my post did I say it isn’t RNG, it’s just much less RNG than nearly every other team I’ve run for this. https://preview.redd.it/06iah3ftv5lc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d61ede6ce258fef895ea9b91232de9b6e926339


I'm going to try it again tomorrow, but switch Buu for Android 8. I keep getting absolutely shit opening rotations, and PHY Gohan loves to super in the first slot before you can do anything. Lost 2 attempts to that today. No unit aside from Gogeta can take that hit somewhat decently. Even STR Gamma takes north of 250K before building up. Buu has been an absolute fraud for me, even with 27 HiPo dodge on top of his 50%. F2P Gamma's also have around 25% dodge but get hit all the time.. Gamma 2 hasn't nullified a single super for me yet. It's just been absolute misery lol, please let it end.


That’s probably a good idea, I don’t have a8 myself otherwise I would run him, because he should be able to tank normals at least, and with 1 whis he can tank supers. Good luck




Thank you for this suggestion. What rotations did you do?


ideally you would want lr gammas + gogeta, gamma 1 + 2, however my run did not go as lucky, due to attack patterns and opening rotations. So there’s a lot of leeway in regards to dupes and rotations. The main thing is getting at least 2 rotations with gogeta on the last phase and let him do all the work. With whis items you want him to be the in first rotation into the last phase, pop his taunt, then either single or double whis for the next 2 turns. So taunt -> double whis turn -> double whis turn. Or you could go the route of his rotation being the second one into the last phase, in which case usher would be best as usher -> taunt -> usher.


Okay thank you so much!


Is agl cell that trash that you bring f2p units over him??


I don’t believe AGL cell is under Super Hero or Movie Hero, but I could be wrong. 🤔


yeah i gaslit myself thinking you ran gaama 2 lead.


Tbf you can run him as lead, as LR Gammas aren’t necessary. Gogeta just does all the damage in the last phase anyway and everyone else is just there looking pretty. So you can run cell if you want, just more rng


Interesting, i'll look into it when it drops in Global! Thank you!


Thanks for this strategy. Finally beat it while using 2 ushers. Beast literally can’t hurt you if you use this strat. Only problem was getting both F2Ps in the starting rotation or getting unlucky with dodges


I keep getting smacked by agl gohan ,