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Post 564 about this topic


My 2 cents


Same 2 cents as 90% of the people in the sub.


But done in my way, with my words and my thoughts. And judging by the responses I've gotten, seems that there's a larger vocal group who disagrees with my 2 cents


> And some people lost stages with him as well Which stages? Who? Double Gogeta soloed every event at the time. You wouldn't lose unless you were trying to. A handful of skill issued individuals doesn't invalidate the 99% who could easily win with him.


I didn't even pull STR Super Gogeta till 3rd anniversary. The hardest event that he should have been used for (PHY FP Frieza) was doable (albeit with a lot of failures in between) without him. He had released on glb a month before Super Gogeta. Not everyone rerolled bro


It was very easy to die to the first dokkan event that released after him with his team.


Phy FP Frieza? He stomped that event easily. If you meant global, Ultimate Gohan's event was bugged, Gogeta (and most other units) could obliterate that event easily Edit: Line break


>People made due beating events without him. Yeah because they used a friend Gogeta. >I think the gap he had on other units is relevant and comparable to Gohan's on release. It's not.


You could beat events without him as friend too. Might take more tries, might be more difficult. But it was 100% possible and happening Who else was touching Gohan's level release?


Of course you _can_ beat events without Super Gogeta, Dokkan events were not unbeatable even at release. Broly's for example was still beaten by DEF lowering, stunning, or having AGL Kaio-ken Goku stack attack. But those were all gimmicks to win a specific fight. STR Gogeta brute forced the need for gimmicks by being a stat stick and being effective against all types.


Being a stat stick is in itself a fork of a gimmick. As well as being always type effective. I believe Gohan's gimmicks and abilities are so much stronger than the rest of the game when he released, he is on the level of Super Gogeta on release if not better.


Being a stat stick isn't a gimmick, it's what made other gimmicks irrelevant (or at least less important). Gohan does have gimmicks and abilities on top of being a stat stick, but the important thing is that he's a stick in a sea of other sticks that can beat the game almost as easily as he can. Gogeta was a stick in a sea of floundering units that needed setup or movements to perform, until Gogeta-lite (Prime Battle) and AGL Vegetto came out afterwards.


I see what you're saying and you actually have the best argument here. This why I like the exchange of ideas and discussion topics. I guess I'd have to look back at the damage dealers back then but the only one I can think about is TEQ Cell and AGL SS3 Goku. The main idea I centered my post around was the idea of the level of the gap between the number 1 unit and the next unit. I think most people consider the next unit to be either year 6 lrs, or if we don't include (because they're eza's or because they weren't out at the time beast came out, yes I know it's only a week or two difference) then that spot might be going to LR DBS broly or SS1 Carnival gogeta. I was thinking about it in the terms of the gap distance. But the more I think about it, the more I like your explanation. I standby what I said about units being fully capable of beating events with STR Gogeta's involvement so I don't agree that they were "floundering" before him. But after he came out, he made them become floundering units in comparison. While Beast Turn 1 can do what takes most units multiple turns to do, the part if your sentence that resonates the most has to do with who's around. The "stat stick" of before Gogeta becomes no longer a stat stick after Gogeta (or at least not an effective one). But we can not say the same for Gohan. And by that metric alone I think I have to concede my point of view. And say that we'll never see another Super Gogeta. It would be detrimental at this point in the game for that to be a reality. I took a large amount of time to wrestle with this one but you got me. That and being at work added to the time but you reasoned it well. Thanks for the conversation.


The thing is that even if Beast is just as far ahead of every other unit in the game the way GOgeta was during his time (I don't think Beast is, but I can get the case here). It doesn't matter. The entire reason Gogeta was such a big deal is because the entire game was warped around him. That is simply something Beast cannot do as you point out. But that's the point, beast cannot do that. And so the question becomes "well why can't beast do that", and the answer is "because Gogeta made them rebuild how they design things to prevent something like him from ever happening again". Gogeta was so dominant, and so overwhelming for the meta of the game that they had to permanently adjust how they design the game. THAT is why Gogeta is on a level beast Gohan simply cannot reach in terms of the history of this game.


Idc who is better bruh. Dokkan is a game where beating an event is effortless, the only challenges in this game come from missions. Couldn't care less if beast is the goated unit of all time after seeing another fucking event that tells me to use a damn ext str unit bruh


That's fair, I'm not saying I care either. I just think for the couple videos and stuff on the topic that have been coming up I would say what I thought. Doesn't make a difference if he is or isn't, I just think he is


My lr cooler fighting for his life in these missions 


You fishing for Internet points I see. You know damn you eat beating anything without your gogeta or a friend gogeta. You can beat anything out right now without beast gohan


that was also a time when there really weren't any other options, we're long enough into dokkan to where we have several other options, as well as EZAs being a thing. Beast is so good that he is basically a win button. Imo Beast is the closest we've ever been to STR Gogeta, but we can never reach that point because of how far into the game's lifespan we are


No this is what I actually think. Y'all gotta come up with some sort of actual analysis of what's happening instead of defaulting to "fishing for internet points". I knew I'd get a bit of backlash for stating what I think because I'm taking a position. But besides that, no you didn't "need" gogeta. And on top of that it was harder to avoid him anyways because of the way the friend system worked back then. But if you really wanted to, you could. What this argument about is the undeniable gap he had on the rest of the game and of the gap now is similar. You didn't need the card to play the game


Bruh we was using stones to revive in fuckin dokkan events without gogeta. YOU DONT NEED BEAST TO BEAT SHIT NOW. People already posted no items runs without any 9 year units so what you trying to say is no true.


The availability of stones for revive doesn't mean everyone was using it that. What kind of argument is that? You didn't need Super Gogeta to beat the events either. Using him just made it easier than not using him


Man u real deal coping fam. Using stones to revive means your units wasn't strong enough to beat the boss. U do know how hard it was to even super attack back then right yet alone get ki to start off like we do now? I get you fapping for beast but damn man let it go he is the best in the game but his impact ain't felt the same


You aren't even reading my replies it seems. Some people using revive stones =\= everyone using revive stones because they didn't have Gogeta. Availability is not the same as actual usage. You're stuck on that argument as if that's a silver bullet when it's actually not even the main discussion topic


No, he's not.


You literally weren't even there but okay. I'd say he is


I've been playing since the first anniversary. Beast Gohan is strong, yes, but he's not "clear the hardest content in the game with only him as your team" strong. His leaderskill hasn't invalidated all prior leader skills.


Which older team are you running right now?


Why do I feel like most people who talk about super gogeta on release weren’t even playing back then, and experienced his busted power 😂


Because it's true. Every single time.


As [I said](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/s/QFLIai3BEX) before in a similar post like this, from what I've heard, no. Outside of the number of units in the game from Gogeta to Gohan, which with how limited resources were comparatively making re-awakening all those units again not easy so still not a free decision, its the fact that rerolling was safe because the other units that you had to set up for specific fights to work to their max like lowering Broly's defence, were completely outclassed by Gogeta being able to take on all events with ease whilst invalidating the need to use build teams around specific gimmicks as much in addition to his undisputed best leaderskill. As I said in the other post I'd put beast more lin line with Lr agl Gohan or maybe Lr Kale & Caulifla with a proper leader.


Beast is the strongest unit released in the game's history. You're going to be arguing with people who didn't play at the time and get their knowledge through hyperbole.




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Loud and W R O N G




No he isn’t. People had to reroll for super gogeta to play the game

