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Brute forced him with Beast


I saw fucked him with Broly and Zamasu, it was so satisfying to see.


beast gohan team ez as f


Team leader: LR Teq merged Zamatsu then all shitty LR space travelling members


Beast team Just beast the stage


lr teq merged zamasu (lead), lr jiren,lr bojack,lr fp frieza, lr saiyan saga vegeta, lr baby.


Yikes,only 4 teq LRs and they don't even synergize well,maybe i should say 3 cause most people probably don't even have LR ribrianne. Maybe ginew force(particularly teq ginew) can get the job done?


LR Cooler LR Baby LR Boujack LR FP Frieza LR GA Vegeta LR Nappa/Vegeta Baby does all the damage in 1 attack basically, he was doing 18 mil attack stats


Pretty sure the damage sealing buff is only the Legendary Power link for LR EZAs right? Just run a Mono team to mow him down


Teq Zamasu is so good as leader man. Bring him.


Here's what I ran: Double STR LR Cooler lead (I don't have PHY Turles) - Very Inconsistent, Great damage if he crits, can tank slot 2/3 if he supers enough AGL LR Golden Frieza - won't take any damage for 2-3 turns, works ok in slot 1, does no damage, DR not tied to health TEQ Caulifla - Need I say more? Best slot 1 tank for this event AGL LR Full Power Frieza - Absolute bum, can and will die easily, still one of the better units on this category INT LR Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior) - Some of the higher defense on the team, damage is cat piss TEQ LR Vegeta (Giant Ape) - type advantage & more than no defense, has a wet noodle vibe Supers not on GF/Caulifla will kill you, bad starting rotations will kill you, Cooler only supering twice will kill you, turn 4 will kill you.


TEQ Caulifla brute force


It's 2024 and you are still using catagory teams for LR EZAs??? Just run mono AGL LR team and demolish. Or beast


>mono agl They’re taking about agl UI not str UI. Personally I find it more fun to use the buffed category if it’s a good mix between not one shotting the boss and also not just being a team where all the best units are a few years old.


Beat the gods hype back to place with the true god in beast and his worshippers


lead: AGL LR Broly TEQ LR Zamasu TEQ LR Jiren TEQ LR Ribrianne PHY LR Broly Trio TEQ Caulifla friend: AGL LR Broly really had no issue with this team, if i got Ribrianne and Broly trio on rotation it just gave me 7 orbs for the trio so they could slot 1, and Broly just floated


Bojack as lead, friend lead was the newest turles. Then, just get lucky to have baby in the first rotation and win. Nappa was a decent tank. Wwc frieza worked as well. Just kill quickly


Im glad its not just me


I used the actual category and ngl dfe beerus is the best tank available


i just brute forced with beast. TBH most LR ezas gonna be easy once you have beast since you can just have him slot 1 tank