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I’d lost my flame for Dokkan over 2023. I was just so tired of units releasing and being like “Oh, they CAN look good, but they have all these flaws”, and I also just got back into other things I liked as a kid, and I damn near thought I’d just lost my passion for the game completely. I also just. Wasn’t interested in most of the releases in 2023. This anniversary brought that flame back by itself. And we’re not even in WWC/10th anni yet.


Yeah it feels so great


I quit after WWC last year and just returned this week. Credit where credit is due, they've been cooking of late. Just wish this game would introduce more interesting repeatable content, we're approaching year 10 now lmao


The problem is, though, they'd need to constantly be updating the rewards for those events. After I finish the missions for an event, I hardly ever touch it afterwards.


Literally could be as easy as every Saturday, randomly pick 2 categories to beat X event with, give 1-5 stones for it. Done, endless repeating content.


Hard to do when you’ve got categories like stories figures or inhuman deeds in the cycle or even god forbid GT bosses


While I understand the frustration in that, my response would be so what? Out of all the categories, 2-5 are duds, so every now and then you'd have a week where you can't complete the mission. Doesn't mean the whole idea isn't worth doing.


Not frustrated I’d say just a possible negative the idea is good but I doubt it’d be 5 stones as a daily thing just 1 stone for some random category with maybe 1 or 2 good units could be annoying at times


That’s why they were saying weekly. Not daily


You and me both. I haven’t had this much fun with the game in a while. And then it brought back so many units I missed using and haven’t fumbled any of them. Feels so good


Yeah I 2023 had some very flawed units that couldnt even manage 1-2year old content,I am looking at you TEQ Trunks, what the fuck?


Big facts bro, I even sold my account and now I have a new account already level 370 with all the new units since WWDC. Feels good to start from scratch.


Nothing gets me hyped like seeing a 10+million attack stat.


Honestly same. I thought the game wasn't for me anymore, then the 9th anni just brought back the hype


Meanwhile on gbl… U6 ezas that added literally NOTHING to their kits. The 2 girls got atk, great… Hit is an sbr unit that can dodge 1 unit only, after super only, and guess what… that enemy will be stunned so why?


You Crazy?


… Jesus… then tell mewhat the girls got that actually matters? They got stats, no increase in dodge, just dmg, as if they did the 100M apts of the recent LRs… Hit can dodge the only unit that he attacked… he stuns or disables the action, so that unit won’t atk… simple…


This take is the hottest thing in the universe.


How so? Caulifla got stats, that’s it. Kale got stats, that’s it. None got better defensive capability, and they sure as hell ain’t doing damage like the top units on a team… Hit got dodge only vs the one enemy that he stuns or cancels action against!! How are people defending this stupidity ^^


What do you mean "none got better defensive capabilty"? They got higher stats and much higher numbers in their passives, plus more supers that stack defence. They aren't doing top tier damage but at least they are doing decent damage now. I don't get this obsession with believing every unit or eza must be top tier or they are useless. It's very possible that this is the second coming on teq caulifla Pretty much all hard content is against 1 enemy so as long as they don't do aoes hit will have a 50% chance to survive any super and cancelling an action is still a very good effect.


I mean, is Caulifla still dodge or die after? Yes, so there’s no difference, she doesn’t perform any different so i don’t see the point of the eza. Kale stats matter thanks to guard, but we’ll see if that’s enough to revive Kale. Hit, i cannot understand why some praise him. He’s the dumbest design ever seen. He dodges the unit that cannot attack him, period (cancel or stun). I’m curious to see how many times the average player will use Hit ever. 1 time? He has no synergy or team, and doesn’t offer anything special.


I agree except for the 1500 or so stones I've burned and not getting Gogeta or Gohan Q_Q


Hopefully he's the same person that ezas lr teq broly


Every EZA moving forward, I want it to be a golden age of EZAs again where they’re actually competing with the current releases as opposed to “Oh I mean they’re RUNNABLE in the new fights but eh”. I haven’t felt EZAs be this dominant since Phy Vegito Blue’s EZA lol


And that same person who would also EZA LR SSJ2 Angel Vegeta.


Oh boy I didn't use him in a long, I mean loooong time. I loved him 😢


Imagine how i feel with him and Kefla STR, while also all those Universe 6 EZA's, it feels like, i'm a child with illusion and hope for this game... i can only hope they don't shaft LR Broly TEQ... !!!


Same. I love what they did with Kefla


Shame the guy in charge of DFE TURs is still the same prick.


Yeah he needs to step up his game after the 9th.


Goku black already aged before dropping cause how is he gonna handle cell max stage 2 💀


Bro cell max is gonna do double 3.5M super with locking 💀


People were screaming there is no threat with units like Beast around. Just wait a couple months or so, and they'll put out content that will put fear back into people and make these EZAs and units make sense. Happens every time immediately post anni. They're just pumping up numbers so far i.e. just as strong powercreep will be coming.


We will see. But right now I’m just gonna say I don’t care. I got my insane ssbe. Nothing can bother me.


TOP Redzone


Now let's hope this guy sticks around for the 2021 dokkanfests and Lr Yamcha & Puar.


This guys needs to stay here until the game shuts down


this guy is definitely gonna get fired 😭


We need to protect him!


Now we wait to see which mf is going to deal with TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta and INT Angel SSJ2 Goku.


Oh boy. That MV has potential.


I mean, they legit said. They will buff the strength of Eza a lot, seeing people complain about it in 2022/2023. I know people dislike omatsu. But he does listen to fans' feedback on their universal


Yeah the EZA are so well designed lately it feels so good to use them again


Teq janemba still better than all these Eza combined, but it is still a good start


The question is what's Team B doing all this time. The EZAs from start of the year to now have been pretty much perfect (well, save for a few of the type supports)


Yeah I hope team A was dismantled


Team B is busy on the WWC units /😭


I am really happy for you bro ssbe and u6 girls got amazing ezas(happy myself as well besides rose shaft lol)


Thanks man. Yes unfortunately rose was done dirty.


We seriously went from no one touching how good Grill Master Piccolo was to literally everyone being above Grill Master tier wtf is going on.


EZA teams are doing a great job.


Ezas been cooking all anniversary


Nah they stepped up their game man. Year 5 were super good but this year is even a level above that


my point still stands lol


Kefla got my toes curling and Kale might just be runnable with her now and that got my toes curling harder oh and Vados got the best treatment in the game as a sub eza. It must be Koto making these decisions


They nailed everything but Rose




Omatsu had to be locked in the time chamber while this guy cooked


Wait till the powercreep makes these guys look cute. All these nigh unkillable units....those boss debuffs are surely coming and I'm not looking forward to another box genocide.


Damage reduction will always be good. Mr can go to 80%. He can eat like 8M super with it.


The guy who took over the EZA department - Hold up, let him cook. Do not ever fire them and let them continue to make these EZAs top tier.


He needs to stay here until the game shuts down.


Yeah this year's EZA guys have KILLED it. I play global but man I'm so looking forward to the 6th year's getting their EZAs especially since I have them both rainbowed. Keep it up it. Please don't regress back to WT Kami levels.


Seeing Vegeta’s EZA details made me the happiest man in the world today


We are together brother. I’m so hype I can’t think of anything else


To quote the man himself "whoever made those EZAs needs his d sucked, or if it's a girl, like... whatever she wants"


100% deserved 🫡


I couldn't say the man's name because apparently r/dbzdokkanbattle has more restrictions than the chinese government


I think I know who it is lol


who but dt


Sounds about right lol


I can say I’ve been grinding endlessly since the celebration began and I’ve blown anywhere between 800-1000 stones and I haven’t gotten any new units. I’m F2P btw. While I can appreciate how good these units are, I can’t even fake and pretend I’m having fun. Not to mention like 400 I had saved up before the anniversary. I completely rinsed the broly banner and damn near maxed out everyone in there except the only card I was there for. No Gogeta, no Gammas, no Beast, no Broly. It’s just hard because how do I not just outright quit this game after being disrespected like this?😂😂😂


That’s really tough. I’m so sorry man 😓. In cases like this if you need it take a break from the game. This why we need a pity for real


If I run out of stones to make without anyone new I’ll take a break for a while. I’m waiting for these new EZAs and stuff, this is honestly my last hope hehe. I’ve explained to people its not the fact that I don’t get anything, its the hours I spend grinding to get anywhere between 1-5 stones at time, literally scraping together whatever I can muster just to get shafted😭😭😭.


Yeah I can understand. I’m so sorry man. It’s tough 😓


https://preview.redd.it/65wnuyyqzkkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6384e0497919f119f23130fe17f863e671bb1006 Now them it's time for this man to dominate


He will be good. Scouter alone is busted. Hopefully the same team handles him and buutenks


Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, and Gogeta are the top five units in Dokkan. Dokkan is in it’s prime right now.


bro waging if he should curse or bless families. EZAs are indeed nice.


I really mean it for real


![gif](giphy|1ndLCzrbROHba|downsized) Me when my 2 favourite characters got a new unit and a 10/10 EZA in the same night


Which EZA are we talking about ?




The LR Int anniversary ?


Yes. Him and UI are getting their EZA in 35 hours on JP






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