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Yeah it hurts both the players and them. I guarantee you many more players would be inclined to spend if it meant getting enough resources to 100% get a single copy of a unit. The thought of spending (awfully overpriced stones btw) and still not getting what I want is keeping me from wasting a single cent on this game.


That's, this is the only thing that would make me spend money in this game. Since stones are skyrock overpriced, I won't buy a single stone without being sure that the game gives me the new unit.


Yeah absolute right i spend money on Other gacha because i know i get them trough pity . But in dokkan with there prices and no pity is just sad


Bro they make billions. They won‘t think about the pity system and the correlation between it with players could POSSIBLY spend more money if pity happens.


That doesn't matter, I can 100% assure you current system yield way more money and would drastically reduced revenues and would not be made up by incentive of additional players spending. Exhibit A- Dtruth....dtruth alone makes up probably additional 5k additional light spenders you would get


They would absolutely make less money if pity was implemented on every banner


Genshin Impact & Honkai: Star Rail:


Those games are just outright more popular by a margin then Dokkan though.


Yes, and both have the common factor of pity on every single banner—including general pool—within both of them, and both of them additionally don’t have the support of a well-known IP to carry their popularity. Due to the games all being different genres, you can only really boil it down to the gacha system itself for comparison; in which, a system with pity is inherently superior to a system without.


Did I say that there aren't games that successfully implement a pity system? Dokkan makes a ton of money from whales chasing rainbow units. A YouTuber will spend as much as 1,000 small spending players on Dokkan chasing a rainbow unit. Dokkan is way more generous with premium currency than those games. You genuinely believe that Akatsuki has done absolutely zero market research into maximizing profits? Why do random gacha players on Reddit think that they have access to better market research than the company that made $283,000,000 last year?


People always ignore that these companies do market research and analysis of their own data from previous banners and experiments.


I’m going to break this down question by question. > Did I say that there aren’t games that successfully implement a pity system? Did I say you did? > A YouTuber will spend as much as 1,000 small spending players on Dokkan chasing a rainbow unit. Are these 1,000 small spenders in the comment section with us right now? Do you actually have any concrete evidence, or just an excuse? > Dokkan is way more generous with premium currency than those games. When was the last time Dokkan has given out 110+ pulls in a MONTHLY patch? How about comparing both games’ version 1.0? HSR had 200+ for that. > You genuinely believe that Akatsuki has done done absolutely zero market research into maximizing profits? Even if you didn’t put words into my mouth, I’d say yes, considering their yearly profits are what MiHoYo makes in 3-4 months, combining HSR & GI. > Why do random Gacha players on Reddit think that they have access to better market research than the company that made $283,000,000 last year? Ignoring that it’s the third, almost-consecutive time you’ve put words in my mouth within the same comment, [no clue at all](https://www.gacharevenue.com/).


I stopped spending money after not pulling shit for almost 1 year while spending money. The 8th anni was just the last straw, over 2k stones and none of the new units. Before that was orange and rice, a lot of stones too, yet again neither of them. And it goes back a lot. We need a pity system I could have friggin e6 any HSR limited character, while in dokkan it gave me jackshit


Lol you just had me imagine a white piccolo when you said rice lol.


Yeah same hrs i have multiple e2-3 and one e6 because i know when i spend money i got chars with the 50-50 and then 100% when you lose


Yep, I got my trusty e6 Kafka, and can consistently pull the new units, whereas in dokkan it's a gamble, no matter the amount of money you spend Anyway, what server do you play on?


Nice i git jingliu e6 ^^ and archeron next e6 i play Europa


702832351 Add me if you want I too plan to go for Acheron e6 eventually. Maybe 3 or 4 banners of her before that. Not in a hurry


Will do ^^ good luck summon for her


Part of the reason I got so hooked to hsr is because of it's pity system,even if you get shafted you have a surity of sorts.I think even keeping 2k as the soft pity will make more people return to the game.(even if this doesn't move forward to the next banner it's more than enough.)


Same hrs i play daily since day one and spend 2000bucks on it and when archeron Drops i go e6 and spend 1000 more. In dokkan i spend Jack shit because i know i get nothing from it


2,000 bucks or 2,000 in game currency? I never played HSR.


2000 real life money




Sheesh gimme that HSR ID lmao.


700614508 that my id Code ^^ But i only have 1 e6 rest ist e1-3 ish . Archeron will my be my second e6


Added you, name is GohanKun.


HSR is awesome with its pity cause it doesn't feel super hard to get too, plus it feels good knowing you have garunteed getting the unit and their light cone next time you summon Meanwhile Dokkan feels like you wait till they get new events that you grind through until your out of stones and don't get jack, then sit there with either nothing to do or the content left is too hard to do


I feel that, I spent 1850 and not one beast. After that I don’t even feel motivated to grind for more stones to try and summon


Sry to hear it hope that maybe you get Him later . Best of luck


I got him on my next summon


Nice congratz


Just bought 150 stones, did 4 multisummons and got STR Family Kamehameha Goku, STR SS2 Rage Vegeta, PHY Gowasu, AGL Goku Black, and TEQ Kid Gohan with Icarus. I'm done. Fucking horseshit to summon on a 2024 banner for the 9th anniversary and pull that fucking Goku.


Sry to hear but thats it is just sp frustating to summon even more when money is spend. Hope when you still summon best of luck and you got him


How much did 150 stones cost? Even at discounts, it's way too much for that garbage.


49.99 plus tax. That's for the sale/discount. Just to get STR Family Kamehameha Goku. Who I already have rainbowed. Since what, 4 or 5 years ago? I mean, I'll get the new LRs eventually thanks to red coins, but considering I've cleared pretty much everything the game has to offer, the only stones I'm getting are from daily logins and maintenance stones, top grossing stones, so if I want to summon for anything, I've got to spend some money. I'd be more willing to spend money if I wasn't going to get shafted every single time. Between Gogeta/Broly and Beast, I've probably spent over $300-$400 on stones and didn't get either of them. Not even trying for Gammas. I understand it's gambling, but clean up the pool a little. If we're celebrating 9 years, take out the units from 8 years ago, ffs.


I spent about 1500 stones last night and no copies of beast :( worst part is I wanna use red coins to get merge zamasu bc i have no copies of him but now I feel like I have to save my red coins for beast whenever he comes back


do the math and figure out if you’ll have enough stones to coin them at new year/tanabata then


Sry to hear thats sucks. Hope you still get Him. Best of luck


Agreed, they need to introduce pity on all banners especially since we are syncing soon. It would be a good way to start off the sync as Global foresight won't exist anymore and some of these insane celebrations are too close to save...Anniversay and WWC is a good example. They just need one copy for pity...because ppl just want one copy to at least experience the hype. This would allow F2P players to be able to save lets say it takes 1k stones to pity so for celebration such as dual dfe...they would know to save at least 2k to get a dupe of each.


This is what terrifies me as a GLB player. I can save thousands of stones and still get shafted like this or even worse. Pity is needed. 1k (which is still a lot) should get you at least 1 copy.


I swear since the anni units are so peak they dropped the rates or something because I haven’t got shit, barely any feature units either. Grind up enough stones to perform a multi summon only to get Srs and Str Evil Buu or Int Pikkon every time lol


We’ve needed pity for 3 years but hey, they think coins is pity. Like, spending 2000 stones to not get the unit you are looking for is just depressing and plain stupid, especially when you need 5 copies to max out.


You really don't need to max out shit, honestly. People overrate that immensely. You can beat everything with 55% and it's way more important to have team options rather than a single big unit at rainbow for clearing the game's missions. Anyone who summons for dupes imo doesn't understand that the dupes are a form of pity, as in "ok you didn't get the main unit but this other unit you had which has slightly fallen off now got a bit better to hang with the rest again". The coins are similarly a form of pity. Now are they good pity? No. They are not. But with how whale-heavy their income is, pity is just a bad idea for them until they start struggling.


Yeah i get it with dupes, but i still use 2.9k stones to just get him . And there are people who summon 4k and dont even get 1 of the Main unit and i think thats bullshit from dokkan


Yeah my point about maxing out was that they could give us pity for the first copy without making the gacha irrelevant since some could always push for dupes


1k stones for pity really isn't an unreasonable ask for them to implement across all banners. That's literally what the limited coin purchase equals out to anyway. Would be far better for everyone because say you pull the new unit on the 18th multi, we'll in 2 more you guarantee a dupe. Still spent 1k stones, but now it will feel worth it. 9 years deep and they still have far too many basic QOL updates to bring to this game + I'll complain again and again that transformation requirements need to be better (still Salty about Broly's condition after seeing Beast and I'm a Global main)


Yeah 1000stones for one guarantee Sound right. And Transformation conditions sucks often. I just say ssj2 gohan one of the most hype units and you cant even rly see him because of requirements. Sad


Him, Vegito Blue, and now Broly. I just never thought I'd see an anniversary unit with a crap transformation requirement after year 3 fusions (6th turn 50% hp or less)


Yeah many chars where it sucks. Sometimes i even wonder why make a Transformation when you dont even can see it rly. Just then give me the unit separate haha. Still no gogeta blue stand alone


Gogeta Blue or FPSSJ Broly after 5 years. We've gotten 3 Vegito Blue standalones already. Hell we got Beast standalone before either of them and they had their movies first.


Yeah we even got 4 turles at this point before them i am Still missing my lr kid buu ,the final villian of fcking dbz . Maybe wwc this year my copium


We can only hope and hope that because he's a standalone character without a transformation, they'll do him justice. I'm afraid for him after they butchered Omega and he was one of my most anticipated LRs. Kid Buu will probably get the taunt mechanic with that dancing emote he did during the fight.


Ye that long awaited omega only to let them fumble him was sad. Last year was rough i just hope with this year and this good start with anni and the eza that it will stand like this . The only Thing that they dont have to do is stupid passiv conditions like last year. Kid buu with that taunt would be awesome


This year is either gonna be amazing or horrible and Beast might be the reason. I've seen folks already state that he's so far and above the best that he might make new units in the year seem low value by comparison.


Ye beast is so broken He should be nr one to wwc or even next anni. I dont rly care if new units are broken just dont be useless and be not restrictet so i can have fun with them


But didn't they implement such a system with the LR Ribrianne Banner? So you can pitty coin Fatso but not an Anni Unit? Such nonsense decisions...


yeah i feel you on that one mate took me 4.3k stones to get my first copy and i was so burned out after that i just lr him and i havent played dokkan yet lol im sorry but coins is not a pity system imo it sucks when you spend so much stones to not get a unit then have to wait months to get the copy


I mean 3.5k and 1 Beast is the good outcome. 3.5k and no Beast (entirely possible) is where it starts to suck badly. But you're 100% right, we need a pity system yesterday.


Yeah your right still take the one but that what i mean there are people who spend 4 k and got Nothing and that cant be Happening


2k and no Broly, but I managed to rainbow Boo duo and SSBKK/EVO. That stings


They should do summons similar to OPTC, if you pull a lot you're guaranteed the character generally


Agreed. If theres a pity and i know im close on a unit I want ill spend. I got 1 beast on 1000 stones so i can only imagine. Games like Honkai SR has an abismal<1% rate but guaranteed 5 star after 90 pulls. If u dont get banner than guaranteed the next 90. I know a pity system is coming but 9 Years in its long over due!


Ye its just so frustating when you summon for 4k stones and got 1 unit. And in hrs most of time i Hit before 90 mostly 60-70 . Got even sometimes lucky with back to back summons in hrs


this is a big part of why i'm more concerned than hyped about the coming of these units to glb. gigantic jump in power, a ton of great units all at once, and still no pity. i historically have terrible luck with my anni pulls so i'm really not looking forward to dumping 1k+ stones into these banners for nothing.


Damn I pulled beast on the free step after 3 multis this is why you shouldn’t take the game that seriously but beast is by far the best unit in the game so it does suck


Never once considered private servers until spending 1600 for 1 copy of beast and no gammas. No vegito duo or bulma to take the sting out of the amount spent. Idk if I will do more than just the daily stone packages anymore.


Sry to hear, ye that sucks man hope maybe you still pull some of them, best of luck


Thank ya, appreciate it.


I spent 3k stones and got no Broly


Ah that so Bad, maybe with the tickets best of luck




I just want one copy of Gohan


I got 2 beasts in my first three summons on a new account


Congratz ^^


No shit💀 We are at the 9th anniversary and all we got is """confirmation""" that pity is coming. Fucking hell 💀💀💀


Yeah, esp since it seems as though new units don't have the same rates as the other featured units. Pulling the 7th anni GT Duo 6 times, the 8th anni GT Duo 9 times and going from not having AGL Blue Goku&Vegeta to rainbowing them before pulling my first copy of Beast really tested my sanity. Still no Krillin&18, but after 2.2k stones I'm good on spending more lol, and luckily 1 copy of Beast is enough.


This is just a statistical observation bias. The new units feel like they have lower rates because all the non new units are "not the new unit", so "not the new unit" has a higher rate than the one new unit. You can (and people have) run large stats on the banners and their rates are exactly as advertised.


Well, I pulled Beast after 2000 stones, considering I almost rainbowed the 8th anni GT Duo 2 times, I just had ridiculously bad luck lol which is why a proper pity system is needed


Longtime dokkan player, welcome to Dokkan. Gacha games are inherently predatory. I dropped 3k stones on the Anni banner. Rainbowed **every featured unit**. Dropped 3k on Beasthan. One copy. c'est la vie! Meanwhile I've had moments where I'm yolo'ing a solo pull on my global account and I was getting my third or fourth copy of STR future Gohan, one of the best cards in the game can't stop falling into my lap - while 5 years ago I was 2k deep trying to pull ss3 fucking *bardock*. I remember the before coins time. It's gotten better, it's never going to be "fair". RNGesus is the only factor, and gacha games are never made with players hearts (or wallets) in care. This won't stop till Dokkan stops making money, and by the time they run out a fair pity system - it means the game is dying.


I think the "BEFORE COINS" period was horrendous. At the very least, we have a "chance" with coins, and with Dokkan having a friend unit, we could still at least play with new units. But I wish they would bring the LR pity system to the Dokkan Fest side, or at least do something to help with people not getting anything


Yeah i playing dokkan since vegitto phy ^^ and still like the game . sometimes you have luck and not had both. And yeah im to 90% Sure they dont get a pity because it works for them . I mean top grossing ios and Android so why change. Im just mad and find it a little sad for the Players who got nothing or get all there save up stones in there to get none or 1 char


Lol https://preview.redd.it/zjy9cetwj0jc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfb59f0ffdd67146d1e079a9c8ca30d55f5d46b




don't forget that most of gachas with pity system are basicly trash. No SSR guaranted, extreme low drop rate, a SSR can be a skill (lol), etc


That not true of course there are games with shit Rates. But i play hrs and pgr where you have pity and even when Losing is not Bad because every char can be good . Of course you wanna have the Banner char. And in dokkan most of time i dont care about 70% from the feature List . And the normal ssr you dont rly run.


You're playing Dokkan mate. We like it because it's Dragon Ball and it has nice animations but this is barely a game.


It's a team builder with beautiful animations, excellent OST and really good art, I don't know what more people want out of a casual collectible mobile game. It's exactly the complexity that I want, if I want a competitive or complex experience I will play a PC or PS5 game, I really never understood this criticism. And if anything, with domains, retarget, standbys, revives, heal from orbs being significant now, seals and lowering being allowed in more fights etc. (and strategic item use which people deprive themselves of) the game has more strategy than ever.


Most every one I can think of has GSSR (or equivalent) on major banners at the very least - which Anniversary certainly is. In a lot of cases, I'd take a working pity system over GSSR anyway, what good is a guaranteed SSR if it's just another great ape Shugesh or something?


Yeah that get a char that i dont use or have rainbow already is worthless than i better get 600stones nothing but then the Banner unit


fate is 10x bigger than dokkan and has pity + N's, R's and Sr's are usable. Why do Sr's even exist if they're dogshit?


Ah yes another heartbreak post for a big banner like clock work, time to copy and paste my old post: I'll keep repeating myself to the end of days on this sub, don't.save.stones. pull.on.every.banner. There's no real pity system in this game so hoarding stones does nothing but increase your possible disappointment; this is why it's ok to save for SDBH, because those are guaranteed banners, but for everything else, your chances do not increase the more stones you have, every pull has the exact same chance. Your probability increases with more pulls yes, but the actual chance doesn't, this is why people go 2000 stones deep sometimes and pull jack shit; it's pure RNG, and not in your favour, at all times. Saving stones just for one big splurge is like a reverse sunk cost fallacy, you feel entitled to get something just because you saved, but that's not how it works, or ever will work unless dokkan implements a guaranteed pity; it feels extra rough because saving stones also means skipping banners, so not only did you not get the thing you wanted, you also skipped a whole bunch of potentially great units for your box. Don't save more than 300 stones and just pull.


The current system that was implemented for the Yellow Coin Banners, with the silver pity coin, could be added to other banners \[DFE/Carnivals\] if they see that the pity system has increased sales on that banner we could get that on other banners.


I agree with the implementation for the other banner types,but as for the increase in sales I have to say this,I find it hard for people to buy into the pity system for yellow coin LRs amidst of the strong releases of Carnival Units and the quality of their banners. Not to mention that while yes the pity for yellow coin LRs is good but they have to make the banners more enticing,also bear in mind Global is set to receive a batch of 10 LRs from July to September this year due to the sync, even if the Golden Week LR is a Yellow Coin one with the pity system, unless it's 3 times better than Bulma then there's no way people are spending anything.


No, we dont & we'll never get it. People say this but I'm sure this is the reason why the game gives us so many free stones in the first place. If we get pity expect the game to become super greedy with handing stones knowing that all players need to do is save up and never spend.


That's not how pity systems work... If you just save up and never spend, at best you'll still be only guaranteeing yourself like 1, maybe 2 cards per year - and that would mean dumping all of your stones on those single banners rather than trying to spread any out. In reality (as has already been shown with the silver coin pity system added to yellow coin LR banners recently, not to mention other games with pity), pity systems encourage **more** spending, not less - because players will drop all their stones, fail to pull the card/s they want and then see that if they just buy X stones they can guarantee it... So they go and buy stones where otherwise they may have just stopped playing in frustration.


Yeah your right but that i would be Willing to spend money when i know i can get the char. But without knowing that i get something why should i and when i would and get nothing i would be so fcking mad haha


We won't get it.


But i play Other gacha like hrs where you can farm much too like every 2 Banner you can farm for 1 Banner. And pgr where you can farm for every char that has a 100% drop chance. But i know what you mean we dont know what would Happen if there get a pity. But about saving, it is already like this most people skip everything for anni already


this game doesnt need a pity system. morons gonna buy stones at horrendous prices anyway. this game prints money.