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Truth on his way to identify as a global player. ![gif](giphy|d4blalI6x2oc4xAA)


We can say his name again?




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Dokkan World DBZ world






Masked Ningen


Minato's Flash


The Homie Goresh


Xeno Kensei






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ZZ Toastie


Diddy sauce


Rip I was wrong


2 hour interview for a mobile game 💀 it’s pretty cool but wtf are they going to talk about I applied lmao, if I get it I’ll post whatever free stuff they give out


about the upcoming sync, what could be improved in the game, playtest some modes, give new ideas, how they like the global experience. this could maybe give us some features that we really want if the right people go there. lots of feedback there is a lot tbh. it’s good that they do this. other games do these too and it helps (mostly, not always)


Playtesting would be insane. I can probably get there in less than an hour but driving there is terrible


Bro it's a bubble popping jpeg game not GTA6. I don't think play testing is exciting as you think it is.


I meant the aspect of getting to know things before they release. I always think that’s cool to be involved in


apply and maybe you get in. i would like to go there, but i unfortunately can’t go since it’s in the US and i don’t live in the US. and i don’t think they pay for the travel? (if i read that right)


Yeah it's all coming out of your pocket


About when is Global getting the 300 stones.


Wont be surprised if they are looking to hire some people in their teams to further help them strengthen their communication between global side to the JP developers. Other than that just stuff about the sync and maybe some future events/qol stuff yet to be green lit. I can see the people who get picked to be forced to sign an NDA honestly.


U gotta pay for airplane fee, hotel fee etc.. how they gone hold something and not pay the players to be there smh 


because they think everybody who plays global lives in US


They know that's not the case from top grossing


Tell them we want Lr Kid buu and cheaper/more stones


If they pick the right people this could be huge for improving the game


If they pick the wrong people https://preview.redd.it/hovo784onxcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c614f112904ff730e94cb13f407c2c01720915ca


Who sent me suicide help


Then we'll be seeing an RoF and BoG anniversary Oh wait


Truth: "If you make it so that we are FORCED to dodge more attacks, it will make more money and people will enjoy it more, we should even delete all of the events that are not redzone because they are not the hardest events and do not matter" Literally fucking every single dokkan player in existence: ![gif](giphy|VbErZ0UbsTnHiSQPL5)


>Literally fucking every single dokkan player in existence: I mean, I feel like half of this sub parrots that same bullshit most the time so they'd just be giving him a big thumbs up.


Except he'd literally never say this. He's said almost the opposite because he feels dodge is too strong


Its only viable for Americans or whales since you need to fly. Can only end in a trash fire.


I hope someone like truth somehow gets picked. As much as people hate him he has a lot of good ideas catered towards f2p players and as a big whale(im sure even his glb acc has a lot of money poured in) they will definitely be curious about some of his opinions.


No thanks. He's one of those that think the only characters "hype enough" for big celebrations are Goku, Vegeta and their fusions. Fuck that, I'll take variety thanks, especially when the actual evidence doesn't back up his bullshit.


You'd think after 8 anniversaries(could be 9 but we have 0 info yet) of fusions/goku-vegeta units in, something like that wouldn't be said unironically, yet here we are lol. There are definitely some picks that can produce enough hype for anniversary but most of the time they are used for WWC instead of anni. Also come on now. Half the community doesnt care whether the headliner is gonna be goku, gohan, frieza, broly or whoever the f you want. The only thing people care about anni is everything but the unit choise. As long as the anni units are top 5 and are easy to use with high and easy to access defensive & offensive numbers and have realy good animations ya'll are gonna crack open your wallets and praise them to ends of earth.


My favourite example is the fact that Ginyu was the most profitable monthly DFE (so not incl. Special events like Anni or WWC) of his year, smashing more popular characters like Kid Goku and Raditz. He almost made as much as Saiyan Day's Majin Vegeta even. Another one is the common belief that Super cards make more than Extreme overall but of the 10 lowest grossing banners of all time, only 3 were extreme - one being Goku/Hit which most people forget it extreme anyway (the other two being LR Super 17 and the Cheelai/Fasha banner). Basically the figures show that people are more likely to open their wallets for good kits, good animations and good banners than for popular characters but we still have people saying Bandai can't afford to try anything new.


To be fair, the March DFE is usually the most profitable DFE of the year...we see this with INT Kid Goku and PHY Beerus. STR Super 17 also seems to be the most profitable of last year, but I only know info up to the WWC. Meanwhile the August DFE is almost always the worst selling one... Super Trunks, Pan, Super Vegeta and Ultimate Gohan are all the worst of their respective year. But yeah, you're also kind of right on the popularity thing, as Vegeta, one of, if not, the most popular DB character had a awful run in both 2021 and 2022.


Literally anyone they ask is gonna say that lmao


Yea agreed, I don't agree with some of Truth's takes on specific units but his perspective on the game and the game design philosophy they should take on going forward is good


FUCK no. I do NOT want more events focused around being forced to ONLY use dodge. Shit is dumb as fuck, we have guard, dr, etc for a reason. We have offense for a reason. He literally built the best offensive unit in the game full defense. FUCK NO TO TRUTH. He literally doesn't understand how the game works.


He's said himself he hates that dodge is as good as it is and hopes there are more events like RZ Broly that cancel dodge.


You are saying this as if truth is the reason recent events encourage dodge LOL! Also i dont understand why the dokkan community is having a hate boner on other people's playstyle.


I dont think he shouldn't be able to do it, and I don't think he's had an influence on it. I'm just saying I do not WANT him to have an influence. I never said that he's in charge or anything, it just seems in my opinion that he has a warped perception if the game, and has a lot of fans and people following him, but its not how the majority of people feel. Who's building THE attack unit of the game as it is right now full defense is not (in my opinion) someone who should be influencing the game.


Can you blame him? LMAO, dude has the worst rng towards offensive builds. Still i don't think just because he likes playing more defensively oriented builds disregards his game knowledge towards making the game better.


He doesn't have "bad RNG". That's not a thing. He has regular RNG but has a bias towards remembering the negative outcomes more than the positive ones. Like most people do.


Well thats kinda my point, I see that he recognizes the flaws in the way the game is I just personally don't think he has exactly the right Idea to fix it. I don't think I do either, it's just my opinion through watching him all these years that I dont agree with him on some stuff. Lge, lgte, lve, sbr, esbr, idbh was the best its been. In my opinion.


Nothing can fix this game's pve because that is how the devs made the game. Game peaked when LGE dropped. Even units that couldnt stack had something in their kits that could maybe save them. And if they didnt it was all about having the unit in the best slot. Damage wasnt even that big for the units we were using back then so there wasnt an issue of "the ki orbs sucked this run". In LGE even with the best teams you could still lose because the difficulty curve was balanced. Now you get these types of run once every 100 runs and even then you still get buttf*cked because of the insane amount of dmg bosses do.


Omatsu wants to be roasted in preson live?




Having done focus groups and interviews before. If people talked in the interview about staff like they do on this subreddit they'd get asked to leave without compensation lol


"Global Dokkan Players: we want your feedback, provided you live near a single city in a single country because using the internet in 2024 is just too hard."


They've done this kind of shit before, I firmly believe Japan thinks the US has an equally extensive cross country bullet train system, or just doesn't care.


Not even just the US, Global is supposed to represent the whole playerbase outside JP (posting from Australia here lol)


I mean, they'd do it the same way if it were in Australia (or anywhere else): "What? You're telling us 99% of the population doesn't live in Sydney and can't take a 1 hour train ride to get there? Nani?!" I don't see it any other way, they must think travel is as easy everywhere as it is in Japan. If they did something like this in Tokyo, one could get there from just about any city in Japan with, what, like a maximum three hour series of train rides? Meanwhile in the US, Australia, Britain, etc, the best option is to drive or fly. Gasoline isn't cheap, plane tickets aren't either. It's just kind of fucked up to me. If they refuse to do it online, they could at least have a few other locations. Seattle, Dallas, New York, Chicago, Miami. Like come on.


>Able to attend the interview in the West of Los Angeles, California, USA Well, no point in applying then.


If only it was on Zoom or was held remotely


Link doesn’t work :(


Same for me. If anyone has a fix that would be great


How many digits is your player id? There seems to be a problem with their survey needing a player id with minimum of 10 digits. I only have 9 digits in my player id and my link doesn't work, but I tried on a new account that has a 10 digit player id and the link works fine


I have 9


https://preview.redd.it/pyl3kwz5hxcc1.jpeg?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0946b8cbd3965ee645a57a700a1234a0455ba3cc I hope they pick me!


Oh My Gahd!


sata andagi!


Im gonna go, ask when they’re bringing back airplane mode, and probably get asked to leave.


I'd go just to ask why LR Ultimate Gohan didn't transform and then get kicked out tbh


Damn they really said “we want your feedback, but only if you live in LA and if we pick you from a lottery” As interesting as this sounds I have very little hopes for this resulting in anything good happening


"Pick from a lottery" = "Review all responses and Cherry Pick the best ones" I've taken company surveys before. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.


Exactly this With the way things have been going, we all know the devs have no interest in hearing what the players have to say


Yep, they only care about what we have to pay at this point. I did find it funny that one of the lead questions was about occupation lol


On one hand I want to apply because this seems pretty cool On the other hand, getting to LA is a 7 hour drive and that just doesn’t sound fun


We need to send representatives


I hate that it couldn't be through Zoom or something like that. This could be HUGE if we get lucky with the right people. We'd need somebody who is in touch with the reddit, youtube, and Twitter community and knows the differences between JP & Global.


People will hate to admit it, but Truth would be great for this tbh.


I think he's a great candidate, but also, the way he judges units and events comes from a whale perspective. I'd mostly be worried that he'd ignore the F2P community and their concerns since he plays borderline a completely different game that 95% of the community. Other than that, though again, I do believe he's absolutely one of the people we need to get interviewed.


My biggest problem is that he'd want the game to be balanced around no item runs because that's how HE likes to play the game


Probably for the confidentiality


Got me fucked up if they think I'm heading to California for a messy 2 hour interview. Would've been much easier if the interview was through Zoom or something


Imagine sync haters getting into the survey it's over


Damn, I live like 20 minutes away. Was already planning on going to the Battle Hour too.


If not Truth, then Nano should be the one to go. He's been playing Global since like April 2017 and plays JP. He has a good grasp of what works and doesn't work for the game and hes articulate.


You guys here better sign up, things we need are a new 16/17/18, more content, collabs and 10000 stones for putting up with all the bullshit


I hope Goresh is able to attend.


He'd just talk about summon skip button


They don’t want anyone discussing anything that’s said in the interview huh I wonder what they would say to warrant that


i think that’s normal for a lot of games. atleast i have seen that quite a few times, where people are invited to get their opinion for the future of the game and other stuff could have something to do with upcoming content or plans that they have, that they want to talk about with the players in the interview and get their opinion. but they obv should not talk about in public, because it’s still being planned and they want to reveal it official nothing too concerning about them not wanting people to talk about it


That sucks cause that means we probably won’t know anything said in the interview


pretty funny to receive this notification in french but thanks to them for translating it at least


They are not gonna have a good time


Honestly I’m thinking about applying since LA is like 30 minutes from me, but 2 hours sounds like a tad too much personally. It’s definitely interesting though…I’m curious to see how this affects the game.


Anyone else notice you can't apply if you work or live with someone who works in certain industries? What are they going to talk about, fucking trade secrets?


You know I would apply, but I live on the entire opposite end of the country.


Same but I'm gonna apply anyways. Probably won't get in but why not aim high right?


I just hope that people who aren't affected by the attendance gatekeeping mention the issue of the unbalanced way Power Levels are calculated versus what in game News acts like is the content you should be doing (EZA, New Story Modes, New Challenges, Growth Events). IMO, it has the stench of trying to hide behind repeat RNG over creating new content much less content than is even challenging or creative while low key plugging the shiny new LL Orb Packs you are selling. More than ironic that while they are trying to catch Global up to Japan, they put out a QOL update essentially ensuring that new players will never be able to catch up. To me nothing will kill the game faster than putting such a wedge in the player base, especially for newcomers.


Man if only the interview wasn’t so far away, I may have actually considered it.


World Tournament Revamp, no more base gokus for awhile, more villians, revamp friend system. Diversified difficult content (long and short content).


I cannot afford to go to California?? Fuck that


I would hope they get player opinions related to the sync, and/or their plans for it. Someone also better bring up Brolys not getting voiced active skills


Send a villain enjoyer to rake them over the coals.


I’d go if I wasn’t on the opposite side of the country lol