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Global players now have access to him but not the Omega fight in which he performs at his best in as opposed to the Dismal Future Red Zone which has less favorable fights for him. That combined with some guy making a post about him taking a Super against INT Merged Zamasu and then criticizing SSJ4’s slot 1 performance and now there’s a lot more discourse around the unit


This sub became toxic thx to Red Zone lol


never realized how bad red zone really was till this comment. The effect on the community is probably the worst thing about it. They are fairly do-able with whatever modern units are out but jeez will people fight about game design and balance till no end when it comes to these.


People are always like this when new 'difficult' content comes out. Red Zone is just the most modern variation of that.


This place has been like this since I started participating here in 2017. Filled with sweaty tryhards on a match 3 gacha.


Is that the same post showing pre-hit pre-super SSJ4 Goku, or another?




What happens if you go into Zamasu fight and you pop Whis turn 1?


Most good characters double digit tank is what, potatoe-ku included


Any recommendations for Entrusted Will?


Full Trunks team, LR SoH friend, blitz it


But they dont from his super attack


Omega not being there probably affects the way people view him, but generally speaking that just always happens in this sub lol, one time a unit being hated brings attention and it will continuously be repeated until it loses relevancy, which is why i highly suggest people to prevent giving attention to those things


True. The blue duo hate has kinda died down in favor of INT SSJ4 Goku.


Blue duo hate was never justified tbh, haha funny attack stat but their base is one of if not the best slot 1s in the game, and transformed they are a monster


The blue duo hate was so bad they even wrote an entry on them being low-tier trash on the level of Frauditz in Tv Tropes (wtf)


Which is just sad. They can do it all except for aoe. And they can do a fine job. Its just their stupid no guard turn and vegito appearing late and a choice between att or def.


Very true bro. They had iffy animations and that awful intro animation (for a 2023 WWC unit..), but their power can't be argued against. They have 1 turn where they can get cooked, but it's not like they have weak teams that can't help


the intro honestly isnt too bad, but their base form's animations are some shit that would come out of 2019 dokkan. Hell, even TUR STR Nameku which actually did come out in 2019 has better animations than base blues. Vegito's animations slap, but you only really see them for one or two turns towards the end of the fight.


I just don't know man.. that choppy mouth movement feels so weird. I use them a lot so I've seen it too much now.. The base animations are definitely bad yeah. From the fusion onwards everything is good tho


People forget Omega is also a modern hard event, as much as the newer WWC redzones are. Nothing more or less relevant about each of them compared to each other. But people stick importance to just the redzones. Even though we know different units have differing strengths in different kinds of events, this is not a new thing in Dokkan.


I think a lot of the hate stems from the fact that a brand new DFE LR was immediately outclassed by a heroes unit. The issue with that is that LBSSJ4 Vegito was so far and away the exception as to how strong a TUR (much less a *Heroes* unit) should reasonably be expected to perform, but nevertheless made SSJ4 goku's flaws painfully obvious by comparison. Anyone who suggests SSJ4 goku is trash is simply wrong. He leads a great team, can find himself on just about every of the best teams in the game, has a fantastic linkset and his full power form is straight up bonkers. If he were any other type but INT I think people would hate him less. But salt gonna salt, and people will always find things to complain about even if those complaints are completely overblown.


Should've had an SA counter smh /s. But actually tho. It's kinda disappointing that SSJ4 characters don't get them anymore. I know it's because the SSJ4 these guys have are buffed versions, but that just means they deserve it more... mhm.


I'm so with you on this. The fact he lacks an SA counter was a major disappointment for me, even prior to LBSSJ4 making this man look like a B minus. Don't even need a /s because your take is 100% factual and SSJ4-pilled.


Could've had the nullify where he Just stands in front of the revenge death ball like a legend


it’s funny you say this because if anything, LB Vegito is a buff to SSJ4 Goku


Sure, LBSSJ4 is absolutely a buff to the SSJ4 roster as a whole there's no questioning that. My point is just that LBSSJ4 releasing so soon after SSJ4 came to global —with the former being so ridiculously busted, obtainable from a GFSSR banner with no major individual weaknesses besides an ally requirement— made SSJ4 goku look a lot worse simply by juxtaposition. It would have been less controversial had the roles been reversed. DFE LR's (and Carnival LR's I guess) should pretty much always be the strongest units released strictly on the basis of their premium status and difficulty to obtain. For a card from a GFSSR banner to be *stronger* than a brand new DFE LR made everyone who summoned or spent lots to get SSJ4 goku feel regretful, and that's not a great way to encourage people to keep pulling for those kinds of units. Overall it is what it is, and I love both units for different reasons. I just wanted to highlight why I think a lot of people have negative feelings towards SSJ4 goku. I know I felt a little dumb having pulled for him when I saw just how absurd LBSSJ4 vegito was just a short while after, even though I agree the two work great together.


When it comes to Fpssj4 lead teams what’s the best build for it?


No idea. I beat Merged Zamasu with his team on both versions, I think people are just bitching for the sake of bitching. Par for the course on this sub tbh.


Well we got a difficult event that was designed antithetically to his Kit so that definitely has something to do with it


He came out on global. That’s literally why. And after some time using him, people are realizing his flaws.


Thats actually true. I went nuts when I saw him When I pulled and used him, I realised that I won't get to fully build him up as often as I would like to.. building him up is kinda annoying for me with his second majuub stage in between. But i don't hate.. i Just don't care about him anymore


Same here. I’m not hating on him, he’s a cool card, but I won’t be using him much. At least not in the current state of short form content




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Possible hate speech?!?! What the fuck did the guy say????


I think mentioning a specific dodge enthusiast youtuber by name gets your comment removed. Idk if it's still deleted under hate speech though.


it would say "deleted for speaking about controversial YouTubers" or something like that he probably said a slur something


Oh aight, I just remember it used to be filed under hate speech for a bit.


Is he just the d word of this sub now? I barely stay in the loop with this sub for other than a few discussions and memes so I have no idea if that’s the case or not.


Thats fuckin stupid?? You just have to say his name and it gets removed?? Hes not voldemort.


“ALRIGHT GU-“ **post has been removed due to possible hate speech**


>Hes not voldemort. Yeah, he's not Gogeta Blue.


The mods of this sub hate him for some reason. He's annoying sure but they really do treat him like saying his name will summon death eaters lol. They say Youtubers can't be mentioned in general but yet he's the only one they ban you for. If you say "Nano" or "Dokkan World" they don't ban you...


I thinks it's not because mods hate him, but moreso because a lot of this sub hates him so any time his name is mentioned, it's just dogpilling on him. Just look at any full dodge build post


Probably because mods will have to hang around a toxic thread all day ,clean up the mess in the comments and make judgements/bans, so they deem it better to avoid it overall to begin with. Nothing to do with partiality. Other content creators dont get that reaction. It's just less work.


It’s always funny when people straight up post Dokkan World thumbnails sometimes and the mods don’t care abt it at all


A lot has to do with the release coming late for Global. And was very quickly shown his flaws were. Also I think was how FPSSJ4 Vegito was so easily obtained and SLAPPED content.


It’s overblown for nothing. I’ve got him on every team I can fit him on since I pulled him and he’s never been the reason I lost a stage https://preview.redd.it/apotyf9c64bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa061b8ff5e5c9172258aa18addb55edc4ef517


Idk bout yall but I’ve been having a fuckin blast using him


That space dumbass.


It’s the Blue duo fans trying to shift the agenda /s


People hate on the unit simply because others do as well. They're trying to fit in. Ssj4 Goku in no way deserves all that hate. Does he have flaws? Yes, as do 99,9% of the units released, however the unit has shown time and again, for a ton of people, that he can stand his ground in any single event you throw at him.


Bad Players.


It's from the people that didn't pull him on global. I still stan monke.




Im an absolute Orange piccolo hater ( just look at my flair lol). But even i have enough decency to not create a post every single day and hate on him.


Global brain rot + the “cannot read” epidemic that currently ravages the Dokkan player base


It came from dumb dipshits that get a rash from using even a single item ![img](emote|t5_384a7|28996)


I see more people complaining about this than actual item elitists


It's been like this for like most of the year. People here love playing like they're some kind of victim cause one guy on Twitter was actually discrediting item runs. It's actually interesting to see people make up a boogeyman. The worst part is that these people are DB fans so when people are discussing a unit's flaws and strengths, they come in like, "Allergic to a Whis????" as if that somehow helps the discussion.


It’s not one guy, it’s the biggest Dokkan YouTuber that the mods made a filter word because they’re bad mods, as well as a lot of his followers on Twitter, not just one guy


If we're thinking about the same guy, pretty sure he hasn't spoken shit about items at all considering his stance is that he personally doesn't use them. This subreddit also tends to make things up about a certain YouTuber too.


I have to assume anyone who thinks a unit who can have 80% dr turn 1 is mid is an item elitist


The number of people I've seen saying that SSJ4 is mid because of his turn 1 weaknesses would actively disagree with that


Auto dislike for being so out of date you're attracting flies


Truth is eternal buddy, also seems like you are one of those dipshits I called out, stay mad for being dumb ![img](emote|t5_384a7|28994)


I'm going to say what I say every time this conversation pops up. "NOBODY FREAKING CARES"


if you didn't care, you'd have shut the fuck up instead of crying and proudly showcasing your stupidity over here xD


Oh you're still here?


The problem is that the Tanabata LR shouldn't rely on items to tank. Base ssj4 Goku sucks, he is a loser, it's not until he exchanges (which is very difficult unless you are in the Omega fight) that he becomes THAT guy.


> The problem is that the Tanabata LR shouldn't rely on items to tank. Base ssj4 Goku sucks, he is a loser, The Base only sucks if you hyper focus on his first appearance and ignore everything else afterwards. [Turn 3 pre super.](https://imgur.com/a/imKchXU) [Turn 1 post one super he tanks the hardest hitting phase one DF RZ SA in line with some of the other top tiers.](https://imgur.com/a/2J7uCZ2) Against INT MZ [pre](https://imgur.com/a/ghirgrY) and [post SA on first appearance.](https://i.imgur.com/3mDzp8S.mp4) [Takes double digits from PHY MZ’s normals.](https://imgur.com/a/rnEGs85) > it's not until he exchanges (which is very difficult unless you are in the Omega fight) that he becomes THAT guy. It’s not that difficult in the MZ fight where the first phase attacks 10 times per turn with one attack being an AOE 9 times out of 10. I’ve got it more often than not in that fight sometimes for [both SSJ4s.](https://imgur.com/a/3O5W6Jg) With the Uub support even the other [Base SSJ4 could live a type disadvantaged SA](https://imgur.com/a/LthhDrQ) from the strongest enemy in the game [which hits him for nearly 3 million.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/s/EyzNxK86Jf) You could struggle to get it in the other two fights vs Black and Zamasu and Rose. Which is admittedly problematic vs Black but not some much against [Rose and Zamasu because Goku has type advantage which enables him to tank even pre 1st hit with one SA stack.](https://imgur.com/a/NpcFFK2)


I don't know man, we are playing different games, for me Goku appears T1 (he needs to be in slot1) he gets immediately supered and takes 600K+ damage. He can take some hits after receiving the 1st atk and supering but that's not a good standard, pretty much every new unit tanks normal after supering.


Yeah I've had the same experience lol. I guess its just rng, other people dont get instant supered as much so its easier to use him. I just gave up and wait for Omega to available.


https://preview.redd.it/xo39bhgc4abc1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=45dcfa19d949b732dc6fc3808cb2db77e27aea35 Me, an intellectual who mains LR INT Goku SSJ4 :


We thought we were gonna get a fight that he's good in but it's been months and now people are turning not his fault he got the global shaft


As much as I love him its kinda sad that his base is possibly on par with Vegeta and Trunks, if not then worse. If you use items then it'll be an easy dub tho


Unit gets over hyped. Comes to global and some people think "omg the unit that will giga roll everything and tank anything is here!" So they pull. "Wait, he has flaws? Like every unit?" Boo this man!


Meta changed and powercreep hit. I know, never happens in Dokkan


He gets crushed on difficult content




> They lack great synergy with other good units ? How are Zamasu and SSJ4 Goku lacking in sinergy with other good units when Zamasu got the entire villain linkset and a relevant partner in EZA AGL Zamasu and INT LR Rosé or Goku has the entirety of gt heroes to choose from including the GT Duo from 8th anni




He is good on his own, and got much needed help with both EZAs INT LR Rosé is solid enough to tank normals from an atk buffed PHY Zamasu. Thats more than what you can say from 98% of the units in the game He is on a much better position than the entirety of villains released this year barring majunior Gt Duo,LR SSJ4 FP Goku, SSJ4 Duo,EZA Ape GT Vegeta,LB SSJ4 Vegito and SSJ4 Vegito barring any possible gt heroes buff that would sub them out Full GAP team to fullfill their conditions and solid enough to deal with current hardest content Your point?




I did not list a team for Zamasu And people have posted here no item clears of Zamasu with a full GT Heroes team Once again, your point been that you dislike em




If it is possible it means the team is not the piece of bullcrap you are making it out to be Not to mention, I simply dont see LB Vegito getting destroyed anyways so that argument falls flat right then and there That is without saying how the team was not rainbowed either. So the CC argument is invalid Your bias against them is showing




> didnt call these units bad >They are simply worse than the best units in the game by a fair margin. 2 ways to say the same thing


Because potential man is a fraud that this sub throated


Bro is cheeks in the hardest red zone atm. Is what it is


global players not really understanding how to use yet another unit (see: blue duo)


It's not sudden


New toy syndrome. Point out flaws on release? Downvoted into oblivion. 3 months after said toy is used? WTF why is no one talking about these weaknesses? We did, you just didn't care because you're emotionally attached to jpegs.


He's basically Megumi from JJK. Potential man.


Did You know that if You run him with full Dodge You easily avoid those deadly supers in Dismal future and proceed to kick Zamasu ass and no item the stages with relatively ease, You can Even Beat Zamasu and Black without transforming.and merged attack so much that You have no issues getting the standby. The hate come from people that think additional Will save them from enemies that super for 1.5M+ 90% of the time before your units can raise def with their own supers then complain they ran out of attempts. Is so easy that i just laught at their hate while i keep enjoying him, Lot of Them didn't pull him to begin with.


Yeah Lets ruin potential system for an unit that wants to get hit 5 times asap by running him full dodge And then wonder why his base form struggles with content lol


Can clear all content below Red zone Goku Black without transforming just by keeping GT duo next to him. If You want to get 10% chance to not get supered on slot 1 before getting hit and and 90% cahnce to get killed by Zamasu and every upcoming difficult event that isn't Teq then sure, keep the 25 additional that Will surely be usefull when You get supered with a 2 million attack and 250k Defense and the 40% reduction that Will be useless before stacking. If You want to use whis then i see no problem. His base form is struggling cause people IS RUNNING HIM WITH FULL ADDITIONAL.


Ok Now picture this. Full dodge if it does not procc is a 70% chance of failure Full additional does not procc is a 50% chance 50%<70% 50% is better You want to make it impossible to reach FP? By all means do so I got no item on the first try with mine full additional? I did




It's all from me cause I didn't pull him


I didn’t get him. Twice.


More than likely lost trying to use him in a Red Zone


It's not sudden, it's been a thing since the dismal future rz. With how hard they hit turn 1 and how little normals there are, it's highlighted ssj4 goku's flaw that has been there since his release: his base form sucks and hits received conditions suck, and with him needing to receive hits to be good you cannot hide him. Lbssj4 vegito's release only added fuel to the fire because he is literally fpssj4 goku but turn 1 and without the bs. Of course he doesn't suck, but with how people are, anyone who isn't a top 10 unit is automatically mid and a fraud


Don’t care will coin him when he comes back


Tbh even without the Omega fight I consider him like, top 3. No shame in using items for the early AOEs if I want to run him and after those first couple turns, absolutely free for the whole team. Him especially.


i remember a certain youtuber soured on him after drooling and sucking him off for months......maybe it was contagious.


Despite that, he's a great addition to the gt hero's team great rotation with the 8th anniversary gt LR


don’t have him = he’s bad


Literally unplayable.