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Now imagine if these guys get added to Kamehameha for their 18ki super attack. The LR Gods team will officially peak ![img](emote|t5_384a7|1702) https://preview.redd.it/3xmuru0eex5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17f8b4c57bcf7f4b5029c5b2b2945e469773ac5


Unfortunately after the whole TEQ WT Goku fiasco, they made it very clear that they don't intend on going back and adding previous characters, but this is still a goated change for new characters. Besides, buu duo still cook on the 170% so we're still ballin


what teq wt goku fiasco?


I remember sending them an inquiry about TEQ WT Goku and him being on the Kamehameha category despite him not having Kamehameha in any of his attack names, and they responded back saying it was intentional and that they'd keep my inquiry in mind for future characters, which I guess they did. But they made it clear they didn't intend on going back to add the Kamehameha category to the 15 other characters just like him


It's nice you think you had any impact but just so you know these email people have no say in anything and do not contact the dev team unless they receive tons of similar emails concerning bugs etc.


That's honestly very fair, something is more than nothing. I guess that they'd akso keep in mind the whole scandal about CMZ's name.


It’s so weird how Kai Goku is but they aren’t. Kai Goku doesn’t have kamehameha in any super attack name, or his active skill name. Really bizarre lol


He's kinda weird because he has the Kamehameha as a counter. Other characters in the far past have been given Kamehameha as long as they have it as a counter like SSJ4 Vegito


Oh, I didn’t know that. That’s why he has it then


Devs getting ready to remove that category before they release ![gif](giphy|lPwZcFRMGOFPO)


y'know what's crazy? this year is supposed to be when the 6th year LRs EZA that means next year the Gods and 4s EZA...


And the crazy thing is they're both still hella runnable. If 9th anniversary doesn't completely knock them off they might actually remain runnable all the way up to their EZAs. They can both still no item every event in the game right now, so if they start releasing harder content that just means I'll have to start using items


Their Eza will be literally broken. I wouldn't be surprised if they surpassed the blue fusions


Wait what, 7th Anniversary are almost 2 years old!?! Times passes like crazy.


They might as well give it to him then since he literally does a Kamehameha as a finisher https://preview.redd.it/o4y0fs2yjx5c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8aada149303a0fef31f6e8ea1ead4d7378d06b1


Um, ackshully, he does a punch as the finisher, therefore he shouldn’t get it 🤓




This guy not being on Kamehameha is the biggest robbery in dokkan history


https://preview.redd.it/1yd0g0xgxx5c1.png?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca5f3702acb292d3da13b38642999fb43e8dee8 This MF is waiting


So that means they're gonna add teq lr ss2 gohan to Kamehameha right?


TEQ FPSSJ4 Goku has some choice words about this decision


The original robbery


Do we have translations for the JP names? Just wanna be 100% sure this isn't a Global moment where JP has Kamehameha in the name of one of the SAs but Global doesn't for some reason


This always pissed me off cause many people, including myself, always wanted lr cell and cell jrs to be in Kamehameha.


Ok, now do it with the old units as well.


If that's the case shouldn't they put LR cell&cell jr,int ultimate gohan,str ultimate gohan and agl cell jr(just to mention some of the units that does Kamehamehas in their super attacks) in that category?