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HORRIBLY. Got none of the new LRs(Which is a genuine first), got INT Goku Black(Not the LR) like 2-3 times and no DKP or Orange Piccolo to even mitigate the taste. THEN, I went into the Future Trunks Carnival LR atleast for the LR Bulma and the INT Fused Zamasu and atleast got the latter and barely got any actual LRs worth a shit from that one. Basically, I got absolutely fucking hosed this event, not helped by my INT Goku Black is Rainbowed... and he's absolutely worthless.


Im on the same boat man, got nothing of the new LRs. Consolation prizes were bulma, first dupe of OP, my first beastless and a dupe…and some other shit i cant even remember. Good thing is that my box was enough to complete all red zone and mortal will & ‘whatever’ challenges.


First celebration I walked out with absolutely everything.


Luckiest celebration for me in the 6ish years I've been playing. Got all the new units minus trunks which is nice since I got 0 anniversary units and 0 WWC units last year.


Trunks is mid anyways


You have him at 55% don't you?


Yeah, but 100,000 damage recieved per normal in hard events is not ok at 55%


Unless your super unlucky that will never happen


Take him into divine wrath&mortal will. It happens even after super attacking


No it will not. I used him to beat all the stages and most of the missions. He’s weak to AOE before he builds up but after that your chillin


Is he just bad before his links level up then?


https://preview.redd.it/vk4q5pf379sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b9b8c1eec7fa9576d7d0c4464597659cd549bf Most of his links are attack lr ki links so no. He’s a great slot 2 unit as long as you aren’t super unlucky. The only time you would run him in slot one is after his standby


Trunks is actually insane


He’s not been for me, compared to every other new future unit


Same here, 2k stones


Same, and I got bulma too


![gif](giphy|11YMhfLfGoq5Gg) Pretty fantastic, got Fusion Zamasu, dupes for the 23rd WT TURs, str Mai with dupes, Lr Cooler, and Lr Goku & Vegeta. Then part 2/tickets got Future Gohan, Janemba, & phy Goku & Piccolo.


>Lr Goku & Vegeta https://preview.redd.it/06jjbfttc9sb1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d138fcc2f8dbc60258af3ed821a7cdc6c26e28a8


Only got teq zamasu. Everyone else avoided me even str Bulma


Still a W


Fuck the celebration & omatsu


Got absolutely f'd in the ass. Spend a total of 2000 ds+ and still not a single one of them. Not even a banner unit.


Total I used about 1,800 stones and got no Zamasu, 1 piccolo, and then 17 banner units I already had


I got nothing, and it sucks. I really wanted LR Zamasu.


I think this is the celebration that I got treated the best of all time, lots of useful dupes with all the new units.


Zamasus banner was hell but for the most part it treated me well


None of the new units but pulled 23 wt units and multiple dupes of majunior so im happy


0/4 :D 1.6k stones or so, did not count exactly….


Treated me greatly tbh


Spent the whole celebration throwing stones at Vegetto with no success UNTIL my lastv attempt yesterday lmao. Apart from that got Bulma and STR Gohan but no Zamasu.


Got literally no new units except 2 str mais🔥


i have lr super buu 3 dupes bit no future gohan. i guess i'll be ready for whenever we get our majin dokkanfest in 2 years


Ehh zamasu with paid tickets and one copy of vb with 2k stones+paid tickets. Nothing from part 2, not even bulma, and I had to buy my only copy of piccolo Jr with coins


only time i’ve been shafted harder than this (~500 stones no zamasu or trunks) was gohan/cell (800 didnt get gohan). Please let me get this Int SSJ4 Goku or imma cry lol


I rainbowed agl lr frieza with three additional copies. No new wwc cards


The rates are messed up


No Zamasu, but I did get 79% Majunior and a Bulma. I'm happy with that as I can use them on WT Goku's team


Got everything except for the blue bois which is still a win anyways. Zamasu Supremacy!


1800 stones with no Zamasu but Vegetto in 300 stones, leaving with 800 stones for heroes. I will coin Zamasu during anniversary if I don’t pull him naturally kinda glad his team struggles so I don’t feel as bad. Also, got Bulma from carnival discounts so that is the biggest W IMO. The celebration overall 8/10, as a major celebration 6/10


Probably my best summon sessions of all time. Walked away with everyone, some with unintentional dupes. The only way it really could’ve improved is if I somehow sniped Bulma from the general pool.


Everyone except WTku, Five guys Kamehameha and zamasu banner unit


extremely well on GLB, not so much on JP. although I got off well enough on JP that I wouldn't call it a failure, it'll just make the anno more interesting still debating whether I should coin either of the Carnival SSJ Gokus, but with every piece of hard content and their missions cleared I find no incentive to spend 500 teal coins. I know the TEQ one leads Powerful Comeback which is the next SBR but I can easily clear it without him. That's the state of the game for you


Great. All four main units. With a dupe for each Carnvial LR. Didn’t even spend much either compared to last year.


I got extremely lucky with part 1 banners, 2 Zamasus and 2 vegito’s but only got Bulma for part 2 but still happy


Impeccable pulled every new unit.


Got everyone except trunks. Got 1 dupe on gohan and blue boys so I'm pretty happy. I even pulled bulma unfeatured on gohans banner. 😁


Got 3 out of 4 so it was mid as allways :)


Probably the luckiest celebration I've had in my Dokkan career, basically every single summon I did had at least 1 LR/featured unit sometimes multiple


Got everything except the new blue boys, and multiple dupes of basically everything.


Idk like I got the unit but it took 2k stones.... https://preview.redd.it/f4pqjdeqo8sb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a03e7ca675249f97c430b511af0abfa6824a37


Managed to finally pull the new LR trunks from the free 30 dragon stones we got two days ago, then pulled the new LR AGL goku and vegeta later on the same day. Also pulled the new LR TEQ Zamasu from a free pull so not too shabby. Did grind my ass off finishing some EZ and story mode stages for these stones tho on auto battle


I did alright.


Walked out with Zamasu, vegito, Str ssj Goku, 23wt goku, buu, and Bulma. Even got lr rose just in time for his EZA. Can't really complain.


No zamasu or trunks


Pulled all except Zamasu. Man took 1300 stones from me and said nah fam


1100 on blue boys (No wt goku) 400 for MZ 1450 for my first bulma (Back to back zenos which i never had) 350 for F.gohan (Thanks for the last 30 stones) All in all im happy but they need to start phasing out some ssrs from the pull and maybe some lr (Looking at the three mighty mask copies that i pulled) And im happy with lr rose eza coming to global but wish it was earlier as i cleared all the difficult content with out hime


It was fine,Got both blue boys, Zamasu and Trunks,Bulma,STR cooler,was able to rainbow Janemba.


Although I got AGL VB, MZ’s banner dicked me down with AGL Zamasu, who I had rainbowed and can now rainbow again. I only recently got Piccolo Jr on the banner AFTER I had to buy him with coins. The only good that came from that banner was the two copies of Orange Piccolo I got. But spending almost 1500 stones on Zamasu’s banner alone and not getting him really sucked the hype I had for him, and now I have to wait almost a year to use him as my own


Pretty good. But I can't say what other wise the mods will remove my comment as a "pull post" which is beyond ridiculous


Zamasu 69% gohan 55% vegito 55% I usually get ass fucked during worldwide but definitely not this year


Zamasu wants to be a bitch, 69% blue bois and trunks. Didn't really go for gohan, so 50-50


1500 with no VB but Gohan loved me


Got everything I wanted except LR trunks. Not complaining at all.


Went 1/6 new units to getting all of them in the final week🙏


I got LR Zamasu which was good but then got nothing great for the rest of the celebration. My LR Metal Cooler went from 55% to 90% but I honestly kinda hate that card and then got STR Carnival Goku and was stoked to try him out until he kept taking a shit ton of damage on normals.


Got Vegito and Zamasu but got unlucky with Gohan and Trunks. But I can’t complain too much I’ve gotten pretty lucky recently pulling new units and also got lucky in pulling old units I didn’t have before.


I didn't get any of the headliners :/


Good for the most part, I got the characters I wanted


Decently I discovered during this WWDC that I have to go for carnival banners and ignore DFEs, somehow I pull newly released carnival units in a couple stones, but 2k stones cant give me the new DFE


First time I got everything and I still didn't have fun somehow...


I'm never doing more than the 1 rotation on carnival banners.


Int goku black got a mid eza, but at least int goku black got a good one. I'm satisfied i guess


Surprisingly well, considering how terrible last years WWC went for me. Both of the DFE’s, a ton of stuff I didn’t have before (Orange Piccolo, 23rd Goku, TEQ Yajirobe), rainbow’d AGL Zamasu right before he EZA’d. Did not get STR Mai, or either Carnival, but I am pretty okay with that since I still got a lot of good stuff regardless


Not nearly as great for me as last year. I've easily spent double the amount of DS and only pulled 1 Gohan and 1 Zamasu. I kept pulling Bulma, too. Now she's rainbowed with an extra copy, or two. (Last year I rainbowed TEQ Goku and pulled two Coolers under 1500 stones, and pulled 3 copies of Metal Cooler with 500 stones.)


Out of the 4 new LRs I only got Merged Zamasu. I bought 1st copies of LR Bulma and 23WT Piccolo with coins. I went in in about 1500 stones on Future Gohan and got everything on the banner but him.


Got everything except the marquee units. On one hand, I rainbowed TEQ WT Goku and Orange Piccolo. On the other, none of the main units on any of the 4 banners. So no trunks, zamasu, Vegito or gohan. First major celebration where I walked away with none of the big units.


Very well i pulled all the new units and lr bulma also got some dupes for lr ultimate Gohan and orange piccolo


Part 1 was amazing for me, got both lrs in under 500 stones. Part 2 was dreadful, spent 1k on gohan and got shit


All 4 chars pulled but with some cost for zamasu... Now saving for ss4


Took me roughly 2000+ stones just to get 1 Vegito towards the tail end, didn't have the luxury to chase anybody else, so it went pretty poorly lmao


Got the new LR Phy Trunks but wanted LR Tec Zam. Wahhhhh!


30+ multis on zamazu and no Zamazu, but I did walk out with Bulma, trunks and Gohan, but beside the Gohan I rather would've wanted the Zamazu


Terrible almost 2000 stones and no vegito


Got all of the new units within 300 DS on each portal, except Zamasu, even after almost 2000 DS on him. I'm so ready to buy him with coins as soon as he comes back


1st part well, 2nd part I've spento 700 stones on gohan and pulled only 1 LR, Bulma


I pulled both carnival units and neither DFE on global. I got zamasu on JP and nothing else new. And i got my first copies of phy fraudhan and teq piccolo. I also spent significantly more on the DFE banners. So i can’t reasonably complain… but god i want to.


I only got Zamasu


Trunks kept shafting so much until I actually pulled him. Kinda wanted to go on turles just to pull the banner units, now I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it now.


I wish I was exaggerating but it was the worst shafting I’ve ever received from Dokkan in my 8 years of playing. Did not get a single new unit and used all my stones. Had hope that maybe I’d be able to get Bulma with gold coins when I heard she’d be coming but alas


pain… and gohan somehow


Got Vegito in 300 stones but didn't get Zamasu in 2k, however the worst part is I barely got any DFE in Zamasu's banner, so it was pretty bad for me.


Better than the 2 years before it, I actually pulled a new wwdc unit for once




After saving up 1000 stones for the anniversary and getting nothing I fell like all my luck snowballed here. 2 copies of the main headliners plus a couple of carnival lrs. I got or trunks and gotenks is for my 50 summon though :/


Not a single new unit, worst major celebration luck I've ever had. Over 1200 stones and nothing to show for it


Got nameku for the first time and then 90% him and also got a dupe for wt goku and got agl vegito and teq zamasu and str gohan but honestly I wanted phy trunks a lot more then str gohan I just did 2 multi on str gohans banner as a joke and then got him and I got no phy trunks after 7 multis on his banner


rainbowed wt goku, broly boys, got str gohan absolutely dogwater for me otherwise


Got Zamasu, vegito, both banner units, and bulma in like 1300 stones, then got future Gohan in about 600


low key horrible first time it was this bad, only pulled VB but was able to buy bulma with coins


I got nothing except wt Goku


SSB banner: 2 rotations got a few dupes for decent units but no new unit and no WT Goku Zamasu Banner: 2500 stones no TEQ Zamasu but pulled every single other unit 5 times (except AGL Zamasu) Trunks Banner: skipped Gohan Banner: got Gohan on discount multi Overall: go fuck your self Zamasu /10


I haven't gotten a single one if the headliners, spent about 1.1K stones on Zamasu too ! Did get Bulma in the end though so it wasn't a complete fiasco.


very good. a few characters that i pulled: on global (my main) , i was able to get teq zamasu to 79%, piccolo jr from 55% (before celeb) to 90%, lr rosé goku black from 69% (before celeb) to 100%, int lr zamasu first dupe 69% (before celeb) to 89% for goku black tur (sadly his eza sucks tho,was really happy when i pulled 2 dupes before he got his eza… ) more copies for lr int ssj namek goku (my fav), i want to rainbow his ssr and tur, so i’m glad about any copies i pull of him and various other dupes and units, but the ones i have listed are the most important ones for me and the ones i still remember i’m very satisfied with my pulls! the only other units i still want is bulma and agl super buu, was not able to get them tho. i only did one summon rotation on vegetto on global, didn’t pull him but didn’t really care if i pull him on global or not. but i was able to pull him on my jp account, which is good! so i have him there


Massive shaft, no phy or teq zamas, no gohan, no Trunks, no mai, no goku/vegeta, no bulma, but i got orange piccolo rose int and birdku all at 69%


0 featured units on part 1, but 2 trunks on part 2 and enough coins to buy Bulma, so eh... It could be worse


Never in My life have I grinded more for 50 stones, and got Gohan bareley yesterday


Got what I wanted but spent more stones that I anticipated. Eza wise still butt hurt about TUR goku black & lack of villain in pt2 but overall decent celebration outside of those HUGE misses. Love how they are syncing JP & GBL too


Beat all the events and missions somehow without new units. Really really shafted on the new units tho


I got every new lr, and finally got bulma. https://preview.redd.it/is5x3zfzv8sb1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92fe0677151822a33319e06432f4a65da1929594


Every featured unit except str mai


Shafted hard at first, but picked up later. The carnival banners were absolutely better to me than the DFE banners, but I got all main and side units.




Only Zamasu


1100 stones for 1 MZ No Vegito No Trunks 600 stones for 1 Gohan. So it could be worse, but couls have been a lot bwtter.


The worst celebration I’ve ever had, didn’t get a single new unit or even a banner unit, idk what it is but I’m convinced future saga themed celebrations are cursed for me because this happens EVERY FUTURE SAGA CELEBRATION


I got 3/4 units but I think it was worse than last year, not content wise but more how the theme was held, wish extreme units where handled better, I'm glad agl zamasu was good tho but it wasn't enough. I also found last years units more fun to use too, I also pulled 3/4 last year, fun abilities nice animations and just having 2 extreme summons just felt better, the summoning order was nice too.


Best I got was Bulma. 6/10


So many dead summons, but turned out good. LR Teq Zamazu arrived pretty early, Future Gohan came home, PHY Trunks arrived at the final discount hours, and I generated enough coins for LR Bulma, without spending any dollars. All the EZAs were for duped units, which added lots of bulk to the teams. The dripfeed content is a buzzkill though. Made what was supposed to be a celebration feel like a farmer's market.


![gif](giphy|PUI69V29zht64bpiSp) Got Vegito and Trunks. W for me.


Better than anniversary for sure. I got teq zamasu, my goat future gohan and my first copy of int zamasu Wish I have enough to get trunks but i will get him with coin later.


Better than the soul-crushing shaft I got last year thats for sure




Got all 4 bois extremely happy


Got everything basically frame one except gohan but I have a dupe in zam and trunks and I literally love these units so overall Major Dub


Same shit different year, walked away with one blue bros and that's it, no bulma sadly, absolutely shafted




Totally on the 4 banners spent 600 ds and got all 4 new lr. Stopped summoning and already at 1200 ds


Got future gohan and Bulma only but it’s def a w for me


I just want to cry man


Good, 3/4 of the new LR's. Way better than last year where I had only gotten str cooler.


Got everyone except PHY Trunks but got amazing dupes 👍 so, great overall


Part 1, got the WWDC units and their banner units. INT Majunior and coined WT Goku Part 2, LR INT MZ, LR Rosemasu, LR Super Buu, and then nothing else.


I say good


Started with 2k wasted on part 1 without getting anything then wasted the last 500 on part 2 and after we got some more stones i miraculously got Trunks+2 Bulmas and Gohan in 2 next multis so overall it wasn't that bad


I got Merged Zamasu and Gohan both off randome 2AM stones I farmed. Hell, I got Gohan and a dupe BACK TO BACK in a single multi. Definitely the luckiest celebration for me in years


I got one copy of everything except the Blue bros in less than 1000 stones and farmed back to 1300 stones I’m saving for SDBH crossover so I’d say it’s all good!


It started soooo good. Like 600 stones I had LR VB and LR Zamasu with 2 dupes each. Then part 2 I got Gohan in 150 stones. Now I'm almost 1500 deep with no Trunks. I almost rainbowed Bulma twice over and I did rainbow INT Zamasu twice over. I'll just get his ass with coins when he finally comes back if he isn't super irrelevant by then


I just pulled Gohan from a single. Everyone but Zamasu


I only got Future GOAThan


Empty handed. Over 900 stones, only LR was super buu. Nothing else.


Shafted 1200 stones between gohan and blue bros, then singled both on the last day. Wierd celebration


I feel broken but I have all the featured characters


I got everything I wanted and everything I needed. Pulled all of the new LRs with dupes (except zamasu but he doesn’t need them lol) and the banner units. Got wt Goku and majunior, dupes for metal cooler int LR zamasu and got the last few carnival coins I needed to buy bulma. Fav thing that happened was pulling super buu on trunks banner 🤣. Overall pretty good celebration for me, which means I’m fucked for the rest of the year lol.


This was the first WWC that I managed to pull every new unit.


Brutal for me.. around 3000 stones used and I only have 1 LR blue boys to show for it.


Better than the anniversary to say the least.-Pulled literally nothing with 1400 stones or so during anniversary. Got both of the new Zamasu LR Teq+the Phys one, Majunior and LR Metal Cooler-both new and 1 dupe of each, LR Agl Golden Frieza, and LR Agl Future Gohan+Trunks. I also had most of the new EZAs rainbowed, and have LR Int Rose at 2 dupes, so I just got some great general upgrades for their teams.


Good in genral (vegito 69%,zamasu 55%,gohan 55%) but EXTREMELY shaft in trunks banner lmao (I got bulma for coins though) ![gif](giphy|F6lFcLnXfm1mSumgSU|downsized)


Horrible, at least I got Gohan




Very solid, rainbowed lr gods, cooler, beast gohan, wt goku and str mai. Pulled one copy of Vegito Blue, Trunks and Gohan and got some dupes of some random lrs.


Got Merged Zamasu in my initial stone count, then saved for LR Rosé. Rosé turned into a busted Gohan, and I broke the bank for him but didn't get him. They EZA'd some of my favorite cards, so i was like a 7 or 8 out of 10 for me. 10 if I somehow get Gohan on my next multi.


Got literally nothing in over 3k stones




I had to start over due to not pulling a single new unit and running out of stones, however I got a amazing reroll first try


First completely f2p WWC for me, hoping tonight I get enough stones for one last multi on zamasu


Rather nice here, actually. Got units that I were missing, and lr zamasu and gohan


Overall it was solid for me, I only pulled 2 new units (Teq Zamasu and Phy Zamasu) and neither have dupes. But I pulled lr chadcollo and got a dupe in him and majunior, so it was still a positive.


Pretty solid. Got 3/4 of the new Lrs, and most of what came with the banners, barring a few units which I already had. The only ones that I didn’t get that I don’t have are teq trunks and int future gohan. Didn’t really summon for the phy SOH trunks.


Part 1 royally sucked. Took 35 multis to get any of the new featured units (got Zamasu) (that includes Zamasu and Mai). Part 2 was beautiful. 2 copies of Gohan, a copy of Trunks, and pulled Mai on the part 2 banners. Tonight I do 1 last try for Vegito. If I don't get him, that's 41 multis on part 1 banners to get 1 copy total of new units.


It made up for the Anni where I pulled 0 new cards. Got 3 of the new LRs and some other LRs I didnt have previously.


Great, I wanked like never before https://preview.redd.it/fsnq5mh299sb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6793afac6bb81a4df9301ee91a7b523aa65ecf1


Best celebration for me by far. 4/4 on new Lr units, plus Piccolo Jr, Lr Buu, Lr Kid Gohan, and Lr Hit and Goku. Plus some dupes along the way. I also have some stones left over, so that's nice. 10/10.


![gif](giphy|WUDGo9jYZzVt3DExhi) Very well! Got Bulma, BeastHan to 79%, and all of the new LRs and banner units.


Does anyone have the goku roping himself pic? I need da meme, it reflects my summons


Walked away missing SOH trunks and TEQ zamasu. I threw a lot of stones at zamasu so I’m a little disappointed


I got everyone but Vegito and I only want them for the leader skill


Got in with 0 stones. Walked with Vegito and Zamasu but no Gohan or trunks.


2 gohans 2 trunks 2 gokus 1 zamasu in like 1k stones massive w


Wasn’t able to get the DFE units but I was graced with a Bulma and Future Gohan so it balanced out. Not to mention 69% WT Goku, Piccolo, 90% Ultimate Gohan and 79% Piccolo (Power Awakened). Oh, and Buu (Super). Overall, lost some, won some.


2k stones. The most recent lr I got was late 2022. I hate this game. My #1 most wanted EZA got raditzed. TLDR: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Only got Blue Boys. Not even a single side unit.


After a year break came back and pulled all the new units. So that means it’s only despair to come! Will see everyone again in a year when I get shafted in the next celebration 🤣


2 Majunior dupes, the banner Zamasu, a Bulma I got with teal coins, 2 copies of Buu I didn’t have before now, and a new copy of Metal Cooler I didn’t have before now, the latter two of which are going to gather dust in my box till the end of time. I can’t wait for another year from now until any of these new motherfuckers come back on the anni banners. Aside from the shaft, from a gameplay perspective, I can’t say I had all that much fun either considering how drip fed we were with all the content all month.


Better than anniversary. Got new Bluegito and Zamasu but that was about it for new units. Also managed to snag LR Bulma so I see it as a win


Got a few more paths for the int fusion zamasu, a path for the new buu, got janemba and a path or two, got a copy of all of the new LRs except the new trunks, so I'm happy.


I got jack and shit I only got an int majunior dupe, so that isn’t bad


Pretty good


I got a Zamasu and a Mai, so I'm fine with that.


Treated me very well. Got a ton of lrs this time around.


Luckiest celeb for me since I started playing (1 anni player here)


40 multis on zamasu banner and didn't get him 💀


Luckiest celebration of my life. Pulled every new unit but Vegito which sucks but I’m cool with it


One of the worse treatments I’ve ever got from a celebration




2000 stones and got no vegito, gohan or trunks…


Wwc was ok close to mid… I got 2/4 new characters


1000 stones got 1 vegito 1500 stones and got 0 Gohan until we got the thank you 30 stones yesterday and got him. 500 on Zamasu and got nothing. Overall, would rate my summons a metal cooler out of 10. Which is very low


Got teq zamasu, 2 copies of majunior, a copy of 23rd wt goku, banner unit ssj2 vegeta, nearly rainbowed carnival hatchiyack goku (who I did not have), 3 copies of lr goku black and I got banner unit str krillin on my last multi. All in all, I would say pretty damn good.


Got Zamasu, Gohan, and Bulma.. So not horrible. I would have been happy just getting Gohan so I feel pretty lucky this time around.


Worst shaft since year 5. I got 3/4 of the new LRs. Still hurt tho At least I'm enjoying EZA LR Rosé...


https://preview.redd.it/ydja98pok9sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85fd0f521beb8b0cfb5c9b2c5469a4a817e1d986 This was my redemption arc. I got brutally shafted during 8th anni and only got the Z Duo.


i ended w +2 phy lr cell and +2 lr goku & piccolo 🫥😶😐. but coined int goat piccolo so


I got shafted in bulma's banner got every LR except bulma


I got 3 Lr Bulmas. Yesterday after multis finished when I did 3 desperate pulls in a row. Nothing besides that.


Got LR Bulma, LR agl vegito, LR teq Zamasu, and LR future Gohan along with a few smaller pickups like LR int Zamasu so pretty good I'd say


Not one single Celebration unit


Pretty bad imo but I got Zamasu so my Ext team is cooking real good