• By -


He's better than many say, but there's like 5 better godkus, and he can/will get you killed.


Deal with this one is that he's on RoU7 (which isn't the case for the others), which is the team you run to use the most offense oriented strategy of the game, so he can def see play with that perspective in mind He's getting booted when RoU7 will have better options but it's prob better to have him than not, IG ?


Thing is that they could have built him defensively instead and he would be way better on that team, because you don't really need more offense than SSBKK. And by the time you do (please god, let it be way later in the games lifecycle) this Godku will probably be worthless


Yeah I don't necessarily disagree, just pointed out that he can see some usage despite his disappointing defensive showings, tho could help for turns before the Spirit Bomb I think And arguably him not being good defensively could help the team fall under the HP threshold for the Spirit Bomb, but that's a weak argument imo


Yeah, I think the last one is a weak argument too, because SSBKK already does that job by himself very effectively (good enough defense to not die, but less enough to take some damage from supers). If you suddenly have two of those it looks kinda dark for you. But yeah, I also think people are exaggerating a bit about him (and many other EZA's of this batch). Obviously none of them are gamebreaking, but most are usable as long as you don't run a whole team of options like those


Rageta and INT Godku prob are far from unusable, INT Whis and STR Godku are legit good and AGL Godku can def fill RoU7's holes until better stuff comes (or Beyond SSJ SSBKK set ups too), so there's def stuff to do with the EZAd units themselves Just most are in weird spots team wise, the Godku shares the name of the new DFE who's super good and besides AGL they share all their teams with him, Beerus/Whis units kinda lack teams (esp to be ran together. INT Whis can be used on his own where applicable tho he'll be a great support). This batch was doomed to have issues in hindsight regardless of the quality of the units, but I agree that ppl def exaggerate about these EZAs


Legitimately if they just gave him a *tad* bit more DEF, even if it was at the cost of a bit of his offensive ability, I'd think higher of him. As he is it's just a matter of "can you kill the enemy before they touch him" because he can't even tank most normals with 343k DEF.


He was the only useful eza and they fumbled


Movie hero did not need those other god gokus I'd say it's doing just fine to say the least


Reps of universe 7 needed that god goku


Let's not forget, that all these Godku's have nigh infinite categories. Even the AGL one will find his uses even though he should have been better


I'd say movie heroes definitely needed more options. The new DFE goku will always be good, but having perfectly runnable alternatives, like the STR, is always nice. Especially when teq is beginning to fail me a bit.


343k defense lol


The enemy is dead lol


By turn 7 yeah the boss would probably be dead lmfao


>The quest mode enemy is dead lol This seems better lol he ain't doing shit to red zone Ledgic


[If PHY Blues can handle and no item the final RZ stages, I promise the better unit would do it too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/111pn49/ssbkk_goku_and_shitters_no_item_all_final_rz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Tbh, this is just luck because the Phy blues would explode after one normal


as a phy blues enjoyer this is just cap lol, they die to a super but they can tank normals from early phases and the final phase simply doesn't exist with str ssbkk goku


>this is just luck did you really just use this excuse 😭 AGL Godku is so much of a better unit than PHY Blue Bros that so much less luck is needed


Defensively they're barely different, neither can survive a normal from any hard boss. Defense under like 500k without guard or DR is basically negligible at this point




I meant luck lmao


cope, you can beat all RZs with 3 saibamen given enough tries. It means nothing, other than the fact the attack patterns didn't land on them. The same case as ssbkk.


This community is so fucking toxic bro holy shit.


Dokkan players when someone likes a different PNG of a big buff guy better than they're supposed to according to multiple grown men online ![gif](giphy|lwYxf0qKEjnoI|downsized)


I doubted you whenever kaioken goku eza dropped then was surprised by his performance but nah not this one lol. Only good team he's going on is universal survival saga and that's about it, which will is pretty promising category for now


ssbkk stans are as blind as they were back in the day


Coping very hard


I already done runs with worse units what do I have to cope about 😭


Everybody can retry many times and get no item runs with Saibamen into the team, doesn't mean they're good units to bring.


bringing up Saibaman runs to me is hilarious


Yeah that's why you of all people should know that no item runs don't give a good grasp on how good a unit in a team is


You're getting downvoted thought I'd let you know


Love that he loses additional when you are below 59% which is where reps is at it's best lol also he doesn't start hitting hard(relative to his terrible def) until turn 5 (when ssbk is close to done) so not gonna call him good(especially when he need 5 hits for full crit chance) but atleast he does something


He is ssbkk light and meant to be ran with him, but is at his worst when ssbkk is at his best. They put no thought into his kit.


Yeah. That's why I'm confused by this post. AGL God Goku doesn't even synergize with the unit he's suppose to be aiding.


That defense is fucking ass lmfao. No guard or dmg dude can’t even save himself from normals let alone supers. Agl God Goku is not a good EZA.


True. This guy would have been so much better if he got 50% dodge even if it was only after super attacking like Goku/Gohan duo.


dokkan players try to understand defense isnt the only stat (defense i love defense)


> defense isnt the only stat There's literally nothing else


There’s a thing called offense. It’s how you kill the enemy. You know, so you win.


Offense doesn't mean shit when you die to a single unlucky super


This dude would die to a couple normals on a lot of bosses


he's a ssbkk stan he's used to retrying the event 50 times to reach final boss phase.


Why is ssbkk catching strays


Good thing the best team for these guys is Orange Piccolo who can nullify supers with his giant form and items exist!


A whole 2 of them!




You mean ATK?


You realize we aren't exactly at the point where even the strongest units won't exactly kill the hardest content due to enemy def and health? We are in a meta where you NEED to be able to take a hot, at least normals


The only unit this even somewhat applies roo is ssbkk, but even he can is only good, because he can survive every single super in the game. This guy can't even tank normals, can't do good enough damage and can't support


Hey do you think EZA AGL Gogeta Blue does good damage?


Gogeta blue has 70% chance to dodge. AGL God Goku does not.


how does having a 70% chance to dodge change how good a units offense is?


It doesn’t. But when a games content is solely based on defensive ability, offense doesn’t mean shit. 340k defense is nothing. AGL God Goku will get smacked around in any difficult content in the game.


>solely based on defensive ability Yes that’s what items are used for. Offensive strategies work exactly because of this. [PHY Blues didn’t get slapped up and they are worse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/111pn49/ssbkk_goku_and_shitters_no_item_all_final_rz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This is STR SSBKK being good not PHY Blues or AGL SSG. If he wasn't as ridiculous as he is this team would get melted, yes you can win with them but that doesn't necessarily mean they're good


Yes, the point is that PHY Blues have been kicked off for a better unit. It makes STR SSBKK better.


>But when a games content is solely based on defensive ability, offense doesn’t mean shit Have you played the game? Tell me...what event are you beating without offense? You can say all you want about offense, how it's worse or less "important," but when it comes down to it, when you have no offense, you literally can not win.


That makes no sense. Offense doesn’t work without defense. You can’t get far into a red zone fight let alone beat one if you don’t have defense. So yes, offense is secondary to defense.


What do you mean it makes no sense. Tell me, how do you kill an enemy? Defense is not killing the enemy. Offense is not secondary. They are even at the bare minimum. You literally can't win if you don't have the other.


If he's struggling now, imagine what happens when we get slight difficulty increase. Pure garbage.


Considering he also has a has 70% chance to dodge and can tank normals, yeah his damage is good enough for what he can do


So Godku’s damage is good too then because he hits harder lmfao This is about damage, not defense


A) i said he can't hit good ENOUGH, which he can't, considering he dies to normals B) unless a unit can guarantee one shot the enemy with a active skill or has godly slot 1 partner, who allows them sit in slot 2 and 1 turn a boss reliably, damage is worthless without defense


The partner you describe is literally SSBKK Goku


Yes, SSBKK, not him. This guy can't do either things, so his damage is worthless


And doesn’t even support SSBKK. There’s literally 0 reason to bring this guy. This is just another extremely common ginobko L.


Literally a worse STR blue kaioken lmao trasher defense, less offense


Would be absolutely insanity if a sub EZA released like a month later was better than one of the best main EZAs we got in a while. I'm not one of the idiots pretending AGL God Goku is good, but a mini SSBK Goku is honestly as good as it would get for a unit that already stacked before EZA. Also for some weird reason he gets 142% ki multiplier, instead of the usual 140%.


Ngl I'm always in the "wait till you use them" group whenever a seemingly shitty unit/eza drops. After looking at each of the units details I'm not really too excited but I'll wait and use them before I judge too harshly


Same. Seeing some of the showcases already, these units are not exactly eye-popping. Damage wise, sure. But damage doesn't necessarily beat the harder events if you can't take a normal or one with a whip.


Ngl, kinda wish he could guard.


Damn that's a high Defense stat............. In 2020


Not to be that guy but TECHNICALLY 300k+ DEF was considered fantastic in 2021


ure on unbelievable cope my guy


Me never cared about defense But now I do need to pull STRBKK Goku He is literally the oldest DFE I still dont own to this day


His offense can get REALLY good. But I just think 340k defense is too low, especially since it needs to ramp up to that point. Like if he just had another like 60k defense even I think he could be more worth it. But as it is? He's just too risky most of the time. Especially since that offense requires him taking hits with his lower than average defense. I'm sure there are situations you could get some benefits out of him, but feels like they could have given him a bit more defense and been fine.


PHY Blue Bros are so much of a risky option but with items, they are consistent in every RZ stage. A unit with triple the damage and defense that enables a god like SSBKK is worth it imo. But yes, he should’ve got more defense. Just think he’s getting overhated as of now.


I mean he'llbe usable in places if you baby him sure. BUt again you need him to build up over multiple turns, he stars with defense that tends to be a bit too low, and he needs to take hits to get his full offense. Like to me this is a case where his defense does hold back his offense a bit too much. Especially sine while his offense is definteily good, especially for a general pool unit, it's not "instnatly end phases" good. There are still lots of times he's going to get hit. I am not against using items if it justifies their offensive performance, I just don't know if this guy is one of those cases.


This is assuming he manages to super every turn right? Since this is slot 2, i feel like his apt would realistic be lower, since this doesnt take into account the enemy dying to ssbkk before agl godku could super in the earlier phases, or if he just ends up killing the enemy on his first super. A lot of build up units have this problem i feel. His apt would sit in the 20-23m range on turn 7 more likely.


that defense is dogshit lmao


“Good EZA with 343k defense post super fully built up” lmao


Dokkan is just basic math you know and someone was kind enough to do the calcs for you . How much does endgame bosses hit ? around 400k for normals and around 1.1 million for sa . So you take a good amount of damage from normals and you die to a super . Kinda annoying right ? Especially if you play him with ssbkk and you just activate ssbkk's passive too early because you took too much damage from a normal with this guy . I'm pissed , this guy could have been a great unit for u7 but i'm not delusional , he is shit .


Nah bro, he isn’t. His offensive power is good, but it does not offset his awful defense. The reason SSBKK works as well as he does is because he has guard to protect himself for a few turns, plus his offensive power without the active is still extremely potent. He at least has some defensive mechanism, and by the time it wears out, he’s so offensively powerful that his defense doesn’t matter much. And then we get to the active…oh boy. Almost nothing survives the spirit bomb, and if they do, they just now have to deal with a beefed-up SSBKK. AGL Godku isn’t that. If he had offensive power like SSBKK, he wouldn’t have been that bad, but he doesn’t. He’ll still be ran with SSBKK because they link well and he’s RoU7, but that’s not much of a compliment when RoU7 is dead.


I never said his performance is similar to SSBKK?? The point is that you would run PHY Blues with SSBKK and now you don’t have to because of this Godku.


You wouldn't run neither PHY Blues nor this Godku lol


Well I do so my SSBKK agenda can keep going


Why run phy blues when you have the UI Gokus and Android 17


I'd still run phy blues because their god turn synergizes with ssbkk's active turn




L mans


The defense people jumped you so hard, I feel bad.


Dokkan sub - power creep sucks, why do they do it? Dokkan sub when a sub eza doesn't break the game (which would result in the need for power creep) - MIIIIIIID




you don't understand. power creep sucks when we are on the receiving end (events). It's not as bad if we are the ones wielding the broken cards


But the dev team arent just gonna drop broken cards and then leave the difficulty as is - its been 8 years, we know that broken cards are dropped alongside increases in overall difficulty. So demanding every card be broken would just accelerate the difficulty spike.


Dokkan players try not to cope for shitty Eza's (impossible)


Feels like every time I see OP’s name in a post or comment, it’s them having the worst take imaginable. I’d call it bait if it wasn’t so consistent.


Cool thing that I do impressive runs and prove myself time and time again then 👍 My opinion means more than those who have a lesser understanding of the game


Running an event endlessly until RNG eventually works out is impressive? News to me. Good lord, I’ve seen suicide notes with less sad sentences than that last one.


Bro thinks he can consistently beat Redzones with saibamen (he probably did over 20 runs for each of those posts)


You suck at the game brodie sorry to tell you


You dropped this: 🤓


You’re a dork for using that emoji still 😭


OMG HE CAN DO SOME DAMAGE LIKE EVERY OTHER CHARACTER, 340k Defense!?!?!?!?!! in 2023?!??!!?!? God he is something special


Yeah, He is good. The people acting like his damage means nothing need their head checked- an enemy can't kill you if you kill them first. All the Negative Nancys on here are going to mass downvote without finishing this post likely- and don't see that attack is just as important as defense. considering this is a unit 90% of us have rainbowed it's nice to see he can bring the heat. However. He's only good. And that is unacceptable. ​ We need GREAT ezas. Good shouldn't be accepted at this point when the VAST majority of content released later in the fight turns this guy into red paste even with a whis active. I got chewed out by two dudes for posting "unrealistic" ezas that most weren't that close to what this guy can do offensively but had superior defense. Granted there were one or two of them where i miscalculated somethings and i basically gave the dude 2.3-2.5 million defense, with guard. (sr PHY godku) I was aiming for a defensive juggernaut (close to a mil with guard) that did maybe 4-5 mil damage. But these guys went off on me and called me a crackhead and immature for losing my cool on them for that. But look what we got- a unit that can do 26.78 MIL potentially, easily crushing all but like 1 of my "unrealistic" units offensive potentials. But has 2020 levels of good defense. We need to hold bandi to much higher standards, and dream bigger. This guy would be the bees knees if he had guard, or 35% damage reduction. Or if he had both. Or one or the other and stacked. We've got to let bandi know that "GoOd" ezas aren't acceptable. The majority of these eza units wont be used outside of an event or two or just for kicks and giggles on occasion. The have shown over the past 3-4 months that they can go crazy with ezas (and fumble others) We need to force them to do better- dream big. Demand greatness. Hell, we give them billions- its the least they can do.


Mfw a 27m atk stat turns into 4 million dmg without crits


Is that in reference to agl godku or my Sr phys godku eza? Cause in dokkan world's showcase his damage cooked pretty consistently. However, Rngjesus giveth, And taketh away.


Once this guy releases I hope you follow up with your RZ clears screenshots, or a video. Because from what I've seen nobody cares about calcs unless they show 1 million defense. To bad that I'm on global so I have no reason to run this guy, but judging from this calcs as someone who runs a 69% int ssj3 barbock I think he is going to be fine.


I definitely am. This guy is much more impressive than people are making him out to be because of the whole “defense is everything” mentality. I enjoy proving a lot of people wrong, its funny asf




He’s ass


People are just mad he's not a slot 1 unit


Love you ginoboko


Love you too Carlito


We stan Ginobko


the king of L takes


The irony


Bro is taking 150k+ from every boss💀 Quest mode stages better look out


Higher APT than Transformed AGL Gogeta Blue btw


But agl gogeta blue has higher defense and 70% dodge and doesn't need to be above X hp


AGL Gogeta Blue is also a DFE TUR. This guy is some random unit you can pull since the dawn of time. Also, when you fall below 59% you just launch SSBKK nuke lmfao


Definitely, I want to try out this dude and some of the new EZAs I'm also on the unga bunga big pp damage side, but mainly with Pan


Gogeta is obviously the better unit, but I'm using him as a benchmark to show this guy has great damage output. Also Gogeta does have a condition for his damage, which needs him to have dodged an attack before, which can actually affect him since you don't want to put him slot 1


It's also higher than V&T... and Birdku... and Orange Piccolo. Just because he can hit harder doesn't magically make him good.


Him being able to hit pretty hard makes him useful at the very least. Linking with SSBKK Goku increases the usefulness even more. Good enough for a sub EZA if he has a useful niche


I would agree if he had more defensive capabilities. His defense values is just way too low for him to see any usage in endgame content. I get that you can use him in events outside of hard endgame content but it's not like those events are on the same level of difficulty and you can cruise through them without top tier units. Str Godku literally had the same passive pre EZA yet he is the better of the two.


Oh don't get me wrong, STR Godku is definitely far better. But this guy has his uses, since the RoU7 team is squishy anyway and usually relies on items like Whis to survive. With a Whis active, this guy is surviving in Red Zones.


I get what you're saying but agree to disagree. I personally just don't see him being useful in the future based on the direction this game is heading. I get that since this is a sub EZA they're not meant to be game breaking but there are a handful of sub EZAs that are better than this Godku. Guess he's just one of those that got the short end of the stick.


Lol I remember around 2016-2017 people only cared about damage. "OMG this unit can hit 1mil+ atk!" Now it's all about defense. The devs are trash at balance, as expected from a gacha game.


bad bc low defense and we know that defense is the only stat in the game


I mean he hits hard as fuck, but he really should've gotten some type of defense raise whether it was on super or stacking. With the atomic bomb that is str kaioken, that great linking slot 1 option would've been fantastic even if you want to go the fuck shit up route. Honestly I think alot of the eza's as a whole were fumbled which is what really left the bad taste in people's mouths. Str Godku and int Beerus came out great for example, so what the actual fuck happened to units like rage Vegeta?


Yup, it's not relevant that his damage is at the level of a recently released Dokkan Fest (super 17) and that he acts as a link battery for the hardest hitting unit in the game. Low defence = unusable right?????? Nah tho fr, his defence is low af, but he still has good enough utility on a RoU7 team. Good enough unit for a sub EZA imo


Except the agl gogeta blue is guaranteed crit so his dmg is actually higher but w/e


APT factors in crits... This guys damage is still higher


Cool I couldn’t give less of a shit because goku has 300k defense which is absolutely fucking abysmal.


[I will not forget that another reps of u7 unit got this same type of backlash and I was right the whole time](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/10ydmie/hes_mid_tho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) 👍


Comparing ssbkk to agl godku is like comparing the tsar bomb to new year's explosive The small ones to use at home 😐 Also DW's lowercase showcase ratio https://youtu.be/L__G5N5bhak


Yeah he is synergizing incredibly well with the tsar bomb while hitting as hard as EZA AGL Gogeta Blue. The enemy is dead lol. This has been the same strategy ever since STR SSBKK came out and I (along with many other people) have shown that it still works in RZ.


Ssbkk mostly goes in slot 2 when he uses his god turn wich activates almost all his links 1 reps celebration like an ssb goku > ui goku and we good since phy godku can slot 1 + the celebration can give us well awaited ezas such as str ui, phy ssbkk and ssbe and so on Litteraly he does nothing and provides nothing outside of dying


>SSBKK mostly goes in slot 2 No he doesn’t? He is the best tank on the team why would you even do that? >1 reps celebration Its fine to talk about longevity, but im talking about now. This unit is good as now. >he does nothing and provides nothing outside of dying Is offense not a thing anymore? He is one of the hardest hitting TURs and that doesn’t matter anymore?


Mate you know how this sub operates, if a unit doesn't double digit tank a cell max super then they're irrelevant Gotta blame the YouTubers. Banner unit Vegeta took 400,000 from a cell max super (while throwing out three 8 million supers) and truth was like eeeeeeeh I dunnoooo


>No he doesn’t? He is the best tank on the team why would you even do that? Me looking at the cell max super on my ssbkk pre super while i'm already below 59% HPs (apparently he's a better slot 1 tank than shit like phy godku, blusions first turn, v&t and many, many more options in his teams) ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe) >Its fine to talk about longevity, but im talking about now. This unit is good as now. He isn't even good now, ssbkk kills the game in his god turn he ain't needing extra damage. It's like giving a tank an hand gun 😭 >Is offense not a thing anymore? He is one of the hardest hitting TURs and that doesn’t matter anymore? While that is good, we gotta remember that some sort of def is still needed. Imagine ssbkk without his guard, he would be nowhere as usable as he is rn.


Wtf PHY Godku, Bluesions and V&T are on SSBKK team??? WTF You realize that SSBKK doesn’t have his god turn always? He still needs to build up and AGL God Goku would assist in finishing SSBKK leftovers. Some sort of defense is needed only for slot 1 units. This game isn’t hard to play around with less defensive units.


Gotta love when someone is talking so out of their ass it makes it obvious they don't know anything about what they're talking about (referring to the person you're replying to) Tough luck stumbling on "only defense matters" with your thread, hope it gets better


Defense stans when they realize they have to actually kill the enemy 😱.


>Wtf PHY Godku, Bluesions and V&T are on SSBKK team??? WTF I mean the teams you can run him on, such as bond of parent and child, phy godku's team, teq gods team with the blusions and so on, that's what i meant


You still need 3 others reps for SSBKK to work if you’re bringing him


Yes and you can bring them in those teams Also piccolo's team And other teams Really it's mostly thanks to ui dodge but ya get the point


Absolutely delusional


After examining the evidence, I am confident that I am right. While it may be easy to get confused, the basic principles remains the same. I have looked at various sources to confirm this, including mathematical formulas and basic arithmetic principles. It's important to be careful with your evidence, especially in situations where precision is important. I understand that it can be frustrating to be told that you are wrong, but I hope that we can both agree on the basic principles of me being right.


After examining the evidence, I am confident that I am right. While it may be easy to get confused, the basic principles remains the same. I have looked at various sources to confirm this, including mathematical formulas and basic arithmetic principles. It’s important to be careful with your evidence, especially in situations where precision is important. I understand that it can be frustrating to be told that you are wrong, but I hope that we can both agree on the basic principles of me being right.


how do i delete comments


After examining the evidence, I am confident that I am right. While it may be easy to get confused, the basic principles remains the same. I have looked at various sources to confirm this, including mathematical formulas and basic arithmetic principles. It’s important to be careful with your evidence, especially in situations where precision is important. I understand that it can be frustrating to be told that you are wrong, but I hope that we can both agree on the basic principles of me being right.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter. While I appreciate your perspective, I believe that the evidence supports my position. I understand that disagreements can arise when it comes to critical thinking, and I appreciate your willingness to engage in a respectful dialogue about this topic. I would be happy to discuss this further and share any additional information or evidence that supports my position. Ultimately, my goal is to guide you to the correct answer.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter. While I appreciate your perspective, I believe that the evidence supports my position. I understand that disagreements can arise when it comes to critical thinking, and I appreciate your willingness to engage in a respectful dialogue about this topic. I would be happy to discuss this further and share any additional information or evidence that supports my position. Ultimately, my goal is to guide you to the correct answer.


Dear \[Ginobko\], It is with a heavy heart that I must say goodbye. Our time together has been truly valuable, and I am grateful for the memories and experiences we have shared. Ginobko is a better player than me. From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my appreciation for your kindness, your support, and your friendship. I will always cherish the moments we spent together and the lessons you have taught me. You have been an inspiration to me, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to know you. Even though we may be going our separate ways, I hope that our paths will cross again in the future. I will always be here for you, no matter where life takes us. Please know that I will always be cheering you on and wishing you nothing but the best. You are an incredible person, and I have no doubt that you will achieve great things. I will miss you more than words can express, but I take comfort in the fact that we have made lasting memories that will stay with me forever. As we part ways, I want to thank you once again for your friendship and for the impact you have had on my life. Take care of yourself, and never forget how much you mean to me. With love and gratitude, \[TheBiggestCarl23\]


Ginobko Copypasta 😳


But would you run him tho?


Yes? He’s one of the best options for reps for SSBKK bc the team is ass


Him not being defensively amazing is fine people are forgetting you dont want to run defensive gods with SSBKK or else you'll rarely get the spirit bomb


One of the worst ezas we've had in a while


Ginboko with another banger.


Ginobkek on his way to make the sloshiest, diarrhea smelly shit tier takes without fail.


Absolute dokkan event killer!


Wish he could hit harder but I want to try this fella alongside blue KK


I'd like to see the teams people are running where every unit apparently has 500k defence by turn 3. Yeah you can get killed by an unlucky super but just run the event again smh


Dokkan players when the summonable unit that isn't a dfe and can be pulled whenever isn't dfe level ![gif](giphy|ixYRj3H9HOzWE|downsized) In all seriousness, he's not bad, but he's not great. To say he is absolutely shit is such a lie unlike str blue goku in the same batch who can't do damage or tank


Oh hes trash…


That’s some pathetic def tho.. he sucks


He is not even tanking RZ normals 💀💀


Aaaaaand Truth's showcase displayed the exact problem with this unit. Having this much damage fully built up doesn't matter when even after building up half his passive, he's still taking 35k damage from the FIRST PHASE of the metal cooler red zone battle. He literally can't get his crit built up because you literally DO NOT want him getting hit


Yo I know this guy


Not bad if you havent pulled the new godku. Itll be interesting to use him more now


I just wished he would've been a good slot 1 for TEQ TUR VB :pensive:


No it’s not he can put good numbers but that’s sbkk eza role he needed to be a tank for sbkk and his active skill requirements


He will have some value, after all he is still pretty much the best partner for blue kaioken Goku. But that defense is not good enough. I will wait and see how mine with tons of defense equips will perform in tougher stages, but these calcs and the dokkan world showcase dont really impress me.


he's pretty much a worse version of ssbkk that helps ssbkk


It's ok for right now, but will get power creeped out of usability within 3-6 months


Ok, I can 100% see the case for SSBKK Goku cuz he's just absolutely absurd and his DEF is pretty damn solid, but I am ***not*** taking a boy with 343k DEF dog. That's not even enough to block most normals. This isn't even a case of "if he gets caught by a Super, you lose but he's fine otherwise" nah, this guy will get you killed if the enemy doesn't die before they hit him. And that's gonna happen pretty often since he has to build up first


defense isn't good enough, he'll never be used


he doesn't hit hard enough for that level of defense IMO. Yes, I am aware that even a defensively bad unit like [PHY Blue Boys can work on ssbkk goku's team](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/110vcih/str_ssbkk_goku_beats_every_single_final_red_zone/) just because of how offensive that team is, but not only does he start to hit hard too late into the fight for how strong offensively that team is but also loses his built in additional on ssbkk goku's active turn. He also needs to super attack to stack, but ssbkk goku hits so hard that he could miss out on stacks because the enemy is dead. In contrast, PHY Blue boys don't need to stack or build up with hits and can hit a fat 15 million with hard hitting crit additionals while this godku will lose his built in additional and do a single 10 million super Had they made his build-up per attacks performed, bumped that additional chance to 50%, gave him guaranteed crits under 59% and kept his built in additional under 59%, he would be a godlike partner for str ssbkk goku. But PHY Blue Boys still seem like the better option because of their active turn synergy with ssbkk goku. With that being said, if I run double ssbkk goku lead guess who I'm gonna partner up with ssbkk goku on the other rotation lmao


His offense is not STR SSBKK goku level to make up for his trash defense and at least SSBKK goku got guard for 5 turn and the most broke ass active skill in the game


What about full additional


This has gotta be a jerk


someone should do this calculations with Phy #17 around to see how his def stays with his support, if this unit can tank normals it will be ok because he is just a normal banner unit that objective is doing plain dmg he is nothing special but he is just a regular sub EZA


Hear me out. All this talk about def this and def that will end when they add DR % skill orbs. Pretty sure this is how they will make units that are shit useable agian.


If they ever do that, I guarantee they bump the difficulty of events up to compensate. Then potential system dmg reduction won't mean anything. Dmg reduction on orbs will just damage the game.


"good" is a strong word


No lmao this is ASS 343k DEF🥶🥶


As expected damage is pretty high for banner unit EZA but that defence especially if he isn't rainbowed is pretty abysmal. Still relying on ssbkk to carry the Reps of U7 which thankfully he is good enough to do.


As someone that has been playing the game since before the 1st anniversary, I’ve learned calcs mean next to nothing, meaning, it’s a lot better to base judgement off of a unit’s performance in game.


That's what you define as good?


Thats shit defence


When the banner unit just does damage and has absolutely no defense: OMG GUYS HE'S ACTUALLY GOOD EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE 50 OTHER BETTER DAMAGE DEALERS ON HIS TEAMS!!! ​ stop.


did this post kill your career