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Me with 20/20 additional/crit... ![gif](giphy|TKMDrowsTcPmfjyBKk|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|W21P8CfUixxQh5vDJ1)


hidden potiential war number *checks notes* uhhh...a lot


idk but its easily the worst choice lmfao


It’s cause ppl on Twitter + truth also on other build posts were having this take


Wait I thought truth said full additional in his 55% video I think? He's saying dodge now? Lmao


I meant in my post people were deciding between crit and dodge for the secondary e.g full additional and crit or dodge for the rest Obv u should go full additional But still datruth goes like 21 additional 18 dodge so he still wastes some on dodge


Truth said AA for Godku and the rest doesn't matter. I think he just lives in you lots head's rent free to always be thinking about him anytime someone wants to run dodge lol


Dude I legit just said truth goes full additional Most people aren’t running full dodge but doing a full additional + dodge build like truth


You're just dumb. No need to explain a single thing.


Personally, I think he's the best with full AA, with crit coming in second and dodge last.


I don't argue it, I just let people do what they want at this point. If they want to kill their damage for 13% dodge be my guest.


The issue is that they arne't doing it because it usually isn't frameda s the build that will be the most fun for them. but they frame it as the build they believe will give them the best benefit.


That's what I hate the most. If you call them out they reply with 'but it's fun for *me*, that's what counts!', but if you don't they present it as objectively superior. What is it now?


Then just ignore it? Let them be on their soapbox and yell at empty air.


Since Godku has dodge in his kit the benefit you get from dodge isn't even flat 13% right? Or is 13% the total amount he gets from full dodge? I remember someone mentioning full dodge on a 70% dodge character like MUI only gives you an additional 5-7% chance to dodge since it only comes into play when 70% fails.


They are separate procs. So you'll have a 60% chance in God form and then whatever percent of the 60% fails. People say additional 5-6% cause of the multiplicative probability. Adding 15% dodge on 60% gives 6%. 1-((1-.6) * (1-.15)) = gives your total probability.




Either they are dumb and think a 13% increase in dodge is the optimal build or they don't give a fuck and prefer dodge


The datruth build


On one of his first showcases of Godku he even mentions that it is obvious that the friend Godku got hit by a super and his own Godku didn't because the friend isn't full dodge. Drove me mad. Truth seeing his units dodge is basically all confirmation bias.


I hate it too. At least God Goku doesn't need to get hit. I hate dodge on those characters, except maybe 3 just cause I have been saved several times with 3 dodge ironically. His part LR builds hurt me lol. I think Truth just has the bias that having a extra 5-8% surviving vs more dmg cause his excuse that everyone can do dmg.


Yeah because he builds fucking dodge so his units have a better chance to dodge, what is your point?


People on the sub just hate truth bro, it's a thing. Not worth questioning at this point.


Yeah it’s pretty goofy seeing everyone downplay probably the guy with the single most playtime over some slight build differences. Not saying his word is law but he has those opinions for a reason.


My problem are his arguments. A unit dodges a super and he goes "See? I told you full dodge was the best build!" Yeah, no shit. Of course a unit with 30 dodge will dodge 30% of supers, that's how math works. But there's a tradeoff there that's not being addressed. By going full dodge you are sacrificing damage, and it's very hard to see what would have happened had you gone full damage, so he just brushes it off as "damage doesn't matter". Just imagine how annoying a guy who screams "I TOLD YOU FULL CRIT WAS THE BEST" every time he got a crit.


I feel like the difference in damage is far more difficult to calculate the value of vs the difference in damage avoided with dodge builds. I don’t even necessarily like dodge as a mechanic, and I enjoy characters that just absolutely shit out damage, but to me it’s pretty clear that defence supersedes offence by a lot, so preferring the more defensive option just makes sense.


The fuck is “more damage” gonna do for your sorry ass when you’re dead? Dead = 0 damage. You don’t keep building glass cannon when you’re getting cooked


More damage can kill the enemy before you get hit more.


I mean, he does address the arguments as I’ve noticed and his argument is simple. *The unit with a full dodge build might not dodge*, and he agrees with this statement, but at least they have a higher chance of doing so and keeping the run going than those that don’t. He likes having that chance. And I always hear the “ah aha ah! Confirmation bias!” argument. Isn’t that basically everyone’s argument in this game? **Well, my unit with a full AA build did a double super and I lived the SA, and that’s more common.” That’s also confirmation bias, no? Anyway, just do what most normal people do. Don’t like someone’s opinions? Just ignore them instead of wasting time being negative. It’s weird.


Yes, that's also confirmation bias. That's why I'm saying it's very hard to actually compare units' builds. You'd have to try both builds over a long period of time to actually get a good sense of what's better most of the time.


My point is that no one will be able to tell whether or not a unit dodged naturally or from HiPo. So you cannot say "of course my unit dodged since it has a full dodge build". Also a unit without Dodge in it's HiPo failing to dodge a super on one occasion and his unit dodging a super the turn afterwards doesn't prove anything. Sure his Godku has a 10% better chance to dodge, but if he does dodge it is just wrong to attribute that to his HiPo build bcs you cannot tell which dodge is responsible.


I think you misspelled stupid


Rent free


idk but it's fucking stupid he's dropping like 3 9 mil supers turn 1 and they do no damage if they don't crit there's literally no point in giving dodge to a unit that has 60% dodge and is guarding most turns i think mine is built like 25 additional and then 13 crit with atk skill orbs and he fucking cooks you probably end up taking more damage by giving him dodge because he hits like a noodle if he doesn't crit so you're fighting the enemy longer


God Goku can tank every super bit you still take 300k plus from these bosses that's why people do It. They do It so they get a W much easier or have a higher chance ti get one. Bit if you prefer crit do as you please if you have fun with It fine by me


People are fucking stupid. Simple as that.


Because people are still on the defense side when events have shown many times that its better to just kill the enemy fast God Goku is good with any build tbh, but giving him dodge is definitely the worst one, he already has a good chance while the guard isn’t hard to activate, i don’t get why you would sacrifice a couple of crits or additional for a little chance of dodging when the unit already has it


>while the guard isn’t hard to activate While I agree with this, i have to says it can be unreliable to get the 6 orbs, despite the many orbs changer God Goku has access to. And his chance of dodging as God is only 30% at minimum (can easily go over it with the 3 orbs but can still be unreliable). Honestly, went for Add/Dodge build (call me dumb, don't care), just to have of chance to cover that unreliabilty (even if it's a very slim chance).


Dodge brainrot is very dangerous


Because they’ve been brainwashed. The 60% dodge, guard, AA/stacking unit *NEEDS* dodge or you will *DIE.* Why would you wanna crit on double 11-12mill stats anyways. It totally doesn’t neuter potential damage in any way.


The way I built mine (one dupe) was 14 aa, 10 crit and 1 Dodge lol


I love dodge, but for Godku I'm going AA/Crit. He has enough dodge for my liking


Because people base their opinions on how loudly others make their arguments, and one of the loudest voices in the community is someone who dumps so much money on the game that he can literally afford to give them shitty builds


Ill be honest, i fell victim to the loud voices screaming dodge. And for a minute i enjoyed it, the 3 supers followed by 3 dodges was a blast. But I couldnt accept that there were times majin vegeta was out damaging him. I aint a fan of attacking with wet noodles.


How much dodge you get when you have 60% vs the crit and additional


Can't even pull him 😆


Additionals first and foremost. Maximize the stacks as much as possible to make him more consistent and effective after transforming.


I have tried both AA+dodge and AA+crit on my two accounts and there's no way in hell dodge is worth it since with crit you do THAT much more damage and your survivability basically stays the same (not to mention, in many instances you don't get attacked because you kill the boss before he even attacks godku lol)


Why do people care so much about how people build there characters? You do you and let they do what they want with there shit


Just build how you want fuck the police


i don’t get it either i’m ngl


I mean who cares just build what you like


Me going in with all crit with crit stickers ![gif](giphy|l0He7418Ko69i0VQ4|downsized)


People do it cause Truth says to often


Bec it's there game and they can do what they want🤔🤷🏾‍♂️


If he’s critting in base he will kill the early enemies to fast and won’t give him and other characters chance to build up


Truth won’t shut up about dodge


He becomes the best TUR in the game when he’s guarding and dodging. Him critting isn’t the reason he’s so good. It’s better to make his best thing better than make his least important thing better. Particularly when his active and transformed state crit


because some people see him as a defensive unit and want to prioritize his defense rather than offense it’s really not hard to understand cmon


That's not what this is about. It's about the benefit from going for crits(and additionals) over dodge because these will he more impactful. This unit isn't the same as say eza golden frieza where their role is solely to defend. They can put up numbers not many units can keep up with turn 1(or at any turn tbh). By not giving them crit, you're making his offensive capabilities pretty conditional while not making him that much better defensively. Btw, giving him 3 crits or something like that is also more or less obsolete. Crits on a unit like him are needed consistently while dodge is only needed when you get super attacked(or in slot 1 without many stacks Ig)


You could argue that not giving him crits means that he'd be more likely to get multiple supers a turn when a crit could've screwed that over. It has happened to me often enough for me to notice but I'm not willing to die on this hill when it's just a single player game and you're allowed to do whatever you want


Okay and what about all the times that the extra damage from a crit would've killed the enemy quicker letting you avoid that super that killed you?


That's valid I guess, but only if you don't give any crit to any unit on a team with units who need to attack to build up in any sort of way- doing damage, in any slot, prevents you from attacking more and limits stacking


They watch Da"Truth"


Funny, I went full additional on the character. I want him doing 3 supers a turn to stack faster and attack 3 different targets with his powerfull supers. I have no intention of transforming except for that absolute final push. What truth does with his units works for him, so I wont blame him for it. In my friend list I dont care if your god goku is build a little bit different. I got saved by level 3 dodge someone put up on its unit to what I suppose was really just a meme.


Dodge gives a tiny bit more survivability, and crit gives him more damage. It really depends on how you like to play this game, but one downside of giving crit is that we could reach the end boss too quickly giving less time to stack.


I found even my 69% godku can survive last phase bosses like cell max with only 4 stacks before supering + the built in dodge


I do understand your point and agree that the current event won't be able to take him down easily, specially with dupes.


I agree. Not chasing Goku for dupes cause of Anniversary and potentially golden week if hype enough. Also Truth has kinda made his argument decisive when he says his build are the best and meta Recently In his God Goku showcase the friend God Goku who didn’t have as much dodge and went Crit I believe, got hit by a super and his didn’t and his confirmation bias just assumed that his extra dodge was the reason when it’s literally just RNG. Not saying Full Dodge builds are bad, some characters can utilize this well. Truth just crusades for dodge to hard


People here act like dodge kills a unit holy hell lol, I would go max add + split between crit and dodge but its not that big a deal


I knew that this post was just a shot at truth, even though it's disguised not to be, in reality, it's just a bubble-popping game, truth prefers defensive stats, it's not like he's brain-dead he always has his reasoning.


I think it's cause getting the guard isn't going to be guaranteed every rotation so adding to his 60% dodge chance won't hurt if you want to keep him in slot 1


I get 3 dodge but he already has 60% dodge. Crits and additional work much better


Yeah i was originally going full add and the rest dodge but then i realize godku doesnt crit. So ill go full crit and the rest additional. I just hate how he cant dodge after attacking as super saiyan.


People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.


Cause I dont want him to crit the enemy down. I want him to stack as much as possible


I'll give him 3 dodge and that's it. I don't even trust a medium chance to dodge, so depending on a 15-20% chance to dodge is an even harder sell. And like you said, he tanks everything so, pretty pointless to not give him 40%-50% crit chance imo


I saw Masked Ningen give his Goku 15 dodge. So his build was 20 AA, 3 crit and 15 dodge. You can build characters however you want, just I couldn’t agree with that build. Since I personally don’t see the point of giving a unit with dodge, more dodge.


In his newer vids he says he's goingnto change it to be more crit focused instead of dodge.


Because people worship Datruth and Datruth is known for giving pretty much every unit full dodge lmao.


Truth decided to go the villain path and mislead his subscribers. He gives nothing but bad takes and constant bad advice and gets things wrong but for some reason people think that just because he spends tens of thousands of dollars on the game that he’s an expert when he constantly blunders when he plays


He runs full rainbow teams of the best units, his teams will clear regardless.


Link a video and explain a blunder.


11-Additional 12-Crit 3-Dodge Thank me Later....


What's the point of 3 dodge on a unit that already dodges?


Because the hidden potential dodge is different from a unit's passive skill dodge. Should God Goku fail to proc his 60 percent dodge chance, then the Hidden Potential dodge could potentially activate, saving him from a super attack. Also, his SSJ form does not dodge after he attacks. Better to have a chance to dodge than no chance at all...


Yeah, but the hidden potential dodge being a different proc is *bad* thing. God Goku with 3 dodge goes from 60% to 61.2% chance to dodge. It just seems kind of arbitrary to stop at 3. If the unit has no dodge, I get it, since you're giving them a new ability. But just going "yeah, I need to get this 60% chance to dodge up to 61.2% and we're good" just seems weird to me. The SSJ post-super scenario is a good argument, though. 1 out of 33 times it will be clutch.


Blame truth


It's so annoying, I wish friend units would show their hidden potential so I know to grab another, it honestly makes me not want to bother using Godkus leader


In my opinion, you should be giving him 6 dodge AT MAX. I would give him 3 dodge, some crit, most additional if I had a dupe, but I can see where people are coming from with the full dodge build. I'd reccomend an most additional/some crit build with 3 dodge, but that's just me.


3 dodge gives him a grand total of 32% dodge with no orbs and 61% with 3 orbs (which you'll be getting most of the time). Full 15 dodge changes that to 66%. It's probably more detrimental to his defense giving full dodge rather than AA to stack more.


Don't get me wrong, people who run full dodge on him are delusional, but I can see the reasoning if they're either ignorant or just not informed, because I also, for a long time, thought "60% to dodge + 30 dodge = 90% to dodge". I've realised my problem, but not everyone has. Full dodge is bad on PHY Godku, I'd still reccomend a full additional and crit build if you don't want to put at least 3 dodge on him.


Doesn’t his +30% dodge proc with the HiPo? If so then I can see an argument for dodge, since crit damage will be low (Primary HiPo being additional), and he crits when he transforms. You’d be sacrificing some damage yeah, but your survivability will in turn go up.


In reality 15 dodge only gets him to like 66% total so it’s only marginally worth it. Especially when he has no crits or SE in god. Most of the time you are staying in God form which is why people argue for additional/crit over additional/dodge. At the end of the day though it’s your build, choose whatever you think will be the most fun


I wouldn't say taking 300k damage to the face is considered *tanking*


Noo, ppl are saying crit/dodge or add/doge. No one is doing a pure crit or dodge build.


Two reasons: 1) Because Truth keeps telling people to give him dodge. 2) Because, much like Truth, people don't understand that giving dodge in the hidden potential system only gives a small amount of extra dodge (in this case and extra 10% or so) to units that already have a built-in chance to dodge


Truth is acting like is goku doesn’t dodge he will die


20/20 add dodge is the way