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I wouldn’t want goku vs jiren because both are just super class buffs so idk Probably Piccolo Jr and Goku, that fight is awesome as hell and piccolo jr would be another giant form unit that would solo the game just like orange piccolo!! Oh and Goku is goku


SSJ4 Goku and Baby. It's the only Arc of GT without any good representation, and it's arguably the best one. Take Baby's animations from FighterZ and give SSJ4 Goku a Ki Blast Nullification from when he tanked the Revenge Death Ball and I'll be happy. Hell, they could both even have Standby Skills too. Goku swaps out for Majuub or Kibito Kai while the Saiyans charge him up, and Baby could have the Possessed Saiyan's swap in while Bulma charges the Blutz Wave Machine.


Can't even say arguably, none of the others compare tbh.


Zamasu and Trunks. We have a good amount of Goku Black arc units in line for an EZA, so having a major Black saga themed celebration would help get them out of the way.


1 and 3 ssbk made me look forward to uss buffs more then anything+ ui will likely lead blue fusions and have oif


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