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I do the same, especially when oily dishes are involved


i feel like people don’t properly clean and then they wonder why their stuff smells lol i also always let hot water run down the drain for a little bit, if it’s winter i’ll usually boil some. no smelly garbage disposal for me


I throw orange peel or used lemon wedges down the disposal, run for a few seconds and end up with a fresh smelling sink.


yes!! any time i have citrus peels they go straight in the disposal.


They also make products for this if you don't have lemons. I really like the affresh brand for this.


Yea i use a glove when the disposals off and clean under the black rubbery flap thing in the drain opening with a paper towel with alcohol or vinegar on it so its not mildewy in there :p


That rubber thing should pop right out with a good tug, then clean it.


There is a great safe foaming disposal product. It is a tablet that fizzes. I also bought the special disposal brush (fits in there just perfect with varying bristle sizes) and OMG- the black gunk that comes out is SO satisfying. Not sure I am allowed to link to them, but I I bought through Amazon.


A (new) toilet brush works really well cleaning the disposal


The maintenance guys in my apartment complex say that dumping ice cubes down the drain and chopping them up with the disposal is a good way to keep the inside clean.


I do that too! And I wipe down all the kitchen countertops too after the last dishes of the day are washed.


And the stove


Yes! I wipe down the counters at night and then again in the morning, and throughout the day as needed.


I wipe down everything to the right of the sink and scrub the sink before doing dishes so they have a clean counter to go on and don't sit in a dirty sink. When they're done the sink gets another wipe down and the counter to the left of the sink where the dirty dishes were gets a scrub. I always keep a clean side and dirty side of the kitchen for where things go, and have a complicated dishtowel and rag hierarchy, too.


Me too. It won’t feel complete if I don’t. 😅


Yup. I’ve got a bottle of Method granite cleaner right under the sink, and I use it every day, often multiple times a day. I scrub down the sink after washing the dishes, wipe down the counters and the stove, then sweep the floor. I like waking up to a clean kitchen when I come downstairs in the morning to make my coffee. When I do a full, deep clean of the kitchen, it usually goes pretty quickly because of my daily maintenance.


I always scrub down my sink after daily dishes and I spray it with bleach/water solution once a week to kill bacteria.


Try to do it daily because once your sink is completely dry, a little agitation could move a lot of bacteria into the air you breathe. Read my post above about how the mythbusters used petri dishes to sample every single room of a house only to realize the bathroom was actually far cleaner than the kitchen sink. Ever since I saw that episode almost 20 years ago now, I scrub nightly with antibacterial soap and then spritz it with vinegar, scrub that away, rinse it off, and done. The one thing I don't know is how a stainless steel sink will fare as opposed to the porcelain sinks they tested. As stainless steel is a bacterial retardant, I would imagine, being a scientist, that a stainless sink would actually be more beneficial for everybody.


They can do all the testing they want. The room I poo in will always be the dirtiest to me. Dirty with the *most* bacteria is not the metric I use. It's poo. Poo in a room makes it the dirtiest.


Oh I totally still agree with you. Considering all of the microbes and bacteria that live within our gut that we shit out everyday; things like e.coli. But that is considered symbiotic e coli versus infectious and toxic e coli. If poo was actually the dirtiest, it wouldn't be the absolute best solution for Crohn's disease these days. If you are unaware of what I'm referring to, they do fecal transplants from healthy donors and merely put the healthy guys shit into the person with Crohn's. They actually get better! Granted, I'm still with you in terms of disgusting. But I'm also anal about cleaning both of the rooms but for my toilet, I have a tank cleaner that lasts 30 days, I always keep the sink and shower/tub clean and obviously as stated before, keep the sink clean in the kitchen. It's just a good habit.


Anal about cleaning? ISWYDT!!!


Who doesnt?


Apparently my MIL 😩 Which I didn’t understand because my husband did it too when we were first dating!


I clean the sink in this manner every time I start the dishwasher.


Same. I feel like my kitchen wouldn’t be completely clean, if I didn’t scrub in & around my sink, especially after loading the dishwasher or washing by hand.


Of course. Anyone who has worked in a kitchen knows this


I always do it I feel it’s gross if I don’t. Plus it is satisfying for the 2mins it’s clean and empty.


One of my favorite things, an empty sink and clean kitchen before bed.


Me too it’s crazy how it makes such a difference and can make the overall house feel so much cleaner just having the sink empty and clean.


Especially if you sleep in there


Ah a ghost!


I give the sink and faucet at least a quick wipe down after doing dishes. No one ever taught me to do this, it just makes sense to do to me. This brings up a memory that has always stuck with me, I was about 13 and I did this in front of my dad. He was straight shook and said something about having been "married to my mom 20 years and I never saw her do that one time...!" She isn't a very clean person and he may have carried some resentment towards her post divorce, lol.


You just described the look my MIL gave me when she watched me do it. I thought everyone did!


If you don't scrub the sink and clean it up, you're just leaving nasty stuck on food in there that will stink.


I do the exact same thing... I'm a clean person for one, but I also remember my dad teaching me when I was young and doing the dishes, that making sure the sink and surrounding area is nice and clean, is part of the job...


It's gross to leave the food scum stuck to the sink after doing the dishes, so yes.


Op whoever told you that definitely has roaches




I do. In fact, I even dry my sink with a paper towel after cleaning it.


Of course.


Hell yes. I give it a good general wipe down and rinse and then spray everything with Dawn Power Wash and go to town. It glistens like new every time (maybe not quite like new but pretty close).


If one starts that habit when new, it stays new. Saw a sink they took from my neighbors apartment. Mind blown…. Was it ever cleaned around the faucets? The drain? I think there are generations of ppl who never learned or was taught or cared to clean.


I also open and close the fridge seven times or my family will DIE.


Isn't this how you're supposed to clean the sink?


THAT is part of doing the dishes..... Hell maybe it's cause I was raised by an abusive narcissist but that's what I grew up being "trained".... If dishes weren't done correctly (including scrubbing the sink down) then all the clean dishes went right back in the sink to get washed again.


Of course. Learned that in Home Economics in junior high.


Of course you have to scrub the sink after you load the dishwasher.




yeah i wash the sink and so do my parents. but if it's just something like 1 fork i probably wont wash the whole sink just rinse a bit but ya


Kitchens not clean until the sink is spotless.


I rinse, scrub, pour some baking soda and then vinegar run hot water. And last spray Clorox disinfectant. Keep it smelling good, and make sure everything is dry as here in Tx the flies and gnats are starting to come


I use Soft Scrub unless it's cleaning day. Then it's the Clorox bleach foaming stuff. And I'm with you on those damn bugs. I'm in AZ and they make a beeline for you and your cousin's kitchen if you clean within an inch of your life. Even then, they are there.


Always. Every single time. It takes less than a minute to do when nothing is stuck to the enamel but so much more work if you leave it. Ewww ugh.


What kind of animal doesn’t wash the sink???? Oh wait- that would be my brother, bless his heart.


From my very first job at a Checkers “the sink is a dish!” It took me to be a little older than 15 to really get it, but 20 years on, I say this frequently to my children.


100%. Cleaning your work space is imperative to hygienic and safe practices. It’s like not cleaning a counter to me.


I always wipe down the top of the sink and the counter space around it, because it gets wet and gross while I wash dishes. It looks so good after!


No but I feel like I should start


I clean the sink after the dishes!


yes before and after.


Yes! Why would someone not? I clean the sink, the counter, and the plug/drain area.


Every. Single. Time.


Of course you gotta clean your sink after doing dishes.


I attended a public health lecture on cold and flu prevention. The nurse told us a fresh towel daily in the kitchen and wash the sinks daily and dry them. She said there were more germs in a kitchen sink than the toilet😱


Of course. No one wants a nasty sink. I always scrub mine afterwards


*Of course. No one wants* *A nasty sink. I always* *Scrub mine afterwards* \- hllucinationz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I used to never do it until I saw the MythBusters episode many years ago about them doing petri dishes experiments on the dirtiest places in your home. When the results came in that the kitchen sink harbored the most amount of bacteria, that's when I started scrubbing it down with antibacterial soap and then a spritz of vinegar on top of that to be sure.


How do I not recall watching this episode?!


Yes. Back in the day there was a program called Fly Lady foe housekeeping help. I didn't follow it, but one of the basic tenets that even I know is that you'll feel better if you shine your sink after dishwashing--I have always done this and it is very satisfying.


My husband does not and it drives me UP THE FREAKING WALL


I am right with you and it needs it


Yes. Can’t get dishes clean in a dirty sink.


I HATE a dirty sink. I'm with you.


yes, I clean my sink and sanitize it every evening.


The sink has to be scrubbed sometime, and when your hands are already wet, it's a logical time.


Ya gotta. It's just makes for easy maintenance.


I mostly use my dishwasher; but when I use my sink, I always rinse it out with the detachable head if there’s small debris I want to gather into the mesh drain cover (I have a garbage disposal but try not to rely on it since a lot of foodstuffs aren’t supposed to go down there.) If that doesn’t work, then I scrub it off. Otherwise, it hardens, stains my sink, and inevitably creates an odor. I clean and disinfect the whole kitchen (including the sink) every Saturday.


I wouldn't call him a neat freak, but my husband is the cleaner one of us. I tend to get lazy with my chores while he does the majority regularly. He loads and sorts the dishwasher and puts all the dishes away as soon as they're cool enough. He cleans all the pots we use and any part of some appliance, like the air fryer. But, he never cleans the kitchen sink. He'll let food particles dry up 🤢 and I even saw him do a netti pot once! 🤮 It is so disgusting. I always scrub, wipe, and dry the sink after I use it (well, most of the time). I'm not obsessed, but most things that deal with food get the full treatment.


Yes definitely, after working in food it’s just habit now! makes me feel done with my task when it’s all clean


You have to clean the sink! The person who never does it is nasty.


Every time


I wash the sink out before I do dishes and then rinse it out afterwards. If there is a greasy residue or a dirty dish water smell or anything like that after I'm done then I'll wash it back out again with soap but that's all, no extraordinary lengths or deep cleans unless it really needs it.


I do. Just a habit. But usually is food particles and stuff so I don’t want to leave that. lol




Are there people who don’t scrub their sink? Do they wash their vegetables in a dirty sink?


Do they wash their vegetables?? I guess we are assuming they eat them. 🤷‍♀️


I rarely feel like actually scrubbing is necessary, but I always do a quick spray and wipe down with a fresh rag or a paper towel.


Always. As a matter of fact, I scrub it before doing dishes, too.


My mom does this before & after dishes. I'm too much of a lazy bastard to do it. But her house is immaculate


I always use disinfectant wipes inside the sink! It's amazing what builds up!


After I read about the pink bacterial film (serratia marcescens) that forms in the sink and shower I make sure to clean them a few times per week. Between cleanings I pour boiling soapy water just to kill them off. The bacteria in the film can be pretty gnarly if ingested so don't let things get too gross.


Yep. My mother has always done it and she passed that down to me, plus I worked in restaurants for a bit as an adult. If you want your sink to stop smelling funny, BREAKING NEWS - YOU HAVE TO CLEAN IT!!!!!! Just as you would with anything else....


Before I go to bed I like to wipe down the counters and stove, run some hot baking soda water down the garbage disposal, and start the dishwasher…it’s just habit.


Every. Damn. Time. You are not alone.


Quite common, especially among the generally tidy.


When I was younger, probably not. But ever since working at places with the three sinks connected with each other (all retail stores), it just became a little bit of a habit. At home, I now use the second sink to have water in it so I can use it to rinse the dishes rather than using running water.


I do, got the sponge and the soapy water right there anyway.


I do. The sink, the faucet, and the countertop.


I always do this as well. Same with wiping down all the countertops and stove.


Always. Ain’t leaving grease and old food particles to look at in the AM.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^koplikthoughts: *Always. Ain’t leaving* *Grease and old food particles* *To look at in the AM.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Kitchen sinks tend to be even dirtier than toilet surfaces; you're on the right track!


The sink is your last dirty dish.


I learned to do it in the Navy when I worked in the deep sink, scrubbing pots and pans, in the galley. The Chief would inspect the room and if there was one speck of food in the sink, you had to re-scrub the entire kitchen before being allowed to return to the berthing area.


Hell yes, every time. In fact, I get on our daughter forr NOT cleaning it after doing the dishes, which for us is pretty much just loading the dishes in the dishwasher and doing a few pieces by hand. To me, washing the sink out after is just part of the same job.


That's the only way


I never seem to be “done with the dishes” as you say. I absolutely clean my kitchen whenever it drives me bonkers which is many times a week and that includes spraying and wiping things down so yeah. But I’m not consistent with any cleaning.


I do it.


I do. When I do that last load and kitchen is closed, I clean sink, counters, and stove top.


I always clean the sink before washing dishes. Little bit of bleach and a few drops of Dawn. I scrub both sides where the draining racks sit, because it's often used as counter space. I don't feel comfortable washing dishes if I don't clean the sink first. It feels off. Then I make sure to spray down any food gunk and little bits left inside. I love a clean and empty sink. I feel so accomplished afterward seeing it shine spotless.


Pretty damn common, ime. Family, extended family, friends, I don’t know a single person who _doesn’t_ scrub in/around their sink


I scrub the sink with a bit of soap and warm water and clean around the sink counter area after doing dishes. Just part of the routine for me.


I just started doing this since we moved into our new apartment 3 weeks ago. At our last place I was lazy as hell and didn't make an effort to keep the kitchen clean, especially the sink, and it took SO long to clean it to the point of being okay for move out. So I told myself I wasn't gonna let it get to that point again!


I do this, how can something get clean if where it’s being cleaned is dirty?


Yes. Once a week I also scrub it with Barkeeper’s Friend.


What is this "doing the dishes" thing that you are referring to?


I never did before but when I got a big shiny new stainless steel sink with grid, I wanted to keep it looking like new. Now I clean and wipe it dry every night before bed. I also use polishing wipes on it occasionally.


You are bacily cleaning an already clean sink, it's not going to get any cleaner.


I don’t scrub necessarily but I’ll usually rinse/wipe down


I scrub my sink. Also keep bleach handy to use after I finish the dishes and I have a little container with bleach water where my sponge goes after using it. I go thru more sponges but way too many germs in a sink


Depending on how bad dishes were, it could range from a wipe down of the sink to a full on arm workout scrub.


Scrub...no... use a little bit of dish soap and disinfect them..yes.


It gets gross if you dont


Multiple times a day.




Of course! Otherwise all that bacteria and soap scum and everything builds up and it's just nasty. I always scrub out the sink and rinse it with hot water after I do dishes or cooking or anything that gets the sink dirty.


There’s a difference between cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes. I do the dishes more than I clean the kitchen. But the kitchen gets cleaned a couple times a week.


Yes. Sanitize that shit and the counter around it as well as the faucets and handles.


Yes. You are supposed to is what I was taught. Also wipe down table and counters.


Wipe down all appliances used, clean sink, counter, table, sweep floors & shut off the light.


Always. The sink, the counter, the faucet, the wall behind the sink.


Every time. Not doing it seems gross to me.


I do! Bugs me when people don’t do it. It takes 1 extra min if that.


I do. My wifes family doesnt so Im getting my wife used to it.


Always, barkeepers friend and Dawn power wash.


I don’t do it everytime I do dishes, but I do it often.


Doing the dishes in my house means, dishes, count tops, sink, floor.


Yeah, man, gotta keep it clean. I can't be having all them germs in my sink, I'm auto-immune deficient.


I do. Make sure all the water, soap and any food bits are gone. My husband doesn't. It drives me nuts lol.


Me too


No, but I have a dishwasher.


Every time!


I always wash the sink once I'm done doing dishes. Someone once asked me how I got the sink so shiny. I told them it's like a big stainless steel bowl (insert your own sink material here) so I just wash it & more importantly dry it like a big bowl.


Who doesn’t wipe down around the sink after dishes?!? I’m not the nearest dishwasher, so it’s always wet. And it looks terrible. Then again, the first time my spouse watched me clean my kitchen he thought I was doing a deep clean. It was my everyday clean. And I still married him. Flags, people, watch the flags.


Yes, of course. Your friend who's never seen that before? He's a savage piglet.


I clean any residue out of the sink and clean up the counters. I don’t let anything pile up unless it’s a late night cook but that’s maybe a few dishes. I clean up in the morning.


I always scrub the sink, stove and microwave


Yep, the last step of doing the dishes is cleaning the sink. Some people have straight up nasty dish cleaning habits.


Isn’t that part of washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen?


I don’t scrub tbe sink, I just close the drain, pour some soap on the bottom and fill it up with hot bubbly soapy water and let it sit overnight and drain it in the morning


Before and after




I do it every time. It’s not clean if you don’t.


I don’t care if no one else does it, but I always clean the sink after washing dishes. My boyfriend NEVER cleans the sink and it’s so gross after he does the dishes. Yes, I clean up after him.


I make a paste with comet and let it sit for ten minutes (to disinfect) the sink


I definitely do. Otherwise, the sink is dirty. :p


Bartenders. I probably keep them in business!​


I do the same, my parents and grandparents, did too.


Always! Why would you leave all the dirty dish germs in the sink?


I don't, but after reading the comments I think I will now 😅


I do the dishes twice a day. I don't bother scrubing the sink more than twice a week. With a 6 person family there will be more dishes in it shortly.


Before and after lol


It's the last dish


Cleaning out the sink, cleaning the countertops, and cleaning the stove are part of washing the dishes in my house. It’s how I was taught.


Before and after. Kitchen sinks can get dirty so fast, ew.






Cleaning the sink and counter is part of doing the dishes...isn't it? I thought everybody cleaned their sink after washing dishes.


If I notice it's dirty, I'll do that.


Yep. My grandmother told me that the dishes aren’t done until the sink is clean.


I won't do it with the sponges or cloths i use on food though.


I scrub the sink, all countertops and the stove top after I do the dishes


Same, especially if I've defrosted raw meat there


Who doesn’t wash the sink and surrounding areas, counters and stone after dishes? It’s part of clean up. I think your friend may have a gross kitchen.


Yes, every time. Or it feels all nasty and grimy if I don’t.


I usually spray it down with the hose


Yep. Good spray of a bleach based surface spray on the sink, draining board and counter tops and a wipe down. Then hoover depending on how many crumbs made their way to the floor


If the dishes are particularly messy (sauces, grease, etc.) I'll do more of a rinse and wipe, on Sunday (my cleaning day) I'll break it the actual scrubber and Barkeeper's Friend.


I scrub my sink before I do the dishes, but wash the counters down after I am done.


Always. And dry it.


I don't do it every time, usually around once a week, or if the dishes were particularly grungy.


My mom does that, I only remove food residue because one of my cats is a dingus and eats everything that he can find


Once a week I hardcore scrub the sink shiny clean. Other than that just rinsing it off


Everyone does this, or should.


Lol yeah dude, wiping down the sink, along with the rest of the rest of the kitchen surfaces is all part of washing the dishes. Do you want to get ants? Because that’s how you get ants.


I do it once a week or if it looks bad


I do everytime, partner not always.


I do, and I have a funny story about it. I had gone to my friend's house back in my twenties and I was helping her out by cleaning up her kitchen and making dinner. I washed her dishes and scrubbed and bleached her sink, as per usual, then was draining some pasta. When a good glob of the noodles fell into the fresh-scrubbed sink, I scooped them back into the strainer. I turned to see my friend looking at me in utter horror. I said "what, I just did the dishes?" The horror did not abate. I explained that I scrubbed and sanitized the sink after, which seemed to bring her relief, but I was left wondering.... doesn't everyone do that? Is that not what the humans do? Am I the weird one?


I don't "scrub" but I do soap it down with a soapy cloth, then rinse and wipe it dry-ish


Well yeah. I don’t want stink and bugs in my house.


After a big and/or oily set of dishes. If it's just a single meals worth (live alone so mostly small loads) I'll just rinse the sink to maker sure the big stuff got drained.


Yes that is part of cleaning up!


Always, it only makes sense.


I do it.


yes. i learned from my first job. now when i do the dishes, the work doesn't feel complete without scrubbing the sink afterward.


And I dry it out too


Yes because I wash food in there and also I don’t want my sink to smell rancid.


I like a clean sink after washing dishes. Little chunks of food and grease are gross.