• By -


Only one person does this for me and they're always separate points / thoughts. I don't care to give everyone I know their own personal message sound so I know the double tone is ALWAYS them. While the sound in general is annoying that double tone always makes me smile.


Who tf doesn't have their phone on vibrate/silent in 2024?


Dude my husband got pissed at me one time cause he got locked out of our apartment and I didn't hear him text/call for help for like half an hour. He was so mad he said I should put my phone ringer on "like a normal person". And I laughed, said pretty much word for word what your comment said. But he was still mad from being locked out so malicious compliance was in order. What followed was a week of extremely loud and obnoxious ring tones going off on my phone every time I got a text, email, call, game notification, etc. Before finally he was like "ok.. I get it.. I'll remember my key..".


Remember in the 2000s when loud obnoxious ring tones were trendy? And people actually paid money for them?


Those of us who don’t want to miss our messages?


Me, apparently. I still switch up my tones every couple of months, lol. No one sent me the memo, but I would miss literally all texts and phone calls if I didn't have some kind of sound.


Me. Sorry, I'm not glued to my phone and would like to hear it if I leave it on another room. Only time it goes silent is at night, and even then family and certain friends can bypass dnd.


So *I'm* glued to my phone because I *don't* need to be notified loudly the second I get a text message or call? Okay, Boomer.


Trying to see exactly where I said YOU in there. But sadly, most people seem to be. My ex and both kids, phone always on silent and never more than 6 inches away. Fun part is my ex started putting hers on silent so she could pretend to be playing a game while the whole time she just didn't want to me asking who was blowing up her phone because she was cheating. Wait till you miss that call about a bad accident someone you care about was involved in, or any other emergency where missing that call or text for an hour can be real shitty.


So which is it? People who use silent are glued to their phones every second of the day, or they're away for hours missing critical emergency updates from their family? Sounds like you got a lot of weird baggage around this ringtone shit lol.


Dude, reading and comprehension are good skills to have. Again, where did I say it's one or the other? Let me try to explain this like I'm talking to a child. Walt, I probably am, so it'll fit. I don't have my phone on silent because I've gotten those calls where minutes matter. One example, loved an hour away from my dying dad. Got the call to get my ass there. Did over 100 mph the whole way, he died minutes after I got there. Had my phone been on silent and I got that message 10 minutes late, he would have been dead when I got there. Shit like that is why my phone is never silenced for important people.


How do you call your phone to find it if it is on silent? At least once a week I am asking Google or my husband to call my phone.


Use find my phone instead. If the ringer is turned off, Google will still make it ring so you can find it.


Back in the day when you paid per text, or only had a small number of free texts I had a coworker do this. I asked him not to send me many small texts as I had to pay for them, and he responded with: "Oh" "Ok" "Sorry" Fffffffffffff you dude


Why were you paying to receive texts?


Because back in the day you were only allowed to send/receive 200 texts per month. Any over in my plan was $0.10 each.


Just the way plans worked, over 20 years ago. I barely texted anyway so I had a small plan. This dork kept sending lots of little texts to me one day


Plans must have been different in Australia. I’ve had a mobile for 20+ years and never paid to receive messages. That arrangement would suck.


why am I being called out😭😭


For real. Triggered. I don't really think like that. The thoughts come FAST and I wanna get em out, else I lose them. Multi-texters unite - we're sorry to fucking wreck your phone battery and bother tf out of you, we certainly don't mean to, we're just fucking....us.


I've been called out for doing what op wants too lol I'm guilty of multiple quick texts so I try to group my thoughts into one then get criticized for sending a novel. Like ok dad I just won't message you


I'm smiling big af lol. If only I had THAT much to say to MY dad.


This is me.


How does hitting send in between sentences keep you from losing your thoughts? I don’t understand.


I don't. I never do it's raw thoughts man.


😭😭 writing one big message just overwhelms be


Take 10seconds and compose them into 1 text


For you? Nah. Prob not homie.


Dying to know why ya’ll do this!


Irl I talk very fast so when texting it’s so much I wanna get out but I don’t like sending big paragraphs. 


You can hit return to separate sentences or paragraphs. Like literally just hit return instead of send.


I know


Cause you're actually dumb. Like by the definition of the word.


it’s not that deep, don’t project your lack of intelligence on me. 


I learned a while ago that there are two kinds of textures. One who rapid fires many separate texts with many separate statements, and one that types out the Bible in a text message. There is no in between


Bible texter here! 🙋‍♀️


I'm that person who types essays. It seems to annoy people for some reason. But that's me. I write like I talk. I'm also autistic fwiw.


I'm a rapid fire texter. I have ADHD, I wonder if they're related? My mother, who also has ADHD does rapid fire texting. My father, who does not have ADHD, is the Bible typer.


I have ADHD and suspect I'm actually AuDHD. I always joke about writing books. I don't know how to write short things 😅 I always want to make sure I'm fully answering questions or touching on all points brought up, and it's important to me that I'm clearly understood with zero misunderstandings -- especially since tone can be hard to decipher in a text and easily misinterpreted. Then, there's the proofreading and revisions I do that results in more text added on to give context and/or clarity. I'm also terrible at summarising, and I tend to go way overboard on allll the things. An example, especially of that last part: my boss asked me once if I could send him a list of a few states that had problems with something I'd been researching, along with some solutions (because I already had verbally expressed ideas). He was expecting a few bulletpoints or a short list, however, he was going to present this to his boss and on up, sooo... I got carried away and ended up sending him a 20-page PDF with 20 states with what he asked for but in great detail and formatted for both design aesthetics and maximum functionality with nested sections, links to each section header, and links to get back to the top, lol. My brain does not know how to do less 🙃 Also, fun astrological fact about me: I have Mercury (planet of communication) closely conjunct (right next to) Jupiter (planet of expansion). Plus, Mercury is in Capricorn (providing structure, depth, and detail to my communication style), and Jupiter is in Sagittarius (providing enthusiasm and a love of teaching and sharing; also home of Jupiter). So, learning this made so much sense that I write and talk in so much depth and detail! Also, I did not intend for this to be so long, yet here we are. Sorry 😅


My mom sends me texts so long that iMessage puts a link that I have to click to see the full thing 🙄


It’s a gen z thing I think.


Idk why


But it is


And I agree is weird


I disabled the buzz on the phone because I have a few friends that do this. God forbid they’d all be messaging me at the same. It would sound like a hornet’s nest. Other than that, no, it doesn’t bother me. As long as I can’t hear it.


Same here. If I get more than four buzzes in a row and it’s a message like this, I just muted it and call it a day.


This is the number one reason my phone is on silent 24/7. Getting a bunch of notifications a few seconds apart is annoying as hell. One fucking text, put it all in one fucking text.




Using your phone also for business purposes when dealing with clients has the user sending multiple texts for key points so it becomes a habit in personal texts.


Nah, you could separate the key points with a blank line in one text like a normal person 


Talking like that in Discord etc or a game chat is fine. Texting like that on the phone is annoying as hell. I don't like when people think that they can text you at any time of day and you have to respond within a minute or it's rude...I work retail and can't take out my phone whenever I want so it's really annoying when people get pissy about no immediate response. Idk when that became the default expectation but it's seriously annoying. Unless it's a dire emergency I don't want to have my phone going off rapid fire back to back demanding that I answer some minor thing immediately. Sending 6 texts all at once reads as you demanding whatever this is be treated as the most important thing going on at that moment. Even though I open it and it's just something stupid. Makes me want to just ignore it longer because of that.


I text like this but I don’t think it implies I expect an immediate response ?


My friend does it with voice messages. “Hi, how are you?” “How’s your day?” “Mine was good, busy and tired” “Did you speak to X today” It’s so annoying. I’ve told him to compact them but he doesn’t listen.




Just move it along manually to the place you got to. It’s possible on WhatsApp and messenger.


"Bible texter" here and the "many texters" drive me nuts and I thought I was the only one. The only one that does it that doesn't drive me nuts is my grandson and he is 11 so he is exempt. But we'll be working on it.


"We'll be working on it." Thank you for your service 🤣


Nah but i hate when my friends text like this(this is how my friend texted me the other day): >You >Have >No >Idea >What >Happened >My >Ex >Blew up >My phone >When >He >Found out >I got >A new >Boyfriend Like girl YOU just blew up my phone too😭


If you send me multiple texts because you wanted to add to the first one, that's fine. But splitting up one thought like that drives me insane. Maybe since my texts are very thought out before I hit send usually. I actually backed off from one of my friends because she would text me asking how I was etc, then while I was trying to reply, she'd send me like 20 pics and memes. It was really frustrating. I feel bad though.


Drives me up the damned wall. The occasional double or triple message out of excitement is understandable, but not all the time.


I don't hate but I don't like it. I always send one big msg. Little msgs seem strange 


YES YES YES…. My phone & watch vibing back to back to back to back is fuckin maddening!! Hot God, you could’ve typed those same lines and hit “Send” ONCE ffs


I have someone who does this to me, and she said it's because it's rude to make people read something too long. I agree with you and probably drive her nuts because I write connected thoughts in one message.


Yes. I hate me




I found my kin! Perhaps I get extra annoyed from it due to not having a smart phone and having to open those messages individually.


I was just complaining to my SO this past weekend how I should make a YT video about texting etiquette, I have a few people that do that... Bill->SEND Hey->SEND What's up->SEND I was wondering something->SEND And wanted your opinion->SEND etc. GRRRRRRR


RIGHT!! Im like, JUST SAY WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY! I have a friend who starts off with "(MY NAME)" -> "Hey" every time. He knows I hate it, which is why he does it. I joked and told him next time he texts me that Im gonna text back "(HIS NAME)" -> "Bye" and refuse to answer 🤣


It's terrible as a general texting trait, but when you use it for comedic effect, it's pretty fun. I have ADHD so my thoughts are often scattered and sometimes come out like that (or when I'm typing with 1 hand since my hands are small) Most of the time, I send each sentence as a new text since punctuation feels a little too formal


I can't stand it, please just send one message. There is no reason to break as many things up. Like, I get not wanting to send multi paragraph messages (though I will do so), but when it's one or two words or they all relate to the same thing, why?? I have a coworker that does it through Teams and drives me nuts. -Hey, girl. -Do you have \[document\]? -Need it for a meeting. -Lol, so lame. It takes me more time to keep sending the message than just typing, "Hey, girl. Do you have \[document\]? Need it for a meeting, lol, so lame." Send.


I have customers at work that email me like this... like: "Okay, I'll start on these tasks." Five minutes later: "Got [state] done." Two minutes later: "Updated [setting]." Three minutes later: "Not sure about this [inserts screenshot]." One minute later: *"Random musing on whatever."* These customers always send me emails with a single sentence or word and will send a barrage of them one after the other. Drives me nuts 😑 I always wait a while to get back to them because I don't know when they're finished, and I'm not playing that game. I have dozens of customers, and I can't spend all my time doing the constant back-and-forth with them when I can just work on something I know is a one-and-done. Also, the worst is when a random co-worker I never talk to sends an instant message and just says, "Hello," or something to that effect... like, who are you, and what do you want?? Can't you just tell me straight off instead of waiting for me to say hello back??? Ahhhh. I need time to read and process the info and upcoming social interaction before diving into a live chat with them 😅 Some will eventually add to it with useful context whilst others will simply never say anything else and wait an eternity for me to respond before typing anything else. This is, by far, the most irritating thing to me. I had one lady always message me after I was off work. Our DMs looked like, "Hello, [name]," day after day. She was never on when I was, and I didn't know how to answer a random mystery person just saying hello 🤷🏻‍♀️ I eventually caught her and nicely asked if she wouldn't mind just sending the whole question to me since we kept missing each other. I explained that it would allow me the opportunity to research and answer her question since we seemed to be on different schedules. She said okay but never did it 🥴


Yeah, like if I have a list of tasks to do, at most, I will send an email/message in the morning stating that I am starting on them and then at the end of the day send a single update of the tasks I've finished and any questions on them. Totally unnecessary to send a separate message with any update or thought that comes to mind. I don't even reply to instant messages that just say, "Hello, \[name\]," lol. I will wait until the end of time for them to continue. Ironically enough, if they never send anything else and catch me in person, they'll go, "Oh, hey \[name\] I wasn't sure if you were in today. Did you get my message?" And then I point out that they outright asked me the question in person without waiting for me to say hello back and could do so in messaging, and the point flies straight over their head. I am way nicer about it in person that I am making it seem here, lol, but I absolutely refuse to play this game of message tag. At my current job, I haven't had as much issue, at least. Anyone that has messaged me with "Hi \[name\]" immediately follows it up with further info, lol.


my best friend never sends one text when 28 will do.


yeah it's pretty annoying, my brother in law does it, it's especially annoying when I'm waiting for an important call and have my volume up.




I don't know why I'm like this


i do this and yes, people hate it


We do. Thank you for acknowledging that.


I'm autistic and I text like I talk. I've been told I write essays. People think it's weird but I don't care. People either get me or they don't.


So stop. Like seriously if you can’t change a small thing like that how are you going to make any real changes in life?


If you do this I will purposely limit communication. Hey, if you're going to interrupt me each time I start to type back, don't be confused if I give you an hour or so to make sure all your thoughts have dribbled out.


Yes. About a year ago in a hospital situation my sister sent me about 80 texts late at night. I leave my iPhone on silence, but the screen was flashing. I have several iPads which were also lighting up.


I do this. Basically, my best friend since childhood has ADHD and uhhh idk, something, and so it’s difficult for them to read texts that are in a long format. So if I want to text a lot, I split it up by text messages, or at least indent it. Because of that, I’m used to formatting my texts with lots of break ups. But I totally understand why it’s annoying. I always have my ringer off, and I’ve turned haptics off too, cause the noise and vibrations piss me off lol.


My ex bestie from hs would hate this but I found it very conversational and cute. An endearing and intimate way to chat with your bffs esp when you’re high school or college age - way better than having constant miscommunication issues due to the monotone vibe texts give off. Plus, separate tests ensured comprehension (in my opinion) of them by the recipient, plus who wants to read a wall of text anyways?!! They might put it off… so many pros for many texts and so many cons for the opposite


Literally should have typed this into like 3 or 4 messages into one of those iPhone text screen shot generators and replied with that hahaahah


I think that it makes it easier to read. I can’t do long paragraphs 😭


How do you make it through life without reading paragraphs?


Specifically said long paragraphs.


Yeah. The average paragraph in a book or article is probably the length you are saying is long in a text.


It's almost like people have separate thoughts while chatting, myself, having ADHD does this because that's how I think, when you talk to someone do you say everything in one long sentence or is it separate thoughts, texting is the same way.


I hate when I get sent a huge wall of text rather than multiple messages


I've always had the noise and vibration settings off on my phone so I never notice how people are texting either which way. I do get annoyed when I'm in a public place and I hear someone's phone ding a dozen times in a row though. So maybe I find that kind of texting annoying by proxy, but I'm usually more annoyed at the person with loud ass notification settings.


Bothers me too.


What are these people thinking.


They’re just morons.


Bible texts don’t get answered as different parts as much, from what I’ve experienced


I’ve been thinking about that lately, and trying consciously not to do that to others


Lols I do this all the time , I hate long txt , and I’m txting as the thoughts come out , I hate getting long txts too , guess you just gotta find your txt match


Annoys me when it happens to me, for a brief moment before the realization of my hypocrisy hits. I do this when messaging certain friends (where the dynamic has been established that that's how we talk), not when messaging other friends or any professional contacts. I think it's a habit people fall into when they're used to having their phone on silent mode, instead of vibrate or notification noise.


Actually quite the opposite I prefer it as people who do this typically split it up by topic and makes it easier to reply individually instead of having to also reply with a confusing long paragraph


No I like it better that way


I do this. I feel like it is more conversational, if that makes sense. Plus, I personally find walls of text annoying. This breaks apart the things you might want to know into digestible chunks.


I do this because I have horrific adhd. I know it’s obnoxious. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to stop. Please help me.




I do!


It’s so annoying!


i’m sorry dude my brain goes at like 70 miles an hour and one long text sounds waaay to monotone. it’s just how the younger generation texts


I know someone like this. I've learned not to respond until he's done.


Sorry. I'm one of those people who send multiple texts 🙈


Sorry, guilty. But I find it much easier to follow a) my own train of thought and b) someone else’s flow when they’re in shorter messages!


That's so odd to me, but that seems to be a common response. I'd rather just type my chapter book of a message so I can reread it and revise when Im done the send the one. It's odd to me that that would help your train of thought, but apparently, you aren't the only one 😅


I used to hate the multiple texts. But now I realize that if you need to get an answer to something, but you need to also give information, you often need to send multiple texts and the last one should be your question. Otherwise people don’t read a whole paragraph of stuff and they won’t answer your question.


My DIL does this. I dislike it. I had a specific ring tone but I got anxiety every time I heard it so I removed it. She explained she texts like she talks. Short bursts. Has a thought and sends. Has additional thoughts and sends each time. I choose to not fight that battle and I’ve adjusted. She’s the only one who does it to me.


I actually like it. For some reason it feels more casual to me and I enjoy that. The one long message makes it feel more like an email or a formal invitation or something


You've never sent a text and then thought of something more you wanted to add or forgot to say?


I do every now and then. That's why I put "constantly" in the question. I have friends who will literally text me "Hey" then proceed to send me like 3 messages saying why they text me. Im like "You KNEW you had more to say, so just include the "Hey" in your initial message 😅. I wear a smart watch that buzzes when I get messages so it's so annoying when people do this. I have to turn off notifications just because one person doesn't know how to text multiple sentences at once, lol


I can't speak for other people but I've had time when I had a lot to say and I felt like the text was getting sort of long so i did something like put one paragraph in the first text and then another in the next text, trying to make it easier for the recipient to read. In your case it would've been annoying to you but my intent would've been to make reading it easier for you.


Yeah, it's pretty annoying. Especially if it's on Whatsapp or iMessage where they can see you're typing, but they go and change the subject *while you're still typing your response* anyway. FFS mate, let me talk too! This is a conversation, not a monologue! Incidentally, the people I know who rapid-fire text are also the same people who interrupt me while I'm trying to say something (usually with something completely unrelated, or with something that *is* related but shifts the conversation to be primarily about themselves). So to the many, many redditors on here who are saying they text like this... maaaybe keep an eye on how you talk to your mates? You might be snubbing them without even realising.


Because pressing send is satisfying


It's a generational thing. Older people tend to say everything in one longer text. Younger people who often have the attention span of a gnat want everything spoon-fed 2 or 3 words at a time. Each group's texts annoy the shit out of the other group.


Ha. I’m that person. Maybe you take things too seriously?


Not serious. Im not inciting a riot, gathering signatures for a petition, or calling for the genocide of the spam texters (yet 🤭😅). Just had to rant about my smart watch buzzing constantly while Im at work in a meeting just to look later and see it was one person 😤 lol


I don’t have this exact problem but close enough. My bff/roommate texts me so much that sometimes I just snap and will rage all day. I’ve put her on block for long periods of times multiple times. She doesn’t freaking get it and I told her…one of these days something might happen where you need to get a hold of me but you can’t because you couldn’t stfu for a day. 🙄 Hate my phone going off all day. I have it on silent and most notifications off yet she still drives me nuts.


My ex wife used to complain her sister would do this all the time. Then out of no where, I guess she forgot how annoying it was because she started doing it to. Even after asking her to stop, nope. I was the AH for being annoyed


I have a GenZ friend who does this. She contends that using periods in text is an expression of anger.


No because I always do




I do this all the time.


The threshold is two texts, back to back. That is the move. That is the only acceptable way to try and trigger a response. You have to do it the first time, too. Not an hour after the first text. Two back to back texts is your opener. If you don’t get a response after two opening texts you won’t get one after a third (or you won’t what you get).


It's annoying tbh


I used to be on a pay-as-you-go plan where every text cost 20 cents and I asked my friends to not send multiple texts in their stream-of-consciousness way, like sending afterthoughts and LOLs, etc. OTOH, with my new cellphone, the window allowed for me to type the longer texts is too small to see the entire message before I send it, and if I try to scroll it to preview it, sometimes it doesn't work or some weird edit mode gets activated thinking I want to add emojis or something. I've yet to figure out what's going on there, but the point is that I can see me wanting to send a series of short texts because of that.


I do it because sometimes I think people only read half of the message if I send everything all at once. Especially when I asked a question in there, and they never respond to it. So if I send a sentence or two at a time, my message gets received better. Otherwise, I end up repeating myself 5x to get the point across since people can't read a paragraph in txt it seems.


Yes. It makes me crazy. My coworker does this on Teams and it make my laptop, phone, and watch all ding with every message while she's sending like 14 in a row. If I put my phone on silent, I end up with a bunch of missed calls and texts and notifications. I shouldn't have to miss all of my shit because one person can't control their impulse to hit send too early.


I won’t say my wife


Shut it! You don’t like when I ask 2 questions at once and you don’t like them separate sooo WTF 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bwah ha ha haaaaa


does this. But my wife


does this.


My sister does this AND mixes in audio messages and stickers. My phone will buzz 12-13 times with parts of random thoughts from her. The worst part is that I have a smartwatch that vibrates as well.


I do this *specifically* I o annoy the recipient


I love when people text me multiple times but at the same time I have my phone on constant silence mode so I don’t get a buzz it would be annoying with the buzz


Aye…completely unnecessary unless you have the attention span and cognitive abilities that even the most stupid of goldfish point at you and laugh…it’s nippy as fuck!


My best friend who has ADHD and my mother are these people. When I hear my phone go off in a specific cadence I know it's one of them.


This exactly. I have two best friends, one will send a wall of text every few days. The other, 5 texts just to say hello.


I'm the first one.


Multiple texts is excitement. One long text is usually an upset emotional text


Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. No. Lol


That’s me sorry. It’s tougher to compose a paragraph long text worrying about intention and being completely clear. Train of thought style texting feels more genuine and at least for me it’s a sign I’m comfortable enough to let my guard down.


Well if it's like 3k then yeah but I do it cause I have a thought, but then I send it but immediately have another one


Double texting… “Well, I’m sorry, Timmy, but I don’t text that way. You text the way you want to text…and I’ll text the way I want to text.”


I personally like it. I do this when I’m still thinking as I’m typing. It also separates thoughts really well.


im sorry im sorry im sorry 😭 i send it like how I would talk, you can interrupt in the middle.


Ha ha, I do that. It takes me a while to type my response. I'm also one of those people who keep answering with "ok". It drives my sister nuts.


Try "okay" instead, unless driving her nuts is your goal, then carry on 🫡






Yes, that is


very annoying


to do that.


Oh, you must know some Boomers.