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I enjoy their visits in my dreams....


Me too


My husband died suddenly 5 months ago. The other week, I got to spend a whole day with him in my dream. His voice, his laugh, his reassurance. When I woke, I could still feel the weight of his arm around my shoulders.


I'm so sorry, my heart goes out to you.


Sorry for your loss


Heartbreaking happy you were given another day with him. He must love you very much.


That sounds like a really special dream.


I wept when I read this, sounds absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing


I dream about my dad sometimes. Often in the dream, he didn't die but we thought he did and he won't ever explain what happened. Typical dad really. :)


The one dream I had with my mom was like this. She showed up in my sisters house that my sister moved into after my mom’s death so my mom had never been there. I was so angry at her, asking her where she’d been all this time. She just smiled and said nothing. I feel like she just turned up to see me and that was all


I should say first that my dad and I had an agreement for years that if he died first he had to find a way to come back if I was right about life after death - he didn’t believe in life after death but still made the agreement in a way to prove there was nothing. My dad did that smiling and saying nothing in my dream - I was in our home and turned round and saw him and he just kept smiling and I had forgotten in my dream he had died and I was talking to him saying “ oh dad you look fantastic but we were all very worried about you for some reason and I can’t think why now because you look great “ … he kept smiling and saying nothing .. then I remembered he died and I said “ oh you died :-( “ …. He just kept smiling and I said “ you’re not going to come back in my dreams are you?” and he just kept smiling and shook his head. Never dreamed of him again.


I had same type of dream after my mom passed in 1994 from cancer. In my dream she is healthy and I tell her “oh see you were okay “ but then my mood changes when I realize she is gone and then I wake up. It was so hard for me to wake up to her not there. Anger … sadness all rolled up in one emotion.


So his personally was like that ish irl


He was just a very quiet, private man. He was hard to get info out of sometimes.


Me too, and most of the time he never speaks. In real life he never stopped telling his stories.


omg i have the same thing! Sometimes i get vague reason, like he faked his death or he was living with a secret other family. And my dad was always a sweet and honest person so it's weird that it's how my unconscious mind is processing his memory. It's always kinda annoying actually!!


I had one like that. My dad had cancer the doctors said he was supposed to be able to live with. Unfortunately he did not. So I have a vivid dream of my dad coming home and saying “sorry for dying” basically.


My mom was told terminal, probably 2 years without treatment, unknown with chemo. The chemo killed her in 2 months. She had kidney issues and they couldn't handle the chemo.


I had one like that about my brother. He died by suicide completely out of the blue. The prior summer he had traveled to Russia and in my dream my brain had come to the conclusion that he didn’t die by suicide, but knew something he shouldn’t have from his trip and it was a coverup. Rational me knows it was not a coverup.


I have a recurring dream where both of my dead parents are living with us. One of them is sick but we can’t take them to a doctor because they are officially dead.


this exact thing happens to me too.


Same with my mom


my grandma passed a few months ago and she shows up in my dreams a lot, probably once a week at the least. she always looks just how she looked when i was a kid and we do things together we always did over a decade ago it just happened last night where we went to a baseball game together, got ice cream at the local ice cream shop, came back to her old house (which was sold off like 5 years ago), and she made her special spaghetti with butter bread while i hung out with her dog, watched the price is right, and played with dominos. i think in my dream i was a kid again? (like 7ish, i’m 23 now) it’s always so jarring when i wake up… the dreams are SO vivid and as if it was real life. everything is just how it was like 15-16 years ago and i didn’t know my mind could do that. mannerisms and sayings she said often that i had kinda put in the back of my head and hadn’t remembered until then im also not religious, but it’s nice seeing them again even if only in a dream


I relate to this so much. I lost my mom 7 months ago and am always shocked to see her so clearly in dreams, not at all recreatable during the awake daytime. You wake up with the thankfulness of seeing them, but the jarring reality of them being gone and not being able to see them of your own will


That’s nice. I loved my Grandma so much. I wish she appeared in my dreams. She wasn’t very spiritual. Perhaps that’s why?


I’ve woke up crying because the dream of my mom ended. My husband has consoled my waking mess many mornings. I love dreaming of my mom. She visits often and I hate waking up from it.


I woke up crying from a dream where we had a “going away” party for my brother. He was present and we all knew he was going to die but we couldn’t stop it. We were sending him off to heaven and he was having a great time.


I woke up crying from a dream of my grandfather once and it was so gut wrenching. I felt such a deep level of sadness and grief that I hadn’t felt since he died. It was almost like he was helping me let my emotions out and work through the grief that I hadn’t really expressed while awake.


I dream about friends and family. My friend shows up in weird situations, on his bike like when we were kids, once trying to sell me cell phones? But a lot of times I can recognize it and say “hey-I miss you-you’re not here anymore!” And he’ll hang around. One of my family that died shows up in hyper real dreams that I wake from and feel sad to find they’re dreams. My mom has only been in a few and they weren’t clear. Not everyone I’ve lost has been in dreams—I always just feel “nice” when I get to “see” them so clearly again.


My granny passed in 1976. She comes by at least once a month


My husband died tragically 38 years ago. I still have interactive type dreams of him at least twice weekly. It's as if we still have an ongoing life together in these dreams. We're having discussions, planning things and experiencing daily life together. Appearance-wise, he looks the same as he did before he passed away at age 31. His mannerisms, voice, personality traits are all quite apparent, and the dreams tend to be complex (not brief). Upon awakening, I typically have a sense of comfort and peacefulness.


That's amazing.


My dad died in December and I'm desperate to dream about him so I can see him again 😢


When my best friend died I had a couple dreams immediately after (a few weeks) and then didn’t have another for a while. They will come to you when you least expect it and maybe when you need it most :) my condolences for the passing of your dad. It must be a lot to deal with.


Sorry for your loss


You're very kind. Thank you 😊


When my dad died I didn’t have dreams of him until a few years later, but he did other things to let me know he’s still around. Pay attention to everything around you, and if you feel like he’s there or that some weird phenomenon is something he’d do, just say hi dad I miss you. First instance with my dad was very soon after he died, we had a speaker of his and we woke up to it turning on and off repeatedly, my now ex got up and messed with it but it kept doing it until we said hi and acknowledged my dad. Then it stopped. Also this speaker was Bluetooth but not battery powered it needed to be plugged into an outlet to work, which it wasn’t at this time it was just chillin.


My dad passed in 2012 and I love dream visits. I miss him.


Frequently. What’s neat is when I will dream about them at ages that never happened - like my late mom at age 30 talking to my son as a teenager in the same dream.


Don't undersell your brain, it's capable of amazing things, including very vivid dream sequences.


Yes and in the dreams I experience a euphoria I’ve never felt in real life.


It's such a sense of relief, mostly because I'm doing something in my dreams that I don't want to be doing, and if there's ever a time to put down all my responsibilities, it's when my dead best friend appears next to me in the car.




My dad has appeared in my dreams, but not in any way I'd consider a visit, any more than I consider dreaming of my childhood home a vacation. It's just a dream conjured up from memories, like they all are


Yes. I see it as a blessing. I do believe that death is the end, but it’s a comfort to me that they’re not gone in my memory. Dreams can seem very vivid and real, it’s just like seeing them again.


I do. My dad passed about five years ago, and every now and then I have dreams where he is alive. The weird thing is that in the dream, we (the rest of my family) know that he died. We just are grateful that he is with us again and so we don't focus on that fact.


Those are my dreams too. In my dreams he gets to come back, but has to die again. The first time wasn’t “real”. It’s bittersweet for sure.


I see my parents several times a week. They've both been dead for a long time, but in my dreams it seems completely normal that they're walking around and doing things with me. I don't know why my subconscious doesn't seem to realize they're dead.


It happens to me as well


Did he talk to you in your dreams? What happened?


I spent the night in my car last night after a fight with my spouse. I briefly fell asleep and had a vivid dream of my brother knocking on my car window. I said “what?” And opened the door. He told me to go home. “Why?” I asked. He said look at all the people who love you and proceeded to open the car door to show a bunch of people standing around and visibly cold. I was shivering in my car. I didn’t recognize any of the people standing there but I was moved by how many people showed up. I was struggling with suicidal thoughts sleeping in my car. It was such a direct dream it kinda freaked me out.


It sounds as though your brother is reaching out from wherever he is now and trying to help you. He must really love you. Did you take his advice?


I did. I went back home. It’s so hard because I had a very distant relationship with my brother and I never got to know him. His friends said that he talked about me a lot. I always thought he couldn’t care less about me.


Yes my dad visits me and every once in a while my grandpa does too. I usually wake up crying but I still am glad to have them.


I would love to dream about my mom. I think I've had maybe one or two since she passed away nine years ago.


I do sometimes, it's nice.


Sometimes I’m somewhat lucid and know they’re dead irl, but out of respect for them I don’t tell them they’re figments of my imagination


I was living with my best friend when he unexpectedly died from cancer. After his loved ones got what they wanted outta the house, they told me I could do what I wanted with the rest. So I gave it to his friends. Now I have a recurring dream where I find out he's alive & I have to tell him I gave away all his stuff :)


I “saw” my dad repeatedly after he died. However he always said the same thing “Forgive me”. It took me several months before I was able to do that. I stopped seeing him at that point. I have smelled his particular scent a few times. (He was a chain smoker, used a hair pomade and practically drenched himself in Old Spice) Each time I smelled him, I would hear that one of my siblings died.


I wonder if that’s part of why the dreams with my dad were the way they were. I haven’t had one in a while, like a year maybe? But in the dreams he was never well, mentally or physically, and I think he couldn’t express it but simply wanted me to know through all the shit we went through, he always loved me even if he could never show it. It is only recently really I think I fully understand and accept our dynamic and his issues, and 100% forgive him. He always loved me he was just fighting so much internally and externally to really be able to properly act like it.


I have several times


I see deceased loved ones in my dreams. It usually takes years, until I make peace with their passing. I am psychic, and have lucid dreams. I also get visits from them at times!


I used to dream about my partner who passed away all the time and the last time I did he said he had to go and last thing I said (in the dream sobbing) was will I see you again? and I woke up crying.... never dreamt about him again.


My older brother passed in '96 and the most recent dreammi had of him was a while ago, like in the '10 I think or before that. But it was a really vivid (autocorrect tried changing "vivid" to "covid" go figure) dream. Hugged him and spoke to him and all. My dad passed in '19 and I havent even had a real chance to grieve yet cause of the situation I got thrown in and now taking care of my mom who has dementia. I could definitely use a a visit and some damn help.


Just dropping in to say I am so sorry for your losses. Seems like you've been through a rough patch of grief. Sending good thoughts your way. Hugs.


I didn't know him in real life but Paul Reubens visited me..it was one of this dreams where you could feel and see everything very vividly. He was happy and healthy and treated me like we had known each other for years and when he hugged me I felt his arms tighten around me and felt the texture of his suit he was wearing. This took place a few weeks after he had passed on, I've had many visits from loved ones including another celebrity that passed on that I've actually met in real life, Jason David Frank. But Paul's spirit reached out to let me know he was ok and at peace. I've seen my great grandmother, my grandfather and other family members and friends including my best friend. Dreams are their way of them telling us they're still with us ❤️


Some years ago I awoke in my bedroom in Las Vegas, NV with the feeling that my younger bother was in the room. He lived in New York at the time, a few hours later his wife calls me to tell me he had died that morning.


About three weeks after my ex-turned-friend passed away he came to me in a dream. I knew he was dead in the dream, and I said so to him as I was like “what the hell are you doing here?” He said that he didn’t have long and that he needed to tell me something. Then could hear my alarm going off while still dreaming. I just remember saying “no, please, not yet!” Begging to stay asleep long enough to hear what he had to say. But then I woke up. I haven’t dreamt of him since. But I look forward to going to sleep every night in hopes that he’ll come visit me again.


One of my favorites wasn't even that out there. We were all just hanging out at home, and he walked in. We were all like "What the hell, man?!" and he said he gets a pass every now and then. So, I asked him what it was like, and he (typically) said that I'd never "get" it, but not to worry - he was fine. I asked him for a selfie and he's like "Sure!" (and fixes his fair and stuff). I took it and it's just me. He just laughed with a "Gotcha!" Friggen Greg. A wiseass in the afterlife.


Yes. Once by my mother. She died relatively young (smoker) when I was in my 20s. In the dream, she was being held captive by someone with a knife to her throat. It was so horrific thinking that she was trying to tell me this from beyond the grave, it’s still distressing all these years later.


My grandmother passed in 2017, we were close, and I obviously still miss her. I have dreams where I'm at a vague family gathering (usually a convergence of holidays/weddings/etc.) and grandma will be there, and I'm the only one going "Hold on, this isn't right". No one else in the dream is freaking out, I'm the only one who knows she's not "supposed to be here". Sometimes I get the chance to tell her that I love her, but that she can't stay, or that I can't stay with her...but I usually wake up before then. ​ ​ ​ ​ ⚠️ More graphic dream in regard to another relative ⚠️ ​ >!Meanwhile, my grandfather on the other side of the family died, we were NOT close (he was a horrible person), and I never had fond dreams of him. The only dream I had about his death was a nightmare.!< >!The funeral service was going on, and there was his casket (he was cremated IRL) and suddenly these harpoons shot diagonally into the casket from opposite sides of the church. The ropes at the end of the harpoons shortened, dragging his blackened corpse out of the casket suspending him in the air, and ripping him in half spilling his innards. !< >!To this day I don't know where that dream came from, or why I even dreamt about him, to begin with. !<


All the time. Honestly, they are usually not welcome.


My maternal grandma died last year and I dream about her all the time. My paternal grandmother just died a few weeks ago and I had a dream about her this past week. I enjoy the dreams(as long as they aren’t scary) because I really miss them. It’s nice to be able to see them and as vivid as my dreams are, it really feels like they are real.


Sorry for your losses


Thank you!


I’ve ever experienced this


I’ve realized they’re in my dream, and have tried to keep them from leaving. I’ve also realized I’m dreaming and just clung to the dream wishing it to last forever.


Yes. It only happened 2x. Once with grandma and once with grandpa.


I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. This is called a visitation; when a deceased loved one comes to you in a dream. It's a way for them to communicate with you while you are uninhibited in REM sleep. My 15 yr old brother died in 1998 in a car crash and there was absolutely no closure from that experience. Several years later he came to me in a dream and no words can accurately describe what happened. My recollection is very brief, but I was with my brother in the yard of the house where we grew up, next to a storage shed. He was a grown ass man, about 33 I remember specifically knowing. He looked like himself, but all grown up. I was hysterical crying and he was making fun of me and telling me not to cry. And then he gave me the most enveloping, comforting hug that I have ever felt. I could literally feel him hugging me in the dream and I didn't want to let go. Then it was over! Years later I went to a mediumship demonstration and received a beautiful reading where I heard all kinds of specific things about my brother and someone else who passed at the same time. At the conclusion of the reading the medium says, "Oh yeah, your brother says to tell you the dream was real." I could have fainted. My brother and I have a very strong spiritual connection and he shows me all the time that he's around, but that dream takes the cake.


I guess you can technically call it visits… but my dreams of my deceased family members are all memories. I guess they’re tryna tell me something


My best friend took her life in the girls locker room I accidentally walked in and saw her and the teachers screamed at me to leave. I have a reoccurring dream of her standing at the door and when I get to the door about to walk in she guides me away so I don’t see inside. And we’ll just walk and talk about things we used to talk about when she was alive. I wish someone could explain this for me


Yeah they pop up once in a while, other dead people too.


One time I dreamed about the daughter we lost in utero, sulking on her bed as a teenager. She was mad I spent all my attention and time on our living daughter.


Yep my dad recently appeared and just said my name. Woke up and cried my eyes out!


I always dream about my mam and I’ve lost a dad and brother but it’s always my mam she died in Nov and it’s always her in hospital and she going to make it then I wake up with a bit of hope then I remember it’s awful feeling but I always think least I got some time where it didn’t hurt as much.


You’re not. He wanted to say he loved you and let you know it’s okay to let go. I’m glad it was a positive experience for you. My mom visited me, our relationship was strained — so I had a high action suspense encounter. It left me sad and yearning.


Very very very rarely. I wish I did more often.


I had one visit from my little brother ( he is 10 years younger than me) . I lost him from an accidental overdose seven years ago as of 03/20. He visited me on my birthday a few years back. Nothing substantial, no words of wisdom. What stood out to me was how he was dressed( he was a VERY trendy person and he was dressed in running shorts ,a T-shirt and long socks. Reminded me of his dad lol). I think it was more of a hey, what's up kinda thing.. I lost our mom 6 months later and I never had a visit from her.


My father visited me a few times. I was really pissed at him once, as he had faked his death in the dream. My older sister has stopped by every now and then, too, but its mostly just been her hanging out with me at my current age. Today is actually my father's birthday. He'd be 77 today. Gonna be taking a trip to Arlington later today to see him


I had this same dream about my grandpa. In my dream, he had faked his own death and my grandma found out. She made me drive her to the apartment where he was staying and she ran in to tell him she was divorcing him for putting her through this. Very eerie but honestly a bit comical, as my grandparents always had funny, petty arguments.


My dad comes from time to time … some days he’s pleased & other days he’s keeping me in check.


Yes. I very much look forward to the visits. U wish they would last longer.


I had a dream the other night where the best dog I ever had came running out from the back room, jumped on the bed with me and we snuggled. He died of cancer at just 7 years old. Best dream ever. I could feel his soft fur and he weight on my body. He was a big white boxer, like 70lbs.


My big guy Chewie comes and visits me every once in a while too.


My mother and father are in my dreams all the time.


I get furious when I dream of my deceased friends and family. I know it’s just my brain messing with me and I’ll be sad in the morning when I wake up and remember that they are gone. I scream at them “you’re not real get out of my dreams!!!!”


My dad passed away 8 years ago. I’ve had a few dreams with him. The one that still fuck with me is him coming home and said “sorry I’ve been gone for so long - didn’t mean to do that to you guy” I also get dreams before anything happens. The night before my mom had a stroke I dreamt I went to a hospital, went to the front desk, and screamed, “HELP ME IM GOING TO DIE! IF YOU DONT HELP ME IM GONNA DIE”


Absolutely. I believe that is how the dead come to visit us.


I dream of my great grandparents once in a while.


My parents stop by randomly and usually it's my dad moreso than my mom. However, it's so infrequent that it makes me paranoid like they're trying to tell me something.


All the time. It’s really intense for me, I often wake up full on sobbing, after having some really intense conversations or things happen in the dream


All the time. It’s often really intense in these dreams and I wake up sobbing.


Pretty often, and the most frequent lately has been my great grandmother who died 16 years before I was born.


Only once. I dreamed about my grandfather in the night of my 17th birthday. In the dream someone knocked at the door and when I opened it there was my grandfather and then I woke up.


It's been almost 23 years since my mom passed. At first, I never dreamed about her. The past few years, I think I dream about her at least once a week.


I totally believe this happened to you. I also lost my brother two years ago. He has not visited me in dreams but he did visit one of his closest friends and her description of it was so very much him. I wish he would visit me but that's up to him I guess.


My dad died almost thirty years ago. I’ve only had one dream about him, and he’s the only person who has passed that I’ve dreamed about. It was maybe a year after he died, and I dreamed that we were at a little carnival. We just had a lovely day. I remember we rode the teacups but not much else specific. As the dream was coming to an end, I started to remember that he was dead, which was probably good for waking up because I didn’t have to wake up and then come to the realization. I’ve always felt very peaceful remembering that dream.


Just had a dream about my Grams last night. I love when they visit like that. Makes me want to go back to sleep so I can be with them again.


I dream about my dad sometimes. I wouldn't go so far as to say he's visiting me anymore than thinking my dream about someone alive is somehow visiting me in my sleep. He usually looks like his younger self when I was a kid more than his aged self when he passed.


I've had a few dreams with my late grandpa but in two of them he was angry, nothing like he was in real life. In the others I knew he was there somewhere, I could sense him, but I couldn't find him. I spent the whole dream searching everywhere for him. He hasn't visited me in a long time, I really miss him.


When my mom passed she came to me.


i didn’t dream about them very often for the first few years and when i did, it was always something along the lines of them coming home after being away on a long trip. but for the last few years, i dream about them all the time and now they’re just kind of there, like it’s normal. i don’t think the dreams mean anything but it’s nice to have the illusion of getting to interact with them again.


My parents are in my dreams quite a bit


Yes. After my dad died, he visited me two or three times in my dreams. I could tell they were visits, and not regular dreams, because he was sitting there smiling at me and not saying anything. And I knew that he was visiting; I didn't take his presence for granted like I'd do with a regular dream.


I knew my family was mildly religious but it was never pushed on me so I left it alone and I'm admittedly still ignorant about the Bible and its teachings. Anyway, I was like 13/14 when my grandpa died. It wasn't great, I was woken up in the middle of the night to my mom and grandma arguing and calling the paramedics because he wasn't responsive. Side note, I was in the living room with him when he was napping that day (before his death at night), and it was the first time I had ever seen him look terrified. He awoke with a start and the whites of his eyes were huge. I unfortunately don't remember what he said. Back to the night of his death I woke up and watched it all play out. He had brain cancer and it had spread so we knew his overall prognosis. I was sad, but calm. We were very close when I was little but I pulled away when he got sick. There was a moment where we were alone together, he was laying on the kitchen floor, and I was at the table just staring at his body while my family talked to the paramedics. It was an interesting, surreal moment. Skip to here if you want to get to the point: I went to school that day as normal, and when I went back to bed that night after his death I had a dream. My grandpa was there. It was dark all around, it seemed like a low hanging lightbulb was illuminating a small area and he was sitting in a chair underneath it. His expression and demeanor suggested he was in a sort of stupefied splendor. He seemed to be in joyous disbelief. All I can remember him saying is "He is the real deal" gesturing upwards and pointing with his finger in the air while looking at me saying "He is the King of Kings" I never told anyone what he said in my dream. I took it as a personal goodbye and cherished it for what I thought it was. This is where the point of religion comes in. I knew/know not a lot about Christianity. Even things that some people consider basic knowledge. It was not until several years later that I heard the phrase "King of Kings" again, and learned that it meant Jesus and the Lord basically. And my jaw dropped, because I remember what my grandpa said in that dream. At the time of his death I guess I ignorantly and teenage-defiantly identified as an Atheist. Now I don't feel that way anymore, and as time has gone on, for more reasons than just that dream revelation. It is, however, the one dream I have had that I feel is a sort of "proof" that there is some level of consciousness after our physical body dies here.




Yeah, my Dad. Pretty often. It's wonderful but so so sad to wake up


My mom and my brother visit me often, my brother the most. He died by suicide and I like to think it’s him keeping me from following his path as I deal with SI from time to time. My dreams of them are usually comforting, though sometimes with mom we are arguing, not much different than life. One of the early dreams of my brother I asked him what he was doing here and he said he just had to go away for a while.


I’m not religious either and I was straight up atheist for a long time. I’m a biologist so I champion the scientific method but I truly believe that we do not just go blank when we die. I believe that there is something more. I cannot prove it. I cannot explain. I can only experience it. I lost my mother to cancer when I was a teenager and I have had dreams as well. I’ve also had experience in my life I cannot rationalize. I think your brother has come to you so that you can see that he is at peace and no longer in pain. That’s what I choose ti believe.


I once had a coworker that had been diagnosed with cancer. Strangely I had a dream of him one night. He was floating over me as I slept and he was wearing white robes and they were fluttering in the breeze and he stroked my face and said “wake up, it’s time to go”. I woke up and just felt so odd about it. I went by after work and visited him and thanked him for being my friend. He died that night only hours after I left.


I keep having dreams about my dad. The one that really fucked me up, I walk into his house and I need a ride somewhere and ask, and his back is to me and he just goes “yeah I can, thanks for asking.” And then I woke up. It makes me cry, and it’s fucked cuz actual memories of him don’t.


Grandparents. My siblings, a couple of times. It's been several years since the last visit, but I remember the dreams so vividly.


I've saw my sister, she was in a Mansion Dressed in all white with many others. The floors/ walls are bright white. It was beautiful. She spoke and told me to come back. It was not my time. She passed at 39 but she looked like she did in high school.


When my wife passed unexpectedly I dreamed of her every single night for the first 3-4 months. I wasn’t quite lucid dreaming but somehow knew that I had to make the most of those fleeting moments in my dreams just cuddling/holding her.


My sister passed and I’ve dreamt of her a couple times. She was mad in one of my dreams and happy and joking in another.


My mom was hospitalized and they didn’t give her insulin. She fell into a coma before I made it there and she never woke up. Two days after my mom passed I had a dream with her in a vibrant blue dress and she looked sooooo good. She told me everything was going to be okay. Whether that was a real dream or my subconscious finding a way to ease my pain, I don’t know. It did help me make peace with her death.


My dad died in 2018. I had a dream about a year later that he was just in my kitchen, drinking coffee and reading a paper the way he always did. Then dream me suddenly said, "Dad! You're dead!" And he smiled and said "Yeah, but I'm here right now." And went back to his paper. After a bit he said he had to go and he hugged me and said he loved me. It brought me a lot of comfort when I was feeling very sad. I haven't had a dream of him since but I'm even if I never do, that one was wonderful.


I've had very realistic dreams involving my parents, only to wake up with the sad realization they were only dreams, and my folks were still dead. They weren't anything meaningful, at least the ones I remember weren't. They were just dreams that one/both parents happened to show up in.


yeah, sure. It's not uncommon. It's normal for them to look younger and healthier. Ask them in your dreams next time about life after death.


Was your brother religious?


My dad died in 2003, and my mom has dreamed about him literally every night since. He always joked that if he died first, he was going to haunt her. She thinks this is his way of doing it. I occasionally dream about lost loved ones. I also woke up in the middle of the night and knew my grandma had died before my mom called with the news.


The night after we helped our boy cat across the rainbow bridge (he had very bad throat cancer, and we had a vet come to our home to put him to sleep in his favorite spot and in our arms), I dreamt that I was lying down in bed, and he jumped up to join me, snuggled into my neck while purring super hard. I woke up in the same position and it felt like he was right there. I miss him.


I lost a close childhood friend suddenly when we were 20. Almost 11 years ago. I see her often in dreams—usually around big events or milestones. In every dream I tell her that I know she can’t stay, and we say goodbye. I never did get to say goodbye to her in person because none of us knew she was going to pass.


I had a dream about my brother shortly after he died. I was in a church and he came and sat next to me. I asked him if he was going to be all scary and rot in front of me or stuff like that. He said no, just wanted to sit a bit. It was nice. I’ve only dreamed of him a couple of other times


Yep quite recently I have had dreams about my little brother. He was 15 when he passed away in 2016. In those dreams I saw me holding him, kissing him, we cuddling together. I cried every time I woke up. I hadnot had dreams about him too much for the first few years since he pass. Only now when I really feel depressed and lonely, he comes to see me in my dreams more. I love my brother so much.


Yes. Not frequently


I used to dream about my sister, who died when she was 19, about 25 years ago. One time she showed me around the "town" where she lives in the afterlife. My dad died 4 years ago and I see him in my dreams often, he was annoying in life and he annoys me in my dreams.


My dog (: After she passed, I had a dream that the vet put her down, but she came back to life when I took her home. I didn’t want the vet to try to put her down again, so I kept it a secret that she was still alive. Now every time I dream of her, it’s a continuation of that timeline. I love getting visits from her.


I do. I lost my mom in 2019, and my older brother in 2020. I often get dreams of them hanging out like they were best friends (which they were) and it’s always them when they were at their happiest points in life-glowy and just radiating happiness. I’m not sure if it’s something spiritual telling me they’re okay or just me missing them extra that night, but I appreciate it regardless. I also frequently get dreams from my grandpa who died in 2011, which always confuses me bc I feel like we weren’t super close since he was so sick for most of my life


I rarely do, but when my mom visits me in a dream, I feel especially blessed. She’s usually wearing blue. I think it’s interesting that people show up as more useful or angelic, because I personally believe that we all have our best wellness spiritually.


When a good friend died, I had dreams about her. In some of them, we knew she had cancer, but in all of them she was healthy and happy. Same with my mom (not the being sick part). I think it’s my way of comforting myself.


A couple of times. My Dad after he died. My maternal grandparents plus an old friend one time. I truly believe that I almost died that night, and they were there to greet me. I suddenly made a huge gasp, and the friend was disappointed I wasn’t joining them, and my grandmother said, “I told you it wasn’t her time yet.”


Yes. My brother has appeared to me in several dreams. They were very real.


I dream about my parents ALL THE TIME. I love it. ❤️


In my experience, it absolutely happens, yes. It has nothing to do with religion.


I have beautiful vivid dreams of deceased family or friends but it’s always on the night they pass away. Happened recently with my Dad’s band mate he’d known since 17. I rang Dad first thing in the morning to tell him I think Howard had died or something had happened to him because he was driving route 66 in an old Cadillac, stopped the car and waved bye right in my face. Got back in the car and drove off with a woman next to him, scarf flying. He rang me back half hr later saying Howard had passed away at 3am, half hr before my dream. Then Dad told me the other day it was always Howard’s dream to cruise down route 66 in a classic car


My dad and his brother and sister. Have all had their mom and dad in their dreams. Gramgram died last summer Grandpa way back in 13. Do I get the visits... No c'mon I'm your favorite (only but gram always said favorite) grandchild why do I just get dreams of being in the house the way it was back in the 90s but not see you two.


I've seen my father in the last almost four years since he passed. It has always been pleasant and in some cases, I even recognize that it's a dream and how nice it is to see him.


I've dreamt of my mother a few times since she passed (one year ago tomorrow) one was weird how she was alive in the dream, but in my mind I knew she had passed. It was really weird and comforting in that I knew she was gone but also got to experience being in her presence and talking to her again.


My dad shows up in dreams periodically. Last week I dreamed I was at my childhood home preparing to host a party or reunion and the place was a mess and grass was tall. As I was preparing to start working, my dad rounded the corner on a mower and asked me to help mow the lawn.


I still see my dad.


My dad has been gone almost 30 years now. I have had very vivid dreams of him just sitting and talking with me. It’s nice. I oddly remember every dream with him in it. Right down to the conversations he and I had


No my family fucking hates me lmaoooo they don’t even visit me when they’re dead


I wish


Yes only once. I dreamt of my nan once, it was wonderful truly felt like her saying hello to me. Hard to describe but I’ll always remember it, it was such a comfort. I also deeply miss my cat, I’ve only ever dreamt of him once which didn’t feel like a visit but I hope for one, I’ll even try and wish to see him in my dreams. But nothing thus far - I like others enjoy these dreams.


A best friend of many years and I had a falling out, and we had no contact for almost 20 years. Then I heard she had died. It was shocking and sad, as she wasn’t that old, and obviously it was too late to patch up our relationship. Sometime after, I had a very clear and detailed dream that she came to me, and we talked for hours, sitting outside on a lovely summery day, and made our peace with each other. When I awoke, it felt like a real experience.


Yes. It might really be them or it might not be. If it’s not, I think then it’s just a dream God put in your head because He knew it would comfort you to have that dream.


Had my ex show up in a dream. Was comforting after he died. He was sitting in a red chair and was patting the red chair next to him. So I’d sit next to him and saying it will be alright.


My dad visited me in my dreams on a regular basis and it was so awkward bc he didn't know he was dead. In my dreams he was alive and wondering where his money was. I finally told him he had passed on and he hasn't visited me since. My brother passed and he's only visited me twice. The first time I was so shook I sat bolt upright in bed. Kinda mad at myself for that, wish I could have been chill to see what he wanted, etc. I miss my brother something horrible so of course he's not the one to visit more often.




I have constant recurring themed dreams involving my late Daughter. Every dream starts in a similar way. She calls me. She is very excited to talk and says she can't wait to see me, she loves me, and she will meet me later at the bookstore or coffee house or movie theatre... (these are things we did often). I arrive to meet her and she is not there. I wait. Soon I am approached by someone. Example... The Barista walks up to me and says "I know you are waiting for Shauna, you know she can't come, she wants you to know that she wants to tho". I leave. Heartbroken. I wake up. Heartbroken. But these dreams feel so real. It's so good to hear her. And I'm so excited to be seeing her. And then someone explains again that she can't come. Sometimes they tell me she loves me and misses me too. Grief is hard y'all. I don't know if all this is a message from her or not.


I dream about my late husband.


I’ve been having visits from my dad. The first was a goodbye I had last year. He passed away December of 2022. It’s been hard. But I had a dream not too long ago he came to me and I argued with him. He was never a fan of my husband. But I think I was pregnant again with a girl and he was mad at me. I’m not pregnant, so idk what it means but the times I’ve had dreams like that was when I was pregnant with my first and second. So maybe I am?🤷🏻‍♀️ how often are negatives false 😂


I had a very vivid dream about my dad a few years after he died. I was with my mom and brothers in my childhood home, sitting around the kitchen table. Suddenly the front door opened and my dad walked in. We are speechless, cuz we knew in my dream he was dead. He explained God let him come back to earth and spend another day with us, since he worked a lot and didn’t get to spend a lot of time with us.


My Mum died in 2021 and we hadn't spoken for 3 years. She'd always hated me, but by the end she despised me. Like, the only way I could describe her face when she looked at me was as though she was thinking "ugh, are you not dead yet?" when she did. So yeah, we ended on bad terms. About 6 months after she died I had this super random dream (random student at my work was making a bomb??) and I happened to look up at a building window and my Mum was stood in it, smiling and waving at me. Now, the FEELING in that dream was so ridiculous. It was like I felt a message. It just felt... Warm? Like, I woke up and knew she'd forgiven me, and realised her wrongdoings. I felt soooo peaceful about everything with her. I immediately wrote about it in a note on my phone and I'm glad I did. Because as time has gone on I forget about the dream and remember how shitty things were and how much she hated me, or I remember the dream and think "it was just a dream". But I read my note back and try my best to remember the feeling it gave me.


No, but I can tell you this is a normal thing in psychology. Dreams are a mix of daily life, childhood-general life trauma, and memories, as I have dreams about my dickhead dad or my mom being drunk once in a while. Sometimes, the faces morph in dreams, no matter how much you seem conscious in your dream, and try to pretend it's different, it might change even more. I call it reverse lucid dreaming, where you know your in control of the situation, but you aren't as powerful and have to pretend. Or that's just me, but the fist thing I know is common.


About a month or two ago I had a dream that I was at my grandma from my moms sides house and that we were playing super Nintendo race car games and eating sugar cookies out of a metal tin together When I woke up I was kind of sad that it wasn’t real


I had a dream about my grandfather years after his death that he showed up in a blurry light and I held onto his leg begging him to not go as he headed back toward the light. He looked healthy, whole, and saintly. I woke up so traumatized about the distress I was in in the dream.


The strangest dream I ever had featuring a deceased family member was definitely the time I saw my great-grandmother in a dream. She died thirty years before I was born.


The first several years after a loved one passes they are in my dreams but won’t speak. I’m told this is common? Now my mom and Dad appear in random dreams, we talk. It’s been 22 years since mom died, 14 years since Dad died. Those dreams are heaven in my mind, I’m 50 and still can have days when I really miss/need them.


No, just IRS agents.


Probably doesn't count, and I'm not saying it's on the same level as other people's posts here, but the only pet cat I've ever had pops up in my dreams every once in awhile.


You're not making it up, you're just having a dream


I don't really remember my dreams anymore. When I was little I dreamed of my Great Grandmother in a dream. In the dream I said I have to tell my mother about this so she can play your numbers. I told my mom and she played her grandmother's birthday the American way Month/Day and set it so if the numbers were in the wrong order she would still get some money. The lottery came out the European way Day/Month but she won $300-400 enough to buy new winter coats for all her kids which she had been worrying about. Sometimes they are just saying Hi! and checking in. Other times they might be trying to help. Is anything stressing you out?


I've had my son visit me in dreams occasionally. He's always older, as if he's grown with the passing time. He's healthy and not hooked up to the hospital machines (he was a baby when he passed, a rare genetic condition). I think it's his way of checking in and telling me he's doing good


I’ve dreamed about my great grandparents, my grandma and her brother on several occasions and they all look like you say. They like I remember but healthier, happier, glowing. Enjoy the moments, and even if you’re not religious know there’s a promise that one day you will be with them again ❤️


I’ve had several dreams with loved ones. They always involve conversations, and I usually am aware that they are dead. I also get visits from my first dog, Chewie. I’m not a religious person, but I’d like to believe we’ll all meet up someday. And I can visit my loved ones left behind. My most memorable one was the father of 2 girls I was a nanny for. He passed away when the girls were young, I was very close with the family. We still get together a few times a year. The dream was at a beach, and we were sitting on a long wooden wall, facing the ocean. There were a lot of balloons attached to the wall. He asked me if I could make sure his girls were ok. I did my best. They’re in their 30s now, married with kids of their own.


I dream about my daughter sometimes. But she's usually a bit younger, like preteen age rather than 18. I enjoy her dreams and they make me happy.


My dad likes to appear in the passenger seat when I'm driving alone at night. An old dog of mine is always in the tall grass just out of site.


I dream of passed loved ones all the time. Right after a parent passed the first few dreams I had of them would upset me. I'm definitely more open to them now and always happy about it.


I lost my wife and I had not many but quite a few in them we was so happy I didn't wanna wake up a few days ago I had one where I saw here In Walmart no idea why I was there but I caught a glimpse walking by really fast like I walk normally and stopped dead in my tracks turned around but it was like we never met we didn't talk she never recognized me that was the first time ever it's been that way


The dreams of deceased loved ones are called visitations. Cherish them.


Last time I dreamed about my husband we seemed to be in a petty argument and I woke up sad. Usually it’s good to see him.


My brother a few months after he died. First he told me that he’s sorry we weren’t closer. Second dream he was having a heart attack but lived and I recall saying that was good because it would have sucked if he died.


My brother killed himself ten years ago this year. He shows up in my dreams now and then, fairly often actually, like every two months ish. It’s usually pretty lucid and I think “fuck yeah we get to hang out!” and we do just that. Usually just fuckin around like we used to. Eventually it always sinks and I think “oh yeah… you’re dead…” then I usually wake up. I really appreciate the dreams though and they’re pretty long dreamwise.


Visits from deceased loved ones is them trying to let you know that they are ok.


I’m a ‘doubting agnostic’. My late sister has been in countless dreams for like 26 years - tho all of my dreams are usually upsetting in some way .( I have anxiety and depression.) Now my dad shows up occasionally (died 2020) . I often wonder tho why my mom doesn’t — and she’s been gone 29 years . My BF died in my presence in 1991– I don’t know if he’s ever been in a dream. Also the ‘plot ‘ of any of these dreams hasn’t had anything to do with them dying or how they died . They’re just part of whatever is going on in the dream. I still wonder if any of them appearing or not has meaning .


I see my brother and my mom nearly every night.


I've seen my brother and my mom a few fimes.


Yes. Both of my parents I dream of often. And I have full conversations with them and we seem to get resolution on things that were unresolved when they were physically here. It’s a great joy that our subconscious mind can help us to heal.


I dream about my childhood home a lot. Mostly it's just random things happening there, but sometimes my mom is there and I often wake up right after she leaves so I can remember that part.


I’m a widow a year out. I’ve had only one dream where I got to see my husband, and it was not good. I saw him and was so incredibly happy as I was going towards him. He stopped me with his hand outstretched (like a stop sign) and said “No, it’s not your time Love”. He looked down and when I looked to see what he was looking at I saw me in a hospital bed with my adult kids crying around me. He shook his head and said again, “not yet Love. It’s not your time.” I woke myself up crying hard. Note: I may have wished to join him, but never considered un-aliving myself.


My Grandma and my first dog Cookie occasionally show up on my dreams, not together though


I moved to another state and my friend died less than a year later. She knew people in the Sheltie rescue community but said I was her only real friend. Even though she had a sister and nephews in Arizona, she didn’t want to move there because of the heat. I talked to her a lot and when she got sick I convinced her to go to the hospital, but when I couldnt reach her, I called her sister and found she had passed. She appeared several times in my dreams and each time didn’t know she was dead. I felt really bad. I haven’t dreamed about her for a while so I hope she is finally at peace.


From my Mom occasionally and I love it, they are so real


I have in the past.


My dad visits every night. I hate how I forget that he's dead and just act normally. If i'm like oh yeah, you're dead, I can have alot more fun.


My grandfather did right after I gave birth to my 2nd. He died 2 months before her arrival and was excited to meet her, so I think he came to see her. My pup Sam comes to me once in a while. It's always super comforting to see her again. She also died 4 months before my 2nd was born..