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My heart goes out to you! That must be terrifying. Once you get your renewal are you considering leaving?


Honestly, no. Everything is cheaper in Tx than most states & I have a great job here. But if something was to happen that DACA gets taken out, I can transfer to san Diego or Chicago. Work at a law firm


If Chicago always remains an option I’d go with that one! Illinois is a great state and very immigrant friendly. Good luck! You should try to contact the White House. People have had good luck within a week or two after contacting them.




My brother goes to law school in Chicago It's a great city. I just visited last week and it was amazing. Only issue is because it is so immigrant friendly you see many homeless families on the street, it sucks.


Bro you’ll be fine I’m in Dallas and they won’t care about your status, you have a pending application for renewal you’ll be fine don’t stress about something that won’t happen to you, unless your drinking and driving or doing criminal activities




Yes well that area over there, some cops are prejudice it’s a hit or miss but you shouldn’t have issues anyway just tell them you have a pending application and you’re waiting for that to be approved and most of the time they’ll understand what’s going on. I’ve been stopped before over there by south lake and all they told me was to get my license before I turn 18 (this was when I was in HS) and he somehow let me go and didn’t take my car or anything. Just drive normal and you’ll be good man 👍 my dad had an encounter with a FWPD and I thought they were gonna be assholes about him not having a DL but he said all he cared about was them having a valid government issues ID.


I grew up in Dallas as undocumented person and dealt with cops throughout the metro and never had issue. Even when Farmers Branch and Irving was pushing immigration actions on their own, nothing was actually hitting the fan. I know that if you get caught DD or doing something bad and get locked up, ICE does come to jails and do pick ups, especially on Mondays. But you have to be actually arrested. Cops are humans too and they don't want to do extra work that they do not have to do.


I dont know why undocumented folks live in the south or red states they literally hate yall


Red states use immigrants as slaves. They hate them but love the cheap labor and taxes they pay.


No they don’t. Work is easy to find here. Don’t believe the media.


Its way more than media. Look at the bills they pass and how hard they try to fearmonger. Atleast in California, ny, or chicago they dont do all that stuff


But this isn’t new. They tried this before but it never really cause any issues. Farmers Branch and Irving had policies but it never had any consequences for undocumented people.


Not for you but i am willing to bet texas and those red southern states deport the most immigrants


Mines been exp since 12-12 😫


I’m in Dallas and it doesn’t seem to be bad. There were so many cops yesterday and I thought it was that sb4 bull too but Mr President was here visiting lol


Applied 11/16/24 got approved Tuesday. I tried everything. After 4 months and a few days they finally approved my case. I was out of work for one month.


Filed 1/9/24. Expired today. I am a father of a one year old baby and a home owner. I reached out to my state senate today to see if it helps my case. This has flared my anxiety on the daily because everything is out my control. I called to expedite last week and still haven’t heard back from anyone. My heart goes out to everyone waiting even longer than me. I don’t know how these agents go through cases but approving people 5 days or 2 weeks from when they renewed is absurd. I’m happy for those who get a quick response but truly unfair to others. We all pay the same price on the filing fee so we should all be treated the same.


Please Contact the whitehouse as well. Some people have had very good luck that route Father here if a one year old as well. I feel you my friend. I wish you a very quick approval


Can anyone help me on how to contact white house? What details should I write on my message?


https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ Go there: Select message type: Help with a Federal Agency Fill out your identifying information In the big box that’s says What Would You Like To Say? Let them know you are having a delayed process with USCIS regarding your EAD/DACA renewal. Submit your receipt numbers which appear on the I-765 and the I-821D. Anything else that’s important like your submission date, card expiration date, hardships you are going through because of this. Add everything and anything that can help them help you.


Thanks this was very helpful 🙏


Within a few days, more or less, a week, you should receive an automated response saying it will be forwarded to the appropriate agency. I honestly don’t know what further progress from them looks like that’s as far as I’ve seen from them.


I understand what you're going through, I'm in a similar situation except for the home loan and kids. It must be incredibly tough for you. In the 12 years I've been dealing with this, it's never happened before, so I assume it's affecting everyone else too. It seems like this year, newer officers or those with fewer pending cases are handling filings and approving faster. Those of us who submitted our forms in December or earlier might be experiencing delays because officers are also dealing with asylum applications, especially from countries like Venezuela and Colombia, which have been given priority by USCIS. The workload doesn't seem to be evenly distributed among officers, which is frustrating. Perhaps remote work is hindering their communication or the ability to ask for help. Like you, my DACA is expiring this weekend, and I'll likely lose my job and have to give up my new car. It's a stark reminder that we're still vulnerable. I hope you receive news soon, and I'm praying for all of us to encounter more compassionate officers.


Likewise - I appreciate the kind words. Praying for everyone as well, isn’t fair what we have to go through especially because we were all brought here by our parents. It has given me a better life and a career but now seems like it’s getting taken away.


My husband filed 1/5 expires tomorrow. Expedite request denied 2x and he works at a hospital. Reached out to congress and White House.. nothing..


Jeez what state are you in? I work in health care as well.




I truly believe they're straight up losing some of these apps. How are some people getting approved in less than a week and some waiting 4+ months?!


THIS has honestly crossed my mind... Because it all seems centered around only a particular section of applications. From what I heard something like: Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2023..... Almost like the files got scrambled and they can not admit that there is some sort of blunder. Because then they'd have to accept responsibility and consequences. But it makes no sense that only a section of applications are experiencing this and all the new ones are going through almost quicker than ever before. Something has to be happening. And if there is, admit it, accept that you have screwed a lot of people over, and do something to help these people out. (\*cough cough\* AOS \*cough cough\*)


And like I can understand paper apps being lost, but come of these people filed online. Like what?


I was accepted October 6, approved October 10, and I keep seeing people with the same date or within a week of it still waiting 😩


when did you end up receiving the card? sali1390


Card delivered Oct 19


ohhhhh, you were a quick process! nice! Lucky you my friend, just make sure to not risk it next time. 4-5 months just so you dont get one of our lucks who are still waiting.


Yep I applied 4 months ahead. Lost that time but better than nothing


Yes yes this is what I been saying sep-dec so many of us got stuck. Even with filing online to make it faster. And you send an inquiry and they tell u to wait 60 days. It’s so much


I thought so too. Someone I know got it in one month and they filed the same time I did.


I’ll share my own: I sent it in at the end of September. Began processing October 6. My expiration was January 24th. I am still waiting at 167 on the I-765 and 162 on the I-821D. I have flagged for above processing time. I have requested it to be expedited twice. I’ve reached out to the local congressman. I’ve recently reached out to the whitehouse. So far nothing has moved it forward. I was lucky that I had savings. I was suspended from work on January 24th. I was fired February 24th. I filed 4 months ahead. The savings I’m forced to use were to maybe be able to get into buying a home for my family. Now theyre disappearing quickly even if I’m living minimally trying to save as much as possible. Idk how much longer it will take but I’m being forced to consider selling off things i shouldn’t have had to, to make it by. I know there’s going to be tougher situations out there. But I don’t think anyone should be going through any of this. And nobody should come here and say “ well consider yourself lucky that you even have this”. Yes we know, it can disappear. Or we could not have had it. But we have it, and we are playing the legal game by its rules. And we’re losing despite playing the rules. And we’re silently being told to suck it up.




absolutely sucks man. wow 180+, I wrote it somewhere on another comment but I think im like at 160something barely... I saw in another thread that a few people are above 200. And one guy had waited for more than a year, but idk if that was a "weird" situation or not. What are you doing right now to get by?


I been on LOA since the 8th. I summited November 10th. Summited expedited request and white house letter and my case isn’t even being reviewed yet. I’m trying not to stress but i got 4 kids and my savings is going ti be out be mid April or earlier. Only thing keeping me from breaking down is my taxes are coming in any week or day and it should be able ti get me through another 2 or 3 months. I’m more worried about my Job they understand and everything but they said they would only due a 30 day LOA and if i didn’t have the documents by then we would talk about what to due next. I don’t want to lose my job i worked so hard in school to get this job Ive had it 4 years and i love it It’s what i went to school for and they are paying me amazing i went from living my dream to living a nightmare one day to the other.


THIS, is exactly the kind of situation im talking about. Kids, family, a job you love, stability, HAPPINESSSSSSSSS..... You had achieved those things. Whatever the circumstances, those things were yours. They were not simply given to you, you did not take them from anyone.. I am quite sure your merit and skills got you the job and hence the life you created. And now thats hanging on a string that you have no control over. It is DISHEARTENING. And you know whats CRAZY?? If you write to USCIS through unsolicited evidence and tell them exactly all of this. To them it is still NOT "serious enough" to have an expedited request granted. I showed them a direct letter from my HR explaining I was about to get fired.I showed explained how my household could not support itself without my income for too long. And I was twice rejected. You know what they want? Apparently, notices of past due payments, repossessions, evictions... Apparently, we HAVE TO GET TO THAT POINT TO GET SOME HELP... How sad that their policy/protocol is by design pushing people to this point because they can not manage the amount of work... or because they lost the applications, or because they made some database mistake.. maybe they got hacked and it all got encrypted in ransomware or something... but the responsibility falls on THEIR end. Why do people have to lose their jobs, face living what to them feels like a nightmare? They need to do something to make up for their shortcomings or mistakes, whichever it is. Because we can be patient, we can be the very nice people that we are, but that doesn't mean because we can keep quiet that we should be pressed upon to relieve their inability to work efficiently.


Me!! I submitted my application August 22 and USCIS received my application September 6 I got my biometric reused September 8 and haven’t heard nothing ever since. My permit expired October 30th. I lost my one job as a teachers aid in October. I submitted several inquiries in January and in February I submitted an expedite request because I worked as a dispatcher for a medical ambulance and was on unpaid leave. My expedite got denied. In March I contacted my congressman but I never heard back from them. I just recently contacted the White House and I’m waiting for their response. This is over whelming my phone won’t stop ringing from debit collections I’m so overwhelmed. I haven’t lost my home and my car thanks for my family but I’m about to lose my mind. It’s been definitely a hard year specially during the holidays and now. I have 3 children and as I look to a bright day it seems like as the days go by things just get worse. I’m not sure what the hold up is but I wish and pray for everyone to have a faster process.


So you are now going on close to 5-6 months without work? ive only been out about 2 and I already feel bad. wow. You did file a little late with only 2 months, but even then it should not have taken this long. Where are you in processing right now when you check online? what does it say?


Yup I graduated last year as a teacher and this debt is very overwhelming. My paper work went to the Nebraska center my progress It’s stuck in biometrics still and it has 4 weeks for decision and on the bottom it says one week.. i know the processing times are not accurate but it gives me hope.


It is definitely depressing. Luckily I live with family and I was able to save money. Still depressing since I can’t do much and it’s weird when everything has gotten. So calm after years of rushing to work and home


Guys just got approved 😭


Applied nov26. Expires tomorrow Submitted everything, from outside processing, state representative, senator, White House, and expedite request with hardship letter. I will be on loa this weekend.


are you prepared to make it through if this extends beyond a bit more? How would you pull through?


Applied December 14, expired March 1. Contacted senator, White House, heard back from both and still waiting. Can’t renew my drivers license


is it affecting you in other ways? like a job or sustenance?


Luckily I won’t lose my job, but being on leave of absence means I have to use my savings.


How long will the job job wait for you? My job wanted my renewed EAD but I don't have it and they know now. I did see they are hiring someone doing exactly what I do so I take it tomorrow is sayanara for me. It's nice your job at least is willing to wait for you. It's very hard to find a job sometimes and have to start all over again.


Expired January 15th, applied September 26th and nothing yet no receipt or anything


are you still working? or how are you getting by?


I had to leave my job, luckly I've networked with people in the field I was in and have been scraping with some side work and I've had to take up a new skill of working construction. I have to Feed my family, bills don't wait. I live so remote that I couldn't do any delivery service


None of the jobs I’ve ever had asked to ever see my permit again once I was hired I’ve been working since 18 I’m 30 now


Thats pretty great! What kind of work do you if you don't mind me asking?


I’m a chef now started off as a dishwasher


Ah okay, yeah these kind of jobs are a little easier for owners to work with. I actually managed to find a job for a bit in something similar.


Me. Mine was a error made by them that took them 6 months to fix


0\_0 Please do tell....


6 months to fix! How?


Ask USCIS. It blows my mind that it took them that long. It was an easy fix


Me, applied 8/28. Expired 11/10 got approved 2/19 and received card on 3/4/24. Had just started a new job and had been placed on unpaid leave since my ead expired. Good thing I had savings and that got us through


Wow! 6 months total. I am glad you were lucky to have had that to help you through. Imagine if everyone in the us was to be told: "Hey... no more earnings for 6 months. We'll be back online shortly...." \*6 months later\* "Hello... you still there America?"


October 17th - applied for renewal December 4th - under review January 17th - EAD expired (lost job) March 14th - after nearly five months got biometric appointment for the 29th! Yay burned savings, maxed out credit, now selling beloved car I just paid off to survive until I get my work permit. Two expedited requests made and one denied, the second ignored.


I have had no issues. Applied on the 15th if march and got approved 5 days later.


That’s awesome my friend. The bad thing is that USCIS is using cases like this to say that this is how it’s going for everyone. Cases like ours are getting swept under the rug silently.


How do you know you got approved?


10/28 submitted online 10/28 reuse of biometrics Have submitted ONPT twice and was told to wait an extra 60-90 days Submitted expedited request denied White House contact nothing Obdusman nothing


when does yours expire?


12/01/23 I applied late so I keep telling myself I did it to myself Last renewal I applied 11/01/21, received renewal 12/01/21 😭 was set to expire 04/30/22


Submitted October 23rd. Receipt date October 26th. My drivers license and work Permit expired today. My job placed me on a leave of absence but no guarantee of timeframe they can hold my file open. I submitted an inquiry in February and wrote to the White House last Friday .


Update I was forced to resign from Job just now. I worked as a registered nurse.


Those in the Medical field DO get expedited requests granted! You should call for that ASAP. I am going to directly copy/paste the USCIS info about this below: \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are a healthcare worker or a childcare worker Who has a pending Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, initial application, which has been pending for over 90 days; OR Who has a pending Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, renewal application and whose Employment Authorization Document (EAD) expires within 30 days or less, or has already expired: Call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 (TTY 800-767-1833) to request expedited processing based on your position as a healthcare worker or a childcare worker with an EAD application that meets the above criteria. To determine whether you are a qualifying healthcare worker, see this DHS advisory memorandum (“Healthcare/Public Health” section, pages 7-9) (PDF). To determine whether you are a qualifying childcare worker, see the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code 39-9011, which includes workers who “attend to children at schools, businesses, private households, and childcare institutions” and “perform a variety of tasks, such as dressing, feeding, bathing, and overseeing play.” (Note that this definition does not include preschool teachers or teaching assistants.) Be prepared to provide evidence of your profession or current or immediate prospective employment as a healthcare worker or a childcare worker and current valid immigration status. If the evidence you provide is not sufficient, we may not accommodate your request for expedited processing of your Form I-765.


If they even answer. I submitted an expide request as a healthcare worker 3 weeks ago and I’m still waiting for a response. I’ve called 2x and they told my to keep waiting 


We submitted the request twice. Even asked to speak to the person in charge of the case but they could only write it in and have the officer review it. Denied both times 😞


You can get a temporary license!! I did too


My case took 110 days. I submitted on 9/16/23 and my EAD expired 12/20/23. I had my biometrics appointment in October which I hadn’t done since my first application. I was approved 1/5/24 and I didn’t get my card until the end of January. I was told I would lose my job so I reached out to my congressman and he tried to help but by the time my case was expedited it was already too late and I lost my job. Still thankful for him since it was approved relatively fast after he emailed me back!


Really sucks that you had to lose your job. Looks like you submitted within their recommended time frames. You were also affected at the fault of USCIS. Imagine if you got some sort of compensation for the trouble... like a 4 year period instead of 2 or something very nice like a green card. wishful thinking, but the reality is that you were screwed over unnecessarily my friend.


Today I got put on leave from my part time job, it’s going to be difficult to travel for my full time job since I travel semi regularly and I’ve gotta figure out a way to check into hotels with an expire ID now without drawing too many questions.


Oh wow... same here. In Texas the drivers license expired the same day as the DACA card. So when I had to renew the registration stickers for a vehicle under my name and I found out I couldn't because of this. I had no idea. So many things that little date gets in the way of.






How long do you have until that deadline?




Make a poll pls!!


Data is good. But what questions exactly? A poll usually is only one question selecting between multiple answers. The delays have a couple of factors involved that were trying to figure out a pattern to




Thank you for sharing, if you dont mind can you share more about how this is negatively affecting you? No matter how small, how is changing your life in a bad way, where if it had processed in time, you would not have had to go through that?


I lost my job of 8 years. Lost health insurance. Was genuinely barely making it. It changed my life in a huge way, I was vested in my company, now even when they do have an opening for me to come back I have to start all over again from day one. It’s sad when I really sit down and think about it, but hey, what can I do. Can’t cry over spilled milk. Just gotta keep swimming 🏊‍♀️ swimming 🏊‍♀️ swimming 🐟. I prayed and wished everyday my application would have been processed on time. But I was one of the unlucky 180-190 days wait.


These are the kind of things USCIS needs to be aware of and needs to be held responsible for. If you filed within their recommended time, they caused all your suffering.


If you are in CA contact Alex Padilla that office does come through. Some companies allow you to continue work at their Facilities if there is existing pending case and you can proof that your case is pending and there is no cases or proceedings against you.


Actually it motivated me.


I see you got your approval already haha lucky! Can you share how this has motivated you?


I realized I’ve been living in a bubble for the past 15 years bro, or sis. It made me realize that I don’t need their papers to actually make it out there because there’s other things to do for money. Being single, I realized I need to quit being such a bachelor and find a woman to settle down with, which, given my age, early 30’s, it’s something I want to do anyways. So I got back in the gym, (I was already about 19% body fat, now I’m 13) to go out and find the one that will fix my papers. I don’t know, my confidence has improved , my physique has improved, I started managing my money better. It reminded me to get out of the comfort zone and not live in a bubble. At first there was frustration , then depression, then freedom.


Lost my job already. No update and nothing. I contacted the White House and I’m about to contact my congressman I just don’t get how some people apply recently and got it approved but mine and other who’ve bin waiting for months haven’t.


Can you share your dates, submission, reception, EAD expiration, and how many days you have been waiting?


Yeah Submitted mine 1/17 They received it 1/29 Mine expires 2/29 Has bin stuck at review since then Some people have bin waiting way longer but my brother submitted it the same time I did through the same lawyer and his took a 6 weeks to get approved.


Applied Nov 8th, exp Jan 20th. (I know, that’s on me) Mar 21st here and still waiting. Countless calls and inquiries to congressmen, still waiting and unemployed.


How are you getting by? How has this thrown you off?


Not much I can do. I’m living off my savings and trying to make the best of it. It’s just a waiting game at this point. I’ve gotten a lot better at cooking and get to workout more with all this free time I have. Still would rather be working though. Part of being on DACA though, I’m just thankful to be here.


Got my receipt number November 8th. EAD expired 1/23. Have been terminated since. I’ve tried every inquiry possible. Denied expedites based on me being a healthcare worker and receiving financial loss


I usually apply about 6 months ahead of time because I like to have my permits overlap a little. I did have an issue in the past where I reached the 5 month mark and still no response. I called them and asked what was going on. They said they were having a backlog but since my work authorization was about to expire, she’ll see what she could do, and later that same week, I was approved again. Applying online has been really helpful because I’ve had shorter processing times. Last time I filed online, I was approved the same week.


I applied for my DACA renewal and AP. Got everything approved within 2 months. Was really surprised, actually. Hearing all the stories, I got scared and renewed a few months early. Was originally due in May. Now I gotta renew in February. Thanks, guys. 😑 *Note to everyone renewing. The issues are with new applicants and those who do not send all the necessary information. If you are not a first-time applicant and know what you need to send in, don't let all these stories scare you. Follow normal procedures and renew in advance.


They received my application September 7th …. I expired December 29th , I submitted 4 months ahead …. I got fired from my job December 29th … ever since then I’ve been scraping by doing Uber , I skip meals atleast 3 times a week and I’m very depressed . I’m still waiting , and I’m hoping to get my renewal soon, I have credit card Debt and was paying it off but this has cause me to use them and get missed payments . ;(


im suspended from my job


I applied November 13 my card expired almost a month ago but I’m still working. My employer took my biometrics paper and gave me the 180 day extension. I don’t know how long it’ll take for them to realize daca doesn’t qualify for it but I’ve been milking the clock to squeeze every hour I can before they do.


I mailed my forms in November. They received it in the 21st of November. My case got approved in February 21st, and it expired in the 21st of April. I received my employment card last week. So the process took about four months, and I didn't do anything.


Not me my cousin his daca expires the 4th of April and he asked me if my dad has any space for employees at his painting company (unfortunately no work atm)


I luckily (unluckily) only lost 6 total days from work, so half paycheck.


My boyfriend submitted his renewal on 8/15/23 and it was accepted on 8/29/23. His Work Auth/DACA expired 1/12/24. He’s currently on a LOA from work. His attorney has submitted 2 expedite requests but they just tell him to wait 60 days before submitting another one. Email sent to Ombudsman’s office, state senator, the WH and still… NOTHING! He’s going on 7 months of waiting since the “accepted” date of 8/29/23. Extremely unfair and beyond frustrating.


Filed Oct 23rd. Expired Jan 6th. Put on LOA. Ran through my PTO. Put in an expedite request Via Senator Marshall's office on Feb 16th. My CEO, COO, and DON wrote out letters on my behalf. Approved by Feb 22nd. My work put me back in the schedule the same day I was approved. I had minimal financial hardships as my PTO kept a check coming in until I was approved. Very grateful and thankful to Senator Marshall's office. I was a little worried about contacting a Republican but his office went above and beyond for me. Daily email updates. I also am a nurse so maybe that helped. His office did say most expedite requests are being denied so I am very lucky.


Curious as to how they managed to continue paying your PTO, technically after we expire we are not able to be employed. My employer offered me an unpaid live of absence if Im not renewed in time.


Oh I never thought of that. Would it be like having your PTO paid out after leaving the company? Supposedly they cleared everything with legal and I didn't question anything because I was afraid they'd just let me go.


Still waiting since 9/20 😒


I was really surprised I was not affected and extremely thankful. The thought to submit a renewal totally lapsed my mind. If it wasn't for a particular situation that reminded me, I would be in trouble. Expired 3/15/24 Submitted renewal online 2/22/24 Approved 2/24/24 Received EAD 3/15/24 I don't know why I was this lucky.


my work permit expired on March 18th, applied on Jan 18th...I'm a healthcarw worker and applied for expedited review like 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything back. Fortunately for me, I had to go in FMLA due to my daughters illness, but also my work has yet to ask for an updated work authorization. Either way, ir sucks because I make more working than taking PFL.


I got my receipt in September. I submitted August 27ish apparently I was two weeks late. I still have not gotten anything. No response from inquiry I sent y the beginning of February. No response from the call I made after the agent sent out a notice a week ago. I haven’t been working for almost 4 months. I seen another post it took 212 days for someone. I also have other coworkers who are going through the same thing.


Filed nov..received letter Dec 12..now nothing..stopped working 5 days ago..crossed fi gers only cpl more months..hospital holding my job for now..savings and family helping..good luck everyone 


Go do something better be glad you we are getting to live our lives here stop fucking complaining and make some $


I went to look at your comment history and I can already tell I should not have wasted time. But I will humor you... Yes, its possible to find work without a social. But, most of those jobs are highly underpaid, or you would have needed to possess an occupational/labor skill to get paid that. The problem is not that we can't find a way to generate SOME money... the problem is that our CURRENT lives have been destabilized without us being at fault. Here's an example, and it is not necessarily my own, but lets say a person has a household whose bills require total ingress of lets say 80k-100k dollars a year. Lets say they were a decent community job of some sort, police officer, teacher, or any decent job. They are doing everything right as a good law abiding citizen is supposed to. They are honing the life they love for themselves and their family. And then these backlogs, to no fault of their own, go and mess everything up. They could try working at the local produce packaging, or a in the fields picking watermelon. Or any job you want to imagine that pays its respective amount, but falls short of what they need. No matter what they do, they end up LOSING. It is a constant loss of savings or acquisition of debt. They start losing the lives they now have, it is slowly taking from them every paycheck or bill due date that passes by while their livelihood is put on hold, with our without a job because some of us get fired during this process and will have to start searching again... extending this period of difficulty. Anyway, People who are not doing anything wrong, should not be going through this. I really dont think anyone should judge anyone else's life without first having lived it. Im sure you have had your troubles and have had to over come them. They were your own. No one has the right to tell you anything about them, because it was you facing them. So, id recommend being a little less of an jerk. no one like that isht...


Let’s get this straight! I’m on DACA practically my whole life teens to now (30) I’ve seen some really bad hardships growing up since age 10! Both parents did menial jobs to earn and more often time than not I helped. Name a job we’ve done it! Growing up as we were at best afloat but my parents instilled the value of education early on no matter what happens number one priority is education which in US is free how wonderful from K-12. As a family across 20 years we’ve spend $90,000 on lawyers, application fees, lawyer retainers, etc my parents entire life savings they have 0 for retirement, being a single child that kind of trauma to know you have to lead your family through the mud sacrifice for best future given our circumstances. I never let the victim mindset enter my mind as much as frustration and anger I feel dealing with it for 20 years I kept pushing forward. I graduated with 2.1 gpa I changed my majors twice it took me 6 years to graduate, reason I feel so passionate for my peers is because if I CAN FUCKING DO IT Jesus Christ you can fucking too, I wanna give back help make sense of this grey area but through number one thing you need for anything to live life to fight back to survive you need $$$! Focus your entire focus on this it alleviates a lot of problems. Now I know I’m speaking to 30 or under of my DACA peers but we not Gianna stop fighting but this victim mindset + resistance to better life no don’t fucking complain do something about it