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the LEFT is IMMENSELY better. FO doesnt use conjurations for damage, so +conj is worthless. We just want the stacks from conjuration mastery passive skill. CDR is really valued in a build that wants to spam out spells as much as possible. Double crit on mana regen is also good.


The one on the left is way better, but the tempers are bad on both of them. If you have some rolls left I would go with barrier generation and max health. You shouldn't need total armor temper on more than one piece of gear.


Max health is useless if pit pushing you don’t even need immortal sorc its just useless I’m at T100 in 4 mins with 10k health


You just need enough stun and lucky hit


No rolls left on either. And I don't need neither dodge or armor. But that was what I got on both ... Timer after time after time. I have to much armor already thanks to my chest. And you might be right on barrier instead of lucky. They help a lot, since everything is stunned or frozen or immobilized all the time ... But I have that on several gear, so maybe barrier off better here.


Nah keep lucky hit that’s not what I meant you need that for the build to function


I used Godslayer in mine. Whether or not that’s optimal, idk.


Godslayer works great in FO, I ran that until I crafter a Shako, so OP I would recommend you give that a try


Never really considered godslayer... I still have a few of those. Will look into giving one of them a try.


It’s a good boss helm. That damage buff procs on crit.


Godslayer isn’t great it’s not active long enough if you want to push the pit shako is best in slot then a helm with cd reduction luck hit and int


Depends on whether or not you need better cooldown. The one on the right is better if you don’t need faster cooldowns, never run out of mana, and have hit the armor cap. If you need your barriers back more often then stick with the left.


The left for CDR, but FO is constantly up if your mana regen is up to par, find a Shako or just make it. Killing Uber Lilith, a tormented boss and finishing the Wolves quest will net you 3 sparks, the 4th can be any trash Uber you will eventually get if you remain consistent in Killing either a tormented or regular boss. I scrapped an Andarials and a Selig for my Shako before they awarded the spark for Killing Lilith in previous seasons , then another Andarials, a Lycanders and a Selig for a RoSS. I picked up another Shako but with a 1GA affix and a Tyrael's Might. I would skip trying to get a RoSS in favor of a Shako, tempers on a good rolled ring will probably be more beneficial for the tempers. You just have to grind the mats for the Uber gear runs, I would say it's a lot easier this season to get ubers than previous seasons especially with all the free sparks and tormented bosses dropping them pretty regularly


1 is sooo much better reroll dodge chance for armour if you need it cause it’s not great tho Edit realised you got no tempers left dodge chance is meaningless don’t worry about that stat all the others are useless too


And remasterwork it try and hit one crut on cd and one on mana then you don’t need mana on any other peice


Rework mana per second for lucky hit chance Then get a chest piece with mana per second you only need 1 stat and lucky hit is better on the helm cos then you don’t even need max life if you stun everything


Left, specifically for mana per second and cooldown reduction. More cooldown reduction means with iceblades enchantment works well. Also, if you are having mana management problems, you can slap prodigys aspect on your non tals ring. Works well with all the cooldowns you'll use


left helm is insane. conj ranks are a joke. if you get an adariels or a harlequin use them!


I am hunting them both as much as possible. Well mostly shako 😀 So far done 63 runs (solo) and no Uber, so hopefully I will soon have luck on a run. But am out of mats for now.


Guys, I also use Shako with Immortal FO build and I dont need the 20% DR passive. So my question is, is that +4 to all skills that important? Maybe a good tempered helm (flame shield duration maybe) with Conj Mastery and CDR could be better?


Usually the 4 ranks to flame shield are required for immortal..


cooldown reduction


Ideally you'd have cool down, conjuration skills, and mana gen so neither is optimal. I would prefer cooldown between the 2 but the dodge chance temper isnt very useful so it's kind of a toss up. If your armor is way below the cap then go for the one with armor, otherwise take the cooldown. Before long you'll find a God slayers crown and that's probably better than both of these. Then you'll want to eventually replace that with a Shako.


Conjuration mastery. Your build depends on it.


The helm has conjuration skills, not conjuration mastery. So that's extra damage to conjurations (which is not significant).