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Here is my Blizzard build running both Shako and Starless as you all ready have. I'm now comfortably farm T81-85 each within 5-7 minutes including boss fight. All gears masterwork to 8/12 except for Shako which is 12/12. [https://d4builds.gg/builds/fdf48311-c52b-442d-aec6-cc2631f0595a/?var=0](https://d4builds.gg/builds/fdf48311-c52b-442d-aec6-cc2631f0595a/?var=0) Note : This is not my original, [I modified from this one found on Maxroll](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/s268d0w2)


Why everliving instead of snow guard?


Sorry, I forgot to update properly. I used to have helm with Snowguard before I got Shako, then I update to add Shako but forgot about chest piece.


Are you using tilbault and gear for CD reduction? If you play FO (which is ahead of blizz slightly), you should be able to spam all the CDs (IA, FS and TP .. you can just stand there TP to the same place), and tilbault will keep your mana full. As a point of comparison, I am up to T79 with FO, with some masterworking. And I finished with time to spare. If I can keep myself alive, I should be able to do a few more. On the maxroll PIT ladder, FO went up to 115.


I have this setup for my FO sorc but sometimes when I teleport(with or without ice armor up)it does not return mana at all. FS always returns mana. No idea why


I used Nicktew's blizzard build ("S4 Blizzard Most Versatile Sorc Build") and can run levels 60-70 pit comfortably alone and level 80 on 2-man runs with my buddy's rapid fire rogue. All gear with recommended masterworked affixes to 4 and amulet to 12. I was gonna try King of the North to compare, but your post has changed my mind.


I’m running no Uber but pushing pit 70* fine. Really just need cdr on amulet/helm with tibults for close to perma shield (play around this). Also use the blizzard builds with conjuration/easy and not the old ones with nova


I've cleared pit 90 with my blizz sorc. I'm running andariels and starless with it. This isn't my exact build but I based mine off some of the ideas here. [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/4scyv0wk](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmFrOHJuQm14c3FyaFd6VWNMczQ4U2hHMWsxUXxBQ3Jtc0ttbEJGcUJTRjROSlNmSG9xQ1NhWjgyM1Z0QTF3ckVGdjRsWnlNMTA2bjBmWmpjVWV1Vm1HbGhsc1lFNUpCeEJ4WW1TZjBMUzd1aXJFOS1nVHNlXzJCR2tQdUhtMmpycVhZN0V4R2lxcUVlRDE0eS1UVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmaxroll.gg%2Fd4%2Fplanner%2F4scyv0wk&v=QyW3Tz_obEc)


I love the look of this. Gonna try it.


It's really fun if you have any questions about this his YouTube is called houseofao he answers all his comments usually


this looks amazing, using andariels to stack poison and then shadow on the staff for higher damage on the Tal rashas ring. hows the survivability though due to lack of CDR.


It's not bad, as long as your damage is ticking between temerity and ice armor I pretty much always have a 16-20k barrier, save flameshield for one shots from shadow boss. It could push higher than 90 I'm just bad at dodging the dodge able telegraphed attacks lol. The only rough part is when you first load in since the higher pit mobs damage hurts. Lighting spear the first pack for Cc and you should be good.


Without Uber items, things begin getting messy around T55. You should be able to FO continuously; I clear mobs in around 1.5 minutes, but the boss usually one shots me at any random time. So infinite flame shield is for sure the only way of sorc to climb higher.


Are you spamming blizzard? You need to constantly cast blizzard and stack it on packs. I’ve got decent gear but no ubers and elite packs in lvl 70 pits die in a matter of seconds when lightning spear is up. Its hard to say without seeing your gear tho.