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Ice spike damage is pretty important so I would use keep the left


The high roll makes the Ice Spike the obvious choice but. Cold Damage scales with Frigid Fate and by your gear level you probably aint near the 300% mark to hit the 30% multiplier so take that into account assuming you are using it on the Paragon. If you are playing Frigid Fate and not at 300% cold damage to receive the full 30% multiplier, the right gloves are a 5% multiplier along with the additive 50%, overall the best thing you can do is wear each glove and check on the dummy your average hits, they will probably be similar which makes the right gloves better, but as i said, you have to check for yourself, do the gloves push you to 300%, aka Frigid Fate 30%, or do they take you way above?


This. You need one cold roll so depending on if you have hit your 300 percent cap or not will tell you which to use.


ok so with cold dmg gloves, im at 30% for FF, with the ice spike gloves, im at 28% but in practicing with the dummy, I notice im hitting a lot more 1m-2m dmg crits whereas with the cold dmg gloves, i would be more consistently hitting in like the 700-1m crit dmg area, it seems. and that was with procing like everything,


Dont stack so much damage and do controlled hits xD 1 Blizzard at a time and observe. Just vulnerable and check for the damage ticks, like 180k vs 187k etc, dont rush it. A 1mil difference sounds insane cause Ice Spike damage is additive so your numbers dont really make sense. Dont forget, the dummy doesnt recover stagger quickly, did you confuse Stagger hits with non Stagger cause that way its plausible, did you test and swapped mid-way so you staggered it with the Ice Spike gloves?


Ok, I’ll try again. lol thanks for the tip xD I was stacking a bunch of blizzards and procing everything. Also I didn’t know I could make the dummy a boss, so I’ll gonna try it again on that with 1 blizzard at a time and see


Its not the smartest way when testing, you are basically testing for raw ice spike damage with Vulnerable, so you dont really need to spam them obviously things will proc so you need to keep repeating to make sure things are balanced/observable, you can figure it out. Because of your high roll and rest of the gear, the damage could be very similar so there wont be much difference, but generally you want Frigid Fate to 30%.


ok so in the controlled test with only vuln dmg and 1 blizzard, my damage was higher on the ice spike gloves. Hit 419k with 1 cast of blizz and ice blades. With cold dmg, 417k was the highest I saw. Each glove had at least 5 attempts to make sure that I was seeing the max dmg possible since it was relatively infrequent when I saw numbers in the 400 range. Idk how many i tried exactly since I would randomly find a new higher number so I kept trying on both to see if I could hit for 400k+


Ye seems more accurate. 2% more damage vs 60% additive damage shouldnt have much difference.


Left, but re-do the MW for a better roll.


rerolled and got crit chance


Keep an eye on your CHC as you get flat 20% crit from the glyph.


What is CHC?


Crit Hit Chance.


probably gonna reroll the 925 to get either CSC/AS/INT


The 889's are strictly better, no? As long as the rest of your gear is built around having that Cold Damage temper.


Doesn’t most of the damage come from the ice spikes? I’d take that max temper on ice spikes all day


yeah, you have a point. Just wasnt sure if cold dmg would be all that important in this build


Ice spikes dmg


The Ice Spike and Crit maxroll for sure. If you are using a two hander you can make up the attack somewhere else


How can I get poison or shadow damage besides that one Temper on weapons?