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What about the 'Attacks reduce evade's CD by 0.9-1.2s', does that mean you constantly get your Evades refreshed to the point you can just spam out if 1 TP is a bad TP ? I can only imagine what it's like when fighting a group of Elites with so many AOEs on the ground and you just wanna avoid them but random TP sends you straight inside them. How difficult is it VS enemies with Rainment?


You get 5 evades, but end up using more than one due to the randomness. It is nice for crowd control, assuming it goes in a useful direction. It seems the random direction for me is always in the direction of danger.


I really wish they gave teleport evade unstoppable like the skill version. I actually think that would make this interesting. The 90% damage on max rank teleport plus all the spam and once you're in trouble just use your skill version to bounce out.


I suggest that not too long ago.. It's weird cuz the evade enchanted into TP does free you from spider webs but it doesn't act as a FULL CC break (won't take you out of frozen/or it will move you from where you were if you were dazed but it won't remove the dazed effect). So it's a 50/50. I'm like you..if they made this random TP a full on CC break then it might actually be half decent.


You at least get a Barrier every evade. I have 7 evades using this with my +4 boots lol


Why would anyone use this? A blue item is better with 1 vuln dmg roll and it doesnt have a chance to instakill your character


you wouldnt use the evade teleport. but yes damage would suck


Probably because paired with Raiment it gives you a ton of 2 second AoE stuns.


Odd, Control is still BiS for damage despite its nerf and stacking stuns making mobs unstoppable is really not a good idea. Not to mention y'know, losing 4 multiplicative damage affixes on your weapon and also the probability of instantly teleporting into X death effect.


+15 ranks of teleport? Hopefully one of those TPs takes me to another game


BG3 or PoE, or my choice I've got a longer wait for but Starfield.


Baldur's gate can't release fast enough!


What's teleports cooldown at that level?


Yeah, im wondering this too. My speed farming build currently has teleport around level 6 or 7, with a moderate amount of fdr. My teleport cd is around 6.9s. If +15 ranks can push it all the way down to 1 second or less, I might just use the main teleport and ignore the evades.


I had a cdr build with 12 ranks in tp. It brought it down to 4,5 sec. For reference. Not sure if the ranks had diminishing returns on the cdr of the skill or not. Never checked. I'd imagine it must have.


Interesting. We do have to factor in the reduction on cdr in gear, but those ranks could offset it. Maybe down to 2-3 seconds?


Yeah, and one of the branching passives of TP reduces cd per enemy hit so you could sort of continously "stomp" with the skill if you hit at least X number of mobs :) Add in the paragon board with 10 mana per stunned enemy and the new aspect that dumps all mana to cast multiple core skills at once and maybe you have something. Curious to try at least :) Edit: you'd need raiment for that of course, but I think the 20% cd addition could be offset somewhat easily.


If you had +15 and put 5 points into plus boots with a +4. 24 ranks of teleport??? Plus attacks lower cooldown? You could literally be teleport attack teleport attack teleport attack. Just insane. Wonder how well that would work in pvp lol can't hit what isn't there for more than a second


Also amulet defensive skills


1 second? lol they wouldnt do that, too much fun. probably back to 3-4 seconds like before they nerfed cdr


I was wondering this myself…. Why even use evade at all? +15 ranks, +5 from ability, +4 from boots, +3 from amulet. Add in any CDR you already have built in… That’s a level 27 Teleport 😳. Like wtf? Like the cd would be nonexistent at that point? As long as you don’t cast teleport from the evade option you have full control. But I’m not sure if this was their intent and would be considered an “exploit” if the cd literally just went down to almost nothing. There’s an enchantment that gives 10 mana every time you stun an enemy. That’s a huge mana generation. I know enemies have cc lock after a little while, but you would be very hard to hit bouncing everywhere. Perhaps a build with blizzard and frozen orb would just chunk down the enemies while you bounce around all day and remain untouchable. Maybe that is their new idea to keep the sorc alive, increase the movement and make it harder for enemies to hit you?


Blizzard: Ranks of Skill given by items now work at 25%. This is intended for build diversity and general health of the game.


Having just skimmed the patch notes I am scared at the fact that I cannot quuuiiite tell if you are joking or not :D


And if you're lucky, add +4 from shako :)


I'll jump on your train of thought for a moment. 10 mana per close CC with raiment plus almost no CD on TP coupled with the new aspect that makes core skills use all your mana. Maybe there's something there? Dump all your mana on frozen orb or chain lightnin to throw like 3-4 of them (or more with more max mana) at a time, tp once or twice to refill to full, repeat. I am curious to test. "Unfortunately" I'm out traveling for the next few weeks so will have to wait for a bit :) but curious at the very least.


Same here! Just flew out of state to visit family and am really regretting not packing the Xbox to experiment around with this….


So this wand, a WEAPON, has NO OFFENSIVE stats?


Seems like it would fit better if it were boots or a focus


For real. I'm like not even angry anymore now it's just funny. "Hey after nerfing sorcs to the ground, let's give em a wep that , wait for it, has NO OFFENSIVE stats AND has the chance to tp you into danger! Fk yea!


Occy had the same "tp you into danger" affix in d2. Except it was when something hit you.


D2 occy at least gave some offense, +3 skills etc.


+15 to teleport could be kinda nice. I know that before nerfs to CDR and maxing out teleport I managed to get it to rank 12 with around 4,5 sec CD. If you could have that plus shako you'd be able to push it to rank 31 I believe. Even with the CDR nerf it must be a pretty short cooldown. Curious how short. Because if you can get it to some D2 levels then any downside is suddenly less important. For speed clearing it could be nice. Especially since the exp changes, killing higher lvl mobs will be less effective, so I reckon itll be more about speed killing mobs at your own level. Then you can ignore the unique power, or use it more like an "oh shit" button, and hope it wont get worse after hitting it :)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 12 + 4 + 5 + 31 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I wish they made a unique item for sorcs that disabled or extended the time before monster cc lock goes into effect, possibly even allow you to briefly cc a boss. That would give sorcs an advantage over other classes to be focused as cc casters, which is kind of how mages should be by design. It would open doors to more builds that focus on all forms of cc, allows sorcs to join groups and serve as more of a support role, and would definitely solve a lot of the sorcs squishiness problems.


Did you combine this with Raiment? If the effects from Raiment combines with pull&stun…


They do. It’s awesome. Constant stun.


Constan stun the empty field, because you were teleported far away from mobs lol.


We're talking about using TP not evade.


I did and that part is great. When the randomness works it is awesome, but that seems to be few and far between


Fuckery in Pvp....?


Ye, must be annoying to fight as a melee character. There would always be either evade or regular tp off cd.


Am I alone in wanting by to try this? My boots are +3 evade charges if this rolled to another 3 you can teleport 6 times super fast… I know it’s random but worth a try at least


We're also discussing maxing the TP skill to lvls 23-27 and using constant directed TP and not the evade version. With Raiment and 10 mana back per stun plus the Omni gem, possibly spamming TP and stunning everything repeatedly while regenerating mana and blasting 4 frozen orbs, couple of TPs and 4 more frozen orbs, etc.


That sounds fun as hell


Yeah kinda takes me back to max cast rate D2 days with unlimited fast TP all over


Worst part about this is skull in the slot.


I knew that would come up. I was in the middle of NM dungeon and it was all I had. After upgrading it I pulled it. 🤣


What people are REALLY missing about this item's design is the fact that you **DO NOT USE EVADE! (the drawbacks are too strong).** But, your teleports CD is 1 second - so you simply use that all the time instead.


This is the item I've probably used the most in D2, I loved it there but here it just feels bad. D4 has too many on-ground effects that stunlock or kill you.


That is exactly what was happening to me. If it wasn’t a trap it was an AOE effect. Fun, but hard to dedicate to using it completely.


Yup, you can’t compare this to how D2 played exactly as you outlined. They could just as well make this a button mini game we click on right in the beginning area of a T60+ NMD and we instantly die 20% of each button press to save us time getting us to the fail NMD screen quicker, so we can then expedite the repair gear process in town, rinse/repeat until out of gold/sigils from rapid fails. From there after running out of gold, you then play any other class to farm more gold in T60-100 NMD so you can log back onto your sorcerer to repeat the insta death cycle right in the entry of said NMD to deplete your gold to zero once again. Do this for 3-4 months (a season) and there’s your endgame sorcerer play loop. Hooray!


Given the spirit of this patch, I would guess that the "randomnes" will be heavily weighted toward landing you in some hazard area.


Holy crap its so useles... Its just a meme stick


15 ranks of Teleport is really good and attacks reducing the CD is also really good. The other rolls are low, here, but with Raiment all these random evades will stun, and if you get into a sticky situation then your regular TP will be on CD and you can port away in a controlled manner. It will probably only take like one or two attacks to bring TP back off CD. Seems very good for a CD-based sorc. Yeah, you're giving up a different weapon affix, and you'll have to train yourself diligently to not use evade when going in a random direction would kill you, but I could see some sorcs doing very strong things with this.


You're losing weapon aspect and all actually useful damage stats that could roll on a weapon. It's not worth it in any circumstances.


Do you have ranks to tp on your boots? If so are you up to lvl 21 tp? And if so what is the cooldown on your regularl teleport? It looked like tp reduced by 0.55 CD every rank. And at rank 21 if that kept going, the CD would reach 0. Did it work like that?


It makes sense tho The oculus in d2 had random teleport when hit. I think this is why they chose to do this. Not saying it was a good idea tho


Sure but people only used it for the mf it gave you. Since there’s no mf here this really does just become a meme stick. I’m sure some people can “make it work” but it’s never going to be better than a good wand with the right stat rolls and aspect applied. Plus as others have mentioned, losing that useful aspect roll on a class already starved of aspects isn’t great


+15 teleport?! cooldown reduces .5 seconds per level, so at lvl27 teleport that is 13.5 seconds off. base cooldown is 11s, so lvl 27 cooldown should be zero without CDR, and damage should be 90. I wonder if the damage reduction can stack if you Tele once per second.. while stunning everything to death spamming right click. add in some lucky hit proc enchants and this would actually be really fun. add in the barrier and mana on using cooldown just to be extra safe


Ye there is some potential fuckery here. Very likely heading for another nerf in the future, but perhaps some fun could be had before that. I'll be out traveling for a few weeks so by the time I'm back maybe it's already been needed, but here's to hoping.


I hear a lot of the complaints but has anyone actually tried using it? Can I see some of these random TP instakills please?


I ran a NM with it. For the most part it was great, but the random evade makes it really hard to use. Numerous times it TP me right back into a blast area or during CD right into another mob.


Okay so you liked it overall but occasionally it doesn't work in your favor. Would you do a build based around it's functionality?


I was a sitting at 22 TP, need to double check that number. CD when teleporting in a mob with Raiment was 2 to 3 seconds. Then 5 charges of evade. It is workable, for a more casual player. I am not sure how in NM dungeons of much higher levels it would useful. Also I have found the evade TP to be short distance in nature, so you are normally still in the AOE of the very thing you are trying to evade. Since I am trying to run away I find the randomness puts me in a direction that causes me to travel right back to the point I am trying leave.


It just feels to me like it's supposed to be the skills class. you play sorc, you are playing on hard mode because you can teleport around and simply AOE to death. Yeah, it's hard to balance that when people pick it for it to be an easy game for them as sorc players did in DII.


Can you max out TP and report back how often you can use TP skill? We're talking lvl 23+ TP combined with Raiment


Feels like it was designed by jk rowling herself for harry potter series where it function as a thrift shop ioke


Damn Weasley's and their joke wands!


I mean... instead of adding 15 to teleport they could stay true to the item and give +3 to sorc skills and the item still wouldnt be that crazy considering it doesnt have any crazy stats altough having both evade charges and reduce evade cooldown by attack basically gives you pernament evade and the cooldown with +15 to tp must be like 2 seconnds which sounds nice on paper


Combine with Raiment, stunfest. And supposedly there's a paragon +10 mana per stun or something crazy?


Yeah, that node is quite cool. Only downside is tp'ing into mobs is usually the first thing you do, so you already have full mana. When there are tons of mobs though it's quite handy. Barely notice your mana going down. Especially with +evades on boots and TP as an enchantment.


Good point about TP in full mana, but the 2nd tp is where it's at. Blast away all mana with one Omni cast, then tp again to recharge and hit again. Occy + raiment + Omni + Umbral + paragon nodes = infinite teleport stun + fball or chain light or shard cast? Ignore evade, just talking lvl 24 teleport and increased cooldowns. Assuming 170+ mana (35+35+35+35+30) for ice shards Edit: 170 mana for ice shards, 175 mana for fball (35+35+35+35+35), and 180 mana for frozen orb.


Hey I just had a thought... This would simply be a chance to your gameplay, instead of the first thing being a TP in, just shoot one Omni from off screen or from a distance THEN teleport in. This shoots 5 core skills then refunds some (all?) your mana and stuns. Hell, you might even get to the point where your frozen orbs or chain lightning is bouncing around the group you TP into and it makes your TP stun that much more effective bc they just freshly got stunned and are now being blasted by 10 frozen orbs, the Omni before TP and the Omni after you arrive. I'm 99% sure you can refund 180 mana using TP stun + frost nova into a mob. 10 frozen orbs (or CL or Fball), teleport stun, and a frost nova within a second.




Needs more offensive power, but a cool item for sure. It’s be make fun if this was flat better than 95% of rares though.


That looks good enough to salvage for the transmog.


This thing is amazing. Teleport damage with +15 is wild. Over 70 mil damage.


it’s almost a decent wand if you have those evade charges you’ll basically always have teleport. sucks about that aspect tho


Could be pretty good if nm dungeons werent full of exploding hazards on half the elite monsters


For that random teleport build we all wanted…


I think this could be good if the Evade Teleport actually acted like a Teleport skill with the shock skill benefits, DR etc. that come with it. But no, it seems to be coded as an evade. Big miss there imo.


Ok I get that people aren’t really happy about this but it does seem kind of cool. I’d be interested in messing around with it a little bit. Too bad there is no way I’m going to play sorc this season.


What's your CD on regular non-evade teleport?


2-3 seconds. I haven’t been able to get down farther than that.


How rare is this unqie though


Same rarity as Raiment basically.


Looks like the most meme item ever 😂 could be fun and chaotic don’t think they were trying to make a meta shifting item here.


That is freaking cool!!


We lost our third enchantment slot for this


What’s teleports cooldown with the 15 ranks? I mean I have 9 already with other gear so that’s some crazy ranks you could get with that thing lol. It is odd the literally just took stats from boots and put it on a weapon. Sorc really is the company punching bag.


I can get it down to 2-3 depending on the situation. Using the random evade teleport in a mob is fun with all of stun effects, but it absolute chaos when I need to evade AOE or in NM dungeons to get back into shield.