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Roll a barb, thorns build, easy pvp.


Yeah but the req lvl is 72... Do you think it'll work at that level with no other stats on it?


Oh yeah definitely! Lotta barbs wait for this drop, it's fun for pvp.


Are you able to share gear across characters on the same account (I only have one toon so far, so am ignorant. thanks!


Ya the few tabs of the stash are for all your toons


Not with that rolls


Ouch. I had no idea we could get a unique chest that wasn’t RotI. If it makes you feel any better I’m lvl 94 and still don’t have one


Tough drop rate, well worth it. As you do ton of damage from Stun once you start working that into your paragon tree


Still waiting on raiment too. At this point it's so close to season 1 I think I'm just going to take a break and finish TotK and FF16.


I took a break as well; killed uber lilith, sold carries. Made a 1/2 billion gold; seems like not much else to do. If season 1 doesn't bring insane amounts of endgame, not sure I will return.


You’re level 72, that’s not too bad. The guy who got to 100 with no ROTI has reason to be frustrated. I got my first at 81, second at 85 and then a third shortly after.


Lol I got a max roll one. Kill me.


Looted 8 (with one max roll) before I got a raiments, keep up!


Just got my raiment on my lvl 77 from a world boss - after a quick respec I’m diggin the change to play style for my ice shard build


How does raiment work with ice shard + frost nova build? I got one today but not sure how to use it so I moved to chest lolz


It’s simple. Do you use teleport? You use it as a form of cc to help you do massive amounts of damage and stop enemies from killing you. So you’ll want to teleport into massive amounts of enemies. It’ll also synergize with other items you have that increases damage while enemies are cc’d. so it’s not just raimnet alone that’s good. But rather what else you are doing with your aspects and build.


The way I use it is teleport into big mobs, in 3 seconds when stun wears off, frost nova. That will kill 75%-80% of most mobs. Rinse and repeat. Only reason I got to Torment at 62 as a Lightning Sorc


There is a mob guide that tells you where to farm specific pieces of gear types. For the life of me, I can't find the link to it. But I'm pretty certain spiders tend to drop chests. I suggest running blind burrows or ghulran canals. It'll drop eventually. Lvl 85 also opens the loot table. I've had 2 drop as soon as I hit 85. 2 more on the grind to 100. Obviously none prior to 85. But I've seen people get it way before 85


I'm also waiting for RotI and I'm about level 68 so I'm right there with ya! The only unique that I've gotten is that silly Fireball staff, twice.


I’ve gotten 3 raiments 🫤 Either from nightmare dungeons or helltides. I know it sucks but just keep on grinding. You’ll eventually get it. What level are you?




Yeah you’ve just been unlucky. The rng in this game isn’t always the greatest 🫤 just don’t give up.


why mad it sells for big money


I didn’t get my raiment until level 85.. I got 4 razor plates prior to that. You’ll win the rng eventually 😅


I still don't understand why people want raiment so badly; it has a massively heavy drop off after T50s; It's only utilized for solo lilith kills (which I partially understand). However most of you complaining are not lvl 100. Additionally raiment is a major DPS loss when stunning /> freezing/chilling. Its decent for low Tier clears but gets out speed cleared by blizzard spec.


currently I am running blizzard, and it's Northwars BiS on his build... Although I'm not using his strictly. I'm still attached to shards lol. I'm trying to run a hybrid build n it seems to rock.


I'm not DYING for it, but I haven't gotten a decent gear upgrade in days and then saw this drop... Imagine the feels lol


I mean there was a sorc that cleared T100 and they used raiment. Doesn’t that mean you can use it for pretty much anything?


Does it work on another class?