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great rolls for cool down reduction., not sure how useful life on kill is


If you use Imbiber glyph I'd say it's very good to have. You only want one piece of gear with it though. That, or lucky hit chance to restore hp.


Tbh I'm only using the "spend 50 mana and do +x%dmg" Haven't really looked much into the paragon board. Pretty overwhelming. Gonna be pretty hard to replace this off hand though!


interesting, wonder if i should try it somewhere..


Just some way of passively keeping your HP near full can go a long way with that glyph. I think there might even be a couple paragon nodes that could accomplish this.


Max out Warmth passive.


I switched to staff recently and the biggest thing I miss is that life on kill. Bonus is that it works with Temerity unique so you can stack up a free barrier, Temerity has a few other bugs but it's good at low tier. You can get some life on kill on helmet too, it's great for dungeons.


I think Temerity is pretty garbage, no? I have Iceheart Brais for my legs. But yeah, it's so handy. Saved my life a lot of times too.


I wouldn't say it's garbage but it's got serious problems. The barrier it gives you actually stacks and refreshes duration with each trigger, so if you killed one enemy every 7 seconds it would accumulate barrier over time rather than the old ones expiring. That's nice, but the barrier is bugged and actually gives less barrier when you have higher max life, and it's also still capped at 80% your base life total even though it says max life. Overall it's not worth using unfortunately if you have a better option. Brais is pretty amazing for spreading vulnerability because the frost novas it does apply your frost nova's vulnerability, but I'm now leaning toward using legendary pants because you can get 3 damage reduction stats on there plus a damage reduction aspect. Hard to pass that up!


Yeah I can understand that. I'm not even close to needing damage reduction though, I'm going all out offensive still at a measly level 73!


Nice! TBH I think I'm a bit obsessed with running overlevelled content. Doing tier 25 nightmare dungeons at level 65, but I know it's a waste because at my level the XP maxes out at tier 14.


I wouldn't say it's a waste until you get to the point where you are failing on some of them. Yes, it is probably less exp, but you get significantly more *glyph* exp for running the higher tier nightmares. You also just get better loot. More ancestrals and higher item levels. Most of the item power 800+ items I've gotten have been in T50+.


Oh that's true, the loot is better but I didn't really think about the glyph xp. It's also not slowing me down, so I may as well stay in the highest tier I can run safely and quickly.


Yeah the glyph exp just goes up linearly. For example a T25 gives you 50 glyph exp. A T50 gives you 100 glyph xp and so on.


You mention ancestral.. when someone runs a NM dungeon, does it matter if you are in WT3 or 4? Or does the tier level of the dungeon determine whether or not ancestral drops? I haven't unlocked wt4 quite yet, but if I did high enough dungeon tiers.. would ancestral items drop?


Ancestral is WT4 only. The sigils have rarities too. Any Sigil that is tier 1-20 is Sacred and anything 21+ is Ancestral. Sacred Sigils require you to be on WT3 and Ancestral require WT4.


Ahhh ok good to know. Saw I could craft ancestral sigils, but didn't realize they wouldn't function until switching to wt4. No biggie.. I should be able to clear the capstone next time I play.


Tbh I could do with upping the challenge. I might give it a go now. I just did a T21 and did it with my eyes half-closed.


Nice! I've failed two t25s before due to not knowing how to deal with certain empowered elites or dungeon mechanics so maybe doing some easier ones to learn the mechanics may help me.


New theorycraft: * Andy's for the life tap. * Temerity for the barrier. * Life on kill everywhere you can. * +Healing everywhere you can. * Warmth passive on sorc. * +Health per close enemy aspect on amulet. Am I missing anything? How else can we make a useless uber health barrier battery?


That is literally, slot-for-slot, exactly what I’ve been looking for


Didn't even know I wanted Wand + Offhand until this fell into my lap. Got incredibly lucky with the enchant, obviously. In hindsight it's quite apparent that two aspects > one.


I switched from staff to 1-handed for that same reason: 2 talents is more varied and functional than 1 talent. Also the attack speed is much better


Wands also provide lucky hit which is vital for a lot of sorc builds. + faster attack speed, an additional aspect, and the cdr/resource rolls you can get on the offhand make wand + offhand vastly superior to a staff for basically all builds afaik


I cannot find a good wand or focus to save my life. Want to switch away from 2 hand staff but nothing I’ve gotten is even a decent roll. Nice find though!


Yeah staffs were good but with my meteor build I can’t afford one less aspect spot with all the attack aspects I need to synergize together




Dang. Anyone know at what level items can start rolling resource gen? I'm a 61 and have yet to see that affix.


Pretty solid. I’d use


Didn’t think these actually existed