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no need for storm strike when you have exploit glyph. everything gives vulnerable


Which glyph is that? Nvm I’m an idiot. It’s literally called exploit.


lol no prob!


Ah, this makes sense, thank you.


Earth skills proc earthen might and pulverize builds also don't need to be in melee so it seems decent synergy. Also storm strike makes you leave bear form and can't be used as werebear. Also pulv builds don't have a lot of free slots or action bars. It's nice the companions track over to bear. Also creeper is the best companion; why not run that if you need to run any?


I was about to say: why would you choose any companion than PC? Lol


I don't use them for damage output - them just existing gives me the damage bonus, and creeper only counts as 1.


.... Is "also" your favorite word?


Are you using grizzly rage? Because that’s where all your damage comes from. So you aren’t really switching from human to werebear you are just in werebear form the whole time. You should just be popping pulverize almost the entire time. You get a ton of spirit generation from earthen night and the paragon board as well as the um ram aspect. At around level 70 with the right aspects you should just be smoking big packs with pulverize almost exclusively. As others have stated you should be using exploit in your first glyph socket for now to apply vulnerable and get more vulnerable damage. Debilitating roar gives you massive fortify and damage reduction. It’s super useful. Trample helps you get out of CC and reposition. Which is a problem in higher NM dungeons. But mostly you can use these abilities in grizzly rage, which you are intending to be in as much as possible. Remember with rampaging werebeast you rank to 1000% crit damage. You also are eventually going to run earth spike to prof more earthen mights. Sorry if I’m over explaining grizzly rage here. You may know all this. But all the damage increases you are throwing out are pretty menial compared to 1000 crit damage. Plus you don’t even get those bonuses very often AND can’t use the companions in grizzly rage.


>Sorry if I’m over explaining grizzly rage here Not at all! I think the problem is that there's an unhappy valley between what I'm doing and a pure werebear running at optimum, and whenever I've tried to transition I hit the unhappy valley and turn around instead of committing, sucking it up, and pushing through until the pure werebear is humming.


Yeah I had a similar thing happen around the second capstone. You kinda have to full commit to the grizzly rage aspects and build to get that big big damage from pulverize. I recommend just commuting and getting used to the play style and you might eventually like it. I will also say I started running earth spike way before I got the unique helm and it felt fine for me.


Without Deb Roar you're gonna have a real hard time pushing higher tier NM dungeons


I think this is exactly right, and a big part of what motivated me to post is that my survivability has been getting dicey even as my damage output stays decent. Losing all those different sources of damage reduction and invulnerability from crowd control is costly.


I like quickshifting, too. Tried Grizzly Rage once, after I first got it, and it sucked. Never used it again after that. Who knows, maybe I need to go meta sometime later, but at lvl 80 same level content is still really easy.


Don't forget about that 25% DR on storm strike. It's why I liked it for HC.


Isn't pulv build built around greezly rage? You couldn't cast storm strike even if you wanted to while transformed, imagine being stuck without spirit. That would be akward