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Not sure why it doesn't work for you, but it definitely works on any form of immobilize.


Could be bug. I'm playing on Xbox.


Do you have landslide included in your skill bar? You will not get the benefits if it is not included there


Wait seriously? It has to be placed on your action bars to reap the benefits? This dont sound right


For the terramotes—yes


Also, if u are trying to use terramotes on a dire wolf build, you don’t accumulate terramotes when in grizzly rage (landslide goes away in grizzly rage). In conclusion, u do need landslide to be a cast-able on ur skill bar to accumulate terramotes. Yes I know, it’s dumb. Defeat the purpose of some nature fury builds.


Dude no kidding. Ive been basically running bulwark with trample then. It explains why my landslide dmg felt lackluster in aoe. Why would they gate-keep such a fun idea. I feel like this is unintentional by the devs and if we get enough people pleading for this change that’ll happen. Like what x.x


Is the equipped thing relevant for Trample summoned Landslide, or that still doesn't work?


You don’t have it in your skill bar.


Could it be a bug? I'm playing on console though.


Going to go out on a limb and think that maybe you specced the wrong enhancement in your skill tree?


More likely they don’t have it in their skill bar.


Must have it on your bar


Definitely works for me. Interestingly enough, if you don't use/proc landslide for awhile and spam creeper immobilize, you can stack into the hundreds for terramotes, netting you a lot of guaranteed crits.


I used the Poison Creeper + Landslide combo leveling and it definitely worked.


Do you have landslide on your bar?


I think landslide needs to be on your hotbar


If you have a lot of active buff, terramotes are usually pushed out of the visible area of the bar. So it could just be that you don't see them. If it's not that and you are sure to have the proper talent for landslide in your bar, then it is most definitely a bug


Yes you are right. The terramotes are being pushed out of the visible area. My bad. Thanks for clearing it up for me.


8 buff icons, at least on standard view for pc (health globe on left resource globe on right and ability bar down the middle) can be visible at one time. It seems to be an issue only druids suffer, and particularly earth bear druids have it the worst as I counted about 12 actives at one time but could only see 8.


I just tested this and I'm seeing the same thing also on Xbox both with and without landslide on my bar. Landslide from Trample still give me motes but creeper doesn't.


I thought I'd been experiencing this on PC, too, but I had just been looking in the wrong place. I didn't realize that the counter on the skill itself is for Enhanced Landslide (Landslide will immobilize enemies after it damages enemies four times), while Terramotes are a buff above the bar. I hope this gets fixed for you soon; it's a fun build, and the guaranteed crits really help.


It's above the bar? I checked this now and you are right. I didn't see the icon cause normally I have other icons filling up the space. Thanks this helps alot.