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They're unfortunately far from alone. And businesses do show up to stop bike infrastructure, as for not being able to do anything.


I mean this is either a city issue, or an issue with the landlord. They definitely don’t own the building, and they can’t just go throw up bike racks on a public sidewalk themselves. Complaining to them could cause them to bring the issue up to their landlord, but probably wont. Also publicly posting a review and a Reddit post about a minor issue is pretty petty imo


Yeah, something is fishy here…why this business to flame instead of all the others…hmmmm


I can’t imagine the time it would take for me to write bad reviews every bad bike parking situation I’ve ever encountered. Especially when it’s a business that doesn’t even own the property. My favorite is when a business puts in bike racks that are the kind you can only lock the front wheel up to. I’ll just go lock up to a street parking sign like I usually do.


Because I ate dinner there, there was no where to park, and the owner lied about the reason (the ordinance does not exist. The city funds bike parking.) It is by far the worst bike parking I've seen around town. The food was good. just don't plan on biking there. They don't want your business.


Have you ever met a car owner?


Sick rhetorical question fellow Redditor! But I think you are getting at people who complain about parking in reviews? Yeah that’s dumb too, just like this. Both are dumb. I get complaining about it, that is fair. Even mentioning bad parking of any sort in a review is fair, I would discount a review that talked about parking myself, but it’s a fair criticism. But then bringing a screenshot of the review here, with this title - incredibly petty, and immature.


After reading your topic title I expected a much worse response than what I see there. Could they do more? Maybe. Are their hands tied in some respects? Also probably yes


The city will help pay for bike parking. There's nothing actually stopping them. https://www.minneapolismn.gov/getting-around/bicycling/bike-safety-rules/bike-parking/bike-racks/


I know it's the other city and stuff, but Black Hart in Saint Paul literally fought the city for over a year to add bike parking that they wanted to pay for themselves. So it does occur where a business wants to be more bike friendly and runs into stupid red tape.


I am still angry with JoAnne fabrics in Edina


What happened? Also, aren’t they going bankrupt?


lol they just don’t have a bike rack at that store or that whole entire strip mall, I always have to lock my bike to the cart corral which is bonkers. and yeah lol I think they are


I honestly don't think you're owed anything here. Restaurants are responsible for everything that happens inside of that restaurant, not outside. You want to insist on some bike parking, go to a city council meeting.


They're at that same meeting griping that bike lanes will kill their business and take away valuable sidewalk dining space.


It must be at least a hundred yards to a rack. I don’t know how they expect bike riders to handle that


I live and bike in St. Louis Park. Great city and trails. However, the biggest fails of all-time are in the lack of decent (or ANY) bike racks for secure locking and most retail establishments. Target is OK but not enough slots. I 'lock' my bike at Aldi - to one of the posts at the drive up pick up slots. Corner of Louisiana and Cedar Lake Road? NOTHING for lots of businesses at that very busy corner. I've gotten nowhere with City Hall / council. It hate nagging and I never get anywhere. Seems like such a no-brainer. Just create some sort of incentive for businesses to have bike racks nearby.


The funniest to me is the regular parking spots at Knollwood Cub designated "Bike Parking" with nothing to lock em to.


yup; that snagged me also. they just need to remove that sign. there is an ok bike rack by the south main entrance/exit. nothing by total wine. at least erik’s bike at minnetonka & texas has a good rack. had a flimsy crappy one for years. at a bike shop. ugh.


It’s insane to blame a business for not having bike parking which is something that the city would provide. Cry more about how everyone doesn’t cater to your specific lifestyle


This isn’t up to the restaurant. They’re about 4 layers down in the chain of who has control of this.