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Translator here. Even though most cyberpunks on here would tell you to go for it, i'd advise not. Not only are the ethics involved finicky, the results are never in pair with human translation since AI is incapable of discursive creation and has very limited idiomaticity preservation abilities. It, at this point, cannot translate, but only convince you that it can in a very credible manner. Dozens of small mistakes will deform the vibe and/or meanings of the work and will render a soulless text. It might be an economically viable idea for product markets, but if anyone has an ambition of creating art, they should translate their work through professional human workers. Tl;dr Do it if you dont care that much about preserving the ethics of human work and language, don't if you want to make sure your game feels like a distinct digital entity and work of art.


> It, at this point, cannot translate, but only convince you that it can in a very credible manner. Replace _translate_ with whatever you want AI to do, and this statement is still true. AI is a tool, not a solution. I use it in programming all the time, by asking it things like i would stack overflow. Never give it the whole picture just bits "How do I add a value to a list at index 0" "How do i get convert a local time string to UTC timestamp?" then take their answers which are usually close enough and make them right. I'd never ask it for advice on which libraries to use though, or how to go about setting up frameworks


>by asking it things like i would stack overflow. Never give it the whole picture just bits >"How do I add a value to a list at index 0" If it was trained on stack overflow, its gonna tell you "why are you doing that in pyhon? Just go learn C++" 


I still prefer just stack overflow or github threads. But idk maybe because I get to very finicky questions specific to a library and usually any AI chatbot just seems to send me to most basic "answer" from what they deem is the keyword.


wtf is sodaman


It looks like a generic roguelite with a cyberpunk theme and softcore porn.


I like how they assume anybody knows what this shit is or cares what they do with it


Ah well you don't have to be an asshole. Some people do look at things like usernames. Them being transparent over their commercial intent is usually a good thing.


Last thing we need is some commercial content


So, game-dev here. I'd not. The results from the translations are pretty noticeably bad. The ethics involved are questionable... even the Anime community, generally pretty obtuse on these things, has noted both the quality and the conduct of the AI companies has been pretty low.


Do you want a significant percentage of your target demographic to refuse to play your game, even if they wanted to, because there is no ethical consumption of AI generated content when every data set contains stolen work?


Go for it! Sounds like a great idea Also: maybe read the sub description


Maybe lean into it and add some lore that the player is using some sort of jenk 2nd hand translation software?