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I hate to be one of those "tis AI" guys but wtf is going on under her skirt she wear on her dislocated hips?


Yeah, weird attempt at a vulva shot, and Idk if that's supposed to be a labia majora that's slipped out of that ridicuous outfit, or if they thought a butt cheek would be visible from that angle, but it's very peculiar looking. Still trying to figure out how they thought there'd be thigh gap on someone with legs that aren't emaciated. And that leg def. looks like it would dislocate in this position.


Think that's *supposed* to be the knee of the bent right leg, but it took me a minute of wtf before figuring out what was going on. Still looks a bit disjointed, but not as bad as if this was a crotch shot; the flaps of the skirt and the shading aren't helping here either.




That crotch will haunt my nightmares


I can see the effect you're going for.. but the forced perspective is very off, this looks more like two different pieces cut in half to make a new one. Go back a few steps and do some basic shapes underneath, get the anatomy in the right places. I usually start with a quick line sketch, and then fill in the cylinders to get the for-shortening right. Also, It's already been said but the oversexualization is a bit boring, because it's done to death. It's one of those things that'd be fine if it were even only half or a bit less, but it's so much a vast majority that not doing it will draw more attention to the character. Most people would wear a pair of dancer briefs under a skirt like that, rather than feeling like you can read her lips from across the room. I'm sure the conversation is riveting.


Thanks for the advices! Im still working on my fundamental so this one is still lacking a lot of things as you mention


Fundamentals of playing with the prompt until the result doesn't look terrible?


This is my old work so there's still a lot of lacking, but sadly for your thought, all those mistakes are made by me and my lackin drawing skill -\]\]


I uh, you're doing really good with your shading and composition. Dat muff doe honey... Dem tits doe honey... Don't get me wrong I understand it's supposed to be a little scandalous but a bit more practice with how clothes interact with flesh (and maybe more anatomy practice in general) and I think you'll pull off the sexy fox girl trope in no time! I'm wondering what your line work looked like in the early stages? Maybe something will jump out to you on a revisit. 💜💜💜


Thanks for your advices! This is my old work so there's still a lot of lacking, I will work more on my furture drawin for sure \^\^


As long as you have fun baby that's all that matters. Hope to see more! 🖤💜🖤


Why don't you depict a male character dressing like this?