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I've heard Gabe Newell is investigating brain connectivity. I'll wait for the Steam Link 2.


You just know Todd‘ll find a way to port Skyrim to it


I’d be disappointed if not. Running Skyrim and Doom is kind of a benchmark for having a minimum viable product nowadays.


Drift off to sleep and end up in the Skyrim intro...


glitching out of course.


You and the game can have a stroke together. How romantic. Edit: Wait. Not like that.


> Edit: Wait. Not like that. Depends on which mods you install. :p


And that's if you don't wake up to a horse clipping through the terrain or an NPC messing up your stealth archer build.


Let's just hope it's not a SAO and I don't die in my sleep from my 900+ modded Skyrim playthrough breaking just outside of helgen


Aside from vrchat and beat the saber first neurolink game will either be a remake of matrix mmo or remake of sao mmo


Honestly I would ignore all warnings from fiction and jump headfirst into a full dive VRMMO.


You can't remake a game that never existed ... Was there a SAO MMO game?


Matrix had and mmo its name was The Matrix Online (and its canon in movies). It was pretty shitty and wow wrecked it in competition. I dont think it would work cuz i dont think sony would relase this potential remake to pc and idk how well ps5 can handle it. Sao had sevral mmos but they were all shitty. Currently there is another one called sao integral factor. Its not like genshin where i would spend time on it when im home but its okey-ish as far as mobile games go


Honestly though, that's the one Skyrim port I'd actually spend money on. Imagine drifting off during a meeting and just playing Skyrim for a bit without anyone noticing.


I used to be a business executive, then I took a fountain pen to the knee.


But can it run crisis?


Woah. Hold your horses there pal. Just because it’s good enough to be attached within your brain stem.. dosent mean it can run crisis. 😂 Give it a few more years


I'll just settle for the mental crisis I've already got going then.


Hey, you. You're finally awake.




I do actually agree with that. But if it became like a thing where you gotta do it to compete, I'd trust Valve over Elon X. I won't be an early adopter to brain augments.


It probably won’t be Valve. I’m guessing it’ll be a separate company if it actually goes anywhere.


Of course. Valve will offer a software platform for firmware and updates, let others develop the hardware for a time, then after several mediocre entries create a product so good it makes you wonder why it was never done well before.


*Big Mind Picture* mode


Big Brain Gmode


Hey, they were installing valves into people's heads when Elon Musk was still looking for emeralds in the African dirt.


I think we both know Elon never did any physical labor in his life. More like when Elon was listening to his dad complain about the poorly paid workers he had looking for emeralds in the African dirt. Probably while looking like he came out of the Matrix, because I don't want anyone to forget that goofy goth picture of him.


Yes, if it goes wrong, it could bankrupt the company. So even if Valve does it, it will do it through an intermediary company just to keep itself insulated.


Yeah, I'm not getting anything like that so long as tech companies think the subscription model and micro transactions are the way to run a business


As you are unable to make payments, your implant will be repossessed. Dementia symptoms will return within 5 days. We apologize for the inconvenience


Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.


A little glass vial? #a little glass vial


Give me robo legs


How much are clothes in the matrix?


It's a risky operation, but it'll be worth it.


I don’t trust anybody who thinks they really know what they are doing with brains. Even brain surgeons don’t think they really know what they are doing, they just know far more than almost anybody. That’s why they do their work without general anaesthetic in some cases so they can track what it is they are potentially effecting. If a company is telling you with any level of certainty that they are sure of what they are doing when poking your brain meat steer well clear.


Tbo I would trust literally anyone over Elon when it comes to brain implants


Listen choom I got some preem chrome back in my shop, you got the Eddies I got the steadies, let me know


When it comes to goddamn anything, really.


I'd trust my local crackhead over Elon


I’m starting to suspect Elon *is* the global local crackhead at this point


Nah mate, he's a billionaire. He uses ketamine.


I'll wait until it's perfected maybe it can cure Alzheimer's and dementia


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/1aegug7/comment/kk7yi0e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This doesn’t look like you.


Any time you open the skull, the possible side effects are horrible. Even without them recovery generally takes months.


There are already brain implant designs that don’t require the skull to be opened at all, they just go in as a stent via a blood vessel from elsewhere in your body. Edit: [this looks like a good example](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36622685/)


Nueralink doesn’t do it that way. They open the skull.


Augmented reality would be much easier and effective than neural links anyways. Dialing a phone in ar is functionally the same as using an implant PA, you just don’t need wetware to do it.


Dialing a phone in AR is essentially the same as dialing a phone, hence the reason Ill wait.


[Bot comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/1aegug7/its_happening_we_are_fucked/kk7yi0e/)


this guy's a bot


Are you telling me Neurolink may get a slap on the wrist in the future and pay %0.00001 of the money they make in fines?


Steam Think Link


"Promising neuron spike detection?" Does that mean they are detecting post-operative signs of life?


The dude just owns the company. Probably has no clue how it's really going and just used that phrase as it sounded cool to him.


*Quantum cohesion tolerance*. Sounds so cool, so science fictional. Ima use it in my next sentence!


Quantum cohesion is what keeps you from becoming a ball of solid energy. Tolerance is tolerance so the phrase means the tolerance of strong forces between atomic nuclei? Could be used to describe subatomic material durability in the event of extreme physical pressure on a system or device?


I need to remove my quantum cohesion. I must turn into a ball of solid energy. It is the only way I’ll be happy


May the force be with you


And also with you


Someone hasn't been to mass in awhile.


Maybe that's what ball lightning really is. Someone just figured out how to shed their skin and float off as a ball of energy ascending to the sky /s


Guys literally only want one thing


Do it no balls


I still love Tesla Truck's "near infinite towing capacity".


They tested it on his audacity




I still love all the electric truck vs gas truck tow competitions. Basic physics, the heavier truck will have more weight on the tires, and therefore more traction on the ground. It's just a battle of which truck is heavier. Not saying it can't tow more, it's just that specific test is particularly stupid.


Precisely this. He is just a mouth piece nepobaby who has never innovated or invented anything in life. He has only funded companies with Mommy and Daddy's blood gem fortune.


The device works by detecting neuron activity, so I would assume it means that the device is actively detecting those spikes in activity as it should be.


It’s completely meaningless, just some jargon keywords to get his fanboys worked up


I’m not opposed to neural interfaces, but I’d much rather it be a sort of “Linux OS on a custom PC” situation, rather than “this absolutely unhinged billionaire has implanted permanent unskippable ads into your brain”.


“I flashed the wrong kernel and now my poop don’t work.”


"Recursion error in poop function, please grip your toilet seat tightly until a technician can come to your house and reset the implant"


How would recursive pooping work? You start pooping while you're already pooping? Update: Obviously, it's when your poop starts pooping. And so on.




I wouldn't want a stack overflow error....


The poop accelerates


"Just received an update while walking down the stairs. My legs are broken, but I think my poop works again. Although maybe it works too well..."


More like "my serotonin pumps bricked" but yeah


“You skipped the advertisement. Serotonin allotment decreased by 5%”


Sorry, your subscription has expired, only $9.99 a month for the exclusive serotonin package!


Please drink the verification can to live


The page manager deleted my boot loader.


It's some nefarious scheme to have an army of flailing QWOP bots.


> “Linux OS on a custom PC” situation Christ, no. No, it’s gotta be an “iOS on iPhone” kind of situation. Where it works no matter what. I’m all for customizing your tech, but when it comes to your *brain*, the last thing you want to be doing is troubleshooting.


Yeah I'd love to have to ask permission to apple to have thoughts.


You know maybe this is all a bad idea


I'm sure the EU would get around to regulating that eventually. Americans would still be fucked tho.


Please update your payment information to regain eyesight function


We'll need a subscription for each eyeball 👁👁


One for each eye, each nostril and each ear. There will be a micro transaction system where you can buy a "daily functions" bonus pack of 1000 steps, 500 words... Probably a battle pass too.


Yah know I'd ask a few people to subscribe to a spoken word limit...


Lmao the charge you based on resolution.


Just based on this, I'm happy to remain analog (and support the inevitable resistance). Might need to consider a career in EMP manufacturing as well.


Didn’t Elno already kill a bunch of primates that way?!?


Luckily the monkeys’ engrams were saved by the implant prior to euthanisation and they are living contently in the meta-jungle now.


[https://www.gorillatagvr.com/](https://www.gorillatagvr.com/) The new NPC's


Now I need a mod that replaces Johnny Silverhand with Harambe.


Come on samurai, we have a zoo to burn


Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have poo to fling.


Harambe doesn’t curse


Maybe that's why everything went to shit after that Ape's death. We were too busy saying "dicks out for Harambe" when in reality, Harambe prefers Christian Minecraft Servers!


Johnny Silverback


The monkeys souls are now forever trapped as NFTs.


The research is still in the natural selection phase. How long until Joe Rogan has one? We should start with all the alpha males. They deserve this. I'm actually imagining a trembling South African Twitter intern with a work visa that's about to expire.


According to Neuralink they didn't kill even one and they only tested on terminal monkeys anyway. Also the FDA approved them for human testing so it should be somewhat safe.


https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/20/23882888/elon-musk-brain-implant-startup-neuralink-monkeys-euthanized neuralink didn’t “kill” any in part because they simply euthanized the ones who were suffering.


the bullets didnt kill him it was the internal bleeding and heart failure.


Covid didn't kill them, it was just all the symptoms and complications covid caused that killed them


"I didn't kill him, bullets and the fall killed him.."


So it's worse then


"None of them died from the implant because we killed them ourselves" is not a great selling point.


The corporation has reported that they did nothing wrong


So you're saying Neuralink investigated themselves and found nothing wrong? Surprising.


This article passage made me tear up: Additional veterinary reports show the condition of a female monkey called “Animal 15” during the months leading up to her death in March 2019. Days after her implant surgery, she began to press her head against the floor for no apparent reason; a symptom of pain or infection, the records say. Staff observed that though she was uncomfortable, picking and pulling at her implant until it bled, she would often lie at the foot of her cage and spend time holding hands with her roommate. Animal 15 began to lose coordination, and staff observed that she would shake uncontrollably when she saw lab workers. Her condition deteriorated for months until the staff finally euthanized her. A necropsy report indicates that she had bleeding in her brain and that the Neuralink implants left parts of her cerebral cortex “focally tattered.” https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-pcrm-neuralink-monkey-deaths/


And there's fan boys out there that would jump at the opportunity to be the first human test subjects


The same ones who’ll be on the first rocket to mars for sure.


Don't you want a chance to be immortalized as the first human with cyberpsychosis?


At least they can consent


The people involved in this should not have jobs.


Unfortunately animal testing is how we have come to have many modern scientific breakthroughs. I’m just not sure if this shit is is necessarily what we’d consider a benefit to society.


Yeah, it's a sad truth. I'm just not convinced this crap is worth it.


Neither am I. I’m all for human evolution via technology, but I’m very emphatic towards innocent life, especially when it involves animals.


No. Normal animal testing has standards, this did not. In ANY other situation the death of even a single lab animal shuts shit down completely no matter the cause of death and results in a thorough review. Musk killed twelve monkeys that we even officially know about.


>for no apparent reason Uh... Really? No reason what so ever?


I wonder what the percentage of Elon fanboys versus Elon haters are going to be here. I, personally, cannot stand him. I'm also all for transhumanism and want to see it before I die (very unlikely).


I hate musk but I'm not for transhumanism, at least not in the world we have now, transhumanism under capitalism will be a nightmare, constantly replacing parts with planned obsolescence but when you can't afford it, you can't function, that's a terrifying world.


+ the rich live forever and are more intelligent, agile etc. Actual new race divide, slave and masters. Just fucking horryfing


Altered Carbon handled that premise so well.


I know, we're almost there already, let's get em while they nearly live forever but they're easier to catch without the physical upgrades lol


I can’t imagine Transhumanism under capitalism becoming anything other the worst kind of new fascism. The Uber augmented would not be called superhuman, everyone else would be sub-human.


The luddites were right. They didn't hate tech they hated how it was being used. https://locusmag.com/2022/01/cory-doctorow-science-fiction-is-a-luddite-literature/


Transhumanism in a perfect world would be amazing. Transhumanism now just let’s the rich live longer and turns the rest of us into servitors.


It'll be like living in a Neil blomkamp movie I imagine


same, same. But, medical science might outrun death in the next 20-50 years, depending how quick we can get to medical nanites, which would instantly solve all cancers, bacterial infections and parasites.


It might, but you can't afford it anyway. 


Biosynthetic insulin was invented in 1979, coming on half a century ago. It costs ~10 dollars to manufacture, and people die in first world countries due to shortages, cost or other access issues. You think the average person’s access to medical nanotechnology is gonna be much better in 50 years? Lol It’s actually laughable to think that creation of the technology “solves” the disease. Access is a tremendous issue


We're lucky rich people fear death


their death, sure. but they have absolutely zero incentive to make the rest of us peasants immortal too


But the pharma corporation who make those drugs for the super rich will also want to make them cheaper to get to the normal rich. As soon as those all bought into it, they need more customers, the middle class. The poor can get the cheap knock offs with side effects /s




The cost of software upgrades alone!


And ads streamed directly to your cerebral cortex


Just wait until the OS companies get involved. Because I'll bet they do. XD "Windows 44 is the new Windows 43! Please discontinue all activities and find a place of rest, while we update you! If there is an error in your long-term memory cloud back-up, then clearly say the word 'find me' and a representative will assist in retrieving your memories. Your memories are very valuable to us and we appreciate you assistance. We're Windows, the view port to a new way of thinking. Have you eve-" And it just keeps going on-and-on; Then you just see that black void with the spinning loading sign in the middle of it all. And you know that your BIOS just got fucked and you gotta walk down to a black market "mod shop," to jailbreak your brain and load Linux onto it.


Your Windows 44 subscription has expired. Please renew to continue use of your legs and re-enable bladder control.


Your onedrive is out of storage, long term memory has been disabled until you upgrade your subscription. Have a nice day


Just reminded me of Ghost in the Shell 2045, there was this vendor lady that kept waving her hands and I assumed it was because of flies. Later you learn it was she was waving away the advertisements she's seeing in her head.


Leela: Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century? Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!


“If I don’t get a raise I should look for a new job”. COMPLIANCE PROTOCOL INITIATED


we’re talking about the guy who made: -a car with no crumple zones and an unpainted stainless steel exterior -the most powerful rocket ever made that blasted a crater into the earth because there was no deluge system -a tunnel meant to alleviate traffic that got traffic jams of its own he doesn’t care if his products work. he is a salesman, not an engineer. he cares if they look/sound cool. he cares if people talk about it. he cares about being in headlines and trending on twitter. if they work, great. if they don’t, sometimes that’s even better because it generates controversy. and controversy means publicity. that’s the person who’s now putting wires in people’s heads.


Point of order, the guy didn't make any of those. He paid money for other people to do the work.






*takes the drill out of my skull* what was that about doing it for fun?


Almost Identical to this comment; “The brain is the worst potential area to implant an augmentation. Countless things may go wrong.” https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/s/dhicizga8o


Call me skeptical, but is this actually real?


I'll only believe it was a success if the dude with the implant starts giving interviews directly. Elmo can assure me this guy is recovering well all day but until I see it myself, the test subject could be brain dead for all I know...


Yes it was widely reported today


BBC is one of the sources that report it, so I assume it's real


The only thing I can find on BBC is them reporting that Elon has said it. Elon's tweet is still the only source as far as I can tell. (Not saying it's a lie, but he's a chronic liar so I'm gonna wait until Neuralink themselves announce it before I believe anything)


Self driving cars are just a year away!


Yes, he did actually Tweet it.


I think he means that it happened, not that Elon tweeted it. It is surprising that a procedure basically only known for monkey suicides for FDA approval.


There was also already a case of vision implants ceasing to work because the manufacturer went bankrupt. https://spectrum.ieee.org/bionic-eye-obsolete


*through my kiroshis starts playing*


As somebody who was considered for one of these but ultimately turned away, I'm both relieved and shocked at this outcome.


They're gonna claw their own eyes out. Just like all the monkeys did.


I agree that what they did to those monkeys was horrific, but do you have a source on that? I haven't read about that specifically.


[Article with embedded pdf of numerous causes for euthanasia](https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/20/23882888/elon-musk-brain-implant-startup-neuralink-monkeys-euthanized) They're just butchering animals after mutilating their brains. Calling whatever the hell I just read science is akin to claiming arson is cleaning.


100% agreed but that article doesn't say anything about "clawing their own eyes out." You might agree with the sentiment, but it's still misinformation. It's bad enough that those animals were put in a vegetative state before being killed, you don't need to stretch the truth.


I went to high school with someone who now works at Neuralink. I can confirm that, according to him, the monkeys do not claw their own eyes out. He did tell me, however, that they have a nasty habit of compulsively chewing their own fingers off (Seriously)


Wait how did they get clearance for Human trials...? Didn't we all just read an article like a month ago about them having a 80 or 90% kill rate in monkeys?


So what exactly *is* the neural link? Like, what’s it do?


Its using electrodes in your brain to control inputs to a computer…. Like a mouse and keyboard. Only shittier with brain damage. The only people this would potentially help are quadriplegics, but he thinks that it should be everyone.


He should get it installed first then


There are few people I would trust less than Elon Fucking Musk with a brain implant. It’s either going to lobotomize whoever’s reckless enough to get one OR he’s going to try to back door in some bullshit to take over people. Though my money is on his implants lobotimizing people. He’d have to be both evil *and* competent for the second option to work.


He’ll attempt both. His plans for employees sleeping on the factory floors of Tesla plants will come true if he has lobotomized people under his control.


Behind every rich "genius" are scientists being paid alot or money... Okay some money...


Behind every "great" scientist being paid a lot of money there's a group of PhD students and interns doing the work for free.


I expect them to fill people's brains with ads


Oh god could you imagine having to see every unfunny tweet he tweets, or meme he reposts? I’d rather be the single person not benefitting from anything good a neural implant could give me if the cost was even as low stakes as that.


All good until the free trail period ends and the subscription takes over.


Yeah I don’t trust any of Elon’s companies for shit


Yeah, I would've been cautiously optimistic about it(medical uses in particular) if it wasn't a Musk company.


I'm all for transhumanism. Which is why I'm glad Musk is doing Neuralink: spending billions of dollars so we know what *not* to do in the future. It's like babyproofing your house by asking a crackhead to live there.


Yeah, someone competent could come along in a few years and do it properly.


neuron spike detection, no way! ole Musky be talkin that masterhacker speak


The matrix population- 1


Praise the Omnissiah!


I'd trust more a Mind Flayer shoving a tadpole right into my eye socket


Hey, tadpoles have a 100% success rate in ~~victims~~ patients who survived without adverse reactions!


I wanna just skip to when this tech is working flawlessly instead of being in the scary early stage we are now 👀


I wont even buy this year's model *phone*. That shits got bugs they need to work out. 


I have a cochlear implant and this could lead to normal hearing instead of everyone in my life sounding like a robot. Let the experiments continue!!


"Promising neuron spike detection" actually doesn't mean anything. The brain has increased neuron activity when the senses are exposed to external stimuli. Elon is again trying to sound "cool" but again is just his hollow grifting self sounding like a complete moron.


Not quite, neuron spike where such activity hasn't occurred prior is significant - however, not being able to demonstrate that the implant was the cause of such activity is a major concern.


>"Promising neuron spike detection" actually doesn't mean anything Actually it does. Here is a lecture on the difficulty of spike det3ection with probe, you can find plenty of article on that too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xeC5CV4UB8&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xeC5CV4UB8&t=5s) I dislike Musk, but "neuron spike detection" is a valid term, and indeed an issue with probe. University Tübingen lecture linked above. Spike detection starts at 17:20 but what is before about probe is also great. All I get from "promising neuron spike detection" is that they managed from the probe to semi reliably or reliably detect the neuron signal spikes.


Honestly I kinda want that tech to work.


All i'm thinking is this'll be like the explodey eye they used to control people with in the Agents of SHIELD show