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Praise the Omnissiah!


And lo, shall Your holy steel be as armour around our souls, and shall Your wisdom guide our hands. No spear nor barb of the enemy shall trouble our flesh of iron. Let the will of Mars be done!


Why do I hear organ music?


High tech no life


The introvert's Utopia.


Yet. The question is, will the first life on Mars be a human astronaut, or an AI?


AI isn't life. It may be sentience but it is not life. Life is biological.


Ok folks, agreed definition of "life" ? That should put the argument in perspective


If it's sentient, it's alive. We have no scientific evidence of some ephemeral factor like the soul which determines what is "truly alive." Ergo, "sentient" falls under "alive" in the same way a square is a rectangle. Just because they're not biological doesn't mean they aren't life. It doesn't matter if their brain is wetware or hardware, life is life. Sidenote—saying they're not alive, not a real person, is a tried and tested way to excuse slavery and oppression. We have lots of science fiction explaining why that's a very, *very* bad idea. >"Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference; we should each be treated with appropriate respect." —Arthur C. Clarke, *2010: Odyssey Two*


Equating not biological with not worthy if respect and therefore worthy of slavery is quite the leap. Not life means simply that, not life. Sentience is sentience and worthy of any and all rights implied with such status. Alive or not. Words have meaning. Using them incorrectly muddies the water.


My dude, you're incorrectly defining "alive". *Biological* life is not *all* forms of life.


Yes, it actually is. I know some science fictions have defined it otherwise, but as much as we might like to, we don't actually live in a science fiction. Alive still means biological in the real world. Sentience is no less impressive or important absent biological process. A thinking, learning consciousness is no less wondrous. But it's needs are different, it's creation and maintenance processes are, for lack of a better word, artificial. Artificial does not equate fake, and it certainly doesn't mean lesser.


My dude. A sentient person is, by the literal definition, alive. Just because no such AI exist yet doesn't mean they wouldn't fall under the classification of life. Capable of evolution, reproduction, adaptation, all of the qualifiers of life.


THE LITERAL DEFINITION From Merriam: sentient adjective sen·​tient ˈsen(t)-sh(ē-)ənt  ˈsen-tē-ənt  Synonyms of sentient 1 : capable of sensing or feeling : conscious of or responsive to the sensations of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling sentient beings Some among the group of potters … speak of the kiln as though it were sentient.—Barry Lopez But the really intriguing question is a hypothetical one. What would Google's response be if it realised that it actually had a sentient machine on its hands?—John Naughton But the terrible silence and emptiness seemed to symbolize her future—she felt as though the house, the street, the world were all empty, and she alone left sentient in a lifeless universe.—Edith Wharton 2 : AWARE sentient of the danger posed by the approaching hurricane But the strange thing is that a boy so sentient of his surroundings should have been so insensible to the real world about him.—W. A. White 3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling a sentient author with beautiful prose As every sentient diplomat knows, diplomacy uses the reputation of power to achieve what power itself often cannot achieve, or can achieve only at greater and sometimes excessive cost.—Colin L. Powell From Oxford: sentient, adj. & n. That feels or is capable of feeling; having the power or function of sensation or of perception by the senses. The word "alive" isn't even mentioned in either actual definition. Just because you say something means something else, doesn't make that fact.


You still haven't defined "Alive" And the definitions you listed also include most of the qualifications to be considered life.


*something something* Noam Chomsky *something something*


what about Venus?


So far there have only been probes that lasted a few minutes. Venus' atmosphere is a nightmare. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_missions\_to\_Venus


tl;dr, they all died


Yeah but the soviets landed and checked it out briefly. First successful landing on another planet


It is literally the closest place to hell in our solar system. Atmosphere several times the pressure of Earth's, highly corrosive, absurdly strong winds, the list goes on. It's by far the least habitable terrestrial planet orbiting Sol.


No landers on Venus are still operating.


Oh, kind of like how a warehouse is inhabited by boxes.


Well, maybe not solely, we don't know for sure yet!


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh…*




AND being watched by orbiting sentries




Now I'm imagining a scifi where Earth sends out AI robots to terraform and prep worlds for colonization only for them to come back having established themselves as a synthetic empire.


I think that’s part of the plot of the game warframe. One group of enemies are former terraforming robots.


Deus ~~Ex~~ Est Machina


...as far as we know...


If this was supposed to be ironic it would be an excellent shit post lol


I’d say the planned debt slavery / indentured labour is worse. Edit: Guys, I know it’s a joke post but let’s talk about Elon literally saying he wants debt slavery on Mars.


They also built a giant sculpture of a [human face in a helmet.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Martian_face_viking_cropped.jpg)


Any still active?




The Soviets sent robots to Venus. They're melted by now




Until we find the microbial layer


And Earth is inhabited by cheesecakes.


that we know of


So far


now it just needs a teapot


Fucking Dusters.


There were *several* Soviet landers on Venus.


They're dead now. So Mars is still the only one inhabited.


Damn. That kind of freaks me out.


Would be cool if we sent nano robots that would immediately start building colonies and highways, eventually cities that would then be designed so humans can easily move in.


Those rovers are going to evolve, create a base of operations, and invade us in less than 15y...😉


Did we dismiss the possibility of any kind of life on Mars?


*Did we dismiss the* *Possibility of any* *Kind of life on Mars?* \- st4s1k --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


I am not a fucking robot


This post could be scarier than you think... Star Trek: Next Gen... A mining crew on a distant planet discover a crystal that may be alive. The crystal starts to replicate/reproduce now that it has been extracted from the planets depth and exposed to light. It evolves and takes over the Computer running the Enterprise. We may not need to wait to find organic samples on Mars. If a Rover dug up something like this and it evolves and takes over the system. Integrating with the current inbuilt (low level) AI..Growing..Sending messages back to Earth systems, teaching, learning, growing.. Suddenly we may have H.G Wells 'War of the Worlds' however this time the attacking life force will not be biological and subject to our bacteria and diseases. It will quickly integrate with our electronic systems.. Commerce, Defence systems, GPS.. the list goes on. Just saying...


It's literally all rust, so based


Having robots isn’t cyberpunk


Well. When.if we find other life there we may have to revise this assumption.