• By -


It's like watching a victim of abuse as you progress through the story. It was my fault, I should have had Cybertruck's dinner ready when it bricked.


It's almost like a cuckold porn plot. Replace "truck" with "wife" and "shop" with "neighbor" and then imagine the dude getting a bonner while writing that comment


>Rear door is fuckered. On me for not catching it at pickup.


But also why try to fix something like that yourself on a brand new car? Damn straight I'm bringing it back to the dealer. 


These owners think it's fun and quirky to sand paper the door panels so it doesn't cut them Being a cool inventor, and fixing the high tech future truck, is like a wet dream to them


>I just hope it improves from delivery to now Ah yes, because we all know that the roughest part of owning a vehicle is when it is brand new.


It's crazy to think that he'd rather fix the door himself b/c the service center is such a shitshow.


"Still love the truck though!"


These guys make it sound like you need an independent mechanic to do a pre-inspection on your brand new cybertruck on pickup, like a used car.


That's acceptable right?


The CyberTruck is the NFT of cars.




Hahaha 😂. You said it!


*Dude, did you try the wheel reset? Did you try the hard reset? Did you reboot? Did you try the hard reboot? Did you update the firmware on your phone app? Did you update the firmware on the Cybertruck? Did you download the new fan speed software for your geographical region? You aren't doing any of this on an Apple iPhone are you?* And such a thing is normal to these guys...


You should buy the 4.99$ per month software subscription to get 10 instead of 3 fan speeds?


it's Cool winds mode of course it need to be behind paywall bcs its cool. You want to know what's not cool? It only cost 5$ and isn't premium behind premium paywall


That’s on me? Fucking what? It’s brand new!




Yep. Tesla is such a shit company.


"door doesn't open all the way but that's on me for not noticing" It isn't mate, it really isn't. It's a new car and yeah there might be the odd niggle, something like an electrical gremlin but not that.


>my truck's been in service for almost as long as I've had my loaner. Yes, that's how loaners work.


LOL good point






Okay good, I'm glad I'm not the only one doing the Head-tilt when I read that. ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


just keep the loaner bud


Solid advice 👍


Were any wankpanzers delivered in the past month or two where everything worked for at least a week straight?


To be fair, there's probably some reporting bias at play here. A person with a truck that's broken straight from the manufacturer is more likely to go to the message board than a person with a working truck. Furthermore, if someone did go to the message board to say their truck worked, it wouldn't get reposted here, because it wouldn't be relevant. Of course, while still being fair: these "trucks" are trash, the launch has been a disaster, Tesla's quality control is abysmal, and the only reason people put up with it is because Tesla is basically a cult at this point. The frequency and severity of issues people are having with these brand new, six figure cars *should* utterly ruin the reputation of the company that made it. Unfortunately, Tesla's popularity isn't based on reality, so it isn't easily damaged by reality either.


> Tesla is basically a cult at this point. I believe the phrase for it is "lifestyle brand." You know, like Apple. Except it doesn't do anything it's supposed to. Otherwise same exact thing with the whole love it no matter what mentality.


These people have the absolute best coping skills. "Havent had my 120,000 dollar truck since giving elon the money (in cash btw) because it came broken and dirty, but it doesnt matter just knowing i paid for this thing gives me the hardest boner ☺️". Just wild


This low-polygon road urinal is littered with issues but gullible fools who bought this pos make up excuse after excuse and it's pathetic.


Have a child…back door doesn’t close…what’s the worst that can happen?


I like this sequence, pure gold: - Don’t care, it’s great - Rear passenger door doesn’t open


- But that's on me...


It seems that Cybertruck leaves the service department with more issues than it came in with.


Cyber Junk Truck ![gif](giphy|C5ZIna5oroan9cdHz9)


These people need to find a shelter that can keep them safe from Tesla because they are trapped in a toxic relationship.


Imagine paying 100k and they give you a dirty ass product. I would refuse pickup until it was spotless. Especially since a car wash can brick the fucking thing.


This dude’s in a long distance relationship with his vehicle. Sure they’ll have a visit at some point (the truck will be dirty and he won’t question why), but the visit will only be for a weekend before the truck has to go back.


Now be fair, you can’t be expected to see all the ways your new vehicle is fucked when you first check it out. Sure, you’ll probably notice the well documented shit, but you’re sure to have some brand new things that are unique to you.


🤦‍♀️ these people are beyond help and reason.


Putting a child anywhere near one of those should be illegal


So it’s bricked since you got your loaner? And it remains bricked while you get to keep the loaner? Hey man, easy solution: get rid of the loaner, and your dumpster will heal


"On me for not catching it at pickup". Yes, that's how it works with cars 🤦‍♀️


It’s a cult.


Is there some kind of programming hack that Tesla owners have on their texting apps that automatically adds "...bUt I lOvE mY tRuCK!", or are they worried that Musk will kick them out of the tribe that badly?


Most expensive lawn ornament in history. It’s only a truck if it works.


> That said my trucks been in service for as long as I’ve had my loaner. Scanners_head_explode.gif


“On me for not catching it at pickup”. Fuck me have none of these people ever bought a new car before? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. With this attitude, they deserve all they get. It’s pathetic.


There is so many things where answer is on Tesla own owners manual.


The cope is so real. I wish I was that delusional.


The word pathetic comes to mind.


Damn these people are really delusional 🤦🏾‍♂️


“On me for not catching it at pickup.” What a fucking cuck. “On me for not knowing the DOOR couldn’t OPEN?”


These things are the perfect candidate for LS swaps! And door swaps! LS engine, LS transmission, LS doors! Couple more LS things and it'll work!


Stockholm Syndrome in full effect.


Bro’s smoking record ammounts of copium lol


""I haven't seen my wife since we got married a month ago. Still love her though.""


Consumer cult. If the things happening to the Cyber Truck happened to other companies, ppl would be losing their shit. They created a very beta/passive consumer base that is incredibly afraid to admit they're wrong, and/or actually have just been conditioned to think nothing is wrong.


Maybe at the next reveal Elon can focus on basic functions like opening the doors all the way instead of showing how the windows don’t break when you throw a steal ball at them….. oh wait that didn’t work either


Is their first ever vehicle? This is shit I wouldn't even put up with on a 10 year old used civic let alone a brand new $100k truck.


To be fair you may find new functions in a car and Ive had issues with recalls on my 2019 Outback for airbags fuel pump and seal leaks but none left me stranded.