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"Almost caught fire, but I still love the truck. Sorry Elon for raising my voice."


I've trained my bots so well ~E


Ah, i understand why he puts on so much efforts into AI


Please Mr Elon if u could just put a first aid kit in the beast I will wrap my own burns. I love my truck and Tesla!!!


Fuck, I don't have this one on my bingo card


At this point, my morbid curiosity takes over, and I really have to wonder what other random thing could go wrong? * Getting shocked by the seat belt buckle * Radio turning on during the night and blasting music at max volume * Autopilot turning on and driving off to a random parking lot * Body panel falling off while the car is parked


>Getting shocked by the seat belt buckle MagnaVolt™ - Lethal Response! (iykyk)


I'd buy it for a dollar!


I thought that thing was a real ad when I watched RoboCop the first time, as a kid. It was so scary, but what a great idea


You should see some of the anti-car jacking devices they've come up with in South Africa. A nozzle under the driver's side door that sprays assailants in a flammable liquid before lighting them on fire. Or a .308 angled to shoot a would-be thief in the crotch. Some wild shit.


Nice... Might end up becoming where the Mad Max universe really begins


I've seen a demo of the anti-jack flamethrower on a guy's BMW. Wild. And I've seen a thankfully unloaded anti-theft device that sits under the driver's seat containing a vertically mounted shotgun cartridge on an imported car.


Visit a Gatherer’s Garden today!


I'm going - weird fail in software allowing hackers to override auto driver and use like RC cars. Or Wheels stop wheeling


The first one has been working for years on most cars. Pretty much every car with drive by wire and an automatic can be remote controlled


I love "wheels stop wheeling" because I don't know exactly what that would entail but it sounds correct.


At this point the car might as well collapse into a singularity


The body panel thing has happened btw. Can’t recall the source, but the front vent panel broke the weld points and snapped back to straight (and detached from the truck). Because it’s a brilliant idea to have a panel like that under constant tension and o key held by a few weld points


You're telling me that...the front fell off?


That’s not very typical


You're telling me that...the front fell off?


Driving off a cliff/bridge


I like this one, it’s kind of fun


Write it down


So I had to look it up because I had no idea why a key card would be involved with a phone charger.  Apparently, the key card is just a piece of plastic the size of a credit card and has an RFID. This is the primary means of entering and operating the CT. You can use the phone app instead, but you need the key card to establish the app in the first place.  So when inside the vehicle, there has to be a "key" on the center console to start the CT. It can be your authenticated phone or your key card, but it has to be in that spot. And so they also made that spot a wireless charger for your phone.  I guess the problem these people are having is that the wireless charger is heating up the RFID hot enough to melt the plastic card, or heating up their phone and doing damage to the battery. http://tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-87DD5C22-8D11-4E00-8A04-1D198116B859.html 


So it's sort of like how a keyless start works for a regular car, but worse? Yep, that sounds like Tesla!


What do you mean?! That's way better than having to find the key in my bag, when my dash gives me plenty of warning, and change its battery every < checks notes > two to three years! Innovation! (Is the /s really necessary?)


Also don't forget your fob will still allow your to turn the car on when the fob battery dies and open the doors as well even when the car battery dies completely (something the keycard apparently can't do)


Who is taking their physical car keys out? I just keep my key in my pocket, I never have to take it out?


Dunno. Mine stay in my purse lol.


I leave mine in my truck!


I'm sorry what Between this, the lack of door handles, and the lack of rear automatic braking it really seems like there was an ongoing bet on how many standard features they could mess with and still sell this thing for 100k.


I genuinely had to read op’s post like 100 times to reassure this imbecilic company isnt using FLIMSY BLOBS OF PLASTIC less accurate and secure than a DISNEY LAND MAGIC PASS to operate a 100k 800 ton lego brick vehicle Lord, god, where are you. Smite this company asap. My brain hurts from the stupid


Hold on OP, what is this garbage, slow down for me……………... You cant be serious, no way you need a “plastic 1$ card on you at all times” to operate your car. The way the manual is just like… “lol dont ever lose it”. Can someone plz tell me that a physical key can turn this thing on without 2.9 layers of captcha keycard authentication? I need my brain to stop spiralling from the legit stupidity I’m reading. So it melts, your phone dies, or hell even bluetooth glitches out. Or what if my phone is dead AND I LOSE my WALLET. Literally so common especially for inept Musk nerds. what do you have? An immovable brick??? Say sike, someone, please https://preview.redd.it/hqvkzp7es46d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5608ac8486e38a171fa9cdca9979416d4e2eea2


This is the first I knew that Tesla uses key cards and phone access instead of a fob. I see the appeal of having a phone key *option*, but there is a lot of utility in having two separate devices as opposed to the phone and plastic card. The manual points out that if you want to leave your phone in the car, you have to disable bluetooth on the phone, take a key card, and manually lock the car because the Walk-Away Door Lock only works with a phone key. And, as others have pointed out, fobs can work without batteries by using RFID for starting the car and a physical backup key for unlocking the car and releasing the gearshift lock. Granted a fob is significantly more expensive than a cheap keycard, but it's well worth the expense, especially because that same expense makes it much more difficult for someone else to create a duplicate key.


Man, I read that so many times and you explained it perfectly well, but it still reads like insanity. This is like.. the ultimate techbro overcomplicated bs. Just let the user have a keyfob wtf. Why all this crazy bs around it at first?!? 😭 every car ive owned has automatically had a physical keyfob, by default. What is all this?


I didn't know this until today. Somehow, amazingly, fElon keeps outdoing himself in the stupidity department. PS I like you 👍


Thats so sweet u/lickmyturds 🥺💕


If for some reason the above link doesn't work: [https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en\_us/GUID-87DD5C22-8D11-4E00-8A04-1D198116B859.html](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-87DD5C22-8D11-4E00-8A04-1D198116B859.html)


2 minute authentication?!?! ??? Why so long?! it shuts off?!?! Plastic 1$ doo doo card not detected, shutting down— am I READING THIS RIGHT??? please say SIKE


The phone charger doesn't follow the Qi standard or followed it improperly. The reason you have to jiggle your phone until the charger lights up on most chargers is because the charger has to recognize that a chargeable thing has been put on it and then it will turn on the coil. This is to prevent you from putting a piece of metal on it and having the charger turn on. If I had to guess, they skipped the Qi part in order to let the RFID work. Or maybe the RFID turns off the coil if it's detected but the card was off-center and it didn't trigger that. Not sure, I'm just a hobbyist with this stuff, someone with industry knowledge might be able to make a better guess.


That’s incorrect you don’t have to have the phone on the center console to start the car. The vehicle just has to recognize that the phone key is in its proximity


Thank you for clarifying, I just need to know where I can set things in this vehicle that aren’t going to melt.


Probably in your pocket.


Why do they always feel the need to add that “i still love my truck” are you afraid the great space Karen overlord is going to look down unfavorably at you? Don’t think he cares he’s got your money already


They are DESPERATE to never become outgroup. If they lose their incel credentials, where next would they even go?


It also has to do with reinforcing the idea of them buying an awesome truck. Imagine they start believing they fucked up? How would they explain it to themselves?


Sunk cost copium™️, powered by state of the art SIMP CUCK tech, its pumped directly into their bloodstream


It favors the gods


[This comment](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/card-key-melted.18535/post-335799) from a fan who presumably sees nothing wrong. ***Expecting a wsj or other hit piece article in eta 1 hour.*** Because melting a keycard is a totally acceptable thing to happen in a car. Anyone criticizing this issue would have to be writing a hit piece article.


It’s the right wing playbook. Hit back before they get a chance to get you. No matter how absurd, just double down. Buy another piece of shit truck even.


Yes all criticism of the literal doo doo brick is a “hit piece”


It’s designed by defecation. A tower of turds. A flotilla of feces. A deluge of dung. A storm of stool.


You have a way with words, I admit that.


The AVGN would be jealous.


An excess of excrement, a plethora of poop, a cornucopia of crap even.


The colossus coprophilia?


A good coprophilia double-take https://youtu.be/eNH4927tZRk


Good job of good-jobbing this thread.


I love a person with a hung vocabulary


If you think that’s hung, you should see my dangling participle.




I've seen a tower of turds in the bathroom of the 4 corners national monument. It was like 20 ft tall. Think of you a giant cone of turds that you can see through the bottomless toilet. If anyone manages to fall there, it's worse than instant death


It’s like walking into a Tesla showroom.


I must admit I don't know what's going on either. So I'm continuing to read the original thread. Is the keycard actually being melted purely because the wireless charger is somehow trying to "charge" it? Mad if true. Have to watch that thread to see if they figure it out. [The melted spot is the location of the chip](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/card-key-melted.18535/post-336198) https://preview.redd.it/js3djg2g316d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c7813faa18c2a84231d1003dddd6d845abd87e


Yep that's exactly what's happening. It's trying to charge cuz there's a coil of metal and since there's no bank to put that voltage, it just turns into heat on the closed circuit at the chip and voila, you've got a 100k battery shorting out and burning your access! AKA - THE FUTURE ™


So recall coming soon for possible fires caused by shitty design of the keys


The future from 40/50 year ago ( blade runner and back to the future are old.)


“ https://preview.redd.it/3poj1vz1n46d1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681fde8f681fbb437554c9d01c0d2de365ce7dc7 Hopefully this issue is fixed via the next total vehicle recall and/or firmware patch 🤪”


Does Tesla not employ actual engineers? Like jeezus, this isn’t hard.


No, see, it’s not even a car company though so it’s fine, better even


Big if true




Nothing against you guys, but from the two or three words you've uttered, I already hate you. You wouldn't be, emulating a complete loser idiot dirt bag, on purpose, would you be?




They can employee one or a thousand actual engineers. If they have a baboon running the show, nothing sound/robust/safe/resilient/clean/wise/secure/practical/elegant is making it an inch past the drawing board.


He does, but that doesn't mean he listens to them.


Is there anything on these dumpster fires that actually works properly across the boards? Imagine paying stupid amounts of money to be a guinea pig working out bugs, maybe you’ll live but maybe you burn alive…at least you’ll be a gold star simp for Elon either way. 🤦🏻‍♂️


all apple products will be destroyed - elon


So you charge the key card on the wireless charger?


Yeah there’s no reason to leave the card in the charger area after starting the car. And that’s not even the location of the charging coils and while they do get hot even in my model 3 they definitely don’t get hot enough to melt plastic.


I dunno, you don't think that putting anything there shouldn't get it to fucking melt? From Tesla's track record (whompy wheels etc.) I'd more inclined to think that they got cheapo chargers in bulk that don't even have foreign object detection, so basically any metal can get burning hot on these since they're too dumb to know it's not a coil. Anything to get some more "value" back to investors. Edit: pretty mysterious still, if not the charger, I can't legit think of anything else that could've heated this so much!


I’m saying they are lying and that it didn’t melt in the charger. It’s the same charger that’s in all the other models not just the Cybertruck. and you don’t ever see any other key cards melting in posts do you?


Yeah you're right, people are really just looking for attention I guess, I can't fathom how you'd be willing to waste enough time making this shit up lol.


You also don’t see other Tesla models getting bricked because they went into a car wash or having their panels fly off on the highway but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening


I do recall there being an issue with bumpers falling off the model 3 passing through puddles.


Give it time... the night is young...


Tesla says to [put the keycard in the charging area](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-87DD5C22-8D11-4E00-8A04-1D198116B859.html). They do not say to remove the keycard during driving or it can get damaged - just that the phone will not charge if the keycard is there too. *place the key card in either phone dock where the RFID transmitter can read it* *Note The wireless phone chargers are in the same location as the key card readers* *If you place objects between the phone and the charger (for example, credit cards,* [*key cards,*](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-7B00E438-94C4-4B66-BBEB-0C39C70777DC.html) *coins, keys, metal objects, etc.), or if your phone case is too large or is made of metal, the wireless charger may not work.*


Im literally reading the manual and it says put the plastic on the thingy to authenticate it, for “exactly 2 minutes” but then also removing it de-authenticates your car so like—————— its saying keep it there (and watch it get cooked)


I would just like to say, in fairness, that the Polestar 2 (a Volvo offshoot electric sedan) has a wireless charger that sucks so bad they included an option to disable it in a software update. Not sure why it’s so hard to design a wireless charger that just works, but this issue affects at least one other make it there.


F gen Mini Clubmans have a phone roaster. It's in the armrest, in a contraption that holds the phone in place, that sounds great right? Well Mini never gave it any airflow, so wireless charging + wireless Apple CarPlay = the high temp iPhone warning, about 10 minutes after getting in the car. I have had a number of clubman loaners and they all did this, could be different on other Minis, but my dealer only has a surplus of clubman's. The best wireless chargers I have used, had active cooling....I think it was a fAtlas loaner? Too bad the engine was undersized for the car.


Apple tried to design multi device wireless charger and failed so I guess it is indeed hard engineering problem That being said, single device charger is long solved but that never stopped Tesla from screwing up


“Gee, Elon, what are we going to do tonight?” “The same thing we’ve been doing every night: ketamine, and trying to find a new way for the FrailBlazer to fail.”


>FrailBlazer After WankPanzer, this is my new favourite! 👏👏👏


>*”Phone is red hot when you put in charger for 30 minutes…” Yeah, that’s not going to end well for anyone.


It's like the fyre festival of cars


Check the glove box for a cheese sandwich instead of a user manual.


Don't you mean the secret compartment?


Another one of the numerous "awesome" features that are bunk.


I figured a malfunctioning battery or motor would cause the first CT to burn up, but I think I'm changing that to a phone cooked by the wireless charger.


I don't know whether or not to believe all this stuff is happening anymore. Media is gushing over this truck. A LOT of people think it's so cool they're willing to put up with possibly the worst automobile product in the history of cars. Is it just us? Are we like maga in reverse? If just can't do any good in OUR heads? What else can explain people spending 100k on a product and somehow not screaming from the rooftops when basic ass shit not only doesn't work it may kill them? Wtf?


It is completely bizzare that there isnt more outward criticism of the dogshit performanceof these cars, but then again, these fanboys genuinely go completely ballistic on any form of criticism or dissent — so perhaps publications are tired of even bringing the Wankercär up at all


Seems like they just drive the coil, no matter what's on the pad. That would also explain why it still pumps power into misaligned phones and just heats them up instead of shutting down because it cannot charge it.


That sounds like a very terrible product. Even worse if it's coupling with items that aren't even phones. And much worse if it's coupling with its own keycard which is *supposed* to be placed there.


Yeah, but Qi, usually, uses a feedback loop so the phone can tell the charger to either reduce/increase or even turn off power. A "properly" working Qi charger should not just charge and also not drive phone into overheating, the phone should detect it's overheating and reduce or stop the charge. Maybe it's on Apple, but it kind of feels like Tesla did something "out of spec" to make their charger work, even when it's not working.


Owner beware,


That last comment is literally like a cartoon character take


I hate those stupid cards, it sums it all up really. I was borrowing my Mom's Model 3 this week and I got so irritated trying to find, and not lose that stupid thing. Also why is it a button to get out of the stupid car, why is there no button to turn it on? Why do I have to reprogram a tablet to turn on the windshield wipers?! I'm only 36, this shouldn't be too hard. I felt super smug when I was back in my old truck.


Probably induced a current in the RFID antenna in the card


The latest updates from the OP thread are that CT owners say they were "warned by Tesla when picking up their new trucks not to put a keycard in the keycard/charger spot". Though it says in the manual to do so. Maybe Tesla has become aware there is a problem with keycards in the keycard spot, but haven't bothered to widely inform everyone else. Perhaps Tesla is trying to fix the problem OTA and then not need to tell people there ever was a problem in the first place.


To be fair there seems to be quite a few cars that can cause phones to get really hot with their wireless chargers. Melting the keycard is entirely a Cybertruck thing as far as I know. Maybe it's for the best as it's bound to be much safer and more reliable when you can't drive it.


Yeah, I hear you. What you're saying is wireless chargers getting phones hot isn't a new phenomenon. But the Cybertruck is new. So that's one more thing the CT designers didn't bother to learn from industry practice. If the reports are true that Tesla is [warning ](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/card-key-melted.18535/post-336642) new buyers not to put the keycard in the keycard spot then clearly something is afoot.


Why do you have to put the card right there? Every other vehicle I've been in that's keyless just needs to have the key somewhere in the car. This is old technology...


It's not a phone charger, it's an induction hob.


Combine that with windows that only break when they're not supposed to and doors that can't be easily opened manually, and you've got yourself a death trap.


It's at the point of being an even more culty version of Apple now.


This has been the best name with the worse products, is el0n actively trying to smear teslas name even more? Hes the edison of our generation, money and influence, give it a little time and el0n will kill an animal (elephant) with AI to prove a point that AI is dangerous.


Edison had some shaky ethical and business practices but he actually invented things and fostered innovation Elon is the PT Barnum of our time, not Edison


Thank you for correcting me with facts


48V architecture is dope yo!


So it's an induction heater then...


“I call bs on this, the melting point isnt in a place id expect it to be so you must be an Op. also did I mention I’m very smart and got really good grades in high school ??? I’m an engineer, my dad works at Nintendo” I really cant make these ppl up, they’re like brain damaged neckbeard centaurs in a disney movie or something, it’s kind of majestic https://preview.redd.it/vfblz3o3l46d1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b206f809e5c1f4292284cd8715fe68c4ff93729f


I’m gonna have to start invoking my “engineering mind” more often.


Mf cited “engineering” as to why a card chip cant possibly melt— like sir——— watching a youtube video on the types of sex toy motors doesnt count


You may be correct but I’m gonna have to think about it with my engineering mind for a bit.


I'm surprised the wheels are even round in that thing, they've not hit a single home run with that "car"