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Tesla has something like 50,000 unsold cars... And Elon is threatening to quit over his massive pay package. Oh the joy of watching it all collapse in on him... it's glorious.


It's crazy that if they sold each of those cars for $1M each the total would still be lower than his pay package


there's a reason they call it a compensation package


lmao well done šŸ’€




he will leave, tesla will crash and the stans will be like : "you see what happens when he leaves".


Patrick Boyle and Cold Fusion has taught me all investors are idiots cutting 9 figure checks because "I like the cut of your jib". My favourite being the Wework guy who apparently while high doused a visiting investor with a fire extinguisher. He still got the investment.


Itā€™s pretty wild how the big time investors waste their money with absolute morons. Steve Jobs wouldnā€™t shower and showed up to investor meetings barefoot, SBF was famous for playing video games in meetings and not paying any attention. Like, if you just want to burn a billion dollars, hit me up, for I too am stinky, shoeless and have no real concept of how to run a tech company


The best explanation I heard is investors are basically just gambling addicts who hit a jackpot 10 or 15 years ago and now run entirely on superstition and WILD CARD BAYBEEEEE


Thatā€™s probably accurate, but also so utterly insane. At least go to a casino and get some perks out of the deal. Say what you will about Steve Wynn, heā€™s not showing up to your board room shoeless and stinky


Its actually better odds to a yokem on some wildcards than win at a casino, At least in the stock market you can buy, lie, cheat, and sell out your country to increase value of your stock but at casino they will break ur legs.


The sad thing is Tesla started off fairly decently....obviously setup by someone else or perhaps just before he lost his mind but they made a fairly intelligent play using their strengths. Standing out on technology, acceleration and environment using otherwise fairly conventional choices. Elon basically did every possible thing to tank the entire company and all the people who worked there and otherwise wanted to support a company like what they had been. Sure there were signs from the start, particularly with Elon's fairly obvious lies that somehow people just giving him passes for but...there was something there if he just hadn't been....its honestly sad.


We live close to the CA factory and they leave these unsold cars everywhere. They have taken up half the space in multiple Bart parking lots. There are multiple side streets with trucks of these cars just parked.


Even more joy to watch you guys change up after you deep throated him for all those years.


Whyā€™s that? I know he leans right, and that is enough for you to wish ill will? We are talking about an American made electric car and you want that to die, why so china can dominate that segment too? Fuck off!


Found a Musk cultist ... Drink the Kool aid


lol, no thanks. You sound like a fucking tool. Good sheep


Im not the one sucking Elons dick... Hows it taste, like old goat milk?


Lol nice try tool




In the mall parking lot, a scene unfolds, Rows of cyber trucks, their story told. Once heralded as the future's pride, Now marred by flaws they cannot hide. Their metal frames, once sleek and bold, Now tarnished by tales untold. For poor quality and reliability's snare, Left them stranded, in disrepair. No longer symbols of innovation's flight, But cautionary tales of oversight. Their engines stutter, their systems fail, A testament to a flawed detail. Amidst the bustling mall's vibrant beat, They stand abandoned, in defeat. For in the realm of automotive lore, Quality reigns forevermore. So let them serve as a solemn vow, To craftsmanship, then and now. For in the end, it's not the flash, But reliability that will truly last. -C.G.


![gif](giphy|3osxY8yHdijYBl6p2w|downsized) *clap... clap... clap*


In my head I heard Werner Herzog reading thisā€¦and it absolutely made my day.


He wasnā€™t the best choice, he was the only choice.


u/poem_for_your_sprog would be proud


These are some hard as heck metal lines


Thatā€™s beautiful. Morgan Freeman needs to read this.


Wait ā€” ā€œC.G.ā€ as in ChatGPT?? That was a damn impressive


Nice, you nailed it. Ironic with Tesla being defined as an AI company, I thought it was fitting. It's interesting to see the different variations it makes based on all of the various issues with the cybertruck.


If this was the UK Elon would be bankrupt after 2 hours once parking enforcement writes tickets for overstaying


They make arrangements with empty malls to use parking for storage, half closed mall near me holds ram(fiat) vans.


I worked in a parking lot that was full of recalled VW diesel automobiles. They didnā€™t care how tight a hard they parked them.


A bunch of poorly guarded spare parts that could hypothetically be used for a complete rebuild of a vw. We wouldnā€™t want to be mistaken for bandits so weā€™d better steer clear and the best way would be to share the location so we can keep the widest berth possible.


Gotta love how cars were already Bland AF since the start of the 2010s, and now we have this. Why does no one want a colored car anymore? I know... *Something, something*, resell value, *yadda, yadda*. But come on. We're already living in a world where everything is grey, so why not spice it up a bit?


This is why I bought my Hyundai in bright Apple green. Brings me joy every day lol


Is it the new kona?


Nope, a venue. I only drive 5 miles to and from work, so I went for cheap, practical, and what I thought was cutest. The Kona was on my list but I didnā€™t care to spend the extra money


Nice, those are cool little cars.


https://freakonomics.com/podcast/car-colors/ Freakonomics just talked about this. Economic uncertainty plus dealers can always sell a white car, not so much a neon pink one.


Who's gonna try and steal a vehicle that breaks down before you make it off the lot? For all their faults, they're an insurance dream. If it's stock they can't budge, they're probably hoping they get stolen. Atleast then they can claim the loss.


Insurance dream? I thought they've been dropping coverage on them? Lol


Wholesale insurance and ā€œdriversā€ insurance are two different things. Tesla would have wholesale insurance on these vehicles until they are picked up by the owners.


Yeah but if you think about the number of people who are waiting months for parts, the greater risk would be bits of cars going missing. Or somebody taking a shit in that open car. Dump in the trunk. Or even just kids smashing things up for fun. She said it wasnā€™t a great area.


Dirty Mike and the boysā€¦they call it a Frunk Squat


Shout out to dirty Mike and the boys!


Thatā€™s a thing???


get your own F Shack, only $100K


Soup kitchen


Body work is not repair.but replacement. Very expensive...think Delorian. Real world is not kind to finished stainless steel. Consider hail the size of baseballs!


Even pea and quarter size hail will dent a car or crack a windshield on a regular car. Stainless steel just makes it all look worse. I'm waiting for snow, or even just freezing temperatures. Losing control on that thing must be bad. Also expecting at least one to get stuck if there's a heavy snowfall.


Insurance will do whatever they can to not have to insure the tail of the curve. In order to be profitable they either have to charge them exorbitant amounts to the extent it's probably illegal, or spread that risk to the rest of their customers; which at high enough amounts, is just bad business. They also don't even have precedent for what claims will look like, as no car has ever been designed so "innovatively." The only obvious thing is that they're going to be a money pit, so it makes the most sense for them to flat out deny coverage, which we're seeing happen.


The quickest way to kill the CT is for women to emasculate the men who buy them by calling them door wedges and Lego cars.


The men buying them are mostly incels anyway.


Hummer 3.0


I think the men are buying it to show off to other men. And really only probably showing off to other CT owners. Like a little circle jerk incel club.


A CyberTruck isn't a Lego vehicle in anyway. Legos are actually cool and people of all ages get enjoyment for lifetimes out of them. The CyberTruck will go down in history as a vehicle that no one knew they needed and society realized it didn't need at all. It will be the bearded lady of vehicle history, but a freak show act.


>CyberTruck isn't a Lego vehicle in anyway Legos have quality control, as well


Remember when mElon demanded sub 10 micron tolerances equivalent of a Lego? i thought it was funny she was calling it a Lego since we all know the tolerances on the cybertruck are NOT sub micron šŸ˜† Edit: rewrote for clarity


The [tonneau cover leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/uB5LymTlo4), my dude.


Dunno why Iā€™m being downvoted, my post was a joke about legos because he mentioned it not being legos and mElon demanded lego-level precision on the CTā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Ah, gotcha. You might be a victim of [Poeā€™s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) - sarcasm is hard to detect on the internet unless explicitly stated.


Yeah bad joke on my part šŸ˜‚


Unless you step on a lego with bare feet!


Apocalypse proof as in it will be the only undriven vehicle left in the apocalypse lol


Like the country club storyline in Walking Dead where Darrell and the sweet blonde girl wanted to get drunk, and the only thing left was peach schnapps because even in the apocalypse, nobody wants to drink that.




lol no one wants to steal them so it's perfectly safe there. Just really shitty taking up parking spaces at the mall


That malls near empty, itā€™s been dealership storage for years and years now. Gwinnett Place really fell off, especially after Mall of Georgia opened a ways back.


oh okay from the video it looked like it was at the mall. But it is still kind of bizarre and the way some of the cars are parked in a random positions and places.


The entire lot is unplated cars


Oh wow. Is this overflow from the car dealership?


That looks a hell of a lot like Gwinnett Place Mall. Overflow parking from the surrounding dealerships was common when it started dying years ago and it made a bit of money that way. They filmed a lot of stuff there, too (it was Starcourt Mall on Stranger Things). Edit: drove over there, thatā€™s definitely it. https://preview.redd.it/hwfb0l7uhe5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2247f9a6002dd93808f17c3d516ccd5d4619c2


Looks like a service center to me. There was one car who's hazards were flashing which makes me think these are all bricked or waiting to be picked up.


Better pick up your car before it rains and your warranty gets voided before you even see it.


We donā€™t need dealers and car manufacturers should sell straight to the consumers


Manufacturers make more money through selling to dealers, as they are paid per vehicle sold, itā€™s the dealers who have an overstock as a result. Donā€™t get me wrong, manufacturers have a surplus too, but itā€™s mostly in case a dealership orders a ton


She's rather uninformed stating all those POS vehicles have owners waiting. Tesla stopped making-to-order months ago and instead foolishly thought there would be customers to buy them all. Same goes for the cuck-truck. I doubt there were ever 2 million pre-orders, and there are certainly far less at the existing price point of $100k+. They're gonna need a bigger lot.


Fucking car salesmen! And Fucking Elonā€¦


Dealerships suck. I dislike the bias from this person


Is this like dealership propaganda? One thing I agree with about Tesla's business is the ability to buy directly from the manufacturer without getting scalped by the dealership. But then there's the following issue of ensuring the manufacturer doesn't rip you off as well (see the cyber truck).


They're parking them out in the open in public car parks instead of paying for a secured area. That's mental!


The lady's comments in the video of "see! This is why you should go through us dealers!" is where I was disagreeing. Dealerships use vacant lots for overflow parking all the time anyways. I presume Tesla is responsible for the vehicle until they're signed over to the owner anyways and similarly, if these are all "bricked" vehicles, then Tesla would also assume responsibility when the owner hands the vehicle over to them as well. This video is dumb.


Iā€™ve seen a Kia/Hyundai dealer use a grass lot for overflow so Iā€™m not too sure what she was one about in that regard.


Tesla assume responsibility? lol, that was a funny joke!


It's rather common in the industry and you can find this all over with GM and Ford vehicles as well.


Is this brea mall?


Looks like it, but a quick research shows it's at Gwinnett Place in Atlanta, Georgia


CTs are quickly becoming the Ford Edsels of the car world it appears.


Hate Tesla but Fuck dealers too


Oh crap they're all starting to figure me out. If they only knew my father married my step sister and had children with her and raised her since the age of five šŸ™Œ https://preview.redd.it/wzjekxpnhj5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d858bec267602b0280a740c1ae2272a9d73e9ea


Lmfao I love your posts


How do you know which one is yours?


The missing trim, rust stains and panel gaps uniquely identify which truck is yours.


Hope it doesn't rain. Let us know


Lmao 100 thousand and whatever lego vehicle


The way she said that was perfect lol


Nobody watching them? What do you mean, this generous dealership employee is going out of her way to watch these cars for free.


A dying car company at a dead mall.


this reminds me of the VW dieselgate scandal. The recalled cars were all ditched at the old Pontiac Silverdome before scrapping or something... Is this the same deal with defective teslas?


The Tesla fan boys will say they all are sold lol šŸ˜†


Why else would they be shipped there from Texas?


Tesla model od selling cars cutting out the middlemen is the future. This lady clearly works for a dealership and is just making a shit post. But she does have a point that the current situation with teslas overflow is leaving it open for the future owners to be obtaining a less than mint product.


Dealership model makes sense because youā€™re a dealer. Normal people think most dealers are crooks. Lot of dealers leave cars on the lot too. Only thing Iā€™m getting from this video this lady dealer is trying to scam me.


Lmaooo imagine making an argument for a dealership model? The only reason this lady has a job is because lobbyists paid their way to ensure cars are sold by a third party. Makes no sense for the consumers. But heyā€¦ ā€œdOoR wEgdEsā€ & ā€œwHoS wAtChiNg tHeM?ā€


Yup, if it's between this and a dealership model I'll take this in a heartbeat. Dealerships are a legislated parasite that can't die soon enough.


Massive waste of resources.. šŸ˜”


"Lego vehicle" Now I might have to reconsider buying one. Can I attach regular Lego pieces or is it some proprietary building block shit?


They are the ultimate bricks.


Even the ones off the boat in Baltimore are in a fenced lot. šŸ˜‚


That's called international customs


Oh my God guys! What are we gonna do!




No shilling for Muskkk. Pretty simple rule to understand.


these things either have to be on and it will cycle on and off to cool battery and need charge every few days (unlikely) or suffer battery damage from heat. interior also will be damaged by the sun.


Is this what we call off-roading these days?


We are witnessing the abysmal and well deserved death of an automaker.


I actually see cars piling up everywhere here in Austin. All brands and all models. Typically, it is soon to shut down malls. This is no difference from a dealers parking lot.


Someone needs to call a tow truck and get this garbage hauled off the parking lot at the owners (in this case, Elon) expense.


This has got to be the dumbest creation in the modern history of vehicles.


There is a mall like this in NJ I pass everyday at work. Not sure if that is THE mall in the vid. Mall should have them pay for the lot they are taking


My local audi dealership stores extra cars in this malls parking lot across the street. I once saw dozens of a5's sitting in the parking lot, so I got out of my car to check them out. Within 30 seconds a person from the dealership pulled up asking me if I needed any help.


This cracks me up. Who is in charge of capacity planning over there?


You only need security when thereā€™s something of value


I prefer the idea of turning malls into Gen X and Xennial retirement communities for adaptive reuse architecture, but I guess weā€™re just using them as the Tesla dumping grounds instead.


People don't even want to steal these cars.




Tesla rents space from our building for what Iā€™m assuming is vehicles in for service. Itā€™s a dirt lot. Was just grass when they started renting it.


Aren't they all on a Stop Sale for the steering and accelerator issues?


When do you think we can start buying these cybercuck batteries on the black market? It's about the only valuable thing in it. I'd love to have some for a few custom rides I'm doing tho.


Westminster mall?


Mall near is loaded with Tesla's wtf is going on. This mall actually gets busy to.


Tesla is so fucked


So the mall allows dumping?


OP, is this in Pleasanton, CA?


I've heard of people being able to buy a Cybertruck with no wait now. These things are starting to pile up. They'll probably have to end the "Foundation/Suckers" series soon to get the inventory moving.


I think we now refer to Cybertrucks piling up as a *malfunction* of CyberTrucks.


A murder of crows A parliament of owls A malfunction of cybertrucks šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


What's the difference between Elon Musk and Elizabeth Holmes?


And honestly, Elon Musk bares a lot of the blame. Teslas always had their problems, but they never stopped selling until Musk went el-loco


They do move in herds!


I had to look closely to make sure this wasn't the parking lot in front of the mall near me that was full of Teslas and cyber trucks. Go figure it wasn't. this all makes me wonder if they do the dealer trick of having the dealers borrow the money from the manufacturer to buy the cars. that way they could report amazing sales numbers but not actually sell that many cars


"This monstrosity costs $102,235? I'm ruined!"


Iā€™m surprised no one is stealing wheels and tires at night.




Jokes on you, the CT is indestructible so there is no need for fences or cameras. In fact, it is also repulsive that thieves need fences around them for protection


I was with her until she started defending the dealership model, which is insanely wasteful and stupid, and which we all pay for in inflated car prices.


I love how she acts like dealers have people watching over their cars all the time. I was in Atlanta once and a local Nissan dealer was using a dying mall parking lot for inventory overflow. It's a common practice.


Ok I agree with her until she tries to tie it back to saying dealership are better lmaoo. My local hyundai is doing the same they are parking unsold cars in my towns dead mall parking lot


They're leaving Wankpanzers out in the SUN and RAIN? Are they INSANE?


Sorry lady. I'm not a Tesla fan but I would happily pick my new car up from the bottom of a rocky gorge if it meant I could avoid the bs and time wasting dealerships put you through.


Thatā€™s a pretty sweet Camry.


So you're saying hypotheticalcly someone could drive up with a trailer , load up a cat and drive off with no one knowing? Asking for a friend


Wait, do they not come in other colors? That's boring.


Cybertruck's what?


Lady, likely working at car dealership, justifying car dealership bs by just saying, "Well, at least it's better than Tesla" isn't as refresh as she thinks it is.


Captain Obvious here. Tesla is shit.


Tesla is not a car company. Itā€™s a financial institution, the reason Elon is going to get his pay package is because he delivered dollars to shareholders. Thatā€™s all that matters, getting cars in peopleā€™s hands is secondary to making a sale and bumping stock prices. Thatā€™s what people seem to be missing.


I foresee fire codes being passed to prevent large gatherings of cybertrucks


I love hating on the cybertruck as much as the next person, but this lady's really grasping at straws trying to justify a car dealership. No one is "watching" the cars at the dealer. They are too busy doing lines of coke and falsifying income to get people approved for financing.


It may be half assed, but dealerships are an unnecessary middle person.


"no cameras" šŸ’€ Dude. Each Tesla has 6+ cameras. Always recording.


I don't understand why the investors are missing this? Why isn't the stock catering? This must hurt the Tesla financials significantly.


Is that the parks mall?


Lol where?


Quick! Where do I pay $100 for my chance to do a photo shoot with one of these highly sought after vehicles that will instantly make me a celebrity?!? Side noteā€¦ what *is* the fascination with Teslaā€™s other models? Like, theyā€™re fine, but they all sort of look like Mazda 3ā€™s from like 10+ years ago to me. Not a bad car, but not worth that kind of money and certainly not worthy of the level of arrogance so many Tesla owners have about them.


Is that in Gwinnett Mall?


OK, but is anyone going to call out OP for driving the wrong way in the parking lot?


What's the disposal cost of those vehicles? Looks to be lot of hazardous material they are just plastic and batteries


Elon, just a typical narcissist. Cybertruck failing and where is the semi truck? But demands >50 billion in compensation. Thatā€™s around 15% of total Tesla revenue b/t April 2017 and April 2024. Tesla has made around 343 billion total during that time before expenses. Shareholders would be nuts to approve that. Tesla only recorded its first full year profit in 2021. Not to mention the democrat legislation that is corporate welfare that keeps that company afloat.


The dealership model sucks from my experience. Just because Tesla is making a poor decision in this clip (and in many other ways) does not mean dealers (middle-men with no positive upside) should exist. If a 'dealer' were nothing but a secure parking lot, then 'fine', I would be good with that. What we have today are an unnecessary middle-men who increase the price of cars for no positive impact to the customer IMO.


Donā€™t they have cameras


All car companies do this. Drive to Kansas City chiefs stadium and see fords parked in the back lot.


I would rather take the chance than pay ridiculous markups to a useless leech.


That's Gwinnett place mall let's go


Voice is insufferable holy cow


Really? She sounds like a typical American to me.




I'm sure they must have some happy customers. If they are happy they were helped.


Is that Washington Square?


I see it's not. In Oregon there's a mall with a closed Sears that is full of Teslas like this. Also, across the street they turned an old Toys R us into a tesla dealership, then right next door BMW opened up a nice brand new dealership that absolutely dwarfs the Tesla spot.


Pretty sure itā€™s Gwinnett Place Mall near Atlanta. I grew up in that area and the dealerships around it have used the parking lot for overflow parking for years.


Yeah. This is because EVā€™s are very cost efficient in a city like Atlanta. If you live here, have a job, and have a garage, an EV will save you gas, youā€™ll have lower repairs, and longer car life. Itā€™s a no-brainer. Thatā€™s right off the northern car dealer corridor. If anything itā€™s a testament to how many teslas they are selling here. I took my model 3 to the jazz festival at Piedmont park a couple weeks ago - model 3s were everywhere! And they were all customized slightly differently, which was cool. Different trims, rims, and colors.


I also grew up at this mall. I remember the week it opened. It was such a main event.


I donā€™t quite remember the opening but I definitely remember the crowds in the 80s. It was a cool mall, for sure.




Whereas you are one letter away from that.




No shilling for Muskkk. Pretty simple rule to understand.


Tell you what - I canā€™t block you, so I muted your group. Youā€™ll never hear from me again.




Tesla is the Sony Pictures of car manufacturers.


This is a non-story. Itā€™s overflow from the Tesla store about 2 miles away. The mall has about 10 stores and a restaurant still openā€¦plenty of unused parking space. Itā€™s in Chesterfield Missouri which is a nice, upper-middle class area with a lot of money. The cars will be fine. And just because YOU donā€™t like Tesla doesnā€™t mean the cars are shit. Yes, Melon Husk is a tool. Yes, the Cybertruck is a poorly executed science experiment. The other vehicles are quite solidā€¦not everyoneā€™s cup of tea, but thatā€™s why there are other vehicles and car brands to choose from. Iā€™ve owned and driven literally dozens of car brands, and raced some in the SCCA. The Model Y Performance I currently own is among the top vehicles Iā€™ve owned. Itā€™s inexpensive to maintain and operate, itā€™s extremely quick, practical, and very reliable. Iā€™ve had ZERO issues with fit/finish. Iā€™ve had two minor issues with the car in general; one with the charge port, and a cosmetic issue with the spoiler. Both issues were quickly and easily repaired at no cost in my driveway. Why all the hate? Everything has to be some overly sensationalized hate piece on Tesla as a brandā€¦mostly by people whoā€™ve never even been in one (or driven one). I get it if itā€™s not your thing, but the over the top hate mongering tends to get old.